Catholicism In The Philippines

For about seven years now, we have been printing the progress, or

rather the degeneration, of the Philippine government as it leans

toward the Pope stronger and stronger, until finally Cardinal Sin got

his female candidate in as President. This was done to set up a Roman

Catholic church state that would cooperate with the Communists in

closing down the American military bases in the Philippines and

getting rid of opposition to Catholicism in the religious realm.

The latest from the Philippines comes from a national Filipino pastor,

who says, "Equally disheartening is the case of one Protestant church

in Digos, Davao, several hundreds of kilometers south of Manila. This

church refused to cooperate with the Communists in their area. Because

of their refusal, on Sunday, June 25, during their regular service,

with attendance of forty men, women, and children, some one hundred

heavily armed Communists invaded and massacred the entire

congregation. The pastor who was begging for mercy was beheaded. I

have already visited this place and left one of our national pastors

and his family to start a fundamental, Bible believing church in that

area. Please pray for the safety of our Christian workers."

The members of the Communist army in the Philippines, as the members

of the terrorist army in Ireland, are predominantly Roman Catholic. In

Ireland these Roman Catholics are called the IRA. In the Philippines

they are called the NPA. They kill Protestant Christians.

"Late August, thirteen were taken hostage and four brutally killed

from a group of Christians ministering to prisoners in Davao City,

which triggered varying reactions from the people. The President, for

one, had expressed concern over religious groups being permitted to

conduct activities in jails in spite of the risk involved."

The religious groups doing the work in the jail were Bible believing


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