- The Hundred-fold Heresy.
- Seventh Day Adventists - Are They Christian?
- The Plain Truth Of Herbert W. Armstrong.
- Bahai World Faith - #1
- Bahai - #2
- Bahai - #3
- Bahai - #4
- Bahai - #5
- Seventh Day Adventism - Another Gospel.
- Cult Catalog Of The Other Jesus.
- The Roman Catholic Church.
- Catholics...Violating Their Own Scriptures?
- Christ And The Pope Contrasted.
- Is The Roman Catholic Mass A Sacrifice...
- Are Some Roman Catholics Saved?
- The Unclaimed Reward!
- There Is A Vicar Of Christ.
- Catholicism - Which Will You Believe?
- Catholic Chronicle - #1
- Catholic Chronicle - #2
- Catholic Chronicle - #3
- Catholic Chronicle - #4
- The Other Jesus Of The Cults.
- The Other Jesus Of The Cults.
- Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Unification church.
- Mysticism.
- What Is A Cult?
- So Mote It Be - Free Masonary.
- If Christianity Is Lived Out...
- Halloween.
- Secular Humanism.
- Growth Of Islam in the UK.
- History of the Jehovah Witnesses.
- Comments on Jehova's Witness File above.
- The last witness.
- The world's most dangerous book.
- 15 reasons why I cannot be a JW.
- ..
- ..
- ..
- One Hundred Years Of Divine direction (JW).
- Resurrection Of Christ (JW).
- Jehovah Witnesses And The Trinity.
- When They Come To Your Door (JW).
- Rev. Moon - They Say He Is The Messiah.
- Mysticism in America.
- The Jesus Of Christianity/Of Mormonism.
- Mormonism - The Nature Of God.
- Mormonism - The Real Holy Spirit.
- Mormonism - Salvation By Works.
- Do the Dead Sea Scrolls prove Mormonism?
- Do Mormons Really Believe In The Bible?
- Was Joseph Smith A Prophet Of God? #1
- Was Joseph Smith A Prophet Of God? #2
- Mormonism - What's Going On In There? #1
- Mormonism - Secret Temple Ceremonies #2.
- Mormonism - Why Work For The Dead? #3
- New Age - An overview.
- The New Age Movement In The Business World.
- Satanism On The Increase.
- A Christian Confronts The Paranormal
- Dungeons & Dragons - Concerns!
- D&D - The Game.
- Discussion of D&D.
- A former D&D player - warning!
- A press release on D&D.
- D&D - Danger!
- Galloping Globalism - one world.
- The OuiJa Board.
- The Truth About The World Council...
- WCC - An Ecumenical Tower Of Babel.
- UFOes.
- Is Satanism Linked To Crimes?
- Spiritualism/sorcery/witchcraft.
- Membership In The Church Of Satan.
- Which Foundation? The Pope?
- Witchcraft.
- Reincarnation.
- Inner Healing - book reviews.
- Who Is A Saint?
- The church of Scientology.
- Christian Science.
- Paganism - Witchcraft.
- Really out on a limb.
- Self realization fellowship.
- Unity School of Christianity.
- Watching Out For Watchman Nee.
- Rosicrucian Fellowship/Order of Rose Cross.
- Scripture Twisting - Methods of the cults.
- Cult Of Error - The Way.
- Who's That Knocking At My Door? (JW)
- Witchcraft - defined.
- Cults And Kids - A study of coercion.
- TM - Cult Of The Empty Mind.
- The Beginnings Of The Jesuits.
- Visualization.
- Spiritual Tug Of War.
- Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad New Age Movement?
- Oneness Pentecostalism And The Trinity.
- The Error Of Jesus Only Doctrine.
- The Oneness Pentecostalism Doctrine.
- Greek scholars...The New World Translation.
- The Secret Mormon Temple Ceremony.
- The Psychological Connection.
- Destroying the Mediatorship Of Christ - (JW).
- Who Jehovah's Witnesses Think Jesus Is.
- A Profile - Robert Schuller.
