HEAD 1 + Title: Designing a Service for Worship

Text: Selected

Tracing: Preached January 26, 1992 AM at SDCC



An Experiment today! Last week we discussed how our worship is, to a large

extent, a matter of LEARNING. As I was mentioning ways we can keep our minds

alert to better retain what we learn, I mentioned taking notes, writing down

questions, even challenging what is said. And I said that maybe once in a while

we should have a "post-sermon" discussion. Today we will try it! So if

questions or ideas occur to you, jot them down or hold on to them tight, and

I'll try to finish up a little early so we can have a brief discussion after the


There is little specifically said concerning the Worship Assemblies of the

early church. There is little in the way of instruction, too. We have

basically two ways we can go about trying to determine what our services should

be like: 1) Look at the O.T. and observe their worship, filtering out that which

is specific to the old covenant. 2) Look at Paul's advice to the Corinthians.



HEAD 2 + Exuberent

Let's start by looking to the Old Testament -- and where better to start

than with the man after God's Own Heart? 2Sa 6:3-22 We too need to worship

with all our might, concerned only with what God thinks, not men! Consider

Ps 150:3-5 (Exuberant Worship!), Col. 3:17,23, Mr 12:30 (Great Commandment!

What does exuberence mean in our worship services? 1) Doing what we do,

only more so! 2) Doing what we're led to do cooperatively 3) Doing what

will enhance the corporate worship experience (for example, "amens" focus

your attention and that of others) 4) Doing what will express our worship,

regardless of what others may think! (illus. clapping, raising hands,

"amens", etc.)

HEAD 2 + Orderly (Conducive to Learning)

Consider Corinth! Communion had become a Celebration of Selfishness -

1Co 11:20ff! Several or many people were evidently speaking at once and

tongues were being spoken without interpretation - 1Co 14:26ff. Perhaps,

because of several speaking at once (illus - party conversations), Women were

evidently calling out questions to their husbands (who were seated

separately) - 1Co 14:34-35. Paul's summation of what is needed is found in

1Co 14:40 - Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

So order is called for. Why? Because a major part of our worship is

learning! Nothing in our services should detract from that. This is the

Balance to the first point.

What does it mean for us? Our services are generally free from major

problems in this area. But we need to give ongoing attention to the

reduction of distractions, etc. Not to the extent that we make people

uncomfortable or unwelcome, but to a reasonable extent. Illus. - making

parents of infants uncomfortable. Sometimes teenagers are in greater need of

being taken out of the service by their parents than infants!







HEAD 2 + Participative

Scripture teaches that everyone has something to contribute! RO 12, 1CO

12, 1Co. 14:26. For the good of the individual and the good of the body, it

is imperative that we strive to involve everyone in our worship. It can be

anything -- greeting, encouraging someone, sharing a thought in Sunday

School, teaching, singing, playing, etc. Everyone is needed!

Why then do we (unconsciously) discourage individual expressions of

worship -- an "Amen", a raised hand, a whispered prayer, clapping in

appropriate songs, etc. These are ways of participation!

We have different comfort levels. But in the interests of diversity and

the health of the body, we need to stretch those comfort levels. We should

work to develop an attitude that is at ease with any form of worship, and a

style of worship service that uses many different forms on a regular basis.

Participation is one of the goals of the experiment I mentioned earlier

- I have done some of the teaching, now others can join in as we take a few

moments to discuss anything pertaining to our study of worship.

--- Discussion ---


HEAD 1 + COMMENTS - Use Ps 47 as Call to Worship

HEAD 1 +

Prepared by Scott L. Purcell

Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church

1501 Stokelan Drive

Malden, MO 63863

(314) 276-2343

Reproduce, modify, and use freely

for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!

If these outlines are of some benefit to you,

a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!

Index of Preacher's Help and Notes

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