Title: Prepared for Action
Text: 1 Pet. 1:13-23
Tracing: Preached December 6, 1992 PM at SDCC
In the midst of a world of insecurity and mounting persecution,
we have something firm, solid, and unchanging to hold on to: Our
Salvation! Peter opened his first epistle by describing its glories
-- a new birth, a living hope, an eternal inheritance, and powerful
protection -- promises so great that the prophets and the angels
longed to know more about it until it was finally revealed for us.
That salvation is an anchor for us -- like a foundation, it gives
us something stable on which to build our lives.
1. Prepare Yourself v.13
The Christian life is to be one of battle against darkness.
We battle in the realm of ideas, attitudes and convictions. Paul
said (2Co 10:5) "We demolish arguments and every pretension that
sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive
every thought to make it obedient to Christ." We are not to sit in
the stream of our culture and "go with the flow" but rather to
constantly point the way and strive to change the direction of the
flow away from its rush to destruction.
But such mental and spiritual battle takes preparation! It
requires our own minds to be transformed. It calls for study both
corporate and private. It requires that we become so steeped in
the Word of God that our thoughts are His thoughts!
Yes, that's lots of work! But if the Gospel is the only
stable thing on which to build our lives in a sea of change (and it
is!) then there is no more productive use of our time and
2. Control Yourself v.13
The Christian walk should be a DELIBERATE one. Our tendency
is to live by the whim of our fleshly nature, flitting from one
thing to another, satisfying only ourselves. But we must conquer
that tendency. We are not our own, we have chosen to not live for
ourselves. Now we must bring our lives under control and submit
them to His will.
3. Commit Yourself v.13
I mean this in the sense of "entrust yourself". Place all
your confidence and hope on God's Grace and on nothing else.
Everything else can, and ultimately will, fail! There is nothing
else to build upon at all.
4. Submit Yourself v.14-15
Not disobedient but submissive and obedient. Not living in
sin but in holiness. Not walking in our own ways but in His ways.
180 degrees different from society -- like aliens and strangers.
Finally, LOVE ONE ANOTHER for what we have in common is eternal!
Prepared by Scott L. Purcell
Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church
1501 Stokelan Drive
Malden, MO 63863
(314) 276-2343
Reproduce, modify, and use freely
for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!
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a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!
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