By Dr. M. H. Reynolds


P. 0. Box 6278, Los Osos, California 93402



The World Council of churches is the major ecumenical religious

organization in the world today. Founded in 1948, it represents

some 400 million Protestant and Orthodox Church members from 305

denominations in over 100 countries. It represents you if you

belong to any of the USA and Canadian churches listed at the end

of this report. This is true whether you know it or not and

whether you like it or not!


In August, 1982, the Reader's Digest created a furor in

ecumenical circles by printing an article entitled, "Which Master

is the World Council of Churches Serving - Karl Marx or Jesus

Christ?" This article was a blistering attack upon the WCC based

upon its continual advocacy of some form of socialism while

maintaining a steady drum beat of attacks upon capitalism and our

free enterprise system. This Digest article correctly called

attention to the fact that the WCC consistently shows "a

preference for social concerns over purely religious ones."

Hitting the nail right on the head, the article stated, "The

World Council owes almost as much to Marxism as to Christianity."

Naturally, WCC leaders were infuriated!


In January, 1983, the Reader's Digest kept the ecumenical pot

boiling with yet another article entitled, "Do You Know Where

Your Church Offerings Go?" This expose dealt not only with the

World Council of Churches' involvement in funding radical,

revolutionary groups around the world, but also the way in which

the National Council of Churches (USA) is similarly involved.

Liberal spokesmen from the various WCC-NCC denominations were

quick in coming to the defence of both councils, not only denying

the accusations but fully defending and supporting the way in

which the WCC and NCC are spending the funds committed to them by

member churches.



On Sunday, January 23, 1983, a major segment of the top-rated CBS

TV program, "60 Minutes," put NCC and WCC leaders on the spot

before a listening and watching world. Millions of viewers were

understandably shocked as they saw and heard perhaps for the

first time just how cleverly and deceitfully the ecumenical

movement uses church funds to fuel the fires of a world-wide

socialist-communist revolution. Bishop James Armstrong of the

United Methodist Church represented the National Council of

Churches and Dr. Philip Potter General Secretary of the World

Council of Churches was the spokesman for the WCC. As the CBS

correspondents pressed these top ecumenical leaders for answers

to the very serious questions of the use of church money to

promote revolution, it was pathetic but very revealing to observe

their evasiveness and doubletalk. Following so closely on the

heels of the two Reader's Digest articles, this further

revelation of liberalism's use of church funds to promote

political revolution was a real eye opener to many!


As editor of Foundation Magazine (previously FEA News & Views), I

have closely followed both the World and National Councils of

Churches since their formation in 1948 and 1950 respectively. The

WCC traces its roots to the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of

1910. The NCC is actually the successor of the Federal Council of

Churches which came into being in 1909. The FCC became so radical

politically that a layman's group prepared and circulated

thousands of copies of a documented brochure titled, HOW RED IS

THE FEDERAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES? And, in the theological realm,

the Federal Council of Churches numbered among its leaders some

of the most blatant apostates and false teachers of the century!

And so it was that by 1950, when the National Council of Churches

was formed, leaders of the older FCC welcomed the opportunity to

merge with several other ecumenical agencies and obtain a new

name - the National Council of Churches. However, it should not

be forgotten that the leadership of liberalism and radicalism

continued unchanged! It is also important to note that these very

same USA ecumenical radicals participated with their counterparts

in other nations of the world in the formation of the World

Council of Churches in 1948.


THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES will hold its Sixth World Assembly

in Vancouver, B C., July 24 - August 10, 1983. Some of the most

radical religious leaders in the world are scheduled to attend

and participate. Nearly 1000 of official delegates are scheduled to

be present along with an estimated 3000 additional persons

including journalists, accredited visitors, representatives of

non-member churches, representatives of other Christian

organizations, special guests, WCC staff, translators,

interpreters and stewards. Any true believers who may be able to

be present wiLl be able to see for themselves just how extensive

and pervasive the radicalism of the WCC really is. The Reader's

Digest articles and the "60 Minutes" expose merely scratched the

surface. No matter how many denials may come from WCC leaders or

even pastors in local WCC-affilliated churches, the facts are

there for anyone to see who wants to see!


