Title: The Gift of Life
Descript.: On the Sanctity of Life
Text: Selected
Tracing: Preached January 17, 1993 AM at SDCC.
Twenty years ago this week began a new period of American History
-- a period which I believe will be revealed, from the perspective of
heaven, to be the blackest episode in our history and the downfall of
our nation unless we repent of it. Twenty years ago this week the
decision was handed down which allowed us to begin killing our unborn
children at the rate of more than a million each year.
While it may be disputed whether it is cause or effect, this same
period of time has seen an overall devalueing of life -- and so, it is
appropriate that we spend this week in an examination of the value God
places on Life.
B. BODY -- The Value of Life
1. Life is a gift of God
At creation God breathed in us the breath of life. Because of
Sin, we were sentenced to death, but God sent Jesus called the Word
of life, the Bread of Life, the Author of Life, the way, the
truth, and the Life to give us the gift of life and lead us on the
path of life so we might be found in the book of life and recieve a
crown of life and eat from the tree of life!
Sounds like an issue God is concerned about, doesn't it?
2. Human Life is Sacred to God
a) It belongs to Him, not to us. Ps 24:1 Ez 18:4
b) God values even the handicapped and deformed
Think of how Jesus ministered among the handicapped,
afflicted and deformed -- can you imagine Him EVER denying
someone life on the basis of a "quality-of-life" ethic? God has
a plan for everyone, even the handicapped as He had to remind
Moses (Ex 4:11)!
c) The Taking of Innocent Human Life is Sin.
Surely we can agree on that! For convenience, "quality of
life", lack of finances, etc. -- it doesn't matter, it is sin!
As early as Cain, this principle is made clear. Then, crystal
clear in the commandments: THOU SHALT NOT MURDER!
The question is: Does abortion constitute the taking of
innocent human life? If it doesn't then we have no further
objection to it. If it does, then all of the rationalizations
of the pro-choicers ring hollow and fall short.
d) We are expected to protect the vulnerable. Ps 82:2-4, Pr
24:11-12 31:8-9
3. When Life Begins
a) God views the preborn as persons.
1) "brephos" is used in the NT to refer to newborns, infants,
and children -- but also the preborn (Luke 1:41,44).
Similarly, "yeled" is used in the OT to refer to both
children and the preborn. God makes no distinctions. 2) John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit even "from
his mother's womb" (Lk 1:15) and by that Spirit, recognized
Jesus three months before birth (Lk 1:44)!
b) God creates and deals with the preborn as individuals.
1) Ps 139:13-16
2) Ge 25:22-24 Already God knew the different destinies of
Jacob & Esau
c) Science is unequivocal -- Human Life begins at conception,
despite semantical games with the concept of "personhood".
What we need to do:
1. Celebrate Life, rejoice in it, learn to value it in the same way
God does.
2. Promote this understanding in our contacts with the world. Demolish
arguments, taking every thought captive for Christ (2Co 10:5)
3. Repent of our apathy and toleration of this atrocity.
4. Work tirelessly for change. Many descendents of WWII era Germans
now look back in shame at Grandparents who know of the atrocities
and did nothing to resist. How will you answer your
grandchildren's questions, "What did you do to stop the killing?"
Prepared by Scott L. Purcell
Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church
1501 Stokelan Drive
Malden, MO 63863
(314) 276-2343
Reproduce, modify, and use freely
for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!
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