Born 384 B.C.; died 322 B.C. Greek philosopher, one of history's most

influential thinkers. He left an indellible mark on Christendom; his

philosophy having great influence on theologians.

The Knights of Columbus correspondence course, Lesson 10, admits that

some of Aristotle's principles are followed today in the Roman Catholic


The scholastics, the greatest of whom was St. Thomas Aquinas, treated

theology from a philosophical rather than a Biblical point of view. The

date of revelation was organized systematically, using Aristotlian

deductiuve logic; Biblical truth was harmonized with the newly discovered

philosophy of Aristotle.

Aristotle's concept of "essence" and "appearance" was used by Thomas

Aquinas in his explanation of the "substance" and "accidents" of the Host

in transubstantiation.

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