- Robert Schuller's Cult...Possibility Thinkers.
- Fallen Angels.
- The Shakers - Oneida Community - #1
- The Shakers - Oneida Community - #2
- Judaism.
- Hinduism - what it is.
- God's Of The New Age.
- Where Have You Gone Lord Maitreya?
- Music And The New Age - Michael Jacson.
- New Age: The Practical View.
- New Age Harmonies.
- Warning Of New Age Threat.
- Don't Touch That Dial - Channeling.
- Fist Fights, Checkbooks And Absolutes.
- Humanism - Defined.
- The Exorcist; the movie.
- A New Reformation?- Robert Schuller.
- False Prophets.
- Parable Of The New Soap.
- Secular Humanism Is A Religion.
- Comparative Study Of World Religions.
- Tracking Satanic Crime.
- A Brief Word Study On Witch/witchcraft...
- Hooked On Astrology.
- Mormonism - Josephe Smith.L134.
- The Devil Notes.
- Satanism...What The Devil Is It?
- The Prophet And Profits Of Scientology.
- Scientology: Policy Of Harassment.
- Community Chapel Continues To Lose.
- UPC Believes In The Trinity?
- The Deadline Of Community Chapel.
- The Lies Of The Serpent (JW).
- Teacher's Warned About Anti-satanists.
- Occult Oppression And Bondage - Set Free.
- Do Planets Rule Our Lives?
- The Reincarnation Of Shirley Maclaine.
- No Ma'am, That's Not History! (Maclaine).
- Division At Community Chapel!
- TM - Who Needs It?
- Sainthood - Vatican Style.
- Another Catholic Miracle?
- Poland And The Vatican.
- Catholic Attack On Bible Believers.
- Catholicism In The Philippines.
- The Vatican State.
- Your Ticket To Heaven.
- Catholic Truths From A Catholic.
- Have You Been Born Again?
- Born Catholic.
- Charismatic Catholics.
- Catholicism And Communism Don't Mix.
- The Catholic Rainbow - A Bumper Sticker.
- Our Lady.
- Death Of A Catholic.
- The following collection of files discuss official
- Catholic positions in the church. Some include
- Christian comments. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU BELIEVE?
- Ablutions.
- All Saints Day.
- Eucharist.
- Ex Cathedra.
- Ex-communication.
- Exorcism.
- Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers.
- Extreme Unction.
- All Souls Day.
- Fasting.
- Father.
- Fatima.
- Idolatry.
- Images.
- Feasts And Festivals.
- Forgiveness.
- Freedom Of Worship.
- Galileo.
- Good Friday.
- Good Works.
- Almsgiving.
- Grace.
- Guardian Angels.
- Hail Mary.
- Halo.
- Sacred Heart.
- Altar.
- Heresy.
- Hierarchy.
- Holy communion.
- Holy Oil.
- Holy Orders.
- Holy See.
- Holy Souls.
- Holy Viaticum.
- Holy Water.
- Host.
- Immaculate Conception.
- Immaculate Heart Of Mary.
- Imprimatur.
- Ancestor Worship.
- Incense.
- Indulgences.
- Infallibility.
- Inri.
- Intention.
- Interdict.
- Jesuits.
- Jesus' Brothers.
- Joseph.
- Angelus.
- Justification.
- Binding And Loosing.
- Keys Of The Kingdom.
- Kiss Of Peace.
- Kung (Kueng), Hans.
- Latin Mass.
- Lent.
- Liberation Theology.
- Licit.
- Limbo.
- Encyclical.
- Litany.
- Liturgy.
- Lourdes.
- Magisterium.
- Mariolatry.
- Mariology.
- Matrimony.
- Anti-popes.
- Marriage Encounter.
- Married Priests.
- Mass.
- Maundy Thursday.
- Medals.
- Mediator.
- Memorial.
- Mental Reservation, (Or Equivocation).
- Apostles' Creed.
- Millennium.
- Missal.
- Mixed Marriages.
- Monstrance, (Or Ostensorium).
