Title: The Glory of New Birth
Text: 1Pet. 1:3-12
Tracing: Preached November 22, 1992 PM at SDCC.
1 Peter is a letter to Christians about to enter an era of persecution.
But instead of being heavy and somber, it is largely positive -- instructing
them on how to live in the circumstances they would face.
Peter begins by setting forth the glories of the New Birth as the
foundation for all the rest of his message. Read with me 1Pe 1:1-12.
Did you realize that the prophets and even the angels yearned for a glimpse
of what the New Covenant would really be like? So tantalizing were the glimpses
that they could hardly stand the suspense of waiting for it to be revealed. And
yet that very same covenant is often taken for granted by Christians when it
should be received with very great JOY!
So that we will NOT be guilty of taking for granted such a great salvation,
let's examine some of its glories tonight!
1. New Birth 1Pe. 1:3 1Pe. 1:23
Have you ever wished for a fresh start? To be able to take back the
mistakes of the past and live over again? We have that in Christ! A Clean
slate -- we are washed clean, totally forgiven! Rom. 6:4
Such life calls for a different lifestyle -- not only do we have a
chance to avoid the mistakes of the past, we have a new nature! v.23, Jo.
2. Living Hope 1Pe. 1:3
Hope is a necessity for human life. Consider report this week on
centenarians: one of the most common shared characteristics was optimism and
hope! Consider POWs and hostages: Those who fare the best never lost HOPE!
Hope is what gets us through the Christian Life -- Heb. 6:18-19
That hope springs from the Resurrection! There the worst blow Satan was
ever able to strike was overcome and reversed! There God's ways were
vindicated! There the acceptability of Christ's sacrifice was proclaimed!
That was the beginning of defeat for Satan, and the beginning of Eternity for
the Believer!
3. Eternal Inheritance 1Pe. 1:4
We have been given a new birth -- as His children. And as such we have
an inheritance -- one that will never be lost, stolen, or devalued. Nothing
at all can touch it. The only way we may fail to receive it is if we neglect
to claim it by refusing to live as children of God. Live with your eyes on
4. Powerful Protection 1Pe. 1:5
Are you ever worried about your faithfulness, the security of your
salvation? Don't be! Through Faith you are shielded by God's power!
I don't believe in "Eternal Security". Christians can (and a few have)
abandon their salvation -- otherwise you find scripture in the contradictory
position of warning against something that cannot happen! However, you will
not "drift away" or "fall away" by some weakness or inattention! If you ever
abandon the faith, you will do so with eyes straight ahead, nose in the air
and with full awareness of what you are doing!
In these things rejoice -- despite persecutions.
Non-Christian claim them for your own!
Prepared by Scott L. Purcell
Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church
1501 Stokelan Drive
Malden, MO 63863
(314) 276-2343
Reproduce, modify, and use freely
for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!
If these outlines are of some benefit to you,
a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!
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