Keys to Revelation - Chapter 1
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 1:1 The revelation of Jesus [revelation] - the unveiling or
Christ, which God gave him to show uncovering of the truth about
his servants what must soon take Jesus Christ. Showing Him is His
place. He made it known by sending Splendor and Power.
his angel to his servant John,
[his angel] - A special Angel was
used, possibly Gabriel (Dan 8:16;
9:2; 21-22; Luk 1:26-31).
[John] - The Apostle John
REV 1:2 who testifies to everything
he saw--that is, the word of God and
the testimony of Jesus Christ.
REV 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads Only Book in the Bible that promises
the words of this prophecy, and a Blessing to those who read, hear,
blessed are those who hear it and and take to heart what is written.
take to heart what is written in it, Truly, if you study this Book you
because the time is near. will be blessed (made happy).
REV 1:4 John, To the seven churches [seven churches] - Seven actual
in the province of Asia: Grace and churches that God chose because they
peace to you from him who is, and who were typical of all churches in all
was, and who is to come, and from the ages.
seven spirits before his throne,
[seven spirits] - Term for the Holy
Spirit (Isa 11 :2-3).
REV 1:5 and from Jesus Christ, who
is the faithful witness, the
firstborn from the dead, and the
ruler of the kings of the earth. To
him who loves us and has freed us
from our sins by his blood,
REV 1:6 and has made us to be a
kingdom and priests to serve his God
and Father--to him be glory and power
for ever and ever! Amen.
REV 1:7 Look, he is coming with the John is excited to reveal what he
clouds, and every eye will see him, has seen and reflects on the Coming
even those who pierced him; and all of Jesus back to earth in Judgment
the peoples of the earth will mourn and to set up His Kingdom.
because of him. So shall it be! Amen.
REV 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the [Alpha..Omega] - First and last
Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, letters in Greek alphabet, Jesus
and who was, and who is to come, the is everything. He is God, was God,
Almighty." and will always be the Almighty God!
REV 1:9 I, John, your brother and John was exiled to Patmos, a small
companion in the suffering and 6mi x 10mi island, to forced labor,
kingdom and patient endurance that for the crime of Preaching the
are ours in Jesus, was on the island Gospel and Testifying about the
of Patmos because of the word of God Beautiful Lord Jesus Christ.
and the testimony of Jesus.
REV 1:10 On the Lord's Day I was in [Lord's Day] - Sunday
the Spirit, and I heard behind me a [in the Spirit] - John was carried
loud voice like a trumpet, beyond the normal spiritual state
to a supernatural one in which he
could receive the Revelation.
REV 1:11 which said: "Write on a Jesus is speaking and simply tells
scroll what you see and send it to John to write a letter to the seven
the seven churches: to Ephesus, churches, telling them everything
Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Jesus reveals. These letters
Philadelphia and Laodicea." are written to all the Churches and
Christians of the Church Age.
REV 1:12 I turned around to see the [seven golden lampstands] - these
voice that was speaking to me. And are the seven churches (v.20).
when I turned I saw seven golden Churches, like Christians are lights
lampstands, and some are brighter than others.
REV 1:13 and among the lampstands [like a son of man] - looked like a
was someone "like a son of man," man but really different. Jesus is
dressed in a robe reaching down to dressed like the man of mercy in
his feet and with a golden sash Ezekiel 9:2, 11 before the judgment.
around his chest.
REV 1:14 His head and hair were Christ is given the same description
white like wool, as white as snow, ascribed to God as the Ruler and the
and his eyes were like blazing fire. Judge in Dan 7:9; 10:5.
REV 1:15 His feet were like bronze [bronze glowing] - portrays strength
glowing in a furnace, and his voice stability and judgment.
was like the sound of rushing waters. [rushing waters] - like the sound of
Niagara Falls (awe-inspiring and
REV 1:16 In his right hand he held [seven stars] - the seven messengers
seven stars, and out of his mouth or Pastors of the seven churches
came a sharp double-edged sword. His (v.20).
face was like the sun shining in all [sword] - an instrument of judgment
its brilliance. with words, the Word of God, see
Isaiah 11:4.
[face] - shines like the sun, most
likely His whole body was brilliant.
Pictures His Great Purity and Glory.
REV 1:17 When I saw him, I fell at [fell..dead] - Proper response of
his feet as though dead. Then he fear when in the presence of the
placed his right hand on me and said: Holy God (Ezek 1:28; Dan 8:17, 10:9)
"Do not be afraid. I am the First and But Jesus assures John not to be
the Last. afraid, because He is All Powerful
and in Love with His redeemed!
REV 1:18 I am the Living One; I was [Living One] - Resurrected Christ
dead, and behold I am alive for ever who died and overcame death to live
and ever! And I hold the keys of eternally.
death and Hades. [keys] - Jesus decides when a person
will die and who goes into Hell.
REV 1:19 "Write, therefore, what you [have seen] - Chapter 1, the Glory
have seen, what is now and what will of Christ.
take place later. [what is now] - Chapters 2-3, the
Church Age.
[will take place later] - Chapters
4-22, the Rapture, Tribulation,
Millennium, Eternal State.
REV 1:20 The mystery of the seven [angels] - Messengers, that is the
stars that you saw in my right hand Pastors of the Churches.
and of the seven golden lampstands is
this: The seven stars are the angels
of the seven churches, and the seven
lampstands are the seven churches.
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Keys to Revelation - Chapter 2
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 2:1 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Ephesus write: These are [holds] - to have power over
the words of him who holds the [stars] - the pastors of the
seven stars in his right hand and seven churches (Rev 1:20)
walks among the seven golden [walks among] - patrolling His
lampstands: churches, intimately knowing
each one
REV 2:2 I know your deeds, your [deeds..hard work] - wearisome toil
hard work and your perseverance. I
know that you cannot tolerate [wicked men] - not the pagans, but
wicked men, that you have tested those who claimed to be Christians
those who claim to be apostles but but were not
are not, and have found them false.
REV 2:3 You have persevered and implies strenuous and exhausting
have endured hardships for my name, labor
and have not grown weary.
REV 2:4 Yet I hold this against [Yet] - The church was "doing" a lot
you: You have forsaken your first for Christ, but was lacking the
love. element of Love.
REV 2:5 Remember the height from [Remember] - recall the height of
which you have fallen! Repent and of the Love that used to exist
do the things you did at first. If [Repent] - to change one's thinking,
you do not repent, I will come to to think differently
you and remove your lampstand from [at first] - the way you used to be
its place. when first in love with Christ
[remove..lampstand] - take away the
light (ministry, effect, impact)
REV 2:6 But you have this in your [practices of Nicolaitans] - word
favor: You hate the practices of nikao means "to conquer" and laos
the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. "the people." Suspect they were a
Sect that imposed a clerical hier-
archy on the laity. Much like the
Roman Catholic Church and her Pope.
REV 2:7 He who has an ear, let him [has an ear] - everyone has ears but
hear what the Spirit says to the not everyone listens. Jesus is say-
churches. To him who overcomes, I ing take to heart what I am saying.
will give the right to eat from the [overcomes] - (1 John 5:5) Those who
tree of life, which is in the by Faith, and Repentance come to
paradise of God. Christ in humble submission.
[tree of life] - First given in Gen
2:9 is restored to man in his new
Paradise, the Eternal Home..Rev 22:2
REV 2:8 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Smyrna write: These are
the words of him who is the First
and the Last, who died and came to
life again.
REV 2:9 I know your afflictions [afflictions] - imprisonment and
and your poverty--yet you are rich! death for the cause of Christ
I know the slander of those who say [poverty] - lack of wealth and jobs
they are Jews and are not, but are because of their Christianity
a synagogue of Satan. [synagogue of Satan] - no longer
God's place of worship since they
reject Jesus and the cross. Judaism
has become a false religion.
REV 2:10 Do not be afraid of what [devil..put] - much like Job's
you are about to suffer. I tell suffering, which tested his love for
you, the devil will put some of you God.
in prison to test you, and you will [ten days] - either a literal 10 day
suffer persecution for ten days. Be period or a set time of suffering of
faithful, even to the point of limited duration.
death, and I will give you the [Be faithful] - Don't recant by
crown of life. denying Christ, proving a lack of
true conversion. Hold firm because
Christ is on your side.
REV 2:11 He who has an ear, let [has an ear, overcomes] - Rev 2:7
him hear what the Spirit says to
the churches. He who overcomes will [second death] - The first death is
not be hurt at all by the second our physical death, but then the
death. Christian never dies again, however
the unbeliever goes to his second
death of eternal punishment in the
Lake of Fire (Dan 12:2, John 5:29,
Rev 20:14)
REV 2:12 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Pergamum write: These are
the words of him who has the sharp, [sword] - The Word of God from the
double-edged sword. mouth of God Himself--Jesus Christ.
REV 2:13 I know where you live-- [his throne] - Satan is not omni-
where Satan has his throne. Yet you present and moves about the earth,
remain true to my name. You did not but there are places where his
renounce your faith in me, even in influence and power is more evident.
the days of Antipas, my faithful [Antipas] - A martyr of the early
witness, who was put to death in Church.
your city--where Satan lives.
REV 2:14 Nevertheless, I have a [Nevertheless] - God wants us to
few things against you: You have strive for perfection, even though
people there who hold to the we will fall short, but He never
teaching of Balaam, who taught will accept a compromise in His
Balak to entice the Israelites to Church or His people.
sin by eating food sacrificed to [hold to teaching] - Some there
idols and by committing sexual were into false doctrines that in-
immorality. cluded worship of idols and sexual
sins. (see Num 31:15-16).
REV 2:15 Likewise you also have [Nicolaitans] - see Rev 2:6
those who hold to the teaching of
the Nicolaitans.
REV 2:16 Repent therefore! [will..come..fight] - Jesus will
Otherwise, I will soon come to you fight against His own churches if
and will fight against them with they will not repent of their false
the sword of my mouth. doctrine. Even if 99 doctrines are
"right on" but one is false and the
church or christian is unwilling to
change then Christ will oppose them.
REV 2:17 He who has an ear, let [has an ear, overcomes] - Rev 2:7
him hear what the Spirit says to [hidden manna] - In Exodus 16:32
the churches. To him who overcomes, God had some manna hidden in the
I will give some of the hidden Ark as a testimony of God's grace
manna. I will also give him a white and faithfulness, likewise God
stone with a new name written on promises the new manna which is
it, known only to him who receives Christ in His fullness (John 6:31-
it. 33).
[white stone] - used in Bible times
as a token which provided many priv-
ileges. Normally received stone as
a reward for service or victory.
[new name..known only] - On this
stone, which most likely will be a
precious stone (large diamond) a
very private name will be inscribed
that will be special between Jesus
and each of His loved believers.
REV 2:18 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Thyatira write: These are
the words of the Son of God, whose [blazing..eyes] - eyes of judgment
eyes are like blazing fire and and discernment, burning indignation
whose feet are like burnished [burnished bronze] - same as Rev 1:15
bronze. feet were glowing like in a furnace
which are feet of judgment.
REV 2:19 I know your deeds, your [know] - Christ knows our inner self
love and faith, your service and even more than we do (1SA 16:7).
perseverance, and that you are now [more than] - This church is really
doing more than you did at first. growing and active.
REV 2:20 Nevertheless, I have this [Nevertheless] - See Rev 2:16
against you: You tolerate that [Jezebel] - Probably not her real
woman Jezebel, who calls herself a name but rather a woman like Jezebel
prophetess. By her teaching she who is teaching false doctrine and
misleads my servants into sexual leading Christians into serious sin.
immorality and the eating of food
sacrificed to idols.
REV 2:21 I have given her time to [given her time] - The grace of God
repent of her immorality, but she with sinners, even wicked ones try-
is unwilling. ing to destroy God's people, He is
willing that they repent, but she
REV 2:22 So I will cast her on a [cast on a bed] - Not unusual for
bed of suffering, and I will make God to judge or discipline a person
those who commit adultery with her in the same area as their sin. She
suffer intensely, unless they was involved in sexual sins in bed
repent of her ways. so she will not suffer pain in bed.
REV 2:23 I will strike her [children] - could be her own child-
children dead. Then all the ren, but most likely those she
churches will know that I am he who brought up in her false teachings.
searches hearts and minds, and I [repay..deeds] - Those who have done
will repay each of you according to deeds of wickedness get the payment
your deeds. of Eternal Hell, whereas those who
have done deeds of righteousness
will receive Eternal Life.
REV 2:24 Now I say to the rest of
you in Thyatira, to you who do not
hold to her teaching and have not [deep secrets] - the demonic teach-
learned Satan's so-called deep ings of Satan that promise power and
secrets (I will not impose any life but only bring utter chaos and
other burden on you): punishment.
REV 2:25 Only hold on to what you [hold on] - be steadfast and endure
have until I come. all your life until either you die
our Jesus returns. This is one of
the key evidences of salvation, that
a person continues in Christ to the
end of their lives.
REV 2:26 To him who overcomes and [overcomes] - Rev 2:7
does my will to the end, I will [will to the end] - If you endure to
give authority over the nations-- the end you will be saved and be
rewarded. The endurance is also a
gift, "God who gives endurance"
(Rom 15:5).
[authority over nations] - During
the Millennium (1,000 year rule of
Christ, we will rule and reign with
Him (Rev 20:6).
REV 2:27 'He will rule them with Quote from Psalm 2:9 about the
an iron scepter; he will dash them Righteous and Rigorous Rule of
to pieces like pottery'-- just as I Jesus Christ during the Millennium.
have received authority from my Father.
REV 2:28 I will also give him the [morning star] - In Rev 22:16 Jesus
morning star. declares that He is the "Bright
Morning Star," and for all that
overcome they will receive the
precious gift of Christ.
REV 2:29 He who has an ear, let [hear] - Again Jesus reminds those
him hear what the Spirit says to who have ears to hear to listen
the churches. carefully to His words and instruc-
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 3
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 3:1 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Sardis write: These are
the words of him who holds the [seven spirits] - Term for the Holy
seven spirits of God and the seven Spirit (ISA 11:2-3). Jesus gives the
stars. I know your deeds; you have Holy Spirit to those who believe,
a reputation of being alive, but repent, and humbly submit to Him.
you are dead. [seven stars] - The pastors of the
seven churches. Jesus has total con-
trol over the church, the pastor,
and Christians for their blessing
and discipline.
[alive..but dead] - They appear as
a "right on" Christian Church on the
outside, but inside they are dead!
REV 3:2 Wake up! Strengthen what [Wake up] - A warning from Jesus to
remains and is about to die, for I to "fan into flame" the little spark
have not found your deeds complete that is left. The church is dying
in the sight of my God. spiritually because the majority of
its members are not saved.
REV 3:3 Remember, therefore, what [Remember..obey..repent] - They are
you have received and heard; obey to remember the Gospel message that
it, and repent. But if you do not was preached and repent and obey it.
wake up, I will come like a thief, [come like thief] - Suddenly He will
and you will not know at what time bring judgment on the church and re-
I will come to you. move the remaining light.
REV 3:4 Yet you have a few people [few] - There is a minority of saved
in Sardis who have not soiled their persons in the church, not many, but
clothes. They will walk with me, some.
dressed in white, for they are [dressed in white] - REV 19:8 "Fine
worthy. linen, bright and clean, was given
her {Christians} to wear. (Fine
linen stands for the righteous acts
of the saints {after salvation}."
[worthy] - Because we were bought at
a great price...the Blood of God!
REV 3:5 He who overcomes will, [overcomes] - (1JN 5:5) Those who
like them, be dressed in white. I by Faith, and Repentance come to
will never blot out his name from Christ in humble submission.
the book of life, but will [book of life] - Literal book or
acknowledge his name before my record in Heaven that has the names
Father and his angels. of the redeemed. Evidence that once
saved (overcomer), always saved.
REV 20:15 If anyone's name was not
found written in the book of life,
he was thrown into the lake of fire.
REV 3:6 He who has an ear, let him See REV 2:7 Comments
hear what the Spirit says to the
REV 3:7 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Philadelphia write: These [key of David] - ISA 22:22 King
are the words of him who is holy determines who will be allowed in
and true, who holds the key of the Kingdom and who will be shut
David. What he opens no one can out. Jesus opens the doors of
shut, and what he shuts no one can salvation for His Elect, but shuts
open. out the Non-Elect for their willful
rejection of His mercy and grace.
REV 3:8 I know your deeds. See, I [open door] - Jesus has opened the
have placed before you an open door door of ministry to this church,
that no one can shut. I know that which means that they will have many
you have little strength, yet you opportunities to "bring in" God's
have kept my word and have not Elect.
denied my name. [little strength] - Possibly a small
church without social prominence and
at the poverty level. But they were
"big" in Spiritual strength.
REV 3:9 I will make those who are [synagogue of Satan] - The false
of the synagogue of Satan, who religion of Judaism. The true Jew
claim to be Jews though they are is one who truly acknowledges the
not, but are liars--I will make Messiah Jesus Christ.
them come and fall down at your feet [come and fall] - Ironic that those
and acknowledge that I have loved who had the truth (Jews) and would
you. not acknowledge that God also loved
the Gentiles, will someday come in
humility and acknowledge that God
loved others besides the Jews.
REV 3:10 Since you have kept my [endure patiently] - Something all
command to endure patiently, I will Christians will do because of the
also keep you from the hour of gift of faith within us.
trial that is going to come upon [hour of trial] - Short time of
the whole world to test those who suffering for the earth. The seven
live on the earth. years of the Tribulation Period as
compared to the time man has been on
the earth.
REV 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold on [Hold on] - Don't give up and turn
to what you have, so that no one back to your old way of life. The
will take your crown. true believer will "Hold on" because
of the Holy Spirit within them who
seals us till the end.
[crown] - 2TI 4:8 "The Crown of
Righteousness" given to all the
Christians who finish the race,
which will be every true believer!
REV 3:12 Him who overcomes I will [overcomes] - See REV 2:7 Comments.
make a pillar in the temple of my [pillar] - The temple is the Lord
God. Never again will he leave it. God Almighty and the Lamb Jesus
I will write on him the name of my Christ (REV 21:22). A pillar is
God and the name of the city of my a permanent part of the structure
God, the new Jerusalem, which is so we are again promised Eternal
coming down out of heaven from my Security in God.
God; and I will also write on him [names of God, city, new name of
my new name. Jesus] - We only know in part and
see through a dark glass, but some-
day we will know the complete names
of our God, City, and Our Savior.
[write] - Either on our skin or
clothes we will proudly and joyfully
wear the Names of Grace.
REV 3:13 He who has an ear, let See REV 2:7 Comments.
him hear what the Spirit says to
the churches.
REV 3:14 "To the angel of the [angel] - messenger, pastor
church in Laodicea write: These are
the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of
God's creation.
REV 3:15 I know your deeds, that [cold nor hot] - A cold drink on a
you are neither cold nor hot. I hot day refreshes. Likewise, a hot
wish you were either one or the drink on a cold day satisfies.
REV 3:16 So, because you are [lukewarm] - A lukewarm drink is
lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I worthless on either a hot or cold
am about to spit you out of my day. Likewise, those who are
mouth. indifferent to the things of God
give evidence of their lost state.
REV 3:17 You say, 'I am rich; I [I am rich] - This is a wealthy
have acquired wealth and do not church who cares more for outward
need a thing.' But you do not appearances than for the condition
realize that you are wretched, of the soul.
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. [blind and naked] - Blind to the
gospel and without the fine linen
from God (acts of righteousness).
REV 3:18 I counsel you to buy from [] - Instead of buying gold
me gold refined in the fire, so you rings and watches, buy the true gold
can become rich; and white clothes from Christ (The law from your mouth
to wear, so you can cover your is more precious to me than thousands
shameful nakedness; and salve to of pieces of silver or gold.
put on your eyes, so you can see. PSA 119:72)
[white clothes..salve] - Ability to
see the truth and have the Faith,
to Repent and Submit to Christ then
bearing fruit by doing righteous
acts (REV 19:8).
REV 3:19 Those whom I love I A warning to the church that does
rebuke and discipline. So be not feel that they have a problem
earnest, and repent. and sense no needs. If they were
truly God's children then they would
feel the discipline of God. The
lack of discipline means they are
not the loved children of the Father
and are in great need of repentance.
REV 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the Jesus calls all mankind to come to
door and knock. If anyone hears my Him, but only those who have been
voice and opens the door, I will elected before the foundation of the
come in and eat with him, and he earth can hear His voice. The Non-
with me. Elect are deaf to the Word of God
because of their willful sin. When
a person hears the "Knocking" of the
Savior then the Spirit will enable
them to get up and submit to Christ
in an intimate relationship.
REV 3:21 To him who overcomes, I [overcomes] - See REV 2:7 Comments.
will give the right to sit with me [sit with me] - Reference to REV
on my throne, just as I overcame 20:6 where the Christian is promised
and sat down with my Father on his the privilege of reigning with Christ
throne. for the 1,000 year Millennium.
REV 3:22 He who has an ear, let See REV 2:7 Comments.
him hear what the Spirit says to
the churches."