- Mortal Sin.
- Mother Of God.
- Absolution.
- Novena.
- Nun.
- Nuptial Mass.
- Opus Dei.
- Ordinary.
- Pagan Influences.
- Paschal.
- Apostolic Succession.
- Sacrament of Penance.
- Perpetual Virginity.
- Peter.
- Pious Legends.
- Pontiff.
- Pope.
- Presumption.
- Priest.
- Ash Wednesday.
- Primate.
- Private Interpretation.
- Progressive Roman Catholics.
- Propitiation.
- Punishment, (Temporal And Eternal).
- Purgatory.
- Queen Of Heaven.
- Real Presence.
- Right Of Reconciliation.
- Assumption.
- Relics.
- Remission Of Sins.
- Requiem Mass.
- Ritual.
- Assurance.
- Rome.
- Rosary.
- Rubrics.
- Sabbatine Privilege.
- Sacramentals.
- Sacraments.
- Saints.
- Salt.
- Atonement.
- Salvation.
- Salvific.
- Schism, (Sizz-um).
- Scholasticism.
- Fulton J. Sheen.
- Sign Of The Cross.
- Sinless Of Mary.
- Authority Of The Church.
- Stations Of The Cross.
- Stigmata.
- Stipend.
- Tabernacle.
- Te Deum.
- Temporal Power.
- Titular Bishop.
- Tonsure.
- Tradition.
- Babylon.
- Traditional Roman Catholics.
- Transcendental Meditation.
- Transignification.
- Transubstantiation.
- Treasury Of Merit.
- Triple Crown.
- Valid.
- Vatican II.
- Vatican Bank.
- Venerable.
- Baptism.
- Veronica.
- Vestments.
- Vicar Of Christ.
- Votive Lamps/Candles.
- Votive Lamps/Candles.
- Votive Mass.
- Vulgate.
- Women.
- Abortion.
- Albigenses.
- Beatification.
- Angels.
- Anglical Orders.
- Anti Christ.
- Apocrypha.
- Apparitions.
- St. Thomas Aquinas - The Angelic Doctor.
- Aristotle.
- Augustine.
- Bernadette Soubirous.
- Black Catholics.
- Access To God.
- Bells.
- Catholicism Verses Fundamentalism.
- Character.
- Charles Chiniquy.
- Collegiality Of Bishops.
- Communion In The Hand.
- Communism.
- Coronation Of Mary.
- Charles Curran.
- Post Vatican II.
- Expedite.
- Bible.
- Election Of Popes.
- Fitness.
- Ecumenism.
- Eastern Orthodox Church.
- Hyper Dulia.
- Holy Face Of Jesus.
- Homosexuality.
- ArchbishoP Raymond Hunthausen.
- Ignatius Of Antioch.
- Inquisition.
- Birth Control.
- Medjudorje.
- Mercy Picture.
- Miracles.
- Miraculous Medal.
- Miraculous Water.
- Modernism.
- Dulia (Du-le-a).
- Necedah.
- Douay Bible.
- Cardinal Newman.
- Nottingham Statement.
- Cardinal John O'connor.
- Agnus Dei.
- Padre.
- Development Of Doctrine.
- Divorce.
- Dispensation.
- Pope John Paul II.
- Pope John XXIII.
- Impediments To Marriage.
- Didache, (Di-da-kay).
- Annulments.
- Roman Catholic Evangelism.
- St. Anthony'S Brief.
- Sin.
- Suffering.
- Deacon.
- Blessed Sacrament.
- Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Breviary.
- Scapulars.
- Accidents.
- Shroud Of Turin.
- Candles.
- Canon Law.
- Canon Of The bible.
- Canon Of The Mass.
- Canonical Penances.
- Canonization.
- Cardinal.
- Altar Boy.
- Casuistry.
- Catechism.
- Causality.
- Celibacy.
- Roman Curia.
- Chastity.
- Christ.
- Contrition.
- Church.
- Churching.
- Common Bible
- Concordat.