One Godly Australian pastor, Brian Wenham, had a shocking

initiation into WCC radicalism when he attended the WCC's

Conference On World Mission And Evangelism, held in Melbourne,

Australia, in 1980. For years he had read about the radicalism of

the WCC but this was his first personal opportunity for a

first-hand look. He was shocked! He wrote, "At this conference

Marxism permeated everything - the liturgy, the songs, the

addresses, the questions, the books all, the voluminous free

literature - everything! Revolution was in the atmosphere." One

of Pastor Wenham's friends also having his first personal look at

the WCC, commented, "Had I not seen the sign, World Council of

Churches, on the gate, and had I not known what I was visiting, I

would have thought I had strayed into a Communist Party

workshop." Wenham concluded, "In every session, every paper and

almost every brochure and poster, I was being peppered, even

pounded with marxist philosophy!"


Just in case you have the idea that Pastor Wenham and his friend

may have overstated their impression of the WCC's meeting

mentioned above, bear in mind the fact that they listened to

messages such as the one prepared by Rev. Caanan Banana, a

Methodist minister and president of the revolutionary government

of Zimbabwe. The foLlowing are direct quotes from this radical's

prepared text: "What is wanted today is an outright clear

denunciation of capitalistic exploitation and dynamic action to

over throw it. It seems that institutionalized religion is not

capable of effecting this." ... "In the final analysis it is not

so much a social struggle as a class struggle: poor against rich,

oppressed against oppressor ... each historical situation will

determine the choice of the method the poor will use to achieve

their ultimate goal of changing the system and building

socialism." ... "As for me, I am not ashamed of the revolution,

for it is the power of the people unto salvation." And aU this

came from the mind and heart of a Methodist minister - a strong

supporter of the World Council of Churches! No wonder Pastor

Wenham was alarmed! But what about you? Are you concerned? Are

your gifts helping to strengthen the hands of evil-doers?


The secular press often seems to discern the radicalism and

hypocrisy of the WCC more quickly than the religious press and

the average church-goer. The WCC held its 5th Assembly in

Nairobi, Kenya in 1975. Here is a sampling of some of the

headlines and key statements which were printed by various

newspapers in the free world. "World Church Assembly - Spectacle

of Decadence," read the headline of an editorial that ran kn the

Gloucester County Times. This editorial began, "The 5th Assembly

of the World Council of Churches solemnly assembled in Nakobi,

Kenya, presented a stomach-turning spectacle of moral and

spiritual illness." The Pasadena Star News said, "It would be hard

to find a Christian in this area who believes the delegates in

Nakobi represent Christianity." The Richmond News Leader titled

its editorial, "Dry Rot in the W.C.C." "HYPOCRISY IN NAIROBI"

read the headline in The State, Columbia, S.C., and the editorial

continued, "The World Council of Churches ... might have changed

its name to the WORLD COUNCIL OF HYPOCRITES." It is very clear

that conservatives who reaLly listen to what the WCC is saying and

doing have ample grounds for concern, especially when they are

paying the bills to help accomplish the undermining of their own

cherished freedoms!


With these exact words, the Nairobi Sunday Nation headlined its

report of an address given by one of the main WCC speakers,

former Prime Minister Michael Manley of Jamaica. Manley was

quoted as saying, "At no point in history has an economic system

reflected the process of domination in political, social,

psychological and ultimately, even in philosophical terms, more

completely than under capitalism." Down with capitalism -- Up

with Socialism ! This is a recurring theme running through WCC

documents and addresses, and such a program occupies a large

portion of WCC staff time and funds!


At Nairobi, the late Metropolitan Nikodim of the Russian Orthodox

Church was elected as one of the six WCC presidents. He had been

repeatedly identified as an actual KGB agent by many Russian

refugees. He, together with other leaders from the many WCC

member churches which are under complete communist domination and

control, continually use the WCC as a propaganda sounding board

for Red philosophies and causes. Ever since the Red-controlled

churches joined the WCC, they have effectively silenced any real

protest against Red atrocities. In addition, they have supported

those programs of the WCC designed to give aid and comfort to

revolutionary groups around the world.


In 1966, 1 personally covered the WCC's World Conference on Church

and Society held at the WCC headquarters in Geneva. Revolution

was the key word of this conference which involved 410 delegates

from around the world, 48 of whom were from communist countries.