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 4
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 4:1 After this I looked, and [After this] - Reference to previous
there before me was a door standing seven letters to the churches, which
open in heaven. And the voice I had represented the Church Age that comes
first heard speaking to me like a to a end Chronologically as we enter
trumpet said, "Come up here, and I into the events of Chapter 4 and be-
will show you what must take place yond.
after this."
[door to heaven] - John literally
could look into the Third Heaven
from the earth and see the Throne
Room of God.
[voice] - It is Jesus speaking
[come up] - Jesus tells, rather
commands that John "come up" to
Heaven. This event ends the Church
Age and starts the Judgments and
could be a type of the Rapture, where
Jesus calls His Church to "Come Up
REV 4:2 At once I was in the [in the Spirit] - Transported from
Spirit, and there before me was a earth (most likely not with his body)
throne in heaven with someone through the first heaven (atmosphere)
sitting on it. then past the second heaven (outer
space) and into the third heaven
(location of God, Angels, and the
[someone sitting] - Appears to be the
Father, since Jesus the Lamb, takes a
scroll from the right hand of Him who
sat on the throne in REV 5:7.
REV 4:3 And the one who sat there [jasper] - in ancient times this
had the appearance of jasper and stone would have been a translucent
carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an rock crystal like a diamond. This
emerald, encircled the throne. brilliant diamond represents the
purity, majesty, and holiness of God.
[carnelian] - A beautiful, ruby red
stone signifying the righteous
judgment and wrath of God.
[emerald] - Brilliant green color
representing the mercy of God.
REV 4:4 Surrounding the throne [24 Elders] - Representatives from
were twenty-four other thrones, and the Church, wearing crowns of victory
seated on them were twenty-four and their white linen robes.
elders. They were dressed in white
and had crowns of gold on their
REV 4:5 From the throne came [seven spirits] - Term for the Holy
flashes of lightning, rumblings and Spirit (ISA 11:2-3).
peals of thunder. Before the
throne, seven lamps were blazing.
These are the seven spirits of God.
REV 4:6 Also before the throne [sea of glass] - Same glass that was
there was what looked like a sea of seen by Moses in Exodus 24:10, "..and
glass, clear as crystal. In the saw the God of Israel. Under His feet
center, around the throne, were was something like a pavement made of
four living creatures, and they sapphire, clear as the sky itself."
were covered with eyes, in front This sea simply adds to the Glory
and in back. and Majesty of God.
[creatures] - Jesus only created two
kinds of intelligent and spiritual
creatures--Men and Angels. These four
living creatures are angels.
[eyes] - Seems strange to us, but we
are very limited in our knowledge and
understanding of heavenly things. The
eyes would make them all-seeing and
vigilant, not to mention enhancing
their ability to accomplish their
main purpose, to give God the glory
He deserves as they look upon His
Wisdom and Power.
REV 4:7 The first living creature Four creatures represent God's
was like a lion, the second was attributes in His creation:
like an ox, the third had a face [lion] - Majesty, Omnipotence
like a man, the fourth was like a [ox] - Strength, Patience
flying eagle. [man] - Intelligence, Rational Power
[eagle] - Sovereignty, Supremacy
REV 4:8 Each of the four living [six wings] - Matches description of
creatures had six wings and was the Seraphims in ISA 6:2, "Above Him
covered with eyes all around, even were seraphs, each with six wings:
under his wings. Day and night they With two they covered their faces,
never stop saying: "Holy, holy, with two they covered their feet, and
holy is the Lord God Almighty, who with two they were flying."
was, and is, and is to come." They were Unique Angels created to
give Glory to God forever.
REV 4:9 Whenever the living
creatures give glory, honor and
thanks to him who sits on the
throne and who lives for ever and
REV 4:10 the twenty-four elders Representing the Church in Heaven
fall down before him who sits on rightly acknowledging that God
the throne, and worship him who deserves their worship and honor.
lives for ever and ever. They lay
their crowns before the throne and [lay their crowns] - Acknowledging
say: that Jesus earned them their crowns
by His death on the Cross.
REV 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord
and God, to receive glory and honor
and power, for you created all
things, and by your will they were
created and have their being."
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 5
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 5:1 Then I saw in the right [scroll] - Parchment had writing on
hand of him who sat on the throne a both sides, then sealed on the edges
scroll with writing on both sides in such a way that the seals must be
and sealed with seven seals. successively broken if the scroll is
to be unrolled and read.
REV 5:2 And I saw a mighty angel [mighty angel] - Possibly Gabriel
proclaiming in a loud voice, "Who
is worthy to break the seals and [worthy] - The scroll is like a title
open the scroll?" deed to the earth and can only be
opened by someone capable of being a
mediator between God and man.
REV 5:3 But no one in heaven or on [in heaven] - Redeemed men and women
earth or under the earth could open [on earth] - Living men and women
the scroll or even look inside it. [under the earth] - Condemned men and
REV 5:4 I wept and wept because no John was overcome at the thought that
one was found who was worthy to there was to be a delay in the open-
open the scroll or look inside. ing of the scroll and the resultant
judgment of sin, restoration of
Israel, and the reign of Christ.
REV 5:5 Then one of the elders [Lion of..Judah] - Refers to GEN 49:9
said to me, "Do not weep! See, the where Judah is called a conquering
Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lion.
Root of David, has triumphed. He is [Root of David] - See ISA 11:1,10
able to open the scroll and its
seven seals."
REV 5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking [Lamb] - Jesus is the Lamb of God,
as if it had been slain, standing the perfect sacrifice (JOH 1:29,36;
in the center of the throne, ACT 8:32; 1PE 1:19)
encircled by the four living
creatures and the elders. He had [slain..standing] - The lamb has been
seven horns and seven eyes, which offered, yet it stands erect with
are the seven spirits of God sent visual evidence of the sacrificial
out into all the earth. slaughter, a clear reference to the
death and resurrection of Christ.
[seven] - A term used in Scripture to
denote fullness or completeness.
[seven horns] - Fullness of power.
Horn is a common symbol of strength
(DEU 33:17; PSA 18:2; 112:9). Refers
to the omnipotence of God.
[seven eyes] - In Zechariah 4:1-10
a lampstand with seven lights (v. 2)
is referred to as the Spirit (v. 6)
and the Spirit is the seven "eyes of
the Lord, which range throughout the
earth" (v. 10). Refers to the
omniscience of God.
REV 5:7 He came and took the [He took] - Jesus took the scroll
scroll from the right hand of him from the Father.
who sat on the throne.
REV 5:8 And when he had taken it, [fell down] -Elders fell down in
the four living creatures and the praise and worship of Jesus for His
twenty-four elders fell down before power and mercy.
the Lamb. Each one had a harp and
they were holding golden bowls full [harp] - There is music and singing
of incense, which are the prayers in heaven. Here praise is sung
of the saints. to the Sweet Savior Jesus Christ for
His grace and mercy.
[bowls..incense] - Throughout the
ages God's children have prayed for
judgment on sin and for the reign
of the Messiah Jesus Christ on earth.
These prayers have been as incense
before God for centuries and now are
about to be fulfilled (PSA 141:2).
REV 5:9 And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals, because you
were slain, and with your blood you
purchased men for God from every
tribe and language and people and
REV 5:10 You have made them to be
a kingdom and priests to serve our
God, and they will reign on the [reign] - In the Millennium with Our
earth." Lord Jesus Christ (REV 20:6).
REV 5:11 Then I looked and heard [numbering] - There were countless
he voice of many angels, numbering thousands of angels.
thousands upon thousands, and ten
thousand times ten thousand. They
encircled the throne and the living
creatures and the elders.
REV 5:12 In a loud voice they
sang: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was
slain, to receive power and wealth
and wisdom and strength and honor
and glory and praise!"
REV 5:13 Then I heard every [every creature] - A reference to all
creature in heaven and on earth and of creation which has been awaiting
under the earth and on the sea, and the moment in history when the curse
all that is in them, singing: "To will be lifted and the sons of God
him who sits on the throne and to revealed in full redemptive glory
the Lamb be praise and honor and (ROM 8:18-25).
glory and power, for ever and
REV 5:14 The four living creatures
said, "Amen," and the elders fell
down and worshiped.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 6
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 6:1 I watched as the Lamb [Lamb] - Lamb of God is Jesus Christ.
opened the first of the seven
seals. Then I heard one of the four NOTE: With the opening of the first
living creatures say in a voice seal, the beginning of the seven-year
like thunder, "Come!" tribulation period is described,
which is the time of judgment for
Israel and for the whole world.
[Come!] - This call is for the first
of the four horses.
REV 6:2 I looked, and there before [white horse] - It was customary in
me was a white horse! Its rider biblical times for a conqueror to
held a bow, and he was given a ride in triumph on a white horse.
crown, and he rode out as a
conqueror bent on conquest. [bow] - Typical weapon for a king to
carry into battle in that part of the
[crown] - Greek word is "stephanos"
which is a crown of victory and not
a crown of a sovereign.
[conqueror] - This is the AntiChrist,
the "man of sin" who comes and tries
to conquer the world. See DAN 9:26-
REV 6:3 When the Lamb opened the
second seal, I heard the second
living creature say, "Come!"
REV 6:4 Then another horse came [fiery red] - A color representing
out, a fiery red one. Its rider was bloodshed and sin.
given power to take peace from the
earth and to make men slay each [rider..given..power] - A reminder
other. To him was given a large that in all events it is God who
sword. allows and empowers mankind to carry
out His will.
[take peace..make slay] - This rider
follows the Antichrist who tries to
take over the world and the result is
war and bloodshed.
[large sword] - A long sword often
carried into battle that symbolizes
violent death and war.
REV 6:5 When the Lamb opened the [black] - The color of mourning,
third seal, I heard the third affliction, and famine.
living creature say, "Come!" I
looked, and there before me was a [scales] - A yoke or beam with a
black horse! Its rider was holding weight on one side and the substance
a pair of scales in his hand. to be measured on the other.
REV 6:6 Then I heard what sounded [quart of wheat] - Dry measure of
like a voice among the four living about a quart (1.92 pints). This was
creatures, saying, "A quart of daily ration of food for one man. And
wheat for a day's wages, and three he got it for his [day's wages]. This
quarts of barley for a day's wages, would indicate that the famine and
and do not damage the oil and the inflation levels after the first
wine!" series of wars was so severe, that a
man worked all day for just enough
food for himself, leaving his family
and those unable to work without
[three quarts of barley] - Poor man's
diet and cheaper than wheat. The
worker could chose it instead of the
[] - Staples of the society
and God in His judgment continues to
show mercy by not making the famine
as severe as He could.
REV 6:7 When the Lamb opened the
fourth seal, I heard the voice of
the fourth living creature say,
REV 6:8 I looked, and there before [pale horse] - The word means a
me was a pale horse! Its rider was yellowish green, but refers here to
named Death, and Hades was the color of a corpse or the look
following close behind him. They of a person struck with terror.
were given power over a fourth of
the earth to kill by sword, famine [Death] - This is the death horse and
and plague, and by the wild beasts right behind him is a fifth horse
of the earth. named Hades, which is another name
for Hell, the place of torment until
the Final Judgment.
[fourth of earth] - Today it would be
approximately 1.5 Billion people
[sword] - The wars and bloodshed
[famine] - Starvation of the masses
[plague] - Diseases from the war, if
they used "germ warfare" and/or the
simple judgment of God in the form of
a Divine ordered disease.
[wild beasts] - A revolt of the
Animal Kingdom, possibly caused by
the displacement of war and the
scarcity of an adequate food supply.
REV 6:9 When he opened the fifth
seal, I saw under the altar the [under the altar] - In the Levitical
souls of those who had been slain rite the blood was poured out at the
because of the word of God and the foot of the altar. John sees an
testimony they had maintained. altar in heaven with souls (people)
under it.
[slain] - They were Christians that
had been killed for their faith in
Christ. It is likely that these
Christians were killed during the
Tribulation Period.
REV 6:10 They called out in a loud [avenge] - They cry out like David
voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, for God to judge wickedness because
holy and true, until you judge the God is Holy and all sin is an affront
inhabitants of the earth and avenge to His Sovereignty.
our blood?"
REV 6:11 Then each of them was [white robes] - See REV 19:8 and
given a white robe, and they were 19:14
told to wait a little longer, until
the number of their fellow servants [wait] - God has a timetable for this
and brothers who were to be killed world and is very patient with the
as they had been was completed. wickedness of man, but the day is
coming when the evilness of man will
be completed and then Jesus will
judge the world.
REV 6:12 I watched as he opened [sixth seal] - The first five seals
the sixth seal. There was a great were the direct result of man's
earthquake. The sun turned black actions. A man tried to conquer the
like sackcloth made of goat hair, world (Antichrist-Seal 1). Men from
the whole moon turned blood red, this attempted takeover fought with
each other (War-Seal 2). The result
of this major war was a worldwide
food shortage (Famine-Seal 3).
Because of the war, famines, and the
problems that ensued many on earth
died (Death-Seal 4). The mass killing
of Christians by unsaved man.
Martyrs-Seal 5)
But the sixth seal is the direct
action of God, where He pours out His
judgments against man and his earth.
[great earthquake] - God often has
used earthquakes to introduce His
judgments. This was not a local
quake but rather one that likely
shook the entire world.
[] - A black sun is in fact
no sun! There would be total dark-
ness except for the red moon.
[red..moon] - The whole world sees a
blood red moon which causes fear and
panic in the hearts of sinful man.
Since the moon gets its light from
the sun, God somehow caused the moon
to emit it's own light of judgment.
REV 6:13 and the stars in the sky [stars..fell] - Literally, shooting
fell to earth, as late figs drop stars were observed to be "falling"
from a fig tree when shaken by a to the earth.
strong wind.
REV 6:14 The sky receded like a [sky receded] - Violent sights in the
scroll, rolling up, and every heavens that made the sky appear to
mountain and island was removed roll up like a scroll.
from its place.
[mountain..island..removed] - They
did not necessarily disappear, but
may have literally moved to new
locations by the violence of Nuclear
War or simply by the finger of God.
REV 6:15 Then the kings of the [man hid] - The events on the earth
earth, the princes, the generals, and in the heavens were terrifying to
the rich, the mighty, and every every man and woman on earth.
slave and every free man hid in
caves and among the rocks of the
REV 6:16 They called to the [hide us] - God's judgments were to
mountains and the rocks, "Fall on not only judge sin, but also to cause
us and hide us from the face of him sinful man to repent and cry out to
who sits on the throne and from the God for mercy. However, they would
wrath of the Lamb! not acknowledge their sin but only to
hide from the wrath of God, wishing
that the rocks would crush and kill
them, rather than agree with God
about their sins and submit to Him.
REV 6:17 For the great day of [who can stand] - No one can ever
their wrath has come, and who can stand smug in their sins before God
stand?" when He comes to judge the earth.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 7
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 7:1 After this I saw four [after this I saw] - Introduces
angels standing at the four corners another part of John's vision.
of the earth, holding back the four
winds of the earth to prevent any [four angels..four winds] - Four
wind from blowing on the land or on angels are seen holding back the four
the sea or on any tree. winds of the earth: North Wind, East
Wind, South Wind, and West Wind. All
winds come from one of these four
directions and God has commanded that
His servants the angels prevent these
winds from blowing, making the entire
earth to experience calm winds.
[prevent..wind] - Another judgment of
God. More and more as we experience
energy shortages, man is developing
a greater reliance on wind power and
by the day of this judgment it could
likely be a significant source of
energy. Man also has enjoyed the
coolness of a breeze on a hot day and
has relied on the wind to move the
polluted air of major cities to pre-
vent a great build-up of smog.
But the greatest judgment will be in
the change of the weather. Without
any wind, the clouds and the rain
they bring will not be occurring and
the earth's food supplies will be
greatly reduced. Another judgment
would be to the reproduction process
of plants that rely on the wind to
carry the pollen and/or seed.
REV 7:2 Then I saw another angel [from the East] - Possibly because
coming up from the east, having the Palestine is east of Patmos.
seal of the living God. He called
out in a loud voice to the four [seal] - Word indicates the seal is a
angels who had been given power to signet ring, like that used by an
harm the land and the sea: Oriental monarch, to give validity to
the official documents.
[seal of God] - A special mark that
was painted, tattooed, or maybe even
applied with lasers in a such a way
that clearly showed who God's true
children were. It was done before in
Ezekiel 9 were God had an ink mark
placed on the foreheads of those who
hated sin, in order for them to avoid
REV 7:3 "Do not harm the land or In addition to the Calm Wind judgment
the sea or the trees until we put a God prepares to pour out His wrath on
seal on the foreheads of the the land, sea, and trees, but only
servants of our God." after he first sealed those on the
earth who belonged to Him.
REV 7:4 Then I heard the number of [144,000] - Not a select group from
those who were sealed: 144,000 from among the Believers on the earth,
all the tribes of Israel. rather, they are the only faithful
Believers alive when this event takes
place. All the other Christians were
removed from the earth during the
Rapture, at the beginning of the
Tribulation Period.
[from..Israel] - God chose Israel to
bring the Good News to the lost but
she never fulfilled that command and
rather put up barriers to the lost,
preventing them from knowing the
the truth. But now God is causing
Israel to be faithful to their first
commission of reaching the lost
REV 7:5 From the tribe of Judah [From the tribe of...] - God chose
12,000 were sealed, from the tribe the twelve tribes of Israel for His
of Reuben 12,000, from the tribe of witness during the Tribulation.
Gad 12,000, 12,000 were selected from each tribe.
When God was completed He had 144,000
Jewish Evangelists all preaching the
pure and holy Gospel of Jesus Christ.
REV 7:6 from the tribe of Asher
12,000, from the tribe of Naphtali
12,000, from the tribe of Manasseh
REV 7:7 from the tribe of Simeon
12,000, from the tribe of Levi
12,000, from the tribe of Issachar
REV 7:8 from the tribe of Zebulun
12,000, from the tribe of Joseph
12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin
REV 7:9 After this I looked and [great multitude] - These are the
there before me was a great those who the 144,000 witnessed to
multitude that no one could count, and who were led to Christ by the
from every nation, tribe, people Holy Spirit (see REV 7:14). One must
and language, standing before the remember that these believers began
throne and in front of the Lamb. the Tribulation Period as wicked
They were wearing white robes and sinners in total rebellion to God,
were holding palm branches in their but God sent the 144,000 preachers
hands. with the Gospel message that brought
the Faith to them so they could then
Believe in Christ, Repent of their
sins and Submit to the Lordship of
the Lamb of God--Jesus Christ.
[white robes] - See REV 19:8 and
[palm branches] - The palm is a sign
of festive joy and also an emblem of
victory. Here they represent the joy
and the victory of those who have
been redeemed by the Blood of Christ.
REV 7:10 And they cried out in a [sits on the throne] - God the Father
loud voice: "Salvation belongs to (see REV 4:2 commentary).
our God, who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb." [Lamb] - Jesus is the Lamb of God,
the perfect sacrifice (JOH 1:29,36;
ACT 8:32; 1PE 1:19).
REV 7:11 All the angels were [all the angels] - These are the same
standing around the throne and angels listed in REV 5:11 as "...many
around the elders and the four angels, numbering thousands upon
living creatures. They fell down on thousands, and ten thousand times ten
their faces before the throne and thousand." A number that literally
worshiped God, cannot be counted by man.
[ creatures] - See
REV 4:4, 4:7 commentary.
[fall down...faces] - Proper response
of a creature to its Creator.
REV 7:12 saying: "Amen! Praise and [saying] - They respond to the cry of
glory and wisdom and thanks and the redeemed (v. 10) with "Amen" and
honor and power and strength be to sing praise and glory to God for His
our God for ever and ever. Amen!" great salvation to man. Compare this
doxology with REV 5:12-13.
REV 7:13 Then one of the elders [asked me] - One of the elders,
asked me, "These in white robes-- anticipating the question which John
who are they, and where did they is about to ask, poses a question to
come from?" him.
REV 7:14 I answered, "Sir, you [washed... made them white] - Both
know." And he said, "These are they verbs indicate a "once-for-all"
who have come out of the great action which took place in the past.
tribulation; they have washed their (See HEB 9:24; 1JN 1:7-9; ISA 64:6
robes and made them white in the and ISA 1:18).
blood of the Lamb.
REV 7:15 Therefore, "they are [serve Him] - All those whose sins
before the throne of God and serve have been washed in the Blood of the
him day and night in his temple; Lamb will perform worshipful service
and he who sits on the throne will to God forever.
spread his tent over them.
[day and night] - Heaven has no night
so the idea is from man's perspective
to indicate for ever and ever.
[spread His tent] - God's presence
will ever be with His saints as
though He lived in the same tent with
them at all times, as though He
spread His presence over them like a
REV 7:16 Never again will they [hunger...thirst...scorching] - These
hunger; never again will they were part of the Tribulation trials
thirst. The sun will not beat upon that they faced, but like us, they
them, nor any scorching heat. also hungered and thirsted for
righteousness (MAT 5:6).
REV 7:17 For the Lamb at the [Lamb...shepherd] - An intriguing
center of the throne will be their idea that a lamb would become a
shepherd; he will lead them to shepherd.
springs of living water. And God
will wipe away every tear from [lead them] - Jesus, our Shepherd, is
their eyes." currently leading all of His lambs
through this life, on a journey that
will ultimately arrive in Heaven at
the River of the Water of Life (REV
[wipe away every tear] - Like a
mother who wipes away her child's
tears so they will smile and laugh
again. All of our sorrows of this
life on earth will be wiped away and
a permanent smile with laughter will
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 8
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 8:1 When he opened the seventh [He opened] - It is opened by the
seal, there was silence in heaven only one worthy to open the seals
for about half an hour. --the Lamb of God (see REV 5:2-9).
[silence] - The silence is a dramatic
pause making even more impressive the
judgment that is about to fall upon
the earth. While thirty minutes is a
relatively short time, it makes for a
dramatic break considering the rather
quick moving pace of the events of
chapters 5-7.
REV 8:2 And I saw the seven angels [stand before God] - The fact that
who stand before God, and to them these angels stand before God would
were given seven trumpets. indicate a place of prominence such
as is given to the angel Gabriel
(see LUK 1:19).
[seven trumpets] - These were seven
literal trumpets that were to be
sounded to herald judgments of God.
REV 8:3 Another angel, who had a [golden censer] - A gold pan filled
golden censer, came and stood at with fire (like hot charcoal).
the altar. He was given much
incense to offer, with the prayers [incense] - Aromatic substance that
of all the saints, on the golden gives off smoke and aroma when placed
altar before the throne. on hot coals.
[with the prayers] - Our prayers to
God are mixed with incense and are
offered to Him as a sweet fragrance.
[golden altar] - This is the same
altar that was mentioned in REV 6:9
in reference to the saints under the
the altar.
REV 8:4 The smoke of the incense, [prayers of the saints] - Could it
together with the prayers of the be that our prayers, even in this age
saints, went up before God from the are so precious to God that they are
angel's hand. placed in golden censers and carried
by angels to be placed on the golden
altar before God?
REV 8:5 Then the angel took the [fire...hurled] - The censers that
censer, filled it with fire from carried the prayers of the saints are
the altar, and hurled it on the now used to carry God's judgments to
earth; and there came peals of the earth. Many of the prayers of
thunder, rumblings, flashes of Christians has been for God's
lightning and an earthquake. righteous judgment on earth, He now
answers these prayers.
[there came...] - The thunder,
rumblings, flashes of lightning, and
the earthquake are reminiscent of
Sinai when God came to earth to visit
with Moses, however, this time it is
a visit of judgment (EXO 19:16-19).
REV 8:6 Then the seven angels who [prepared to sound] - Most likely
had the seven trumpets prepared to means that they raised their trumpets
sound them. in readiness to sound.
REV 8:7 The first angel sounded [] - This could be
his trumpet, and there came hail a supernatural event of many gigantic
and fire mixed with blood, and it thunderstorms, which have a mixture
was hurled down upon the earth. A of hailstones of ice and bolts of
third of the earth was burned up, a fire called lightning. The blood
third of the trees were burned up, would be like the real blood that God
and all the green grass was burned gave the Egyptians to drink in EXO 7.
The world has shed the blood of men
and women since the beginning and now
would be getting a judgment of blood,
but now mixed with fire!
NOTE: The hail, fire, and blood may
only be symbolic of destruction that
is caused by limited nuclear warfare.
[earth, trees, grass...burned] - This
first trumpet was an obvious judgment
against the vegetation of the earth.
Man will suffer greatly due to the
greatly reduced food supply, oxygen
source, and the obvious psychological
effects of such devastation.
REV 8:8 The second angel sounded [like a huge mountain] - It is not a
his trumpet, and something like a mountain, but like one, which could
huge mountain, all ablaze, was indicate something as devastating as
thrown into the sea. A third of the a meteorite or asteroid from space
sea turned into blood, impacting into the ocean.
This would kill a tremendous number
of fish from the concussion undersea
REV 8:9 a third of the living and of course the waves would disrupt
creatures in the sea died, and a the surface of the seas for thousands
third of the ships were destroyed. of miles causing ships to capsize and
sink. Then along with this God turns
one third of the waters into literal
blood as a fit judgment for a blood-
thirsty world (see EXO 7:20-21).
REV 8:10 The third angel sounded [great star...Wormwood] - John sees
his trumpet, and a great star, something ablaze like a "shooting
blazing like a torch, fell from the star" strike the earth at various
sky on a third of the rivers and on places polluting the fresh waters.
the springs of water-- Again, this could be a supernatural
act of God using special poisonous
REV 8:11 the name of the star is stars, but it also could be by men
Wormwood. A third of the waters launching a germ warfare attack and
turned bitter, and many people died using ICBMs as the carrier to the
from the waters that had become major water sources.
REV 8:12 The fourth angel sounded [a third of the sun] - God simply
his trumpet, and a third of the sun reduced the hours of sunlight by one-
was struck, a third of the moon, third, so instead of sunlight from
and a third of the stars, so that a 7am to 7pm it would be reduced to
third of them turned dark. A third something like 9am to 5pm. He had
of the day was without light, and no problem stopping the sun from
also a third of the night. shining on the entire earth when our
Lord died on the Cross (MAT 27:45).
[a third of the moon] - Like the sun,
the moon was prevented from shining
for one-third of its normal time of
illumination. The night was darker
than before due to the reduced number
of stars and the lack of the normal
[a third of the stars] - God just
ordered them to cease from shining
and one-third of them went out like a
candle snuffed out.
NOTE: The net result of this fourth
judgment is to cause a collapse of
the balance of nature. The seasons
are thrown into chaos, many crops die
because there is too much night and
not enough day. Man thought he could
ignore God and still grow all the
food he desired.
REV 8:13 As I watched, I heard an [eagle] - The same word for eagle can
eagle that was flying in midair be translated "vulture" which in this
call out in a loud voice: "Woe! context would symbolize impending
Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the doom. It could be a clear warning to
earth, because of the trumpet the inhabitants of the earth or only
blasts about to be sounded by the serve as an announcement in heaven to
other three angels!" those observing the unfolding of the
Judgments of God.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 9
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 9:1 The fifth angel sounded [star] - Symbolic reference to an
his trumpet, and I saw a star that angel since the star was given a key
had fallen from the sky to the to open the Abyss. Most likely this
earth. The star was given the key star is Satan.
to the shaft of the Abyss.
[fallen] - Term has been used of
Satan falling or being hurled to the
earth (see ISA 14:12-17, LUK 10:18)
and includes other angels along with
Satan in Rev 12:7-9.
[key] - Jesus has the keys to Death
and to Hell (REV 1:18) and it would
fit that He also has the keys to
the Abyss, the place where the wicked
angels are detained. Satan does not
have any control over any place,
demon, or person unless Jesus gives
him that power.
[Abyss] - Means the "bottomless pit"
and is a place in the "underworld"
for certain wicked demons that is
made up of "gloomy dungeons"
(2PE 2:4).
REV 9:2 When he opened the Abyss, [smoke] - Part of God's torment on
smoke rose from it like the smoke wicked men and angels is fire (MAT
from a gigantic furnace. The sun 25:41 and LUK 16:24). The Abyss is
and sky were darkened by the smoke not only a "holding place" (2PE 2:4)
from the Abyss. but also a place of torment. The
smoke is so intense that it literally
blackens the sun and sky.
REV 9:3 And out of the smoke [locusts] - Throughout the OT the
locusts came down upon the earth locust was a symbol of destruction,
and were given power like that of and here are being used as a judgment
scorpions of the earth. from God on mankind. It is important
to remember that these creatures are
demon-possessed from the Abyss, much
like the demon-possessed pigs in MAT
[power...scorpions] - The locusts
have the power of the scorpions which
is a wasp-like sting and the ability
to secret a poison into their victim.
REV 9:4 They were told not to harm [told not to harm grass] - This fact
the grass of the earth or any plant reveals that they are real locusts
or tree, but only those people who who normally would follow their
did not have the seal of God on natural desire to eat grass and
their foreheads. plants. God has to command them to
go against their natural instinct and
to harm unredeemed man instead.
REV 9:5 They were not given power [not given power to kill] - God has
to kill them, but only to torture sovereign control over Satan and the
them for five months. And the agony demons and God alone determines just
they suffered was like that of the how much power they will have. Demons
sting of a scorpion when it strikes are "set" on destruction and God
a man. merely uses them for His purpose.
[torture] - God is not being cruel to
the unbeliever, but the time has come
to judge wickedness.
[five months] - A limited duration
judgment allowing men and women to
turn from their wickedness and
repent. It is also interesting to
note that the life cycle of locusts
is five months. These locusts were
all created by Jesus when the Abyss
was opened and thus would all reach
five months of age at the same time.
REV 9:6 During those days men will [seek death] - A reminder that it is
seek death, but will not find it; Jesus who determines our moment of
they will long to die, but death death and man cannot change that.
will elude them. These people who are under the
judgment of God try to commit suicide
but Jesus prevents their deaths.
REV 9:7 The locusts looked like [looked like horses] - Locusts have
horses prepared for battle. On heads that are shaped like horses and
their heads they wore something here they were made to resemble the
like crowns of gold, and their protective armament of war and the
faces resembled human faces. eagerness to go into battle and
inflict damage to their foes.
[like crowns of gold] - They were not
crowns but looked something like them
which may symbolize their already
determined victory over mankind.
[resembled human faces] - These were
not the passive expressions of an
insect but rather the highly intel-
ligent cunning and cruelty of demonic
REV 9:8 Their hair was like [women's hair] - The Bible makes a
women's hair, and their teeth were distinction that women's hair is
like lions' teeth. longer in length than men's. These
locusts appear to have long hair
which could be longer than normal
antennae for some added capability.
This feature is extremely difficult
to define as to meaning.
[lions' teeth] - This feature would
emphasize the fierceness of the
REV 9:9 They had breastplates like [breastplates of iron] - The scaly
breastplates of iron, and the sound backs and flanks of the locusts
of their wings was like the resembled coats of armor made of iron
thundering of many horses and which may stand for the hopelessness
chariots rushing into battle. of any effort trying to destroy these
messengers of judgment.
REV 9:10 They had tails and stings [tails] - These locusts are designed
like scorpions, and in their tails to carry out God's judgment by the
they had power to torment people unusual Scorpion tail with stinger.
for five months.
REV 9:11 They had as king over [angel of the Abyss] - This army has
them the angel of the Abyss, whose a leader whose task is to lead them
name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in to torment the unbelievers. The evil
Greek, Apollyon. angels have rank and structure as
indicated in EPH 6:12 and the locusts
have one known as the "Destroyer."
[Abaddon] - Hebrew word meaning
"destruction" or "ruin" and more
often "the place of ruin" in Sheol,
or "death," or "the grave."
[Apollyon] - Greek word meaning
"exterminator" or "destroyer."
REV 9:12 The first woe is past;
two other woes are yet to come.
REV 9:13 The sixth angel sounded [voice...from the horns] - Means from
his trumpet, and I heard a voice the center of the altar table where
coming from the horns of the golden the incense burned. It would be the
altar that is before God. the voice of God.
REV 9:14 It said to the sixth [four angels] - These are wicked
angel who had the trumpet, "Release demons who have been "bound" at a
the four angels who are bound at a particular place along the river
the great river Euphrates." Euphrates. They are held captive
until this moment in history when
they are released to accomplish their
evil deeds.
REV 9:15 And the four angels who [released to kill] - These demons
had been kept ready for this very are demons of death, in that, when
hour and day and month and year they are free to act, death occurs.
were released to kill a third of
mankind. [third of mankind] - The first kill-
ing occurred in REV 6:8 where one-
fourth of the earth's population was
destroyed. That would have been near
1.5 Billion people (assuming current
world population). In 9:15 we now
see one-third of the remaining 4.5
Billion or another 1.5 Billion
people killed.
REV 9:16 The number of the mounted [mounted troops] - Indicates that the
troops was two hundred million. I demon's weapon of death was a large
heard their number. army that they (demons) have caused
to attack other countries.
[two hundred million] - Some estimate
that at the time of the writing of
the Book of Revelation there were not
even 200,000,000 people on earth!
For centuries man has doubted this
verse that predicts a 200,000,000 man
army. Yet in 1968 the Chinese boasted
they could put on the battlefield the
Red Guard Army of over 200,000,000
men and women.
REV 9:17 The horses and riders I God presents to John a picture of the
saw in my vision looked like this: 200,000,000 army and it is in terms
Their breastplates were fiery red, that he would understand. It may in
dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. fact be that these are not really
The heads of the horses resembled horses, but rather modern weapons of
the heads of lions, and out of war. For example, a tanklike vehicle
their mouths came fire, smoke and with red, blue, and yellow markings.
sulfur. The fire, smoke, and sulfur could be
the actual discharge of the weapon.
REV 9:18 A third of mankind was [out of their mouths] - From the
killed by the three plagues of front of the vehicle.
fire, smoke and sulfur that came
out of their mouths.
REV 9:19 The power of the horses [, tails] - Again
was in their mouths and in their I believe these are pictures of
tails; for their tails were like modern weapons of war. These weapons
snakes, having heads with which discharge their bullets, lasers, or
they inflict injury. fire, etc., from both the front and
the rear of the vehicle.
REV 9:20 The rest of mankind that [rest...still did not repent] - God
were not killed by these plagues is not only judging the sin of the
still did not repent of the work of earth, but is also trying to bring
their hands; they did not stop the sinner to repentance. Yet those
worshiping demons, and idols of not killed would not repent.
gold, silver, bronze, stone and
wood--idols that cannot see or hear
or walk.
REV 9:21 Nor did they repent of A very clear picture of the sins of
their murders, their magic arts, the last days of the earth.
their sexual immorality or their
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 10
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 10:1 Then I saw another [another mighty angel] - This angel
mighty angel coming down from is not one of the seven or the four,
heaven. He was robed in a cloud, but like the other strong angel in
with a rainbow above his head; his REV 5:2 and 18:21 or the other angel
face was like the sun, and his legs in 14:6,15. The angel could be the
were like fiery pillars. Archangel Michael, "the great prince"
in DAN 12:1, or more likely the angel
Gabriel as seen in a parallel passage
DAN 12:7 and DAN 8:16. Angel cannot
be the Christ, for angels are always
angels in Revelation, as well as in
the rest of the NT.
[cloud...rainbow...sun] - A cloud
surrounded his body and the glow from
a face like the sun could cause a
rainbow to appear in the moistness of
the clouds.
REV 10:2 He was holding a little [scroll...lay open] - Not like the
scroll, which lay open in his hand. great scroll of chapter 5 which was
He planted his right foot on the fastened with seven seals, this one
sea and his left foot on the land, lies open in the hand of the angel.
[on the] - The angel has
one foot on the sea and the other on
the land which most likely speaks of
a coming judgment that will be on the
entire earth, both land and sea. REV
10:6 includes reference to land, sea,
and heaven in relation to the time
having come for judgment.
REV 10:3 and he gave a loud shout [shout like...lion] - Angel had a
like the roar of a lion. When he voice with a deep resonance which
shouted, the voices of the seven would demand the attention of those
thunders spoke. who heard.
[seven thunders] - Actual voices that
sounded like thunder. In JOH 12:28-29
God the Father spoke as with thunder.
REV 10:4 And when the seven [about to write] - Just started to
thunders spoke, I was about to write what the seven thunders spoke.
write; but I heard a voice from John was commanded in REV 1:11 to
heaven say, "Seal up what the seven "write on a scroll what you see" and
thunders have said and do not write most likely was keeping some sort of
it down." record of everything that had taken
place thus far and was simply logging
what the voices said.
[do not write] - The seven thunders
gave descriptions of more plagues for
man and his earth, but God has not
allowed us to know what kind of wrath
is stored up in these plagues.
REV 10:5 Then the angel I had seen [raised his right hand] - In the OT
standing on the sea and on the land the lifting of the hand was a part of
raised his right hand to heaven. oath-taking and here he raises his
hand to heaven as part of a very
solemn oath.
REV 10:6 And he swore by him who [he swore] - When one makes an oath
lives for ever and ever, who it is always necessary to swear by
created the heavens and all that is someone greater than themselves, and
in them, the earth and all that is this is further proof that the angel
in it, and the sea and all that is is not Jesus because Christ would not
in it, and said, "There will be no need to swear by anyone greater than
more delay! Himself.
[no more delay] - All throughout the
history of man, God has delayed His
complete judgment on sin. But the
time has come for God to "stop the
ticking of the clock" for the earth,
the sea, and man himself will now
receive God's last phase of wrath--
the seventh trumpet.
REV 10:7 But in the days when the [mystery of God] - God's divine pur-
seventh angel is about to sound his pose in history for mankind. Jesus
trumpet, the mystery of God will be is the "Mystery of God" in COL 2:2,
accomplished, just as he announced and Israel's final destiny is the
to his servants the prophets." "mystery" in ROM 11:25. When the
seventh trumpet is sounded then God
unfolds the last part of the mystery.
REV 10:8 Then the voice that I had
heard from heaven spoke to me once
more: "Go, take the scroll that
lies open in the hand of the angel
who is standing on the sea and on
the land."
REV 10:9 So I went to the angel [Take it and eat] - Similar to the
and asked him to give me the little scroll given to Ezekiel in EZE 2:8-
scroll. He said to me, "Take it and 3:3. It was a scroll of judgment
eat it. It will turn your stomach but tasted as sweet as honey.
sour, but in your mouth it will be
as sweet as honey."
REV 10:10 I took the little scroll [tasted sweet...stomach sour] - Here
from the angel's hand and ate it. the scroll is sweet because it is the
It tasted as sweet as honey in my Word of God (PSA 119:103), but is
mouth, but when I had eaten it, my also bitter because of the judgment
stomach turned sour. and woes it contains.
REV 10:11 Then I was told, "You [prophesy] - In EZE 2:8-3:3 we see
must prophesy again about many that after Ezekiel ate the scroll
peoples, nations, languages and with written words of lament and
kings." mourning and woe, he was to speak to
the people of Israel who were very
obstinate and hardened in their
hearts. In this verse John speaks
to everyone about the coming wrath,
which would also include the offer of
salvation from a loving and forgiving
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 11
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 11:1 I was given a reed like [reed] - Near the Jordan were many
a measuring rod and was told, "Go bamboo-like canes which were long and
and measure the temple of God and rigid, sometimes as long as 15 or 20
the altar, and count the worshipers feet, ideal for a measuring rod.
[Go and measure] - Gives clear
evidence of a literal temple that is
to be constructed before or during
the Tribulation Period. God measured
Jerusalem in Zechariah 2, the Temple
in EZE 40, and the New Jerusalem in
REV 21:15-17.
REV 11:2 But exclude the outer [outer court] - The court which is
court; do not measure it, because outside the temple would be the Court
it has been given to the Gentiles. of the Gentiles. It would be an
They will trample on the holy city uncovered yard outside of the temple.
for 42 months.
[do not measure it] - The new temple
is still a place of false worship
that the Jews have rebuilt to return
to sacrificial worship, which is no
longer acceptable to God because of
the finished work of Jesus Christ.
And the Jews still are excluding the
Gentiles from access to what the Jews
believe to be the truth.
[Gentiles... they will trample] - The
Bible always contrasts two peoples,
The Jews and the Gentiles. The
Gentiles include all those not born
of Jewish heritage and most Gentiles
are unbelievers. These unbelieving
Gentiles will dominate and rule over
[42 months] - Equates to a three-and-
one-half-year period or half of the
seven-year period of the Tribulation.
The chronology of events would place
the 42 months as the second half of
the Tribulation.
REV 11:3 And I will give power to [I will give power] - God commissions
my two witnesses, and they will two persons to speak in a very direct
prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in way to the world.
[1260 days] - 42 Months or three-and-
one half years (Bible uses 30 day
months and 360 day years).
[sackcloth] - Rough garb of the
ancient prophets made of fabric from
sacks and usually dark in color. This
garb was especially suited to be worn
as a mourning garment.
REV 11:4 These are the two olive [olive trees] - Source of olive oil
trees and the two lampstands that that is burned in lamps and used to
stand before the Lord of the earth. represent the Word of God. In ZEC
4:3, 11, 14, we see the same picture
The Spirit used the symbols of the
trees and the lamps to represent two
prophets He will cause to testify on
the earth in the spirit and power of
Moses and Elijah.
REV 11:5 If anyone tries to harm [fire...from their mouths] - Not real
them, fire comes from their mouths flames but rather the Word of God
and devours their enemies. This is spoken in judgment that will cause
how anyone who wants to harm them their would be assailants to be
must die. killed. See JER 5:14 for a clear
use of God's Word as fire.
REV 11:6 These men have power to [power to shut up sky] - They will
shut up the sky so that it will not like Elijah be able to prevent rain
rain during the time they are from falling to the earth (1KI 17:1).
prophesying; and they have power to
turn the waters into blood and to [turn the waters into blood] - This
strike the earth with every kind of is real blood given to a blood
plague as often as they want. thirsty world. This same judgment
is seen in EXO 7:19 when Moses turned
the waters of Egypt into blood.
[strike the earth...plague] - These
two men have a message to speak and
they will perform various miracles
of judgment to try to get an unsaved
world to believe, but because of the
hardness of men's heart, mankind will
refuse God's grace and simply receive
His righteous judgments.
REV 11:7 Now when they have [finished their testimony] - In 11:3
finished their testimony, the beast we learned that the period of their
that comes up from the Abyss will testimony will be three-and-one-half
attack them, and overpower and kill years.
[beast] - The Abyss is the place for
the very wicked demons and one of
them, referred to as the beast, will
inhabit a man, most likely the one
who will assist the Antichrist (see
REV 13:11).
[attack...kill them] - God removed
his protection from the two witnesses
because His purposes had been ful-
REV 11:8 Their bodies will lie in [bodies will lie] - Literally they
the street of the great city, which will be killed as they were speaking
is figuratively called Sodom and God's truth publicly and then left
Egypt, where also their Lord was on the street.
[great city] - Clearly it is the City
of Jerusalem for it is where our
sweet and lovely Savior died for our
wickedness. By the time of the
Tribulation Jerusalem has become very
wicked, even earning the name Sodom
and being likened to Egypt, a country
of oppression and slavery.
REV 11:9 For three and a half days [three and a half days] - Literal
men from every people, tribe, time when the bodies were simply left
language and nation will gaze on on the streets to decay because of
their bodies and refuse them hatred of the two prophets by the
burial. unbelieving world.
[every...nation gaze] - Every people,
tribe, language, and nation gaze or
watch the bodies for three and a half
days. This means the whole world can
see the bodies, which could be easily
accomplished by satellite TV.
REV 11:10 The inhabitants of the [gloat...celebrate] - The world has a
earth will gloat over them and will fiendish glee over the death of those
celebrate by sending each other who preached words of judgment and
gifts, because these two prophets performed such dreadful miracles.
had tormented those who live on the
earth. [sending each other gifts] - What a
sick and wicked world that would kill
God's prophets and then give gifts to
celebrate the occasion.
REV 11:11 But after the three and [But] - God will now stop the sick
a half days a breath of life from rejoicing of sinful man.
God entered them, and they stood on
their feet, and terror struck those [breath of life entered them] - Jesus
who saw them. does the same to the two witnesses as
He did for Lazarus who was dead for
about the same length of time, He
brought them back to life, creating
new flesh and organs to replace those
already destroyed by three plus days
of decay.
[stood on their feet] - They did not
simply start breathing again as they
laid there, rather they had full
strength, just like many who were
healed in the the New Testament days.
[terror struck...who saw] - While the
wicked was rejoicing over the deaths
of God's anointed and opening their
presents as they watch the corpses on
International TV, suddenly the bodies
began to move and then stand up! The
wicked then knew these were God's
prophets and terror "set in" as they
fearfully awaited Divine Judgment.
REV 11:12 Then they heard a loud [Come up here] - Jesus commands them
voice from heaven saying to them, to "Come up to Heaven" and their
"Come up here." And they went up to resurrected bodies simply "lifted"
heaven in a cloud, while their off of the earth and most likely
enemies looked on. ascended slowly to "capture" the
REV 11:13 At that very hour there [terrified and gave glory] - This is
was a severe earthquake and a tenth not a turning from sin in faith to
of the city collapsed. Seven God, but rather they are simply
thousand people were killed in the compelled by overriding terror to
earthquake, and the survivors were recognize that God is to be feared
terrified and gave glory to the God and glorified.
of heaven.
REV 11:14 The second woe has [second woe] - The sixth trumpet
passed; the third woe is coming (9:12) with the two episodes attached
soon. (10:1-11:13).
[third woe] - The seventh trumpet
which includes the seven bowls of
God's wrath (16:1).
REV 11:15 The seventh angel [world has become kingdom] - With the
sounded his trumpet, and there were third woe come the final judgments
loud voices in heaven, which said: which open the way for the Glorious
"The kingdom of the world has Kingdom of Christ.
become the kingdom of our Lord and
of his Christ, and he will reign
for ever and ever."
REV 11:16 And the twenty-four See REV 4:4 and 4:9-11
elders, who were seated on their
thrones before God, fell on their
faces and worshiped God,
REV 11:17 saying: "We give thanks [great power] - Points to the final
to you, Lord God Almighty, the One conflict in which God overpowers all
who is and who was, because you of His enemies.
have taken your great power and
have begun to reign.
REV 11:18 The nations were angry; [nation were angry] - They were
and your wrath has come. The time defiant in their anger towards God.
has come for judging the dead, and
for rewarding your servants the [wrath has come] - God has been
prophets and your saints and those storing up wrath for generations to
who reverence your name, both small be poured out during the end times.
and great--and for destroying those
who destroy the earth." [judging the dead] - This takes place
at the Great White Throne in REV 20:
11-15. This is only for the wicked
dead, because the redeemed have
already been judged at the cross.
[rewarding...saints] - REV 21:1-4,
REV 11:19 Then God's temple in [temple in heaven] - The sanctuary
heaven was opened, and within his of God in heaven. The temples built
temple was seen the ark of his on earth by Moses and Solomon was in
covenant. And there came flashes of likeness to the Sanctuary in Heaven
lightning, rumblings, peals of to include the Ark.
thunder, an earthquake and a great
hailstorm. This last verse pictures the love
and faithfulness of God as He reveals
His Ark of His Covenant, the promises
to His children. Likewise, the latter
part of the verse shows the wrath
being poured out on His enemies.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 12
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 12:1 A great and wondrous [heaven] - This is the sky rather
sign appeared in heaven: a woman than the abode of God and the Angels.
clothed with the sun, with the moon Evidence of this is the fact that in
under her feet and a crown of 12:4 stars are flung from heaven to
twelve stars on her head. the earth.
[woman] - This is not Mary the
earthly mother of Jesus but rather
a woman used as a symbol to represent
the nation Israel. In the OT the
image of a woman is a classical
symbol for Zion, Jerusalem, and
[clothed with the sun] - Display of
the glory and brilliance of her Lord
that she wears as a garment of
righteousness. Would have appeared
with the dazzling brightness of light
for a garment, meaning that her
clothes would have been glowing with
the intensity of sunlight.
[moon under her feet] - Could speak
of the permanence of Israel, see
PSA 72:5; 89:37. In Song of Solomon
the moon is added to bring more
beauty to the scene (SON 6:10).
[twelve stars] - May be an allusion
to the twelve tribes of Israel.
REV 12:2 She was pregnant and [pregnant...about to give birth] -
cried out in pain as she was about The whole scene is to picture the
to give birth. birth of the Messiah and the hidden
events that had taken place.
REV 12:3 Then another sign [enormous red dragon] - The dragon is
appeared in heaven: an enormous red identified in REV 12:9 as Satan. The
dragon with seven heads and ten description here makes it clear that
horns and seven crowns on his it is not meant to be a real seven-
heads. headed creature with ten horns, but
rather to serve as a symbol used to
more clearly communicate what God
would have us understand about the
role of the devil and his forces in
relationship to Israel.
[red] - The color red may indicate
the murderous characteristics of
Satan and his demons.
[seven heads, ten horns, seven
crowns] - These features are very
similar to the descriptions found in
REV 13:1 and DAN 7:7-8, 24. It is a
clear reference to the Antichrist and
the revived Roman Empire.
The seven heads and ten horns refer
to the original ten kingdoms of which
three were subdued by the little horn
of Daniel 7:8, who is to be
identified with the world ruler of
the great tribulation (the
Antichrist) who reigns over the
revived Roman Empire (United Europe?)
REV 12:4 His tail swept a third of [tail swept] - This passage gives
the stars out of the sky and flung insight of the great deceiving power
them to the earth. The dragon stood of Satan in that he is shown to cause
in front of the woman who was about one-third of the angels to "fall"
to give birth, so that he might from Heaven and become demons serving
devour her child the moment it was the father of lies.
[devour her child] - The child of the
nation Israel was Jesus, the Messiah,
and Satan's one aim was to devour or
destroy the child. He tried through
Herod to destroy the Baby Jesus, also
by deception in attempts to tempt the
Christ in the desert, and of course
Satan's greatest effort to destroy
the child must certainly be the
REV 12:5 She gave birth to a son, [rule...iron scepter] - As a shepherd
a male child, who will rule all the defends his flock against the wild
nations with an iron scepter. And beasts of prey, so will Christ at His
her child was snatched up to God return strike the nations which
and to his throne. oppress and persecute His people (see
also REV 2:27 and 19:15).
[snatched up to God] - Satan's evil
plans were foiled by the successful
completion of Christ's ministry,
which culminated in His death,
resurrection, and ascension (see
Philippians 2:5-11).
REV 12:6 The woman fled into the [woman fled into the desert] - The
desert to a place prepared for her woman is the nation Israel which at
by God, where she might be taken this point in the Tribulation Period
care of for 1,260 days. sought refuge in the desert area. It
can be assumed that only those of
Israel who have become Christians are
included, for Satan has no reason to
attack those already deceived.
[1,260 days] - Equals three and one
half years. Appears that for the
first half of the Tribulation Israel
lives in relative safety, but when
the last half begins, Israel must
literally "run for her life."
REV 12:7 And there was war in [war in heaven] - A real battle takes
heaven. Michael and his angels place in the heavens, with Michael
fought against the dragon, and the the Archangel and the Holy Angels
dragon and his angels fought back. fighting Satan and the Demons. The
actual battle did not take place in
the bliss of the Third Heaven, but
in the heavenly realms (EPH 6:12).
The battle was in our atmosphere (1st
Heaven) and possibly in outer space
(2nd Heaven). God's timetable is
exact and Michael attacks Satan to
remove Satan and the demons from any
near access to God.
REV 12:8 But he was not strong Satan is powerful, but not greater
enough, and they lost their place than Michael nor the power that is
in heaven. within us (1JO 4:4).
[lost their place in heaven] - It
is obvious that Satan and the demons
fell into sin prior to the creation
of mankind, however, the evil one
still had a limited access to God as
evident in the events surrounding
Job's life (JOB 1:6-8). God allowed
this partial access to serve His
overall purpose.
REV 12:9 The great dragon was [hurled down] - It is the beginning
hurled down--that ancient serpent of the end for the evil one and the
called the devil, or Satan, who demons. Jesus saw this day coming
leads the whole world astray. He when in Luke 10:18 He said, "I saw
was hurled to the earth, and his Satan fall like lightning from
angels with him. heaven!" Satan's main habitat from
this point on is the planet earth.
[leads whole world astray] - We must
remember that this world is under the
direct influence of the wicked one
and his demons. The unbeliever is
blind and deceived by Satan, yet
fully responsible for their sins.
REV 12:10 Then I heard a loud [Now have come] - The casting of the
voice in heaven say: "Now have come devil to the earth is part of the
the salvation and the power and the last events that have to take place
kingdom of our God, and the in order to return the earth and all
authority of his Christ. For the creation to the peaceful rule of the
accuser of our brothers, who Lord Jesus Christ.
accuses them before our God day and
night, has been hurled down. [accuser] - For thousands of years
of mankind's existence on earth, the
devil has been accusing us before God
similar to the accusation that Job
only loved God because of what God
could do for him (Job 1:9-11).
REV 12:11 They overcame him by the [They overcame him] - These are the
blood of the Lamb and by the word accused of Satan. The devil tries
of their testimony; they did not to deny God glory by pointing out the
love their lives so much as to weaknesses of the flesh of God's own.
shrink from death. But because of the blood of the Lamb
and their testimony they died rather
than ever deny their Savior. Thus,
Satan is again proved a liar.
REV 12:12 Therefore rejoice, you [rejoice...heavens] - The evil one
heavens and you who dwell in them! is grounded and must now carry out
But woe to the earth and the sea, his wicked deeds from the earth and
because the devil has gone down to and sea. The heavens rejoice, which
you! He is filled with fury, would include the Holy Angels that
because he knows that his time is transit the heavenlies as they carry
short." out the will of God.
[knows that his time is short] - The
devil understands history and the
revealed plan of God and thus could
see that "his days are numbered" (see
MAT 8:29).
[filled with fury] - Satan is very
aware that he is beaten and all hopes
of overthrowing the Trinity have
faded, and thus he is extremely angry
at God and His people. Since Satan
cannot destroy God, he now turns his
full wrath on the Apple of God's Eye
REV 12:13 When the dragon saw that [pursued the woman] - Israel REV 12:1
he had been hurled to the earth, he
pursued the woman who had given
birth to the male child.
REV 12:14 The woman was given the [woman was given] - Israel is unable
two wings of a great eagle, so that to withstand the attack of Satan, so
she might fly to the place prepared God comes to her aid.
for her in the desert, where she
would be taken care of for a time, [two wings of a great eagle] - A
times and half a time, out of the symbol of the fact that God moved
serpent's reach. the remnant of Israel that loves
Jesus to safety in the desert. The
idea in the verse is that the people
of Israel were literally flown to
safety. It has been noted by some
that the phrase "two wings of a great
eagle" could refer to two Airlift
Wings (60-80 Transport Aircraft) of
the country represented by a Great
Eagle--America. This would be a very
plausible way of moving the numbers
involved here.
[time, times, half a time] - Means
one plus two plus one half, thus
three and one half, the same period
as found in REV 12:6.
REV 12:15 Then from his mouth the [spewed water like a river] - The
serpent spewed water like a river, place of safety in the desert must
to overtake the woman and sweep her be relatively close to a large body
away with the torrent. of water of some type, for Satan
tries to drown out God's saved people
by releasing millions of gallons of
water trying to cause flash flooding.
REV 12:16 But the earth helped the [earth...opening its mouth] - Jesus
woman by opening its mouth and commands the earth to split open and
swallowing the river that the swallow the "devil-made river" which
dragon had spewed out of his mouth. protects Israel's saved remnant.
REV 12:17 Then the dragon was [dragon was enraged] - With each new
enraged at the woman and went off defeat Satan becomes more enraged.
to make war against the rest of her He now turns to attack all Christians
offspring--those who obey God's wherever he can find them.
commandments and hold to the
testimony of Jesus.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 13
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 13:1 And the dragon stood on [dragon] - REV 12:3, 9 identify the
the shore of the sea. And I saw a dragon as Satan. In the last verse
beast coming out of the sea. He had of Chapter 12 we saw Satan enraged
ten horns and seven heads, with ten at Israel and going off to destroy
crowns on his horns, and on each the rest of God's people-- the
head a blasphemous name. remaining Jewish Christians and all
the Gentile Believers. The devil
now summons the rest of his "unholy
trinity" to help him in his efforts
to destroy God's people.
[beast] - This is the symbol used
for the description of the coming
Antichrist and his kingdom--the
revived Roman Empire.
[coming out of the sea] - Satan calls
the Antichrist from the sea which has
possible significance in that the sea
of prominence to John would have been
the Mediterranean, indicating that
the Antichrist would come from that
[ten horns, seven heads] - Beast has
the same number of horns and heads as
the Red Dragon (Satan) of REV 12:3
and similar to the descriptions found
in DAN 7:7-8, 24. It is a another
clear reference to the Antichrist and
the revived Roman Empire.
The seven heads are a symbol of the
seven hills of the city of Rome (see
REV 17:9) from which the Antichrist
will most likely establish his throne
during this time. The heads also are
used to represent the kings of past
and future of this world empire (REV
The ten horns refer to the original
ten kingdoms of the old Roman Empire
of which three were subdued by the
little horn of Daniel 7:8, who is to
be identified with the world ruler of
the great tribulation (Antichrist)
who reigns over the revived Roman
Empire (United Europe?), see REV
[ten crowns on his horns] - Initially
the Antichrist will come to power
over the ten nations of the old
empire and this seems to be somewhat
of a peaceful takeover, but later he
overthrows three nations and becomes
a dictator in total control (see DAN
7:7-8 and REV 17:12-13).
[blasphemous name] - Shows the nature
of the Antichrist and his kingdom as
being directly opposed to God by
assuming titles of deity much like
the former kings, such as, Augustus
who allowed his eastern subjects to
pay him divine honors and Nero who
was referred to as the Savior of the
REV 13:2 The beast I saw resembled [leopard, bear, lion] - Daniel 7
a leopard, but had feet like those shows that the successive world
of a bear and a mouth like that of empires are described as the lion,
a lion. The dragon gave the beast referring to Babylon, the bear,
his power and his throne and great referring to Medo-Persia, and the
authority. leopard, referring to the Greek
Empire. The fourth empire is a
combination of the previous three
and is the Roman Empire which we
see revived as the kingdom of the
[dragon gave...power] - It is clear
that Satan is the driving force
behind the Antichrist and the World
System. But we must always bear in
mind that Satan is on a leash which
Jesus holds in His hand. The devil
can only have as much power as the
Lord will allow for His purposes.
REV 13:3 One of the heads of the [fatal wound...healed] - In keeping
beast seemed to have had a fatal with the idea that the heads are
wound, but the fatal wound had been kings of the Roman Empire (REV 17:9)
healed. The whole world was it could be that the Antichrist is
astonished and followed the beast. killed but raised to life by Satan in
order to deceive the world by trying
to "upstage" the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
[world astonished] - Truly if some
world leader would be killed and then
somehow raised to life by some great
power, then the entire world would
follow after him because it would be
their desire to have that power to
help satisfy their needs. One must
remember that the world does not want
the true power of God because of the
cost involved--the turning from sin
and the yielding of one's life to the
true Savior.
REV 13:4 Men worshiped the dragon [worshiped the dragon] - This has
because he had given authority to always been the goal of Satan to take
the beast, and they also worshiped glory from God so that he may receive
the beast and asked, "Who is like worship. Satan lost his position as
the beast? Who can make war against the greatest of all angels because of
him?" his desire to usurp God (see ISA
14:13-14). In Matthew 4:9 we see the
wicked one trying to get Jesus to bow
down and worship him.
[who is like the beast?] - The world
is greatly deceived at this point
believing that the Antichrist and the
revived Roman Empire are the solution
to all the world's problems. They
think there is no other force that
can overthrow this great power. But
they do not realize that the problem
with the world is sin and the mighty
Savior Jesus Christ will come and
destroy the entire evil world system.
REV 13:5 The beast was given a [beast given a mouth] - The spokesman
mouth to utter proud words and for the World Government is the
blasphemies and to exercise his Antichrist and he is given what to
authority for forty-two months. say by Satan the Father of Lies. For
three and a half years (42 months) he
boasts of his power and glory.
REV 13:6 He opened his mouth to [blaspheme...slander] - The words of
blaspheme God, and to slander his the Antichrist are directed towards
name and his dwelling place and God and His Kingdom. He hates all
those who live in heaven. that is good and pure.
REV 13:7 He was given power to [he was given power] - Just as God
make war against the saints and to gave Satan the power to harm Job in
conquer them. And he was given order to show to all that Job's
authority over every tribe, people, love was not based on greed, so here
language and nation. the saints will be given a chance to
testify by their deaths of their
devotion and love for Christ.
REV 13:8 All inhabitants of the [All inhabitants...worship beast] -
earth will worship the beast--all Every unbeliever worships the beast
whose names have not been written who is the Antichrist. But all the
in the book of life belonging to people who were elected for salvation
the Lamb that was slain from the before the earth was formed refuse
creation of the world. to worship the beast. No longer are
there the non-religious and the
religious in the world, for the one
world government demands worship as
a deity.
[book of life] - A book that has all
the names of those who were elected
by the sovereign choice of God for
salvation before the earth began.
[slain from the creation] - Jesus was
slain at the same time the Christians
were elected. Before there was an
earth or any man created God saw that
all men and women He would create in
the future, would reject Him, so in
love He planned for His own death, in
order, that He could save a remnant
for His glory. And what God plans
to do can be considered accomplished
because no power can stop Him.
REV 13:9 He who has an ear, let God now exhorts all readers to give
him hear. these verses their special attention.
They must listen to what the Spirit
of God is saying to them.
REV 13:10 If anyone is to go into God is calling the Christian to
captivity, into captivity he will display faith and patience in the
go. If anyone is to be killed with face of divinely permitted pre-
the sword, with the sword he will dominance of evil. The faithful in
be killed. This calls for patient Christ are assured that their
endurance and faithfulness on the captivity and martyrdom are in
part of the saints. Christ's will. Some believers will
be put into prison because of their
faith while others will be killed for
their allegiance to Christ.
REV 13:11 Then I saw another [another beast] - Just as the true
beast, coming out of the earth. He Messiah had a forerunner who pointed
had two horns like a lamb, but he others to Him, so also the Antichrist
spoke like a dragon. will have his own prophet, but one
that is a deceiver.
[out of the earth] - In contrast to
coming out of the sea, the second
beast's origin is not important,
out of the earth (mass of humanity)
versus the possible significance of
coming from a particular area (see
REV 13:1).
[two horns like a lamb] - The beast
has an innocent and harmless appear-
ance. It has two little horns like
a small pet lamb that appears very
[he spoke like a dragon] - This false
prophet appears harmless and gentle
but when he speaks he is as dreadful
as a dragon. In fact, he speaks like
his father the dragon himself--the
REV 13:12 He exercised all the [authority of the first beast] - He
authority of the first beast on his carries out the desires of the first
behalf, and made the earth and its beast (Antichrist) and speaks in his
inhabitants worship the first name, much like the prophets of God
beast, whose fatal wound had been spoke with His authority.
[made...worship] - His task was to
make the world system (earth) and all
the earth's people (inhabitants) to
worship the Antichrist. Satan is
trying to mimic John the Baptist who
was to get the people to turn and to
worship the true Lamb of God -- Jesus
[fatal wound...healed] - See REV 13:3
REV 13:13 And he performed great [he performed...miraculous] - Satan
and miraculous signs, even causing has his prophets perform deceiving
fire to come down from heaven to miracles throughout the history of
earth in full view of men. mankind (DEU 13:1-5; MAT 7:22; 24:24;
MAR 13:22, 2TH 2:9).
[fire from heaven] - The priests of
Baal could not bring fire down from
heaven because God was showing the
world that there was only one true
God--The God of Elijah. Yet here we
see Satan given the power to cause
real fire to come out of heaven.
God has promised that the wicked
will, "perish because they refused
to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a
powerful delusion so that they will
believe the lie and so that all will
be condemned who have not believed
the truth but have delighted in
wickedness" (2TH 2:10-12).
REV 13:14 Because of the signs he [the signs...deceived] - Satan
was given power to do on behalf of deceives the unbelieving world by
the first beast, he deceived the making them think his miracles were
inhabitants of the earth. He by the power of the devil, when in
ordered them to set up an image in fact it was by the power of God, in
honor of the beast who was wounded order to keep the unbeliever deceived
by the sword and yet lived. because they first refused to love
the truth about Jesus (2TH 2:10-12).
[set up an image] - God has declared
that man will not set up an image or
worship idols, yet Satan continues to
defy God. The false prophet uses the
fact of the resurrection of the first
beast (Antichrist) to be a cause of
worship and adoration.
REV 13:15 He was given power to [given power] - From Satan to the
give breath to the image of the false prophet but ultimately from God
first beast, so that it could speak to continue the earned delusion (2TH
and cause all who refused to 2:10-12).
worship the image to be killed.
[give breath] - Either the statue of
the Antichrist "comes alive" (which
seems unlikely) or through some more
deception he makes the idol appear to
be alive and speak. The technology
does in fact exist today for such a
feat (i.e. Disneyworld's Hall of the
[refused to worship] - The statue
commands that anyone who refuses to
worship it will be killed. It appears
to be very convincing, most likely,
after the first few folks "laughed it
off" and were killed the rest took it
REV 13:16 He also forced everyone, [forced everyone] - No person was
small and great, rich and poor, allowed to be free, for all must show
free and slave, to receive a mark allegiance to the Antichrist and his
on his right hand or on his government by receiving the "mark."
[mark..hand or forehead] - The evil
one cleverly finds a way to show
allegiance--"The Mark." It could
be visible or invisible to the naked
eye, but would be effective in
determining who the Christians were.
REV 13:17 so that no one could buy [buy or sell] - All commerce would
or sell unless he had the mark, depend solely on whether you had the
which is the name of the beast or mark or not. Imagine our materialis-
the number of his name. tic society saying no to the mark and
thereby being unable to buy food or
any of their "wants."
REV 13:18 This calls for wisdom. [wisdom...insight] - This verse seems
If anyone has insight, let him to indicate that the reader could in
calculate the number of the beast, fact identify who the Antichrist is
for it is man's number. His number by a proper understanding of the
is 666. number 666. However, no one since
the writing of this book has been
able to discover the meaning of the
number. Some scholars note that in
both the Hebrew and the Greek
language the letters also have
numerical equivalents, therefore they
surmise that the Antichrist's name
will add up to the number 666.
Since different names can equal the
same total of 666 it would be next
to impossible to know his real name
until he is revealed. In 2TH 2:3-7
we learn that the man of lawlessness
will not be revealed until the Holy
Spirit's special presence on earth
(the Church) is removed by the event
called the rapture. Therefore, one
would waste their time trying to
determine who the Antichrist is.
God's Word will again be proved true
when the revealed Antichrist's name
adds up to the sum "666."
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 14
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 14:1 Then I looked, and there [I looked] - In bold contrast John
before me was the Lamb, standing on sees the gentle and pure Lamb rather
Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 than the ugly and evil dragon and
who had his name and his Father's beasts of chapter 13.
name written on their foreheads.
[the Lamb] - The Lamb of God, Jesus
[standing on Mount Zion] - We saw in
REV 13:1 that Satan was standing on
on the shifting sands of the seashore
but here the King of the Universe is
standing on Mount Zion!
[Mount Zion] - A sacred place known
for its divine deliverance (see JOEL
[144,000] - These are the same group
of Jewish born believers found in
REV 7. They were evangelists that
were ordained by God to carry the
message of Salvation throughout the
Tribulation Period.
[written on their foreheads] - The
followers of the Antichrist have a
"mark" on their forehead or right
hand (REV 13:16). But the followers
of the Pure and True God have the
name of the Lamb and of the Father on
their foreheads to display the fact
that the 144,000 belong to both the
Father and the Son.
All believers will have inscribed on
them the Name of the Father and the
New Name of Christ according to REV
3:12. Just like a woman takes the
name of her husband as part of her
name so we will take the name of our
God as a permanent part of our new
REV 14:2 And I heard a sound from [sound from heaven] - John's point of
heaven like the roar of rushing reference seems to be the earth with
waters and like a loud peal of the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion.
thunder. The sound I heard was like The sound from heaven is very loud
that of harpists playing their and sounded like harps playing. The
harps. harpists could be angels or fellow
saints in heaven.
REV 14:3 And they sang a new song [they sang] - The 144,000 Jewish
before the throne and before the Evangelists standing on Mount Zion.
four living creatures and the
elders. No one could learn the song [new song] - There are numerous OT
except the 144,000 who had been references to the redeemed singing
redeemed from the earth. a new song (PSA 33:3; 40:3; 96:1;
144:9; 149:1; ISA 42:10). The new
song is like the new name (REV 2:17)
that is known only to its hearer.
The unbeliever with the old nature of
sin cannot learn the new song because
it is a song of redemption and
[learn the song] - The only persons
could learn the song are those who
have been redeemed from the earth.
In this verse the 144,000 are in view
and contrasted with the unsaved of
the earth.
REV 14:4 These are those who did [These] - The 144,000
not defile themselves with women,
for they kept themselves pure. They [not defile themselves with women] -
follow the Lamb wherever he goes. This is not to mean that they were
They were purchased from among men not married, for marriage does not
and offered as firstfruits to God defile anyone. These 144,000 men
and the Lamb. led pure lives and did not yield to
the seductions of the world. In our
age, sexual immorality is rampant,
but in the Tribulation Period it will
be much worse (REV 9:21).
[firstfruits] - After the Rapture
there were only Unbelievers on the
earth. Then God called 144,000 Jews
and gave them the faith to believe.
These were the firstfruits in that
they were the first of the many that
would be converted during these last
seven years before the Millennium.
REV 14:5 No lie was found in their [No lie] - Someone has said, "after
mouths; they are blameless. purity truthfulness is the most
distinctive mark of the followers of
REV 14:6 Then I saw another angel [another angel] - In addition to the
flying in midair, and he had the angels already seen (REV 8:2; 8:3;
eternal gospel to proclaim to those 10:1).
who live on the earth--to every
nation, tribe, language and people. [flying in midair] - Like the eagle
in REV 8:13 it flies in mid-air to be
seen and heard by all who dwell on
the earth. No one on the earth will
have an excuse for not hearing the
gospel message since God has an angel
broadcasting it from the heavens.
[eternal gospel] - It has never
changed throughout time, for the
Gospel has called mankind to fear,
honor, and worship the Creator. The
NT Gospel showed that the only way
it was possible to fear God and to
honor and worship Him was through the
free gift of faith, along with true
repentance, and submission to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ -- the Sweet
God of the Universe.
REV 14:7 He said in a loud voice, [He said in a loud voice] - The angel
"Fear God and give him glory, is flying in the sky and cannot be
because the hour of his judgment stopped by the evil forces of the
has come. Worship him who made the world because God is showing mercy
heavens, the earth, the sea and the and grace by offering, the rebellious
springs of water." of the earth, an opportunity to make
peace with God, rather than receive
the full force of His judgments.
[Worship Him who made] - COL 1:16
"For by Him all things were created:
things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether
thrones or powers or rulers or
authorities; all things were created
by Him and for Him." The Him of
course is the Lord Jesus Christ.
REV 14:8 A second angel followed [followed] - The second angel
and said, "Fallen! Fallen is followed the first and thus likewise
Babylon the Great, which made all flew in midair.
the nations drink the maddening
wine of her adulteries." [Fallen is Babylon] - The idea is
that Babylon's fall is still future
but it is so certain to happen that
the angel can announce it as fallen,
because no power can stop the fall
of Babylon.
Babylon is the name for the world
system that at this time is headed
by the city of Rome (See 1PE 5:13).
The ancient city of Babylon was the
religious and political capital of
of a world empire, renowned for its
luxury and moral corruption. Above
all it was the great enemy of the
people of God. For the early church
the city of Rome was a contemporary
[adulteries] - Primarily speaking of
the influence that Rome and the world
system has had on making mankind be
"unfaithful" to the true God. The
last world empire was the Roman
Empire and even though it fell, it
has left a tremendous influence on
world that earned it the title of
Babylon the Great.
REV 14:9 A third angel followed [If anyone worships] - Can you
them and said in a loud voice: "If imagine being on earth and seeing all
anyone worships the beast and his these mighty angels flying in midair
image and receives his mark on the giving warnings of coming judgments?
forehead or on the hand, The majority of mankind will not
respond to the message of the angels.
REV 14:10 he, too, will drink of [be tormented] - This is a direct
the wine of God's fury, which has reference to the Lake of Fire, also
been poured full strength into the known as the Lake of Burning Sulfur
cup of his wrath. He will be (REV 20:10-15). God is very clear
tormented with burning sulfur in about the fact that those who fail
the presence of the holy angels and to receive His Grace will receive
of the Lamb. His Wrath. The torments are real
and forever.
[in the presence] - The King over
Hell (Lake of Fire) is the Lord Jesus
Christ. Satan is only one of the
prisoners there. Jesus and His
angels can and will observe the
torments being levied there.
REV 14:11 And the smoke of their [for ever and ever] - To understand
torment rises for ever and ever. what eternity is, then think of the
There is no rest day or night for fact, that when a person has been in
those who worship the beast and his Hell suffering torment and agony
image, or for anyone who receives (LUK 16:24) for 10,000 years, that at
the mark of his name." the end of the 10,000 years he has
just as much eternity left as he had
when he started. There is never any
parole boards for those in Hell.
REV 14:12 This calls for patient [patient endurance] - The pressure to
endurance on the part of the saints take the mark of the beast will be
who obey God's commandments and great, for no one can buy or sell nor
remain faithful to Jesus. secure a job without the mark. To be
a Christian will be extremely costly
for the individual and his family.
But Our Lord Jesus will empower His
believers during that time with a
special grace, much like the dying
grace given to Stephen during his
stoning (ACT 7:55).
REV 14:13 Then I heard a voice [who die...from now on] - These are
from heaven say, "Write: Blessed the Tribulation Martyrs that will be
are the dead who die in the Lord killed for their love of Jesus and
from now on." "Yes," says the their refusal to receive the mark and
Spirit, "they will rest from their to worship the beast.
labor, for their deeds will follow
them." [deeds will follow] - Their testimony
will not be forgotten, but will be
rewarded in heaven by their Savior
Jesus Christ.
REV 14:14 I looked, and there [like a son of man] - This is the
before me was a white cloud, and Exalted Lord Jesus Christ whom Daniel
seated on the cloud was one "like a had prophesied, "coming with the
son of man" with a crown of gold on clouds of heaven" (DAN 7:13). Jesus
his head and a sharp sickle in his used the term "Son of Man" of Himself
hand. in MAT 8:20.
[crown of gold] - The golden crown
or wreath given to a victor and this
designates Jesus Christ as the One
who has conquered and thereby won the
right to act in judgment.
REV 14:15 Then another angel came [another angel] - Not in reference to
out of the temple and called in a "one like a son of man," but rather
loud voice to him who was sitting to the continuing series of angelic
on the cloud, "Take your sickle and beings carrying out the will of God.
reap, because the time to reap has
come, for the harvest of the earth [out of the temple] - A reference to
is ripe." the immediate presence of God the
[Take your sickle] - This angel came
directly from the presence of God the
Father with a message for the Savior
to begin to reap the harvest of the
earth, for sin has run its full
course. There is no problem with an
angel giving a message to Jesus, for
it is a command direct from God the
REV 14:16 So he who was seated on [earth was harvested] - Most likely
the cloud swung his sickle over the Jesus harvested the remaining Saints
earth, and the earth was harvested. from the earth (the wheat).
REV 14:17 Another angel came out [another angel] - An angel of wrath
of the temple in heaven, and he too whom God has called for this moment.
had a sharp sickle. He too will do some harvesting, but
will bring in the tares.
REV 14:18 Still another angel, who [charge of the fire] - His special
had charge of the fire, came from task as assigned by the Lord. Could
the altar and called in a loud fires of judgment from heaven to
voice to him who had the sharp earth or the fires of Hell.
sickle, "Take your sharp sickle and
gather the clusters of grapes from [grapes from the earth's vine] - The
the earth's vine, because its context of the next verses infer that
grapes are ripe." this is a harvest of the wicked. The
time is most likely the judgment of
the nations outside the city of
REV 14:19 The angel swung his
sickle on the earth, gathered its
grapes and threw them into the
great winepress of God's wrath.
REV 14:20 They were trampled in [blood flowed...1,600 stadia] - The
the winepress outside the city, and distance would approximate 200 miles.
blood flowed out of the press, The literal meaning would be a divine
rising as high as the horses' bloodbath of judgment. God crushes
bridles for a distance of 1,600 the wicked so that their blood would
stadia. be up to the bridles of the horses
and would extend for 200 miles. This
would be a real lake of human blood.
Some people do not believe that this
is literal, but God has spoken very
specifically here and has the power
to bring the necessary numbers in the
area for a judgment that would crush
their bodies to ensure a lake of
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 15
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 15:1 I saw in heaven another [another great...sign] - Since the
great and marvelous sign: seven first chapter John has observed one
angels with the seven last plagues- amazing revelation after another.
-last, because with them God's
wrath is completed. [seven last plagues] - The anger of
God has been pent up until now, when
it is about to burst forth. These
plagues are the last warning God will
give to man. Mankind cannot say that
God failed to communicate His anger
over their sinful ways.
[wrath is completed] - These plagues
usher in the final phase of God's
judgment of mankind on earth.
REV 15:2 And I saw what looked [sea of glass] - Same glass that was
like a sea of glass mixed with fire seen by Moses in Exodus 24:10, "..and
and, standing beside the sea, those saw the God of Israel. Under His feet
who had been victorious over the was something like a pavement made of
beast and his image and over the sapphire, clear as the sky itself."
number of his name. They held harps This sea is before the throne of God
given them by God (REV 4:6) and simply speaks of His
great glory and majesty.
[mixed with fire] - Adds to the awe
of our Mighty God, speaking of divine
judgment proceeding from His precious
[those...victorious] - The martyred
dead that have been destroyed by the
beast and his followers. They would
not worship the beast or receive his
[held harps] - These instruments
were seen in the hands of the elders
in REV 5:8 and the 144,000 in 14:2.
Harps are an instrument that pleases
God and can be expected to be played
all through eternity in praise and
honor of His name.
REV 15:3 and sang the song of [song of Moses...Lamb] - The Song of
Moses the servant of God and the of Moses has been identified in the
song of the Lamb: "Great and following two sections of the Bible
marvelous are your deeds, Lord God EXO 15:1-8 and DEU 31:30-32:47. But
Almighty. Just and true are your here a new song is listed, and titled
ways, King of the ages. (REV 15:3-4) the Song of Moses and of
the Lamb.
This song is a song of praise to God
for His great and marvelous acts.
The song does not rejoice in the
judgment of God upon His enemies but
the righteousness of His great
redemptive acts.
REV 15:4 Who will not fear you, O
Lord, and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy. All nations
will come and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been
REV 15:5 After this I looked and [the temple] - The tabernacle of
in heaven the temple, that is, the Testimony. In the OT it was called
tabernacle of the Testimony, was the "tent of the testimony" and
opened. contained the ark with the stone
tablets from Sinai (NUM 17:7; 18:2;
EXO 32:15; DEU 10:5). It was the
place where God met with man.
This earthly tent was modeled after
a heavenly tabernacle where God
dwelled. In this verse, it represents
the very presence of God.
REV 15:6 Out of the temple came [Out...came] - Out of the presence of
the seven angels with the seven God came the seven angels. These are
plagues. They were dressed in same angels mentioned in 15:1.
clean, shining linen and wore
golden sashes around their chests. [shining linen] - Like the garments
of the saints, they represent the
righteousness and holiness of the
wearer. Their robes also denote the
nobleness and sacredness of their
[golden sashes] - These angels are
servants of the God of the Universe
and one would expect that they would
be adorned with precious garments.
The sash was used in both the OT and
NT times to hold up the long flowing
REV 15:7 Then one of the four [living creatures] - Guardians of the
living creatures gave to the seven Throne of God seen in (4:6; 5:6; 6:1;
angels seven golden bowls filled 7:11; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4) and they act
with the wrath of God, who lives as intermediaries between God and
for ever and ever. these avenging angels.
[bowls] - In REV 5:8 there were
golden bowls filled with incense
which represented the prayers of the
saints. God now answers these prayer
requests, for judgment upon sin and
"His Kingdom Come" by filling golden
bowls full of His wrath.
[wrath of God] - Our God is a Holy
and righteous God who must by His
nature punish sin and all who fail
to give Him the glory that He
deserves. Man can never "pay back"
to God for the wrong they have done
towards Him. Torment and agony for
ever and ever is what God has decided
will satisfy and yet even that never
will pay the price.
The wicked with their free wills have
willfully chosen to disobey God and
have refused His grace in order to
remain in their sin. The writer of
Hebrews said of God's wrath, "It is
a dreadful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God" (HEB 10:31).
REV 15:8 And the temple was filled [filled with smoke] - Symbolizes the
with smoke from the glory of God power and glory of God (EXO 19:18;
and from his power, and no one 40:34; ISA 6:4). The smoke here
could enter the temple until the reveals the presence of God and that
seven plagues of the seven angels He is glorifying Himself by judging
were completed. sin and a wicked world with the seven
last plagues.
[no one could enter] - The glory of
God was so dense and no one could
stop His final judgments for the time
for intercession is past.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 16
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 16:1 Then I heard a loud voice [the temple] - The tabernacle of
from the temple saying to the seven Testimony. In the OT it was called
angels, "Go, pour out the seven the "tent of the testimony" and
bowls of God's wrath on the earth." contained the ark with the stone
tablets from Sinai (NUM 17:7; 18:2;
EXO 32:15; DEU 10:5). It was the
place where God met with man.
This earthly temple was modeled after
a heavenly tabernacle where God
dwelled. In this verse, it represents
the very presence of God in Heaven.
[seven angels] - In REV 15:1 these
seven angels were identified as the
seven angels with the seven last
plagues. They bring God's final
phase of judgment to a close.
[bowls] - In REV 5:8 there were
golden bowls filled with incense
which represented the prayers of the
saints. God now answers these prayer
requests, for judgment upon sin and
"His Kingdom Come" by filling golden
bowls full of His wrath.
REV 16:2 The first angel went and [poured on the land] - The Apostle
poured out his bowl on the land, John sees the first angel tip his
and ugly and painful sores broke bowl and pour its contents on the
out on the people who had the mark land (vice the sea REV 16:3).
of the beast and worshiped his
image. [sores] - This is a very similar
plague to the one God caused to fall
upon the Egyptians in EXO 9:9-11,
where festering boils broke out. The
Christians alive at this point in the
Tribulation Period are exempt from
being "marked" by the boils because
they refused the mark of the beast
(see REV 13:16).
It is interesting to note that many
countries presently have canisters
and missiles loaded with Chemical
Agents which will cause painful
blisters to appear on mankind. They
are intended for use on the enemy in
a time of war. God may actually use
man's chemical weapons to effect His
REV 16:3 The second angel poured [on the sea] - This judgment is upon
out his bowl on the sea, and it the waters of the sea.
turned into blood like that of a
dead man, and every living thing in [blood like...a dead man] - This is
the sea died. not like the bright red blood that
appears from a fresh cut on the skin,
rather, it is the coagulated and
rotting blood of a dead man.
[every living thing...died] - Because
of the blood all the creatures of the
sea died.
REV 16:4 The third angel poured [rivers, springs...became blood] -
out his bowl on the rivers and After a span of time, God then caused
springs of water, and they became the rest of the earth's waters to be
blood. turned to blood. When only the seas
were blood man still had drinking
water, but now all water was turned
into the rotting blood of a dead man.
REV 16:5 Then I heard the angel in [angel in charge of the waters] -
charge of the waters say: "You are Appears that certain angels are given
just in these judgments, you who particular assignments. In REV 7:1
are and who were, the Holy One, we saw angels in charge of the winds,
because you have so judged; in 14:18 we saw an angel in charge of
the fire, and of course the angel
Michael given the charge over Israel
(DAN 12:1).