- Confession.
- Confirmation.
- Conservative Roman Catholics
- Co-redemptress (Co-redemptrix).
- Corpus Christi.
- Church Councils.
- Cross
- Cursillo.
- Billie Grham And Catholics.
- How To Save The Catholic Church.
- Henry VIII.
- Charismatic Catholics.
- Pope Joan.
- Our Lady Of The Roses Shrine.
- Persecution.
- St. Philomena.
- Quarantines.
- John Michael Talbot.
- Mother Teresa.
- The Vow of Poverty?
- Rebuttal to FAL91 - The Way.
- The Aquarian Gospel.
- Catholics Acquit Cain.
- Joseph Campbell - Mything The Mark.
- The Illuminati: Real Or Imagine?
- Cult Deceptions And Trickery - Recruiting.
- Satan's New Age Approach.
- Christian Research Institute - information.
- Religious Science.
- Know The Marks Of Cults.
- Cult Rituals At World Council Of Churches...
- Prophet Misses Armageddon - Elizabeth Clare.
- Fifty Awful Things About The Illuminati.
- Gospels - A List of Major False Religions.
- Inhaling The Spirit.
- Witnessing To The Cults.
- Another Gospel.
- Chronology Of Secret Societies.
- How Ancient Is The Trinity Doctrine?
- Christadelphism.
- Don't Miss It - Pope John Paul II.
- Answers To Jehovah's Witness - Deity/Hell.
- Heresy For A Mere Donation.
- The Gospel Of The Bathtub.
- What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe.
- Cults, Sex And Deviant MOvements.
- 1992 Cult Catalog.
- Six Roman Catholic Doctrines...
- Witnessing To A Roman Catholic.
- Thank God For Purgatory!
- Some Facts On Marriage - Catholicism.
- Is Roman Catholicism Christian?
- The Pope's Goal - Europe.
- The Shroud Of Turin.
- The Gift - A Personal Testimony.
- What Do Roman Catholics Believe?
- Roman Catholic Doctrine.
- Weeping Madonna.
- Ghost - The Movie.
- Jesus And Jehovah.
- New Age Movement Infiltrates Business.
- The New Age Movement.
- You Are Not God.
- The Gospel According To Paulk - #1.
- The Gospel According To Paulk - #2.
- Why Catholics Should REad The Bible.
- The Roman Catholic Sacrifice Of The Mass.
- Transubstantiation.
- Are The Changes Real?
- Concerns About The Changes...Catholics.
- 17 Points Of The True Church - rebuttal.
- Facing Up To The Catholic Mary - a rebuttal.
- A Refutation Of Roman Catholicism - #1.
- A Refutation Of Roman Catholicism - #2.
- The Catholic Church And Evolution.
- Identity: ...Religion For White Racists.
- Catholicism For The New Age.
- Jehovah's Witnesses...Barely Acquainted With.
- Nostradamus.
- Growing Dangers...Positive Confession.
- What Is A Cult?
- Germans, JWs, And John 1:1.
- The Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969.
- A Letter Of Resignation - Jehovah Witnessism.
- Biblical Bases For The Immaculate Conception?
- How To Witness To A Mormon.
- Joseph Smith's First Vision.
- Ten Reasons Why I Cannot Be A Mormon.
- Divine Truths In The Book Of Mormon.
- The Smithsonian And The Book Of Mormon.
- An Overview Of The Mormon Temple Ceremonies.
- The Temple Ceremonies - Mormonism.
- Witnessing To Mormons.
- Archaeology And The Book Of Mormon.
- Purgatory: The Unfinished Work Of Christ.
- The Wiccan Religion.
- A Letter To Witches - teenagers.
- Is Jesus Yahweh? Jehovah's Witnessism.
- Drugs, Demons, And Delusions.
- Further Reflections On Drugs, Demons...
- Selling Satan - Michael Warnke.
- An Examination Of The Word-Faith Movement.
- The Teachings Of Benny Hinn.
- Satan's Sideshow.
Index of files![]()