The Life And Ministry Of Jesus Christ

1. The first glimpse of Gods redemptive plan is found in Genesis

3:15. Make at least four observations on this passage.



This first prophecy about the coming of the Messiah is placed into

the language of descent, or 'seed', and shows that He would come

through the woman Eve. It is a broad prediction of the Messiah's

coming through the human race.Throughout the rest of the Old

Testament the prophecies narrow down from His coming through the

human race to being born to a specific family. God continually

amplified the details of His promised redemption in narrowing down

the messianic line.

2. What are the main points of the following promises given in the

Old Testament?

A)Nation-Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:5-6, 17:4-8)






B)Tribe-Judah (Gen.49:10)





C)Family-David (2 Sam 7:16, Psalm 89:34-36)



The credentials of the Messiah were based on more than cryptic

promises and a narrowing down of His ancestry. The prophets of

Israel throughout the many centuries of their ministry provided

detailed information about what the life of the Messiah would be

like. True prophecy in the Old Testament did not originate with

the speaker or the writer (Isaiah 51:16, Jer 23:16) but with God.

The prophet was one who was a speaker for God, and when God spoke

through His servants the prophets..He validated their ministry

through the fulfillment of short-range prophecies. (Jer 28:9)

Because their short range prophecies had been fulfilled as predicted, -->>CONTINUED<<--


their long range prophecies concerning the Messiah were just as

certain of fulfillment. Gods prophets made over 300 prophecies in the

Old Testament about Jesus of Nazareth,but we will look only at some

of the highlights of His background here.

3. What requirements for Messiah are set forth by Isaiah 9:6-7 ,

and how are each of the following areas fulfilled in the New


RACE (Nation or People)


























**Has Jesus become all these TITLES to me personally??








4. Later, when the magi came seeking "the King of the Jews"

(Matt. 2:2), they were informed by King Herod that according

to prophecy the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judea.

What would you say makes this prophecy..given around 700 BC

so amazing? (Micah 5:2)







The 3-fold office of the


The totality of the Old Testament revelation shows this coming

Messiah to be a prophet, a priest, and a king. He is to be the

perfect fulfillment of these 3 God given functions in Israel,

all of which, though imperfectly practiced, pointed forward

to Him.

5. How did Moses both illustrate and predict the coming of the

Prophet? (Duet. 1:1-3, 18:15-19)









Throughout the history of Israel, the concept of priesthood as a necessary

instrument of mediation between God and man grew in the conciousness of the people.

Priestly acts of worship and their performing the necessary substitute

sacrifices reminded the people that they could not atone for their own sins ..The Law which the people could not keep,

further brought home the need for a Priest to secure divine favor.

6. Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12 . List how the coming messiah,

Identified as the 'Suffering Servant' performs a priestly work.



7. What elements of Messiah's kingship to you see in Nathans

prophecy to David? (2 Sam 7:4-17)












John 1:1-18 ************ The Deity of the Messiah

The prologue to Johns Gospel clearly presents the essential deity of

the Messiah. In profound theological language, John shows Jesus'

divinity and pre-exisistence.

8. What does John say about Jesus' divinity and pre-existence?

(Cross Ref's: Philip. 2:6-7, Coloss 1:15-20)





















9. Why, in your opinion, does he present Jesus in this way?

(Cross Ref: John 20:31)














******Matthew 1:1-17 ******Luke 3:23-38 *** The Ancestry of the Messiah

God gave his promises to specific people, so that when Jesus came He could

be clearly identified as the Messiah. The divinely planned genealogies in the

gospels of Matt. and Lk. substantiate Jesus' claims to the long promised


10. Note the five women mentioned in Matthew's genealogy. Fill in the

chart below.































================================================================================� (6)

The Geographical Setting


In order for us to see Jesus in the context of His times, it is

important that we know and understand the geography of Palestine during

His lifetime. This will help us realize the miles He walked in the hot sun

and the physical weariness He experienced. Knowing where Jesus ministered

enables us to visualize Him in action.

11. Using OUTSIDE helps...find and mark the main political areas and

major cities in first century Palestine on the map. Also write

in the approximate distances between cities.