The foLlowing is a direct quote from the late Metropolitan Nikodim

referred to in the preceding paragraph. "I should also like to

say that Christians in the Soviet Union ... have not only

accepted the socialist revolution that took place in our country,

but have and are active builders of a classless, socialist

society, which is free from exploitation, racial or other

inequality, and every member of which possesses equal rights as

well as the opportunity for individual development and an active

participation in the life of the whole society." Lies such as

this are not only tolerated but welcomed within the WCC as Red

agents dressed in the robes of the church continue to use the WCC

as a sounding board for Red propaganda.


Ecumenical leaders who defend the WCC claim that the charges

leveled against them are simply not supported by the facts.

Exactly the opposite is true! Our own files contain voluminous

first-hand documentation which proves conclusively that the World

Council of Churches is and always has been extremely radical,

both theologically and politically. The materials already

produced for the Sixth Assembly in Vancouver clearly indicate

that the WCC radicalism will be perpetuated with only a "sop" of

evangelical language and terminology given from time-to-time in an

effort to pacify evangelicals and other conservatives.



The Bible, God's Holy Word, explains that when people "turn away

their ears from the truth" they will be "turned unto fables." 11

Timothy 4:4. The World Council leadership has done just that! Oh

yes, they have a short doctrinal basis which sounds biblical and

even evangelical. It reads: The World Council of Churches is a

fellowship of churches which confesses the Lord Jesus Christ as

God and Saviour according to the scriptures and therefore seek to

fulfill together their common calling to the glory of the one God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Actually, this "doctrinal basis" is

meaningless because an official WCC document goes on to explain

that "Since the World Council of Churches is not itself a church

it passes no judgment upon the sincerity with which member

churches accept the basis." Document 24 (Appendix 111) of the WCC

Central Committee Meeting of August 22-29, 1973, specifically

states: "The World Council of Churches has no common confession.

It is a fellowship of churches confessing Jesus Christ each in its

own way."


The foLlowing statements are taken from the WCC's World Conference

on Faith, Science and the Future, held in 1979. Note the frontal

attacks upon the Bible and the God of the Bible. "Traditional

doctrines of the Omnipotence of God must be rethought and

reformulated ... Traditional ways of expressing the authority of

Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium, need to find a new way of

being stated ... One final thing needs to be said about the

current situation. The credibility and validity of every human

institution - government, industrial, academic, religious or

scientific - stands ultimately under the judgment of society at

large." Again we quote: "Some of the views of other religions may

prove both closer to the Bible and more appropriate to the

intellectual and social needs of our time. This means that

learning from neighbors of other faiths can lead to a valuable

enrichment of our understanding of the Bible and to a fruitful

reformulation of our theology." Finally, this document says,

"Christ has embraced us all, with every people everywhere, people

of every religion and no religion, because we all belong to God

in life and death and life again." Are words such as these

compatible with biblical christianity? Of course not! Yet, such

outright attacks upon the Bible and the promotion of heretical

teachings are the rule rather than the exception in the World

Council of Churches.


One of the great dangers of the World Council's philos-ophy and

program is the unbiblical premise that, in the interest of unity,

all different kinds of theological views will not only be

tolerated but actually welcomed. So it is that even evangelical

theology is welcomed (although it is reaLly not well received by

the majority of WCC people). At the other extreme, you have

extreme liberal theology and, in recent years, what is called

"Liberation Theology" which sounds so much like communism that

you can scarcely tell the difference. There are also many other

theologies (all of them liberal in essence) which go by a variety

of terms such as "Contextual Theology," "Black Theology," "A

Theology of the Poor," etc. Perhaps the most accurate description

of the WCC's theology is "INTERIM THEOLOGY." Having forsaken

God's eternal Word as the basis of their theology, they are left

with only that which is temporary and subject to continual change

- a "Theology of Man."



Our Lord Jesus Christ warned about the "leaven (false doctrine)

of the Pharisees and the Sadducees." Matthew 16:6-12. God tells us

in I Corinthians 5:6 "... Know ye not that a little leaven

leaveneth the whole lump?" The WCC boasts of the wide theological

latitude represented by its members but God pronounces a woe upon

those who call evil, good and good, evil. Isaiah 5 :20. The fact

that the WCC does use evangelical terminology and language at

times should not be permitted to obscure the fact that along with

the evangelical language is the deadly mixture of heretical

doctrines and the preaching of a false gospel. When there is

"poison in the pot," everyone who partakes will be harmed!


