Title: Church, Hold On!
Text: Rev. 3:7-13
Tracing: Preached 6/24/90.
Topic: Rewards
Theme: Rewards given to those with just a little strength.
Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:
Intro.: ÿIn our study of the letters to the seven churches in Asia, ÿwe
have ÿseen one or two dominant characteristics of the church named
by ÿÿJesus ÿÿand ÿÿa ÿÿpromise ÿor ÿwarning ÿÿbased ÿÿupon ÿÿthose
Ephesus ÿworked hard but had lost its love -- ÿJesus threatened
the death of their church.
Smyrna ÿwas ÿpoor and persecuted but had only ÿto ÿcontinue ÿin
faithfulness to receive riches and reward.
Pergamum ÿhad ÿendured ÿpersecution ÿfaithfully ÿbut ÿhad ÿbeen
induced ÿto ÿcompromise morally -- ÿif they did not ÿrepent ÿJesus
would purify the church by the sword of his mouth.
Thyatira ÿhad ÿlove, ÿfaith, ÿservice, ÿÿand ÿperseverance ÿbut
tolerated ÿa false teacher who had become thoroughly entrenched in
the ÿchurch -- ÿthey were to hang on until Jesus punished her ÿand
her followers.
Sardis ÿhad ÿall the outward appearances of life but no ÿinward
reality -- they had to quickly revive or their church would die.
And now, Philadelphia! Read v. 7-13
ÿÿLet's notice first their dominant characteristic: ÿA ÿÿLITTLE
STRENGTH. They were not "powerhouses", ÿthey had not accomplished
much ÿand could not accomplish much on their own. ÿBut ÿwith ÿthat
little ÿbit of strength, ÿthey were obedient and faithful! ÿÿThis
letter will show us Four Rewards of Faithfulness.
I. ÿÿHE GIVES US AN OPEN DOOR. ÿv.8 ÿTwo possible meanings: ÿÿ1)
"Access" ÿÿto ÿa special reward (in heaven, ÿpresumably) ÿÿor ÿ2)
Special opportunity for great accomplishments (most common ÿmodern
usage). ÿÿMy ÿpreference is for the second and I take it to ÿmean
that ÿHe ÿwas ÿgoing ÿto ÿmake ÿit ÿpossible ÿfor ÿthe ÿchurch ÿin
Philadelphia to have an influence all ÿout ÿof proportion to their
size and strength. This is in response to their faithfulness -- a
basic ÿBiblical ÿprinciple is that one who is faithful in ÿjust ÿa
little ÿwill ÿbe ÿgiven more. ÿThey were ÿfaithful ÿin ÿa ÿlittle
strength ÿso ÿJesus ÿwas ÿgoing ÿto reward ÿthem ÿwith ÿeven ÿmore
If Jesus gives you an open door, who can keep you out? - ÿOnly
yourself! ÿYet I believe that a part of the reason many ÿchurches
are weak is that they have been offered open doors in the past and
been too fearful and too faithless to go through them! When God
presents us with an opportunity, jump at it!
Smyrna, ÿÿthey ÿhad ÿsuffered ÿopposition ÿfrom ÿthose ÿwho ÿÿwere
physically ÿdescended ÿfrom Israel but who were so ÿself-righteous
and ÿhate-filled ÿthat they were of the Devil. ÿEven ÿthese ÿ"so-
called" ÿJews were to fall at the feet of those in the church ÿand
admit that God was with them. ÿ"Fall at the feet" means either to
worship ÿor simply to honor. ÿThis could mean that they would ÿbe
caused ÿto worship God in the presence of the Christians ÿ-- ÿÿ"be
converted". ÿÿBut more likely, ÿit just means they would come ÿto
respect the Christians and their faith.
God had done this before -- look at Acts 5:12-14, where all the
people thought highly of the Christians but hesitated, ÿfrom fear,
to join them. Also later where many of the priests also believed.
persecution from Rome was shortly to begin and continue off-and-on
for centuries. They would be protected.
Since the writers of the N.T. ÿhave so often tried to teach ÿus
that ÿtesting is for our good, ÿso that we will be stronger, ÿÿwhy
would Jesus spare them from such testing? ÿTwo possibilities: ÿ1)
the same strength that comes from enduring testing can be obtained
simply by steadfast obedience. 2) Why hinder productive people?
IV. ÿHE PROMISES A SURE SALVATION. v. 11-13 They needed to hold
on ÿto their faith and their little bit of strength, ÿbut if ÿthey
did, ÿno one could cause them to fall. ÿIt is likewise with us --
their is no one and nothing that can cause us to lose our faith or
our salvation unless we give it up.
Look at the imagery: ÿPillar in the temple=fellowship with God,
name ÿof God written=identifies as belonging to God, ÿname of ÿthe
city ÿwritten=identifies ÿas destined for heaven, ÿcoming ÿout ÿof
heaven=indestructible ÿ- ÿnot ÿsubject ÿto ÿearthquakes, ÿÿmy ÿnew
name=identifies as part of the church.
Conc.: Will you be faithful in your little bit of strength? ÿWill you by
your ÿfaithfulness ÿgive ÿHim ÿreason to give you ÿan ÿopen ÿdoor?
Obedience is the key!
Prepared by Scott L. Purcell
Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church
1501 Stokelan Drive
Malden, MO 63863
(314) 276-2343
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