******************************************************************************** The Men Who Wrote The Gospels.

******************************************************************************** Mark 1:1 Lk. 1:1-4

As you study the life and ministry of Jesus, you will discover that each

of the four gospels presents a different viewpoint. The first three gospels

are somewhat similar and are called the Synoptics, because of their essential

parallel content. John, however, is different in many ways, containing

incidents not found in the other three.

Each gospel writer, persuing his own theme, chose to record only certain

events from Jesus' life. When more than one writer chose to include the

same event, the accounts often may differ in perspective and content.

This is not because the writers disagreed on the facts, but because each

author had a different relationship with Jesus and a different purpose for


12. Why were each of the following men qualified to tell the story

of Jesus accurately? (Use your bible dictionary or handbook)






































Because each writer presents Jesus as the Messiah to a different

group of people, each gospel contains a different emphasis. The Gospel

of Matthew was addressed primarily to Jews, and emphasized Jesus as King.

The approach of the writer was to show Jesus fulfilling Old Testament

prophecies, to present His teachings topically, and to contrast Him with

the Pharisees.

The Gospel of Mark was addressed mainly to the Romans, and emphasizes

Jesus as the servant. Mark recorded the actions of Jesus more than His

teachings, explained Jewish traditions, and concentrated on His power

and authority.

The Gospel of Luke was written to the Greeks or Gentiles of a Greek

mind-set, and emphasizes Jesus as a true man. It is scholarly and

historical, deals with human needs, and presents the human side of the Son

of God.

The Gospel of John was addressed to the world, and emphasizes Jesus as

the Son of God. The writer builds belief in Jesus as the incarnate Son

of God, shows Jesus as being independant from human influence, and presents

Jesus' teachings more than His actions.

13. How do the opening words of each gospel help explain the

authors purpose in writing?

Matt.1:1-17 :






Mark 1:1 :






Lk. 1:1-4 :






John 1:1-5 :









God had been strangely silent for nearly 400 years. Neither angels nor

prophets had spoken to men during what has been called the intertestamental

period. Now that silence was broken as angels appeared with promises from

God.. The 'Fullness of time' {Gal. 4:4} had finally arrived!! Adn the

Messiah and His forerunner were about to appear. (Watch for similarities

in the announcements of the angels and the births of John the Baptist and

Jesus as you study these sections.)

** The promise to Zacharias and Elizabeth ** Luke 1:5-25

14. Describe the character of Zacharias and Elizabeth.










Zacharias and Elizabeth were old and childless. This was considered

shameful among the Jews. { Refer to Luke 1:4-5}

15. How had Zacharias and Elizabeth responded to the shame

of childlessness? { Lk. 1:13-25}



















16. What unusual things would their promised son accomplish?








** The promise to Mary ** ** Lk. 1:26-38 **

Luke probably talked with Mary personally before he wrote his account

which tells of her deep inward experiences, her calling, her fears,

her submission, and her outburst of joy.

17. What were the main points of the angel's message?









18. Record the progressive changes in Mary's attitude as she

listened to the angel's message.








** Mary visits Elizabeth ** ** Lk. 1:39-56 **

Shortly after the angel's appearance, Mary spent 3 months visiting

her relative Elizabeth. The unusual experiences of both women created

a special relationship between them.

19. What was the significance of Elizabeth's greeting to her

younger relative?





20. What was the focus of their conversation?







21. What lessons have you learned from this experience of the two

women that could be applied to your life in your everyday













** John's Birth ** **Luke 1:57-80 **

Because Zacharias and Elizabeth had been childless for such a long

time, John's birth was an event of special joy for them, The name

John, assigned earlier by the angel, means 'God has been gracious'.

22. Why do you think God wanted the child to be named 'John'?

{Lk.1:57-66 ; See Lk. 1:13}










23. Summarize what Zacharias prophesied about Jesus. {Lk.1:67-75}









24. Summarize what he prophesied about John. {Lk. 1:76-79}









25. Review this whole section, and look for a principal or truth

you feel God wants you to apply to your life. Write them down

and include any specific steps you intend to take.










Index of Preacher's Help and Notes

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