Title: Zeal for God's House

Descript.: A Sermon from John 2:12-22 on the Cleansing of the Temple

Text: John 2:12-22

Tracing: Preached January 3, 1993 AM at SDCC.



A tour of the Holy Land can be a fascinating experience. The

exact site of many events cannot be known for certain, but others can.

To walk the paths that our Lord walked and look on hillsides that are

probably little changed from then until now is a moving experience.

But sometimes things strike you as seriously out of place. In the

midst of a moving experience, twentieth century commercialism

intrudes. Two things are universally present on significant religious

sites in the middle east: 1) A church, mosque, or shrine 2) Souvenir

vendors. When I was able as a teenager to visit the Holy Land, I

remember the well in Samaria where they believe Jesus met the

Samaritan woman. An ancient church building (now in ruins) had been

built there to commemorate that encounter, but even on the grounds of

the church were merchants small bottles of water from the well as

souvenirs. It just seemed out of place.

And that was a historical site, long unused for corporate

worship! How much more inappropriate must it have seemed to Jesus to

find merchants in the courts of the Temple where God's people were

supposed to be seeking Him!

It was to be a place of prayer, of worship, of communion, of

reconciliation -- instead it was filled with bartering, haggling,

buying and selling. No wonder Jesus was enraged! Lets read the story

in John 2:12-22.

While this event is instructive as to Jesus' attitude towards the

Temple and the worship which was to take place there, it is equally

significant as a picture of the effect He wants to have in our lives!


-- In 1 Cor. 3:16-17, Paul refers to the church as God's Temple

-- In 1 Cor. 6:19-20, the body of an individual believer is

described as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

B. BODY -- Whether in the Physical Temple, the Church, or the life of the


1. Jesus Seeks to Restore Worship in the Temple of God. v.12-17

IN THE TEMPLE: The "money-changing" began as a convenience to

the worshippers -- inspecting their animals, selling them to those

who made their living in other ways, exchanging foreign currencies

for Jews of the dispersion who returned home to make sacrifices.

It was to be but a means to an end -- worship. But it intruded

into the temple itself, it became corrupt in every respect,

probably benefitting the priestly class (Sadducees) and the High

Priest. Making money became more important and more noticeable

than the worship and prayer that was supposed to take place!

In challenging the money-changers, Jesus was dipping into

Annas' billfold -- and He was to do it not once but twice! Nothing

was more risky. But such was the importance to Jesus that His

people not fritter away their opportunities for communion with God

by a preoccupation with the temporal.

IN THE CHURCH: Surely the Temple of the New Covenant (the

church) is never abused in this way is it? Yes -- when we pursue

activity for activity's sake, fun for fun's sake, and fellowship

for fellowship's sake. Our programs, activities, study, and

fellowship are to be only a means to an end. Our goal is two-fold:

to make new Christians and help Christians grow in Christ. All the

things we use to help accomplish this goal should NEVER take center

stage! If Jesus were here, are there tables he would overturn in

anger? Would He see things that detract from the divine business

intended to be conducted here? Ponder that question -- tonight

you'll have an opportunity to address it as we dream our dreams for


IN THE BELIEVER: Our lives are temples as well. Do we

structure them so as to be conducive to worship, prayer, and

communion with God? Or do we let them be filled with commerce,

trade, and the cares of life? If Jesus could step into your life,

what tables might he overturn? Do you spend too much time in your

business or seeking wealth? Too much time in amusement and

entertainment? What things in your life make it too loud to pray?

If there are tables that should be kicked over, let Him help you do

it yourself (it hurts alot less that way), you'll have a chance to

ask for help from all of us in a few moments as we have our

decision time.

2. Jesus Has Authority to Restructure the Temple. v.18-22

IN THE TEMPLE -- Because He WAS the God who was worshiped


IN THE CHURCH -- Because He is its Head and founder.

IN THE BELIEVER -- Because He bought us and owns us (1Co


All the above was proven by the RESURRECTION. That is all the

proof Jesus offered and all he needed. His claims stand or fall

with it. But He IS our Creator AND our Redeemer. He owns us and

knows us perfectly. He has every right to reorder our lives and He

will if we will allow it. Will you?


What tables would He overturn in your life? Don't oppose Him,

let Him do it. Share it with your brothers and sisters so we can help

you keep things in order!


Prepared by Scott L. Purcell

Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church

1501 Stokelan Drive

Malden, MO 63863

(314) 276-2343

Reproduce, modify, and use freely

for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!

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a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!

Index of Preacher's Help and Notes

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