One does not need prophetic vision to forecast some of the things

which the WCC wiLl say and do at Vancouver. God's Word reminds us

that just as the "leopard cannot change his spots, neither can

those do good who are accustomed to do evil." Jer. 13:23. The WCC

cannot change its radical spots but they may try to mask some of

them and deny others. More likely, the WCC will even boast about

their "radical spots", attempting to make them appear to be

benefits rather than liabilities! But nothing can hide the WCC's

radicalism from the eyes of those who exercise spiritual

discernment and who view the WCC in the Light of the Scriptures.



(1) An elaborate series of "Bible Studies " is planned with the

theme, "IMAGES OF LIFE." This will be another ecumenical exercise

in "twisting the Scriptures", 11 Peter 3:16, in an attempt to

"politicize" the Bible and use it to further the cause of world


(2) A supposed new "doctrinal convergence" on BAPTISM, EUCHARIST

& MINISTRY will be featured as a wonderful new breakthrough on the

road to christian unity. The B.E.M. Document, hammered out by the

WCC's Faith & Order Commission over a period of many years, is a

masterpiece of compromise and double-talk with a little something

to please almost everyone. But it will not be swallowed by true

Bible believers who will note its acceptance of the heresy of

baptismal regeneration; its Romish position concerning the eucharist;

and its approval of apostolic succession and the ordination of women


(3) There will be a massive new peace emphasis - one which

closely parallels the current communist peace offensive which

would leave the free world an easy prey for a communist takeover.

(4) There will. be stepped-up attacks upon capitalism and demands

for a new world economic order - one which is based upon the

unscriptural premises of socialism rather than on the biblical

free enterprise system.

(5) Leaders of heathen religions wiLl be welcomed and praised.

Dialogue with heathen religionists and communists will be

continued and enlarged.

(6) There will be praise and flowery words for evangelicals and

Roman Catholics. Both groups are being wooed by WCC leaders who

are actuaLly paving the way for a return to Rome!

(7) The "POOR" will be used as pawns in the WCC's efforts to

promote world socialism. Some WCC leaders are claiming that the

"poor" are already a part of God's Kingdom on earth.

(8) The WCC will seek to enlarge its program of socialistic

indoctrination through education in the USA and around the world.

Much church money will be deceptively budgeted for "education" -

a kind of education designed to completely change the social and

moral value5 of all men everywhere. (9) Precious scriptural words

like liberation, justice, freedom, redemption, salvation, etc.,

wiLl continue to be redefined and reinterpreted, so that instead

of preaching the gospel of eternal salvation through Jesus

Christ, the message will be one of economic and social revolution

through the efforts of man. (10) Stung by recent revelations of

their radicalism, WCC leaders may be expected to launch a

counterattack upon the "new right", "unloving christians" and

"reactionary conservatives."



The WCC has published a pre-assembly book titled, "The Feast of

Life - a Theological Reflection on the Theme - Jesus Christ, the

Life of the World." This book actually reveals the pathetic

situation in which the WCC finds itself today. Having turned away

from the truth of God's Word, they are left with only fables. On

pages 69 and 70 of this book, the various "contemporary

responses" seeking to address the problem of church renewal in

multifaith, pluralist societies are listed. Of the seven

responses given, only one sets forth the biblical doctrine of

salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. AU the

other views stated are heretical and anti-christ in nature. Yet

all are presently held by WCC members and this portion of the

book closes with the highly significant statement, "WE ARE IN A


supreme within the WCC and the entire ecumenical movement! It is

time for Bible believers to wake up, face the facts, and take

necessary action!



Fact 1. The WCC is extremely liberal and radical, both

religiously and politicaLly! Fact 2. The WCC is one of the best

friends the world wide communist movement has! Fact 3. The WCC

has close ties with and wholeheartedly supports the United

Nations! Fact 4. The WCC strongly backs the radical Women's

Liberation Movement! Fact 5. The WCC is committed to the concept

of "One Visible United Church" Fact 6. The WCC's eventual goal is

"Unity of all religions - Unity of all Mankind." Fact 7. The WCC

is promoting an unscriptural program for world peace! Fact 8. The

WCC is using your church contributions to accomplish their

purposes and goals!


STEP ONE - