Quotes Worth Requoting

The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the deceased Roman Empire,

sitting crowned upon the grave thereof.

--Thomas Hobbes

Preach not because you have to say something, but because you have

something to say.

--Richard Whately

By a landslide majority vote of 340-12, the Church of England Synod at

York decided to pledge itself to Inter-Church proposals for a new

ecumenical council to replace the British Council of Churches in

September, 1990.

--Church Times, WPU

Teach me, my God and King

In all things Thee to see,

And what I do in any thing

To do it as for Thee.

--George Herbert

"Lightning seems to strike crucifixes and medallions around people's

necks and often leaves a burn in the shape of the medal," said Dr.

Elsom (of the Tornado and Storm Research Organization). "St.

Christopher may not always be a help."

--Daily Mail, WPU

John Hinckley regards Jews as "the cause of most of the world's

problems." In a series of letters to a woman imprisoned in Oakdale,

Iowa, Hinckley called Hitler a "prophet" and said, "I am his

successor." He also said he had a theory that the Jews "are all

antichrists." Hinckley is serving time in prison for his attack on

former President Ronald Reagan.

--The Chattanooga Times (IBJM)

Revelation 17:18 describes the great Harlot as "that great city, which

reigneth over the kings of the earth." In the same chapter, we are

told this city sits on seven mountains (Rome). Soon, the Polish

government will discover that when the pope plays, it's time to dance.

--Battle Cry (Chick Pubs.)

The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be

known in the world.

--Charles Dickens

Our Lord died an apparent failure, discredited by the leaders of

established religion, rejected by society, and forsaken by his

friends. It took the Resurrection to demonstrate how gloriously

Christ had triumphed.

--A. W. Tozer

I go out to preach with two propositions in mind. First, everyone

ought to give his life to Christ. Second, whether or not anyone gives

Him his life, I will give Him mine.

--Jonathan Edwards

That book accounts for the supremacy of England.

--Queen Victori

That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic rests.

--Andrew Jckson

Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise.

Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it.

There is no fool so great as the knowing fool. But to know how to use

knowledge is to have wisdom. --Charles Spurgeon

I hope the last day will not be long delayed. The darkness grows

thicker around us, and godly servants of the Most High become rarer

and more rare. Impiety and licentiousness are rampant throughout the

world, and we live like pigs, like wild beasts, devoid of all reason.

But a voice will soon be heard thundering forth: "Behold, the

bridegroom cometh!" God will not be able to bear this wicked world

much longer, but will come, with the dreadful day, and chastise the

scorners of His word.

--Martin Luther

None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to

effect, but those who have learned it by experience.

--Martin Luther

The nature of men and women--their essential nature--is so vile and

despicable that if you were to portray a person as he really is, no

one would believe you.

--W. Somerset Maugham


When I have any money, I get rid of it as quickly as possible, lest it

find a way into my heart.

--John Wesley

All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of

confirming more and more strongly the truths contained in the Sacred


--Sir William Herschel

The Bible and the Bible only is the religion of the Protestants.

--William Chillingworth (1602-44)

Religion would not have man enemies, if it were not any enemy to their

vices. --Massillon

All Things in Christ

We have things in Christ, and Christ is all things in us. If we are

sick, He is a physician; if we fear death, He is life; if in darkness,

He is light; if in want, He is abundance; if hungry, He is food; if

thirsty, He is drink, if miserable, He is mercy; if covetous of

Heaven, He is the way.


Anglican Paganism

"Lighting a candle, blessings to the dead, secret Icons, are ways of

keeping faith alive", says the Anglican Bishop of Stepney.

--Radio 4 (WPU)

Admiral Sir Julian Oswald, a Roman Catholic, has been appointed the

First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen

{Elizabeth II of England}.

--Catholic Herald, WPU

Index of Preacher's Help and Notes

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