In today's evangelical community there is a movement underway
that I will call the "Gospel of Many Blessings and Material benefits"
or the "Hundred-fold heresy". In listening to a recent radio program,
one of the major proponents of this teaching said to this effect:
"God is a giver! God loves us and wants us to experience the
abundant life as shown in John 10:10. Our prosperity glorifies God
and shows the world His blessings in our lives - we all know that
poverty is a curse, don't we?! Second John tells us in chapter two
that God desires, 'above all things that you may prosper.' We are the
King's Kids, and if we are not prospering financially, then Satan is
robbing us of our inheritance in Christ. The real secret to
prosperity is this: 'Give and it shall be given unto you' as promised
in Luke 6:38. If you give to he Lord, HE promises you a hundred-fold
return in this life - we look to Mark 10:30 for this promise. Invest
in God, and be prosperous for God's glory!"
Now the first verse I want to look at is First Timothy 6:5. What
does it say there? Now look at Luke 14:33. What are we told here? We
are STEWARDS of HIS POSSESSIONS! God desires that we have "Life and
life more abundantly..." but what does God mean by the term "Abundant"
and how does it compare to the Hundred fold Heresy? READ LUKE 12:15
The Greek term in 3 John 2 is the same word Paul used in Romans
10:10. Prosper in the same context as "prosperous" journey. Was Paul
hoping to make a lot of money on his journey? No - Paul and John were
expressing a desire for success in what God sends us to do.
Now look at Mark 10:30. Take a special note of these FACTS:
(1) Jesus has just told the rich young ruler to sell everything that
he had and give to he poor to have "treasures in heaven" and
(2) this promise is given to encourage those who had ALREADY given up
their houses, brothers, sisters, land, etc. It was not given to those
who wanted to use God's promises for personal gain. Look at 2
Corinthians 6:10 to find out the meaning of Jesus' word as to the
nature of this "return."
Now take a special note. The word MONEY and the word GIVING are
not even mentioned in the promise of Jesus! Jesus was telling us that
God would provide for our needs from "His abundant storehouse" and not
that what we give up or give away will be returned to us IN KIND a
hundred times over. READ Matthew 13:22; Matthew 6:21
Picture sitting at the throne of God and hearing these preachers
and Christians going around "investing" in God and expecting, no -
even DEMANDING a 100 fold return on the "investment!" I picture God
crying. He who GIVES EVERYTHING and GAVE HIS SON seeing those few who
behave as though they did something great because they tithed from
their paycheck. They give their 10% (If God is Lucky and if.......).
The Spirit of God will not strive with a man forever, and in cases of
this nature, I am certain that the grief caused to the Spirit makes
HIM want to depart. The HERESY that God is the great LOAN OFFICER ON
abomination, and should be dealt with on such a basis.
God does love each of us, and HE demonstrates His love in many
ways to us. Scripture tells us that "all things were created for His
Glory." (Rev 4:11). All examples of Christ and His Apostles were ones
of sacrifice THROUGH love without expectation of return.
God provides our NEEDS. If GOD chooses that we should have
Material Wealth, then HE provides it to us, NOT for our LUXURY, but
for our needs and, most clearly, to provide support to those who do
not have such wealth. Guilt about the blessings of God are NOT OF
GOD. God wishes, in HIS SOVEREIGN will to provide for us what He want
us to have.
Many times He wants to allow us responsibility for a little to
prepare us to handle a lot. We CANNOT and MUST NOT make a demand upon
God, and we are the CREATED and HE is THE CREATOR. This allows us,
ONLY THROUGH JESUS, OUR LORD, to present our petitions to God. God
chooses if we are to receive or not.
Computers for Christ - San Jose
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