In any study of the writings of the Old Testament it is essential

to bear in mind the world view of its authors. In contradistinction

to Greek philosophy, which views history as merely a haphazard

collection of events, or to Buddhist thought, which sees history as

cyclical, replaying itself eternally in an endless reproduction from

which there is no escape, the Old Testament view of history is linear

- history, it affirms, has a beginning, a middle and an end.

The writers of the Old Testament assumed history began with a

Creation in which the world, man, and the universe as a whole came

into being through the direct action of God, that they were created,

and that they were created 'good'. By good is meant that it was

correct morally, that it was created with purpose and with all the

various parts of creation working harmoniously with all the others,

and that there was nothing sinful, evil or painful inherent in it.

The universe and all that is in it was created to function properly as

long as God were in sovereign control.

But the writers were also aware that the world as it now exists

is not as God created it. Thus, there is a second phase of history:

The Fall.

The Fall is the entrance into the world of sin and of all

its consequences. Man broke God's law, committing spiritual treason

against him who is the King of Creation. Thus was introduced into

creation sin, which caused a great separation not only in man's

relationship to God but to all other parts of creation as well. With

the introduction of sin all of man's experiences were skewed, not only

his religious side (spiritual) but also his view of himself

(psychological), his relationship with other men (sociological), with

the environment, and every other part of the universe. This breaking

of relationships, along with every other type of evil we find in the

world, is all a result of a broken relationship between God and man.

Most non-Christians complain that this sort of a view - that the

breaking of a relationship between God and man could have such

universal repercussions - is unrealistic or naive. But is it? If a

boyfriend and girlfriend, or a husband and a wife, have a disagreement

which results in a strain in their relationship, the quite common

experience is that, as the strain continues, eventually everything

begins to come apart. If a husband finds himself estranged from his

wife he will often find he can't sleep or eat, that he begins to have

problems in his relationships with others, and that he begins to lose

concentration at work or elsewhere. The one broken relationship has

affected every area of his life.

The Bible suggests that this is the way of things with man's

relationship with God. Once this relationship - this most crucial of

relationships - was broken, every part of man's existence was


The result of the fall is that the universe which was created

good has become 'apparently' evil. 'Apparently', because it is not so

inherently. The evil we see in the world around us did come come from

within creation, was not inherent in it, but was introduced from

outside of it. In addition, man's nature has changed. Not only does

man continue to commit acts of sin, but he is by his very nature a


The third phase of history then sees God's discontent with the

state of creation as it has become, and with the break in his

relationship with man. Here, then, God moves to restore that

relationship, to reconcile creation, and to rejuvenate the universe.

He moves to set in motion events which will in the course of time

correct the plight of mankind. This is done not only that his

rightful place as King of Creation be restored, but that man's

redemption might be completed.

Thus the writers of the Old Testament viewed the history they

were recording not just as any old history but as a special history -

the history of redemption. The events they recorded were the events

through which the God of the Universe entered into history, acting in

it, revealing himself and the reconciliation and redemption so

desperately needed; they were the events through which God not only

provides but actually applies his reconciling work. And it was with

this history - this history of redemption - this holy history - that

the writers were concerned. It was here that they - and we - could

see God at work.

And history has an end. This is the fourth and final phase:

Consummation. In the age to come, God's holy history will be

complete, and the universe - and with it mankind - will be restored to

harmony and fellowship.

Calvin Culver

Computers for Christ - Chicago

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