REV 16:6 for they have shed the [blood to drink] - God has issued a
blood of your saints and prophets, a punishment tailored to fit the
and you have given them blood to crime, for the wicked had poured out
drink as they deserve." the blood of the saints and now
receive blood to drink. Since they
liked blood they now can drink it in
lieu of water.
REV 16:7 And I heard the altar [the altar respond] - Most likely the
respond: "Yes, Lord God Almighty, voices are the saints under the altar
true and just are your judgments." as seen in REV 6:9-10, for the blood
judgments would be a direct answer to
their "cries" of REV 6:10.
[just] - No one can fault God for His
judgments being too harsh when seen
in the light that He offered Grace
and Mercy to them first, but they
refused to repent, believe, and
submit to Jesus Christ.
REV 16:8 The fourth angel poured [scorch people] - Fire is commonly
out his bowl on the sun, and the connected with judgment in Scripture
sun was given power to scorch (DEU 28:22; 1CO 3:13; 2PE 3:7). Here
people with fire. the sun's power is greatly increased
to the point where people on the
earth a burn as with a fire.
REV 16:9 They were seared by the [cursed...refused to repent] - The
intense heat and they cursed the people on the earth are aware of the
name of God, who had control over source of the judgments, yet they
these plagues, but they refused to willfully chose to curse God rather
repent and glorify him. than cry out for forgiveness.
REV 16:10 The fifth angel poured [plunged into darkness] - Just like
out his bowl on the throne of the the ninth Egyptian plague (EXO 10:21-
beast, and his kingdom was plunged 29), it was a darkness that could be
into darkness. Men gnawed their felt and no one could see anyone else
tongues in agony nor be able to leave their place. I
would imagine that not only did God
cause the Sun to go black, but like-
wise all batteries and lighting would
also fail, in order to make God's
judgment complete.
REV 16:11 and cursed the God of [pains and sores] - The suffering
heaven because of their pains and from the previous judgments are
their sores, but they refused to cumulative and make the curse of the
repent of what they had done. searing heat and darkness all the
more severe.
[refuse to repent] - They will not
repent of their sins and therefore
will face the full force of the
wrath of God for an eternity.
REV 16:12 The sixth angel poured [water dried up] - Similar to the
out his bowl on the great river time when God dried up the Red Sea
Euphrates, and its water was dried to save the Jews from Pharaoh (EXO
up to prepare the way for the kings 14:21) and the drying of the Jordan
from the East. (during flood stage) in JOS 3:14-17).
Here, the Euphrates is dried up to
allow a devastating army cross over
into Israel.
[kings from the East] - This is the
same 200 million man army of REV
9:16. Many of the judgments actually
occur simultaneously even though they
are revealed separately.
REV 16:13 Then I saw three evil [looked like frogs] - Interesting to
spirits that looked like frogs; note that Satan is said to look like
they came out of the mouth of the a snake, these evil spirits like
dragon, out of the mouth of the frogs, but the Holy Spirit looks like
beast and out of the mouth of the a dove.
false prophet.
[out of the mouth] - These three evil
spirits come from the unholy trinity,
namely, Satan, the Antichrist, and
the false prophet.
REV 16:14 They are spirits of [gather them] - They go to the kings
demons performing miraculous signs, and cause them to desire to go to war
and they go out to the kings of the by working in their hearts. They
whole world, to gather them for the bring them together for that last
battle on the great day of God battle fought by mankind.
REV 16:15 "Behold, I come like a Jesus interrupts the description of
thief! Blessed is he who stays the end time events, to remind all
awake and keeps his clothes with peoples the need to stay awake, by
him, so that he may not go naked continuing in the faith and being
and be shamefully exposed." steadfast, being dressed with the
robes of righteousness (REV 3:18,
REV 16:16 Then they gathered the [Armageddon] - Located in the Valley
kings together to the place that in of Megiddo. One of the world's most
Hebrew is called Armageddon. famous battlefields.
REV 16:17 The seventh angel poured [It is done] - God has begun the
out his bowl into the air, and out grand finale, for His judgments are
of the temple came a loud voice almost complete.
from the throne, saying, "It is
REV 16:18 Then there came flashes
of lightning, rumblings, peals of
thunder and a severe earthquake. No
earthquake like it has ever
occurred since man has been on
earth, so tremendous was the quake.
REV 16:19 The great city split [great city] - Most likely it is the
into three parts, and the cities of city of Rome, the new Babylon, and
the nations collapsed. God seat of the Antichrist.
remembered Babylon the Great and
gave her the cup filled with the [cities of the nations] - All the
wine of the fury of his wrath. major cities of the world are
destroyed by this earthquake, such
as, Paris, London, New York, Denver,
Chicago, Atlanta, Washington D.C.,
Los Angeles, Dallas, Shreveport,
Indianapolis, etc.
REV 16:20 Every island fled away [island fled away] - All the islands
and the mountains could not be disappeared, and only the mainlands
found. were left. Even the mountains were
made flat because of this earthquake.
REV 16:21 From the sky huge [hailstones] - Imagine 100 pound
hailstones of about a hundred hailstones falling from the skies!
pounds each fell upon men. And they What roof could withstand such force?
cursed God on account of the plague Many men and animals would surely
of hail, because the plague was so have died.
[cursed God] - Instead of crying out
for forgiveness, repenting of their
sins, the unsaved people cursed God.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 17
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 17:1 One of the seven angels [seven angels...bowls] - See REV 15:1
who had the seven bowls came and and 15:7.
said to me, "Come, I will show you
the punishment of the great [great prostitute] - Defined in REV
prostitute, who sits on many 17:18, "The the great
waters. city that rules over the earth." The
great city is best understood, in the
last days of the earth, as Rome.
Actually, it was the ancient city of
Babylon, that had the first major
worldwide influence for evil. This
influence impacted such areas as:
government, politics, commerce,
education, art, manufacture, labor,
amusement, etc. Eventually, Rome, as
the last world empire became the
symbol for the Babylonian system
which is opposed to the ways of God.
[sits on many waters] - REV 17:15
defines the waters, "The waters....
where the prostitute sits, are
peoples, multitudes, nations and
languages." During these last years
of the Tribulation Period it will be
the city of Rome which will be the
capital city of the world and will
have great power and influence over
the entire earth, leading it into
spiritual and physical adulteries.
REV 17:2 With her the kings of the [kings of the earth] - Represents all
earth committed adultery and the the nations of the earth that have
inhabitants of the earth were had illicit relations with the city
intoxicated with the wine of her of Rome. Rome, of course, being the
adulteries." final and last symbol of the worldly
system that began with Babylon.
[committed adultery] - Nations that
have not only committed immoral acts
and engaged in unlawful sex, but also
were involved in religious apostasy.
[intoxicated] - They were controlled
by the immorality and the powers of
the false religion.
REV 17:3 Then the angel carried me [carried me away] - John is trans-
away in the Spirit into a desert. ported in his vision to the desert.
There I saw a woman sitting on a
scarlet beast that was covered with [desert] - Not a place of blessing or
blasphemous names and had seven nourishment, but rather a place that
heads and ten horns. is appropriate for divine judgment.
[a woman] - This is the woman called
the great prostitute (17:1) and
continues to represent the city of
Rome and the entire Babylonian
influence throughout the ages.
[sitting] - A position by which she
can manage and guide the beast.
[scarlet beast] - Same beast that
rose out of the waters in REV 13:1.
It is the symbolic for the great
Christ-hating power of the Antichrist
and his revived Roman Empire.
[blasphemous names] - The leaders of
world systems have continually mocked
the name of God and even at times
made blasphemous claims of being
deity themselves.
[seven heads, ten horns] - Beast has
the same number of horns and heads as
the Red Dragon (Satan) of REV 12:3
and similar to the descriptions found
in DAN 7:7-8, 24. It is a another
clear reference to the Antichrist and
the revived Roman Empire.
The seven heads are a symbol of the
seven hills of the city of Rome (see
REV 17:9) from which the Antichrist
will most likely establish his throne
during this time. The heads also are
used to represent the kings of past
and future of this world empire (REV
The ten horns refer to the original
ten kingdoms of the old Roman Empire
of which three were subdued by the
little horn of Daniel 7:8, who is to
be identified with the world ruler of
the great tribulation (Antichrist)
who reigns over the revived Roman
Empire (United Europe?), see REV
REV 17:4 The woman was dressed in [purple and scarlet] - Purple was
purple and scarlet, and was often the color of royalty and the
glittering with gold, precious color scarlet indicated luxurious and
stones and pearls. She held a haughty splendor. This world system
golden cup in her hand, filled with promoted pride, luxury, and self
abominable things and the filth of devotion.
her adulteries.
[golden cup...filled with...filth] -
Just like the woman and the world
system, they both glitter on the out-
side but are filled with the filth of
their spiritual and physical sins of
adulteries within.
REV 17:5 This title was written on [written on her forehead] - Roman
her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE prostitutes wore a label with their
GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND names on their foreheads. Likewise,
OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. this harlot proudly displays her
descriptive name.
[MYSTERY BABYLON] - Although once a
real city, it now no longer exists,
however, the influence of the "ways"
of the city and empire continue until
the last days of the Tribulation.
has had the influence over all other
cities and cultures, as a mother's
ways would influence her daughters.
REV 17:6 I saw that the woman was [drunk with the blood] - One of the
drunk with the blood of the saints, great sins of the city and empire of
the blood of those who bore Rome was the slaughter of the saints.
testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, The history of the church reveals
I was greatly astonished. that a great many Christians were
martyred by the Roman Government and
later, by the Catholic Church of Rome
during the Inquisition. Of course, it
is the revised Roman Empire of these
last days that murder the Tribulation
REV 17:7 Then the angel said to
me: "Why are you astonished? I will
explain to you the mystery of the
woman and of the beast she rides,
which has the seven heads and ten
REV 17:8 The beast, which you saw, [the beast] - Again it is the Revised
once was, now is not, and will come Roman Empire and its leader -- the
up out of the Abyss and go to his Antichrist. The Roman Empire's most
destruction. The inhabitants of the famous leaders was Nero, and he was
earth whose names have not been known for his treacherous treatment
written in the book of life from of Christians. This type of leader
the creation of the world will be and the Roman Empire was passing
astonished when they see the beast, from the scene and would appear to
because he once was, now is not, be gone forever. However, to the
and yet will come. utter amazement of the entire world,
the old Roman Empire, with its wicked
rulers, will be revived in the end
times. It will not be Nero who comes
back to life but the Roman Empire.
In addition, it could be that the
Antichrist is also killed but raised
to life by Satan in order to deceived
the world by trying to "upstage" the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus
[world... astonished] - Truly if some
world leader would be killed and then
somehow raised to life by some great
power, then the entire world would
follow after him because it would be
their desire to have that power to
help satisfy their needs. One must
remember that the world does not want
the true power of God because of the
cost involved--the turning from sin
and the yielding of one's life to the
true Savior.
Both the resurrection of the Roman
Empire and the Antichrist would truly
cause a wicked world to be deceived.
REV 17:9 "This calls for a mind [seven hills] - The woman, the city
with wisdom. The seven heads are of Rome, sits on seven hills. Rome
seven hills on which the woman was known as the city on seven hills,
sits. these hills received the names of
Palatine, Aventine, Caelian,
Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal, and
REV 17:10 They are also seven [also seven kings] - The heads are
kings. Five have fallen, one is, not only symbolic of the hills of
the other has not yet come; but Rome but also of the kings of the
when he does come, he must remain Roman Empire.
for a little while.
[five have fallen] - These would have
the five emperors before John, that
is, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula,
Claudius, and Nero.
[one is] - The emperor ruling at the
time of the this vision would then
have to be Vespasian.
[the other has not yet come] - After
Vespasian came the emperor Titus,
who became the instrument in the hand
of God of destroying the holy city
and the temple.
REV 17:11 The beast who once was, [eighth king] - The last emperor was
and now is not, is an eighth king. Titus and the next one will be after
He belongs to the seven and is the revival of the Roman Empire and
going to his destruction. will be known as the Antichrist.
[belongs to the seven] - That is, he
also is a Roman Emperor.
[going to his destruction] - He will
not remain in power, but like the
rest, will die and face the his own
judgment (see REV 19:20).
REV 17:12 "The ten horns you saw [ten kings] - These are the ten kings
are ten kings who have not yet or leaders of the ten nations that
received a kingdom, but who for one will make up the revised Roman Empire
hour will receive authority as during the Tribulation Period.
kings along with the beast.
REV 17:13 They have one purpose [give their power] - They are raised
and will give their power and to power by God for the sole purpose
authority to the beast. of giving their power and authority
over to the Antichrist. These are
ten European countries that all were
original members of the old Roman
REV 17:14 They will make war [will make war] - As allies of the
against the Lamb, but the Lamb will Antichrist, they fight with him in
overcome them because he is Lord of a war against Christ (see Rev 19:19).
lords and King of kings--and with
him will be his called, chosen and [with Him....His called] - When Jesus
faithful followers." returns at the end of the Tribulation
Period, He has with Him His redeemed,
dressed in fine linen and riding on
white horses. It is incredible to
realize that we Christians are in the
very pages of the book of Revelation.
We who have Repented, Believed, and
Submitted to the Lordship of Christ
will be with Jesus as He takes over
the earth from the wicked forces of
evil. Amen and Hallelujah!!
REV 17:15 Then the angel said to [prostitute sits] - The city of Rome
me, "The waters you saw, where the and the entire evil world system has
prostitute sits, are peoples, influenced and ruled over peoples,
multitudes, nations and languages. multitudes, nations and languages of
all the world.
REV 17:16 The beast and the ten [ ruin] - In the last
horns you saw will hate the days there is a one world government
prostitute. They will bring her to ruled by the Antichrist from the city
ruin and leave her naked; they will of Rome. There is also a one world
eat her flesh and burn her with religion that also headquarters in
fire. Rome. The alliance, between the
Government and this false church,
which no doubt helped the Antichrist
rise to power, is no longer needed.
Therefore, the government destroys
the religious system and sets up
Emperor worship (REV 13:8). Literally
the church system is burned and
[eat her flesh] - Probably not to
imply cannibalism, but rather to
destroy her people and system.
REV 17:17 For God has put it into [God has put] - God promised in the
their hearts to accomplish his letters to the Churches (REV 2-3) to
purpose by agreeing to give the destroy those churches that failed to
beast their power to rule, until remain true to His Word. Therefore,
God's words are fulfilled. this false church of the end was once
a true one that had "gone their own
way," following the teachings of men
rather than the truths of God's Word.
REV 17:18 The woman you saw is the [city that rules] - Again, Rome is
great city that rules over the this city, but represents Babylon
kings of the earth." of old, and the entire evil system.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 18
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 18:1 After this I saw another [After this] - The revelation of
angel coming down from heaven. He chapter 17.
had great authority, and the earth
was illuminated by his splendor. [another angel] - Not the same angel
of chapter 17:1, but one that has a
a special purpose of announcing a
revelation of judgment.
[great authority] - This angel has
the authority of the Almighty God
to herald the pending judgment on
the evil world system that has as
its seat, the city of Rome.
[earth...illuminated] - The angel
came directly from the presence of
God and just like Moses, he too
reflects the Glory of God (see
EXO 34:29-35). But Moses saw a
veiled Glory because he was human,
however, this angel is a spirit and
could experience more of God's
brilliant Glory.
So bright was the angel's reflective
light that the earth was illuminated
by it. It may very well be that all
Christians will someday, be able to
reflect the Glory of our Savior. In
fact, Revelation 21:23 reveals that
in the New Jerusalem, our final
home, all light will come from the
Glory of God and the Lamb, Jesus
REV 18:2 With a mighty voice he [mighty voice] - It is not only a
shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon voice that announces, but one that
the Great! She has become a home announces God's message, and in this
for demons and a haunt for every case, it is one of judgment.
evil spirit, a haunt for every
unclean and detestable bird. [Fallen! Fallen is Babylon] - The
evil world system is being judged
and the result is the collapse of
this antichristian world order that
was determined to defeat the purposes
of God throughout the generations of
[home for demons] - The city of Rome
is to receive the same fate as the
ancient city of Babylon (ISA 13:20-
22). Although the original Babylon
was once destroyed, the Babylonian
sinful and wicked lifestyle lived on
in societies around the globe, but
finds its utter demise in the final
and complete destruction of the city
of Rome and its World Empire.
In the ruins of Rome, not only will
birds roost, but demons and evil
spirits will make their home. This
is fitting, since mankind was so
proud of Rome and its influence over
the rest of the world. Now she lies
utterly desolate, her beauty is
replaced with the horrible ugliness
of demonic beings.
REV 18:3 For all the nations have see comments on REV 17:2
drunk the maddening wine of her
adulteries. The kings of the earth
committed adultery with her, and
the merchants of the earth grew
rich from her excessive luxuries."
REV 18:4 Then I heard another [another voice] - Most likely another
voice from heaven say: "Come out of angel that speaks on behalf of God.
her, my people, so that you will
not share in her sins, so that you [Come out] - An urgent call for God's
will not receive any of her people to separate from the judgment
plagues; about to fall on Babylon. One should
note that up until this point it has
been God's will to have His people in
the darkness of Babylon, in order to
be light to the those living in sin.
But the time of God's grace is ending
for the world as He begins to unfold
His judgments.
This calling out of God's people
most likely is the physical removal
from the city of Rome that God is
about to destroy. This idea is very
similar to the calling out of Lot and
his family from the city of Sodom in
GEN 19:12-17.
REV 18:5 for her sins are piled up [sins...piled up] - God does remember
to heaven, and God has remembered sin, but only the sins of the unsaved
her crimes. person, of cities, nations, and the
world. However, when a person is
born again, God takes all of their
sins and charges them to the sinless
one Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is
impossible for God to remember the
sins of the redeemed since they have
been acquitted of every sin!
REV 18:6 Give back to her as she [her own cup] - In REV 17:4 we see
has given; pay her back double for her cup being a "golden cup...filled
what she has done. Mix her a double with abominable things and the filth
portion from her own cup. of her adulteries." Now this same
cup that she gave to the world is now
given to her, but now filled with a
double portion of judgment for her
REV 18:7 Give her as much torture [torture] - Rome has given to itself
and grief as the glory and luxury much luxury and pleasure while giving
she gave herself. In her heart she to God's people torture and grief for
boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a many generations. Now the wrath of
widow, and I will never mourn.' God will give to this wicked world
a double portion of torment and grief
as a fitting judgment.
[I sit as queen] - Rome and the whole
antichristian system believed that
they were apart from God and had no
accountability to anyone. They had
not known that they were always the
creatures that Christ had created
(see COL 1:15-16) and that all of
their sins were being held against
them for a coming day of judgment.
[I will never mourn] - So typical of
the attitude of the world today. They
think that they are in control of
their lives. That they can avoid all
problems by their insurance and other
protection programs. They think that
even death will simply bring eternal
sleep. Little do they realize that
every breath and heartbeat is given
to them by the precious Lord Savior
Jesus Christ. Death will bring much
mourning and torment, that will last
REV 18:8 Therefore in one day her [in one day] - In one 24-hour period
plagues will overtake her: death, these judgments will come, much
mourning and famine. She will be like the sudden judgment that came
consumed by fire, for mighty is the upon Belshazzar the very night he
Lord God who judges her. saw the "finger of God" on the wall
(DAN 5:30). It could be an attack
by a nuclear missile or simply fire
from heaven, either way, it will have
come by the will of God.
REV 18:9 "When the kings of the [weep and mourn] - The nations of the
earth who committed adultery with earth mourn the passing of the great
her and shared her luxury see the world system of Babylon, symbolized
smoke of her burning, they will by the burning of the capital city of
weep and mourn over her. Rome. Note they are not weeping over
their sins, but rather over the loss
of the capitol city of sin.
REV 18:10 Terrified at her [terrified at her torment] - They see
torment, they will stand far off the devastation and realize that this
and cry: "'Woe! Woe, O great city, "city of power" was wiped out so
O Babylon, city of power! In one quickly, giving evidence of a much
hour your doom has come!' greater power.
REV 18:11 "The merchants of the [no one buys] - These are merchants
earth will weep and mourn over her who really mourn over the lost trade
because no one buys their cargoes rather than the millions killed in
any more-- the devastation.
REV 18:12 cargoes of gold, silver,
precious stones and pearls; fine
linen, purple, silk and scarlet
cloth; every sort of citron wood,
and articles of every kind made of
ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron
and marble;
REV 18:13 cargoes of cinnamon and [bodies and souls of men] - Could be
spice, of incense, myrrh and the prostitution of men and women in
frankincense, of wine and olive the last days, for surely this is the
oil, of fine flour and wheat; direction of this present world. It
cattle and sheep; horses and is also possible that in addition to
carriages; and bodies and souls of prostitution, that there is a return
men. of the slave markets.
REV 18:14 "They will say, 'The
fruit you longed for is gone from
you. All your riches and splendor
have vanished, never to be
REV 18:15 The merchants who sold [stand far off] - By satellite TV
these things and gained their they could stand "far off" and still
wealth from her will stand far off, see the destruction of Rome.
terrified at her torment. They will
weep and mourn
REV 18:16 and cry out: "'Woe! Woe,
O great city, dressed in fine
linen, purple and scarlet, and
glittering with gold, precious
stones and pearls!
REV 18:17 In one hour such great
wealth has been brought to ruin!'
"Every sea captain, and all who
travel by ship, the sailors, and
all who earn their living from the
sea, will stand far off.
REV 18:18 When they see the smoke [see the smoke] - So great is the
of her burning, they will exclaim, burning of this city that even from
'Was there ever a city like this such a distance these ships could
great city?' see the smoke and the glow of her
REV 18:19 They will throw dust on
their heads, and with weeping and
mourning cry out: "'Woe! Woe, O
great city, where all who had ships
on the sea became rich through her
wealth! In one hour she has been
brought to ruin!
REV 18:20 Rejoice over her, O [Rejoice over her] - While the world
heaven! Rejoice, saints and mourns over the destruction of the
apostles and prophets! God has capitol city of evil, the Christian
judged her for the way she treated is to rejoice! Surely, we have asked
you.'" God to judge this wickedness in each
generation and now God answers our
prayers. All of us agonize over the
abortions, adulteries, immoralities,
murder, thefts, and drug use of our
generation, however in this verse we
can find hope, for the day of justice
is coming.
REV 18:21 Then a mighty angel [With such violence] - Speaks again
picked up a boulder the size of a of the suddenness and completeness
large millstone and threw it into of the judgment.
the sea, and said: "With such
violence the great city of Babylon
will be thrown down, never to be
found again.
REV 18:22 The music of harpists
and musicians, flute players and
trumpeters, will never be heard in
you again. No workman of any trade
will ever be found in you again.
The sound of a millstone will never
be heard in you again.
REV 18:23 The light of a lamp will
never shine in you again. The voice
of bridegroom and bride will never
be heard in you again. Your
merchants were the world's great
men. By your magic spell all the
nations were led astray.
REV 18:24 In her was found the [found the blood] - God holds Babylon
blood of prophets and of the and this city of sin responsible for
saints, and of all who have been the deaths of all the saints and the
killed on the earth." prophets. Rome is also judged guilty
for all the murders on the earth.
Truly this evil world system deserves
all of these judgments. This passage
of Scripture holds much encouragement
for Christians when faced with the
overwhelming wickedness of this
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 19
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 19:1 After this I heard what [After this] - Beginning in REV 17:1
sounded like the roar of a great we saw the introduction of the city
multitude in heaven shouting: of Rome, the capitol city of the
"Hallelujah! Salvation and glory world, and the head of the wicked
and power belong to our God, world system. In chapter 18, the Fall
of Babylon (Rome) is revealed and in
REV 18:20 we, the Saints of God, are
commanded to rejoice over her final
fate, because of the way she had
treated God's children in the many
generations previous.
[great multitude] - The redeemed of
God in heaven. Throughout the history
of man, it has only been a remnant
that has accepted God's message and
believed. One just needs to look at
our generation to realize that very
few of any society really believe and
are saved. It has been estimated
that since the days of Adam and Eve
that approximately 41 billion people
have lived on this planet. If only
a remnant equal to 1% was saved, that
would make heaven's population of
saints equal to about 400,000,000. Of
course, God is not finished calling
all of His servants yet so the number
will continue to grow.
[Hallelujah!] - There are only four
instances in the New Testament of the
term Hallelujah, all of which occur
in this chapter (vs 1, 3, 4, 6). The
OT word Hallelujah comes from two
Hebrew words (halal and Jah), and
means "Praise Yahweh!"
[belong to our God] - Salvation is of
God and not of man. All men turned
away from God and earned their place
in the torments of the Lake of Fire.
But, our God is a Gracious God, and
chose "some" to be saved (not many).
He also prescribed the exact manner
of salvation, it would not be of
works, but rather, of faith. A faith
that manifests itself in the three-
fold act of Believing in Christ,
Repenting of our sins, and Submitting
to the Lordship of Our Savior Jesus
Christ, the God of the Universe!
REV 19:2 for true and just are his [true and just] - There can be no
judgments. He has condemned the doubt that God judged rightly in the
great prostitute who corrupted the case of Babylon (Rome). In fact, He
earth by her adulteries. He has demonstrated great patience and
avenged on her the blood of his mercy waiting all these many years
servants." while she committed her acts of
[avenged on her the blood] - God had
declared in DEU 32:43 that He would
ultimately avenge the blood of the
saints, "Rejoice, O nations, with His
people, for He will avenge the blood
of His servants; He will take ven-
geance on His enemies and make
atonement for His land and people."
REV 19:3 And again they shouted: [smoke..goes up...for ever] - This is
"Hallelujah! The smoke from her not a reference to the city itself,
goes up for ever and ever." but will be fulfilled by the eternal
judgment of the people who sinned in
and through the evil world system of
Babylon. It will be literal smoke
rising from the burning of the bodies
of these unbelievers in the endless
torment of the Lake of Fire.
REV 19:4 The twenty-four elders [twenty-four elders] - See comments
and the four living creatures fell on REV 4:4-11
down and worshiped God, who was
seated on the throne. And they
cried: "Amen, Hallelujah!"
REV 19:5 Then a voice came from [a voice] - Not the voice of the
the throne, saying: "Praise our Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, but
God, all you his servants, you who rather it is the voice of an angel
fear him, both small and great!" who commands us to praise "our" God.
[Praise] - Present tense and is a
command to "keep on praising" the
[small and great] - Believers from
every socioeconomic level, and from
various stages of spiritual maturity.
REV 19:6 Then I heard what sounded
like a great multitude, like the
roar of rushing waters and like
loud peals of thunder, shouting:
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God
Almighty reigns.
REV 19:7 Let us rejoice and be [wedding of the Lamb] - For a proper
glad and give him glory! For the perspective of this event we need to
wedding of the Lamb has come, and remember the customs of the Bible
his bride has made herself ready. Times in regard to marriage. First,
there was the Betrothal, which was
a public declaration by the two
families that the two participants
were now betrothed, that is, legally
husband and wife.
Following the Betrothal came a period
of time that was used by the groom to
prepare a home for the bride (usually
a room in his father's house). This
could be a year or so. The bride also
used this time to prepare herself for
the wedding feast. When the time was
ready, the bridegroom would travel to
the bride's home and take her back
with him to the new home (room).
Shortly after the couple and the
families arrived at the new home the
wedding feast began and lasted for a
week or longer.
The Bride here is the Church (each
Christian from the Church Age) and
the Groom is Jesus. We were betrothed
on the day of our salvation as the
announcement was made on earth and in
heaven that we and Jesus were legally
married (committed) to each other.
Again, the Bride is the Church and
the guests are all the Old Testament
saints and the Martyred Tribulation
Jesus has been "preparing our rooms
in His Father's house" (JOH 14:2-3)
and came back for us in the Rapture
of the Church. The wedding feast was
delayed until the Lord had taken back
the earth from the control of the
evil one.
REV 19:8 Fine linen, bright and [given her] - Most likely at the Bema
clean, was given her to wear." Seat (Judgment Seat of Christ) the
(Fine linen stands for the brilliant garments of linen were
righteous acts of the saints.) given to each of the saints. When a
person is saved they receive the
righteousness of Christ, however,
their transformed life will be
evidenced by the actual righteous
acts they do by the Spirit (JAM
REV 19:9 Then the angel said to [those...invited] - The Church is the
me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who Bride and the invited wedding guests
are invited to the wedding supper are the Old Testament saints (see
of the Lamb!'" And he added, "These MAT 8:11) and the martyred saints of
are the true words of God." the Tribulation.
REV 19:10 At this I fell at his [worship him] - John is overcome by
feet to worship him. But he said to the tremendous picture of the coming
me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow blessedness of the Kingdom of God,
servant with you and with your and falls down and worships an angel.
brothers who hold to the testimony This only shows the humanness of the
of Jesus. Worship God! For the Apostle John. The angel quickly
testimony of Jesus is the spirit of informs John that angels are also
prophecy." servants of God (HEB 1:4-14).
[spirit of prophecy] - The prophecy
that John was watching unfold was the
testimony of Jesus, not of angels,
therefore, God is the one who is to
be worshiped for such a revelation.
REV 19:11 I saw heaven standing [heaven standing open] - When a door
open and there before me was a is opened a person can see in or out.
white horse, whose rider is called John is now on the earth and can see
Faithful and True. With justice he into the third heaven, the residence
judges and makes war. of the Saints, the Angels and the
Throne Room of God. Remember, that
the First Heaven is the atmosphere,
and the Second Heaven is Outer Space
(see 2CO 12:2). John can see into
heaven as clearly as we can see a
cloud in the sky. The opening to
heaven is so wide that a whole army
can pass through.
[white horse] - A real horse, just
like the literal donkey that Jesus
rode into Jerusalem on (MAT 21). It
was prophesied hundreds of years
earlier that the Messiah would ride
into the city on a donkey (ZEC 9:9),
and here we listen to the spirit of
prophecy tell us that when Christ,
the Magnificent King, returns He will
be riding a white horse--Believe it!
[Faithful and True] - Our sweet Lord
and Savior is truly faithful. He is
faithful when we are faithless (2TI
2:13). He is faithful and true in
all of His promises to return to the
earth and establish His kingdom. He
will fulfill all of His promises made
to His people.
[judges and makes war] - The right-
eous vengeance that is about to be
enacted upon the Antichrist and his
followers will be harmonious with
truth and justice. He has judged
mankind and now makes war against
REV 19:12 His eyes are like [eyes...blazing fire] - These are
blazing fire, and on his head are eyes of judgment that are burning
many crowns. He has a name written and all-penetrating, from which
on him that no one knows but he nothing can be hidden.
[many crowns] - The symbols of
royalty. These are kingly crowns
and should not be pictured as many
large crowns "stacked and balanced"
one upon another. Rather, they most
likely are various "bands" linked
together in a very lovely series of
crowns that is in proper proportion
to His head.
[ one knows] - It is foolish
to try to guess this name since it is
known only to Jesus. We could guess
that someday, when we are in our
eternal state, that we will be able
to comprehend what the meaning of
this special name.
REV 19:13 He is dressed in a robe [robe dipped in blood] - This is the
dipped in blood, and his name is blood of His enemies already defeated
the Word of God. by His wrath (see ROM 1:18 and REV
14:19-20). It will also be dipped or
splattered by the blood of those on
earth whom He fights against as He
returns (REV 19:21).
[name is the Word of God] - "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God"
(JOH 1:1). "For the Word of God is
living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword, it penetrates
even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow; it judges the
thoughts and attitudes of the heart"
(HEB 4:12). Jesus is the living and
active Word of God that has come in
judgment to judge the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart.
REV 19:14 The armies of heaven [armies of heaven] - Comprised of
were following him, riding on white both the holy angels (MAR 8:38) and
horses and dressed in fine linen, the called, chosen and faithful
white and clean. followers (REV 17:14).
[riding on white horses] - Literal
white horses just like the one that
Jesus is riding on. The white horse
has always been used by conquerors,
and also symbolizes purity.
[fine linen] - See Rev 19:8
REV 19:15 Out of his mouth comes a [sharp sword] - Christ conquers by
sharp sword with which to strike the power of His Word and not by a
down the nations. "He will rule sword in His hand. "For the word of
them with an iron scepter." He God is living and active. Sharper
treads the winepress of the fury of than any double-edged sword" (HEB
the wrath of God Almighty. 4:12). Literally, Christ does not
have a sword "sticking" out of His
mouth, rather this symbolizes His
Word, which will be used to strike
down the wicked on the earth. He
simply speaks their judgment and
they will die.
[rule...with an iron scepter] - This
rod is a shepherd's staff used to
make the sheep conform to the rules
of the shepherd. Jesus will rule all
the nations of the earth during the
Millennium with an unyielding, firm
and absolute government that demands
total allegiance to God.
[wrath of God] - "It is a dreadful
thing to fall into the hands of the
living God" (HEB 10:31). Mankind is
under the delusion that God either
doesn't care or is not able to deal
with man's willful disobedience. But
God has simply been storing up the
wrath that each person deserves,
"Because of your stubbornness and
your unrepentant heart, you are stor-
ing up wrath against yourself for the
day of God's wrath...." (ROM 2:5).
The day of God's fury has arrived
and for those who have refused His
mercy He has nothing left but wrath.
REV 19:16 On his robe and on his [one His robe] - Most likely on His
thigh he has this name written: robe near His chest.
[on His thigh] - Not a tattoo but on
something attached to His thigh, like
the sheath of a sword or on that part
of the garment which fell open across
the thigh.
One of the most beautiful and most
powerful passages in all the Bible.
Now let those in our day, who say
that a person can become a Christian
without submitting to the Lordship of
Christ, be filled with shame. For
to advocate that one can come before
refusing to repent and submit, all
the while asking for salvation, is
a doctrine straight from the pit of
REV 19:17 And I saw an angel [standing in the sun] - The angel
standing in the sun, who cried in a was located at a place where all the
loud voice to all the birds flying birds of the air could see him -- in
in midair, "Come, gather together the brightest part of the sky. Most
for the great supper of God, likely standing between the sun and
the earth.
[Come, gather] - The angel is calling
all the birds to a the great supper
of God where they can gorge them-
selves on the flesh of the fallen
enemies of God. This fulfills the
prophecy that was spoken through the
prophet Ezekiel:
EZE 39:17 "Son of man, this is what
the Sovereign LORD says: Call out to
every kind of bird and all the wild
animals: 'Assemble and come together
from all around to the sacrifice I am
preparing for you, the great sacri
fice on the mountains of Israel.
There you will eat flesh and drink
EZE 39:18 You will eat the flesh of
mighty men and drink the blood of the
princes of the earth as if they were
rams and lambs, goats and bulls--all
of them fattened animals from Bashan.
EZE 39:19 At the sacrifice I am
preparing for you, you will eat fat
till you are glutted and drink blood
till you are drunk.
EZE 39:20 At my table you will eat
your fill of horses and riders,
mighty men and soldiers of every
kind,' declares the Sovereign LORD.
EZE 39:21 I will display my glory
among the nations, and all the
nations will see the punishment I
inflict and the hand I lay upon them.
EZE 39:22 From that day forward the
house of Israel will know that I am
the LORD their God."
REV 19:18 so that you may eat the In the time of judgment it makes no
flesh of kings, generals, and difference if you were rich or poor,
mighty men, of horses and their famous or unknown, free or a slave,
riders, and the flesh of all the wrath will know no favorites.
people, free and slave, small and
REV 19:19 Then I saw the beast and [beast...make war] - Even after the
the kings of the earth and their Lord God returns with magnificent
armies gathered together to make glory and power, Satan, through the
war against the rider on the horse Antichrist, tries to destroy Jesus.
and his army. But this time Jesus did not come to
die, but rather to rule with power
and authority.
One can imagine these evil armies
turning their weapons upon Christ and
His glorious army, thinking that they
will be easily killed as were all the
martyrs of the previous generations.
REV 19:20 But the beast was [beast was captured] - Before a laser
captured, and with him the false or a bullet was fired, Jesus had the
prophet who had performed the Antichrist and his false prophet
miraculous signs on his behalf. captured.
With these signs he had deluded
those who had received the mark of [thrown alive] - There is no soul
the beast and worshiped his image. sleep for the wicked. They will enter
The two of them were thrown alive the fires of torment with full
into the fiery lake of burning consciousness for all eternity.
[lake of burning sulfur] - The final
place for the wicked. It is a literal
place of torment and agony. God has
determined that these two evil men
deserved final judgment ahead of all
the others who will be thrown into
the lake of fire after the 1,000 year
rule (REV 20:15).
REV 19:21 The rest of them were [killed with the sword] - Here Jesus
killed with the sword that came out simply uses the words from His mouth
of the mouth of the rider on the to effect judgment and death upon the
horse, and all the birds gorged wicked.
themselves on their flesh.
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 20
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 20:1 And I saw an angel coming [coming down] - John is most likely
down out of heaven, having the key situated on the earth looking up to
to the Abyss and holding in his heaven and sees an angel descending
hand a great chain. out of the Third Heaven.
[key] - A key allows the owner to
exercise authority over an object or
place. Here it is a symbol of God's
absolute authority over the Abyss.
[Abyss] - The place of confinement
for the wicked angels who are await-
ing the final judgment of the Lake
of Fire. Jude 6 reveals that it is
a place of darkness where angels are
bound with chains. It is a place so
terrible that the demons in Luke 8:31
begged Jesus, "...repeatedly not to
order them into the Abyss."
[great chain] - A real chain in the
hand of the angel, that was large,
long, and indestructible.
REV 20:2 He seized the dragon, [seized the dragon] - He is a mighty
that ancient serpent, who is the angel, which could imply the angel
devil, or Satan, and bound him for was Michael the Archangel, who has
a thousand years. great strength. He was the one in
DAN 10:13 that had to "free" another
angel of God who was being detained
by the wicked forces of evil, that
were the power behind the Persian
[bound] - Satan is literally tied up
by the great chain that God has made
for the purpose of incapacitating the
Father of Lies.
[thousand years] - A literal period
of 1,000 years that coincide with the
thousand year rule of Christ on the
earth. In fact, Jesus had the evil
one bound to ensure Millennial peace
of His Kingdom.
REV 20:3 He threw him into the [He threw] - The angel bound Satan
Abyss, and locked and sealed it with the chain and then threw him
over him, to keep him from into the Abyss. This is the same
deceiving the nations anymore until way the unbeliever is treated after
the thousand years were ended. the judgment of REV 20:14. God does
After that, he must be set free for not merely "send" or "place" them
a short time. into torment, but rather, He has them
"thrown" into judgment. While our
God is a loving God, He is also a
God of judgment, who is an enemy to
those who refuse to love and obey
[after that] - After the 1,000 years
are over, God in His wisdom lets the
evil one go free for a short time. It
could be to show mankind that evil
still lurks in the heart of the
unredeemed of the Millennium, for as
soon as Satan is released, he leads
them in rebellion against God.
REV 20:4 I saw thrones on which [thrones] - These thrones are part of
were seated those who had been the King's Court that will rule over
given authority to judge. And I saw the earth for one thousand years.
the souls of those who had been Jesus is the king of the earth and
beheaded because of their testimony has given the authority to judge to
for Jesus and because of the word those seated on these thrones.
of God. They had not worshiped the
beast or his image and had not [seated] - The identification of
received his mark on their those seated on the thrones is not
foreheads or their hands. They came limited to one specific group. We
to life and reigned with Christ a can find numerous verses that speak
thousand years. of various groups that will rule
during the Millennium. In DAN 7:18
and 7:27 we see the Old Testament
Saints promised a part in the rule
of the Kingdom.
The Apostles are promised thrones
when Jesus sits on His "Glorious
Throne" (MAT 19:28). Every New
Testament Saint is promised the task
of judging the world in a coming day
(2CO 6:2). There can be numerous
thrones (millions) in the Millennium
replacing the civil courts of law
of this age. In this case John does
not tell us exactly who is sitting
on the thrones. But we do know it is
the redeemed.
[saw the souls] - Somehow in Heaven
souls (Spirits) are visible even
before the resurrection of the body.
Here, John sees the souls of those
from the Tribulation Period and then
watches as their glorified bodies are
resurrected and reunited with their
souls (end of verse 4).
[beheaded] - These Tribulation Saints
literally were beheaded because they
refused to deny Christ and worship
the Antichrist. It is interesting
that France, one of the nations of
the revised Roman Empire, has been
considering the revival of the old
guillotine style of capital punish-
[They came to life] - This is the
final phase of the resurrection of
the Righteous. The first phase was
the resurrection of the King of
Righteousness -- Jesus Christ, then
came the firstfruits -- the Rapture
of the Church, and finally this last
phase where the Tribulation Saints
are resurrected along with all
the Old Testament Saints (EZE 37:12;
DAN 12:2, 12:12; 1CO 15:23).
It might be noted that during the
Millennium there will be others who
become Christians, but they will not
die, rather they will be translated
into their glorious bodies at the
end of the 1,000 year Kingdom.
[reigned with Christ] - All the
Saints of all ages will rule and
reign with Jesus for the 1,000 years.
What a truly glorious time when the
name of Jesus will be honored and
those who try to do evil will be
judged instantly.
REV 20:5 (The rest of the dead did [rest of the dead] - These are the
not come to life until the thousand unbelievers from all ages (billions)
years were ended.) This is the that we see alive and standing their
first resurrection. final judgment in REV 20:11-15.
REV 20:6 Blessed and holy are [second death] - The first death is
those who have part in the first our physical death. The second death
resurrection. The second death has is the eternal torment of the Lake of
no power over them, but they will Fire (REV 20:14) reserved solely for
be priests of God and of Christ and those who refused God's Way of Grace
will reign with him for a thousand through Faith in Christ, Repentance
years. of sins, and Submission to the Lord
Jesus -- The Eternal and Holy God.
REV 20:7 When the thousand years [Satan...released] - God does not
are over, Satan will be released tell us why He allows Satan to again
from his prison exercise his wicked power on the
earth. It does show that man, whose
heart has not been changed by Christ,
is still easily controlled by the
evil one.
