Title: The Needs of a Thirsty Soul

Descript.: A Sermon on the Samaritan Woman at the Well

Text: John 4:1-42

Usage: Preached January 24, 1993 AM at SDCC.



An unquenched thirst is one of the most compelling sensations our

body is capable of delivering! Illus.- Two-a-day football practices

in high school in Texas. Illus. - thirst after 5 hours of violent

vomiting. The tissues themselves seem to cry out for moisture.

But thirst can describe more than just the longing of the body

for liquid, it can also describe the longing of the soul for

acceptance, usefulness, and communion with the living God! And the

emptiness created by the lack of these things is just as compelling as

the thirst of a parched body. The thirst an alcoholic is trying to

quench is not satisfied with what is in the bottle. The needs that

lure another person into sexual promiscuity or infidelity can also be

described as a thirst. Likewise, the sense of accomplishment sought

by the "workaholic", the fun sought by the hedonist, and the leisure

sought by the lazy. All of these fruitless behaviors are misguided

efforts to quench a thirst that can ONLY be quenched by Christ!

Consider the encounter Jesus had with an outcast Samaritan woman

in John 4. This brief conversation lays bare her heart and show how

very thirsty she is and how she (AND WE) can be satisfied!

B. BODY - The Needs of a Thirsty Soul

1. To be Accepted

That this was a crying need of her heart is revealed by:

a) The timing of her trip to the well (noon instead of the cool of

the day)

b) Her astonishment at Jesus' conversation with her: Samaritan,

woman, and outcast! He was having more to do with her than her

own people did!

c) Her response to His revelation of Himself: Left the water Jar!

Have you ever felt rejected, abandoned by all that you thought

cared about you? Jesus wants to walk with you -- wants to help. No

matter how others treat you, He cares. Moreover, those who are

truly His followers care too! Notice that the disciples were

learning -- though surprised, none were critical of the


2. To be Needed

"How are you going to draw water -- you need my bucket!" Here

was a woman longing to be needed and useful to someone. She

probably felt "disposable".

As Christians ARE WE NEEDED? Not in the sense that the is

anything God CANNOT accomplish without us. He is OMNIPOTENT. But

He has chosen to work through us to take the gospel to the world.

This woman wanted to be needed, to be more than something to be

used up and thrown away. And while Jesus did not need her to draw

water -- He did need her to tell the village. An interesting

footnote is Philip's work in the same region (same village?) in

Acts -- tremendous response! Maybe because of the seeds planted

this day!

3. To Have Fellowship with God

"Where can I go to find God? Is it true that Jerusalem is

better than here?" She had been worshipping in the place she had

been taught was right -- but she was still empty. Many Christians

share her plight -- they try to find the right church and go there

regularly -- but still are EMPTY, THIRSTY.


Jesus' teaching here is crucial: It is not WHERE, but HOW

that counts! Worship is not RITUAL, but relationship. Illus:

Marriage counseling with man who never speaks with his wife -- "But

I live in the same house with her!?"

If you still feel empty, maybe you have been seeking Him

through RITUAL. Instead, do the things that cultivate RELATIONSHIP

-- prayer, meditation, read His letter, discuss things with Him.

Awfully one-sided? No, not if you ever really try it with an

openness to the Spirit!


Do you want a place where you are accepted and loved, even when

others reject you? Some task or mission to make your life MEAN

SOMETHING? Do you want to KNOW God?

Come to Him, based on what you've been told. Believe in Him,

based on what you learn of Him yourself. Follow Him and have your

thirst really quenched!



Prepared by Scott L. Purcell

Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church

1501 Stokelan Drive

Malden, MO 63863

(314) 276-2343 daytime

(314) 276-4201 evening

Reproduce, modify, and use freely

for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!

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a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!

Index of Preacher's Help and Notes

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