Thousands of copies of the following article in leaflet form written
by the late Dr. C.R. MacFaul have been distributed over the many years
in North America. And the writer has never been called upon to pay a
single reward. Frequently Roman Catholics have taken the leaflet and
with great confidence have said: "I shall secure a Bible, and be back
in a few days for my reward." They have either not returned or have
returned only to acknowledge that the doctrines of their church cannot
be upheld by Scripture.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of Scripture proving
that we ought to pray to Mary.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of Scripture that the
Virgin Mary was born without sin.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of Scripture to prove
that St. Peter had no wife.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of Scripture to prove
that priest ought not to marry.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that St. Peter was Bishop of Rome.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ or the successor of St. Peter.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that priests can forgive sins.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the wine at the Lord's Table ought to be taken only by priests.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that there is such a thing as the sacrifice of the Mass.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the priests have power to change the bread and the wine into
the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that there are seven sacraments.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the use of images was recommended either by Christ of His
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
the existance of such a place as purgatory.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that there are more mediators than one, between God and men.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that we ought to pray to saints or for the dead.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that Christ did believe in freedom of conscience and freedom of
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that any one is justified in blindly submitting to priests, bishops,
or pope.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the Church of Rome is the first church or the oldest church.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that the Church of Rome is the Church of Christ.
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that there is salvation in anyother way but through faith in Jesus
Christ, the Lord, who said, "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28)
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce a text of scripture to prove
that any man is safe who delays the salvation of his immortal soul.
"For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose
his own soul." (Mark 8:36)
$50 REWARD to anyone who will produce the required texts of Scripture
on the above question. Jesus said: "Search the scriptures, for in
them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify
of Me." (John 5:39)
The Holy Scriptures ae the only infalliiable source of truth that
God has revealed for our salvation, and the only and absolute rule of
faith. As a religious guide they are clear and complete. It is
therefore the sacred duty of every man faithfully to use this means
which God has provided to learn the way of salvation.
By the Late DR. C.R. MacFaul, M.A.
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