REV 20:8 and will go out to [the nations] - These are all the
deceive the nations in the four countries of the earth with the
corners of the earth--Gog and exception of Israel. They are given
Magog--to gather them for battle. the title of the enemies of God --
In number they are like the sand on Gog and Magog.
the seashore.
[ the sand] - Amazing
that after a 1,000 reign of peace by
Jesus and His Saints, there are still
multitudes who have refused to submit
to Him and try to destroy the Savior
and His people. These are the youth
of the Millennium, under the age of
100. Those who become Christians in
the Millennium will not die. But the
unbeliever will be allowed only 100
years to "come to Christ," after
which he will be killed (ISA 65:20).
REV 20:9 They marched across the [camp of God's people] - The city He
breadth of the earth and surrounded loves is Jerusalem (PSA 78:68; 87:2).
the camp of God's people, the city
he loves. But fire came down from [but fire came down] - These wicked
heaven and devoured them. forces never got to "fire a shot"
because to Mighty Savior Jesus Christ
called down fire from heaven to
destroy the attacking armies.
REV 20:10 And the devil, who [devil...thrown] - This is the last
deceived them, was thrown into the time Satan will ever be seen or heard
lake of burning sulfur, where the of again. He has plagued mankind for
beast and the false prophet had thousands of years and has been the
been thrown. They will be tormented constant troubler in the Bible from
day and night for ever and ever. Genesis to Revelation. But praise to
that He has defeated the evil one.
[tormented] - This final place of
torment is a literal place of fire,
agony, loneliness, hunger, thirst,
etc., and never ends. After Satan
and the rest of the wicked have been
there 10,000 years, they will have
the same amount of eternal judgment
as they had when they first started!
REV 20:11 Then I saw a great white [great white throne] - This throne
throne and him who was seated on is the same one referred to in DAN
it. Earth and sky fled from his 7:10. It is massive, brilliant white,
presence, and there was no place flaming with fire, and is mounted on
for them. wheels of fire. There is a river of
fire coming out from the throne and
most likely pours into the Lake of
The river of fire before this throne
of judgment is filled with the wicked
awaiting judgment (verse 12). There
is no rest from the torment the
wicked experience. An unsaved person
who died in 1930 would be placed in
in the fires of Hell until this time
of final judgment. They then would
be instantly placed in the River of
Fire before the Great White Throne,
only to be thrown into the Lake of
[Him who was seated on it] - This is
Jesus Christ the Judge, "... the
Father judges no one, but has en
trusted all judgment to the Son"
(JOH 5:22).
[Earth and sky fled] - This is a
reference to the complete destruction
of the earth and heavens. 2PE 3:10
"...The heavens will disappear with a
roar; the elements will be destroyed
by fire, and the earth and everything
in it will be laid bare."
All mankind has been removed from the
earth. The righteous are in the
bliss of the Third Heaven and all the
unbelievers are standing in the River
of Fire awaiting judgment. There is
no need of the old corrupt earth and
REV 20:12 And I saw the dead, [the dead] - These are the wicked
great and small, standing before from all ages past. They are called
the throne, and books were opened. dead because they have never received
Another book was opened, which is Life in Christ. They willfully have
the book of life. The dead were refused to repent of their sins and
judged according to what they had commit their lives to Christ. They
done as recorded in the books. are destined for the Second Death.
[great and small] - The rich and the
poor of the earth, the famous and the
undistinguished, the prominent and
the obscure, and the attractive and
the homely. It made no difference
what status they had in their life on
earth, they all are standing awaiting
[books were opened] - There are three
books that are opened: The Book of
the Law (Bible), the Book of Sins,
and the Book of Life.
The Book of the Law - All mankind is
judged on the basis of whether they
obeyed the revealed Word of God. If
they did then they enter into Heaven.
For each sin they commit they receive
eternal torment, with increasing
intensity of suffering for each added
The Book of Sins - Throughout the
Bible we find verses that reveal that
man will be judged by his deeds (PSA
62:12; JER 17:10; ROM 2:6; 1PE 1:17).
Book of Life - The Book that has the
names of those who were chosen for
salvation before the world began.
REV 20:13 The sea gave up the dead [sea gave up the dead] - Here is the
that were in it, and death and the Second Resurrection. The bodies
Hades gave up the dead that were in of those drowned or buried at sea.
them, and each person was judged
according to what he had done. [death...gave up the dead] - This is
the grave (both under the earth and
out in space), giving up the bodies
of the unbeliever.
[Hades gave up the dead] - This the
spirits of the unsaved.
The bodies are resurrected from the
sea and death to be united with the
souls (spirits) from Hades.
[each person was judged] - Each of
the unbelievers has their "Day in
Court" where they are shown the Laws
they were responsible for (Bible),
and their records of violations.
Each sinner is found "guilty as
REV 20:14 Then death and Hades [death and Hades] - The reunited body
were thrown into the lake of fire. and spirit were thrown (not sent,
The lake of fire is the second placed or led) into the final place
death. of torment -- The Lake of Fire.
[second death] - This is a living
death. A place where the agony of
of a painful death continues forever.
REV 20:15 If anyone's name was not [name not found] - Another statement
found written in the book of life, of the fact that no man or woman was
he was thrown into the lake of ever capable of saving themselves.
fire. Only those who were elected by God
before the foundation of the earth
and given the Faith to Believe along
with a heart of Repentance and
Submission could be saved. Every
person listed in the Book of Life
will be in Heaven and every name that
is not in the Book will be rightly
judged to the Lake of Fire.
Final Note: It has often been said that this Judge on the Great White Throne
is much too harsh. He doesn't give them a second chance. And the fact that
He commands that the condemned be "thrown" into the Lake of Fire seems a bit
rough. Let it be clearly understood that this judge Jesus Christ is a God of
Look closely at the Judge's hands and feet to observe the scars from the nails
of the Roman soldiers. Examine also His side and see the place where the Roman
spear pierced Him. This judge offered forgiveness for every sinner before Him.
But they refused His Mercy and now justly receive His Wrath.
We also deserve this same wrath but were saved by the Grace of Election. There
was no good found in us to cause Jesus to choose us for such a marvelous gift
of salvation. We should be eternally thankful and humble for such a gift of
Tony Capoccia
Box 130
Shreveport, LA 71110
Modem (318) 949-1456
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 22
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York
International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
REV 22:1 Then the angel showed me [river] - A literal river that is
the river of the water of life, as called the "Water of Life River."
clear as crystal, flowing from the The name of the river agrees to the
throne of God and of the Lamb concept of "living water" found in
John 4:10. This river consists of
water that is the very essence of
There is a similar description of a
river that flows from the Millennial
Temple out onto the land in Ezekiel
The inhabitants of the eternal city
will drink from this special river
(REV 22:17) and it will somehow
provide them with life. Because
there is no death in heaven, we can
assume that no one will ever fail to
drink from this river. In fact, it
will be one of the many great pleas
ures of the eternal state.
[clear as crystal] - This gives the
picture of a bright pure river,
glistening like a liquid diamond. In
fact, the term translated as "clear,"
really means "brilliant." This
implies having a light bearing
quality, appearing like a liquid,
lighted, sparkling, diamond crystal.
[flowing] - The Water of Life River
is no still stream of water, rather
it flows from the throne of God and
"winds" its way throughout the
Golden City (1400 mi cube). I
believe that it continues to flow out
of the city onto the new earth.
[from the throne] - The source of the
river is the very throne of God and
the Lamb, Jesus Christ. During our
present age, most rivers have as
their source rain and/or snowfall.
But, the river of the Water of Life,
has as its origin, God the Father and
Jesus Christ, literally creating the
brilliant crystal water instantly
and thus causing it to flow into a
REV 22:2 down the middle of the [down the middle] - In the city of
great street of the city. On each New Jerusalem there is a "Great
side of the river stood the tree of Street" that proceeds throughout
life, bearing twelve crops of every part of its vast area. The
fruit, yielding its fruit every street is literally split in the
month. And the leaves of the tree middle by this beautiful, life
are for the healing of the nations. giving river. Imagine, the street
is very wide and made of pure gold,
like transparent glass (REV 21:21),
and flowing down the middle is the
Water of Life river.
[on each side stood] - On both banks
of the river were trees. The picture
is the redeemed saints traveling on
the great street with a tree-lined
river flowing down the middle. The
saints on both sides of the street
can simply walk to the center of the
street and have access to the trees
and the river.
[tree of life] - Just as drinking
from the River of the Water of Life
brings life, so will eating from the
fruit of the Tree of Life. We first
saw the Tree of Life in the Garden of
Eden (GEN 2:9). It was right next to
a tree that brought death. Adam and
Eve could and did eat regularly from
the Tree of Life and they would live
forever as long as they continued to
eat from the tree.
But then they sinned against God and
He prevented them from eating from
the life-giving tree so that they
would not continue to live
indefinitely with their unredeemed
sins. However, in our redeemed state
in the New Jerusalem, we will never
fail to eat from the Tree of Life and
will thus live forever.
[bearing twelve crops] - These trees
that line the river bear fruit in a
regular cycle. Every month a new
crop of fruit is produced. This
seems to present a problem when one
considers the fact, that some say
there is no time in heaven. Actually,
while there is no day and night, that
is no reason to assume that there is
no time. God gave the Sun and Moon
to mark the day and night, but in
reality, time continues to advance,
whether they exist or not.
Take the astronauts into space with
their TIMEX watches and removed them
away from our Sun and they still can
mark the 24-hour day by their
watches. Likewise, God has revealed
that in eternity there will be a
measurement of time that will allow
for a monthly (30 day cycle) crop of
One should note that in Ezekiel's
description of the Millennial Kingdom
there also appears a river with fruit
trees on each side. The river comes
from the temple and causes the dead
sea to become fresh water. The fruit
trees are said to produce fresh fruit
each month due to the water flowing
from the special river (EZE 47:12).
[leaves of the tree] - These trees
are to be pictured as looking very
much like the trees of this age.
They will have a wooden tree trunk
with branches with green leaves and
colorful fruit.
[healing of the nations] - A very
difficult phrase to understand.
Somehow the leaves are therapeutic
and bring about healing. But who
would need healing in the eternal
state? The word for "healing" is
therapeian, which would be better
understood to mean "health giving."
Therefore, the leaves provide a
healthy, enjoyable environment. It
could be like the Water of Life that
is to be drunk, although no one
thirsts. Also, the fruit of the Tree
of Life, which is to eaten, although
no one hungers.
God has determined that the redeemed
will drink and eat in the eternal
state. He has somehow "tied" our
eternal life to these two activities.
He will ensure that all will desire
to drink and eat for He desires it.
Likewise, these leaves will have some
life-giving effect to the saints and
we will not fail to use them for that
[nations] - See REV 21:24
REV 22:3 No longer will there be [No longer...any curse] - The curse
any curse. The throne of God and of was placed upon man and the universe
the Lamb will be in the city, and when he sinned in Genesis Chapter 3.
his servants will serve him. The whole universe has been subject
to decay and death because of the sin
of mankind, but promised liberation
from this curse in Romans 8:21. In
the Millennial Kingdom there is a
partial lifting of the curse, for sin
and death do occur, but in a very
limited way (ISA 65:20). However,
in the New Heavens and New Earth,
there will be no curse at all.
[throne of God and of the Lamb] -
The Father will be visible as Light
and the Son in His Glorified body
that still bears the marks of cruci
fixion (JOH 20:27). We do not see
the Holy Spirit described, but can
assumed that He too will be there
with us. Oh, what a glorious time
living in the very presence of the
Almighty Triune God!
[servants will serve Him] - There is
purpose and function in Eternity.
Our great God has a purpose for each
of us and we will serve Him to that
end. There will absolute perfect
obedience to God in our service.
REV 22:4 They will see his face, [see His face] - We will have
and his name will be on their immediate access to the face of God,
foreheads. perpetually looking upon His Glory.
We will have perfect communion with
[His name...on their foreheads] - See
REV 14:1 for comments.
REV 22:5 There will be no more [no more night] - Night on this earth
night. They will not need the light is produced when the earth rotates
of a lamp or the light of the sun, away from the Sun. However, on the
for the Lord God will give them new earth the light comes, not from
light. And they will reign for ever the sun, but from the Lord God. This
and ever. is very similar to the light of GEN
1:3, when God created light, but had
not yet created any stars to include
the sun. God can and has created
light without a source!
[reign for ever and ever] - The
"they" spoken of is the redeemed.
We are to reign as Kings with Him
forever, ruling over the Kingdom of
Heaven (DAN 7:18, 27). I am not sure
what we will rule over. It could be
angels and the various plans and
programs of God.
REV 22:6 The angel said to me, [angel] - Same one that showed John
"These words are trustworthy and the New Heavens and the New Earth to
true. The Lord, the God of the include the New Jerusalem.
spirits of the prophets, sent his
angel to show his servants the [words are trustworthy] - Possibly
things that must soon take place." John was overwhelmed with all the
beauty and reality of the coming
eternal state that the angel felt a
need to reassure to John the truth of
all that has been expressed.
[spirits of the prophets] - Referring
to all the prophecies of the Old and
New Testaments that spoke of these
coming events. They, along with
what has been revealed here, testify
to the truth of what God has
[show his servants] - God gave the
Revelation as an encouragement to us
in our Christian Walk. This Book
gives us the "Big Picture" so we can
focus on our assigned task on this
earth. We do not need to focus on
acquiring wealth and position, for
that is waiting for us in the eternal
state. We can gain hope from these
verses as we struggle with the
wickedness of this age and our own
personal weaknesses.
[soon take place] - In the whole of
the history of man (10,000 to 12,000
years) these are the last events, for
it is the final phase. We can see in
the world today that we are waiting
for the Rapture of the Church. And
that event will begin this last phase
which ends with the redeemed possess
ing the New Earth.
REV 22:7 "Behold, I am coming [I am coming soon] - These are the
soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the risen Christ. He is
words of the prophecy in this saying that the time is near and for
book." His saints to live in the expectation
of His return. Again, the very next
event on God's timetable is the
visible, physical return of Christ
with the Rapture of the Church.
[blessed is he who keeps] - God is
declaring a special blessing for
those who keep the prophecy of this
Book of Revelation. In other words,
those who read the book and take it
to heart, allowing it to affect their
actions in this age. See additional
comments on REV 1:3.
REV 22:8 I, John, am the one who [fell down to worship] - John became
heard and saw these things. And overwhelmed at what he had heard and
when I had heard and seen them, I seen and felt very humble before such
fell down to worship at the feet of a great person and started to worship
the angel who had been showing them the angel (see REV 19:10).
to me.
REV 22:9 But he said to me, "Do [fellow servant] - The angels are
not do it! I am a fellow servant serving God as we also try to do.
with you and with your brothers the They are confirmed in righteousness
prophets and of all who keep the and therefore cannot sin against God.
words of this book. Worship God!" Thus, they serve Him with perfect
obedience, as we will someday do.
REV 22:10 Then he told me, "Do not [Do not seal up] - In verse 10:4 John
seal up the words of the prophecy was told to "seal up what the seven
of this book, because the time is thunders have said..." He was not
near. allowed to write it down for our
reading, but here John is reminded to
write down everything else that was
revealed to him. The churches of
John's day needed desperately to read
these words to encourage them in
their persecution.
REV 22:11 Let him who does wrong [Let him who does...] - This is
continue to do wrong; let him who another difficult passage. God is
is vile continue to be vile; let not commanding wickedness, but saying
him who does right continue to do that we cannot and should not make
right; and let him who is holy the unbeliever (those doing wrong and
continue to be holy." the vile) correspond to Christian
lifestyle and commands. It would be
impossible and could make them
either resentful of the Gospel or
to think themselves "saved" because
they keep the external rules.
The Holy Spirit will convict them of
sin and lead them to salvation if
they are willing. However, for the
saved (those doing right and holy),
His command is for them to persevere.
REV 22:12 "Behold, I am coming [I am coming soon] - See REV 22:7
soon! My reward is with me, and I
will give to everyone according to [reward...I will give ...according] -
what he has done. This passage speaks of the Mercy Seat
where the saints will be rewarded for
their works of righteousness done on
earth by the power of the Holy
Spirit. It is possible that there
will be varying rewards for the
diversity of works performed by the
different saints. However, it may
also be possible that all Christians
will receive the same rewards as
pictured in the Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard (MAT 20:1-
REV 22:13 I am the Alpha and the See REV 21:6
Omega, the First and the Last, the
Beginning and the End.
REV 22:14 "Blessed are those who [Blessed are] - In light of the many
wash their robes, that they may judgments and blessings depicted in
have the right to the tree of life this book, it is truly a blessing not
and may go through the gates into to suffer the described wrath and
the city. to be a partaker of the bliss and
beauty outlined by John.
[wash their robes] - God described
the situation of lost man as being
clothed with filthy rags (ISA 64:6).
In REV 7:14 He stated clearly the
process by which we could solve our
problem, "...they have washed their
robes and made them white in the
blood of the Lamb." Only those who
<1> Believe in Jesus Christ, <2>
Repent of their sins, and <3> Submit
to the Lordship of Jesus Christ will
have their robes washed in His pre
cious, precious Blood!
[right to the tree of life] - The
only ones who can live eternally in
the glorious bliss of Heaven with the
Triune God are those who eat from the
Tree of Life. Those who have been
washed in the Blood of Christ gain
access to the life-giving tree.
[may go through the gates] - The home
of the redeemed is in the New
Jerusalem with God, and only those
who have come to Christ by Believing,
Repenting, and Submitting have the
right to enter the pearly gates into
the city.
REV 22:15 Outside are the dogs, [Outside] - This is outside of the
those who practice magic arts, the the New Heavens and the New Earth
sexually immoral, the murderers, in the place called the Lake of Fire
the idolaters and everyone who (REV 20:15).
loves and practices falsehood.
[dogs] - Not literal dogs but those
who are evil, "Watch out for
those dogs, those men who do evil,
those mutilators of the flesh" (PHI
REV 22:16 "I, Jesus, have sent my [sent...for the churches] - Jesus has
angel to give you this testimony specifically given this Revelation of
for the churches. I am the Root and Himself for the churches. Yet, this
the Offspring of David, and the Book of Revelation, is one of the
bright Morning Star." most neglected books of the Bible.
[Root and the Offspring of David] -
Jesus is the fulfillment of the
promise of a Messiah that would come
from the "stump of Jesse" (ISA 11:1,
10; ROM 1:3).
[bright Morning Star] - When the long
night of darkness is about over, the
first sign of day is the bright
morning star. Jesus is the promised
star (NUM 24:17) that will end the
darkness of this age.
REV 22:17 The Spirit and the bride [The Spirit] - This is the Holy
say, "Come!" And let him who hears Spirit, equally God in every way to
say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, the Father and the Son. He is our
let him come; and whoever wishes, sweet helper and teacher in this age.
let him take the free gift of the
water of life. [the bride] - The saints currently in
Heaven waiting for our coming. See
REV 21:9 for comments.
[Come!] - The Spirit and the Bride
call out to all who would read or
hear the words of this Book to come
to the bliss of Heaven and the
presence of the Almighty God.
[free gift] - Salvation is free but
it is not cheap. It costs no money
or works, but simply the giving up of
oneself to Christ, by believing who
Christ claimed to be, by repenting of
one's sins, and by submitting our
will to His.
REV 22:18 I warn everyone who [I warn] - God warns everyone who
hears the words of the prophecy of would hear this revelation about
this book: If anyone adds anything Jesus Christ, not to tamper with it.
to them, God will add to him the This severe warning is for those who
plagues described in this book. would willfully tamper with the
message that is contained here.
This warning is similar to the one
in Proverbs 30:6, "Do not add to His
words, or he will rebuke you and
prove you a liar." Likewise, like
the warning given in Gal 1:8-9, "But
even if we or an angel from heaven
should preach a gospel other than the
one we preached to you, let him be
eternally condemned!"
[if anyone adds] - For those who
would add to God's words in this
book, God will ensure they will
receive the judgment described in
this Book of Revelation.
REV 22:19 And if anyone takes [if anyone takes words away] - For
words away from this book of those who would take away from God's
prophecy, God will take away from words in this book, God will ensure
him his share in the tree of life they will not taste of the Tree of
and in the holy city, which are Life, that would have been theirs,
described in this book. had they not refused to Believe,
Repent, and Submit to Christ.
It becomes obvious that those who
would willfully add to or take away
from the Book of Revelation are not
REV 22:20 He who testifies to [He who testifies] - This book is the
these things says, "Yes, I am testimony of Jesus Christ, revealing
coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord who He is and what He will do in the
Jesus. future.
[I am coming soon] - Jesus promises
that He is in fact coming soon. We
must realize that each generation is
actually closer to the return of
Christ than the previous ones. The
next event on God's timetable is the
return of Jesus for His Church.
[Come, Lord Jesus] - this should be
our response to the reading and
hearing of this book. There is no
family, career, home, car, etc., that
can compare to the glories of an
eternity with God. We should all cry
out, "Come, Lord Jesus!"
REV 22:21 The grace of the Lord John ends this marvelous letter with
Jesus be with God's people. Amen. a benediction.
Tony Capoccia
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Index of Preacher's Help and Notes
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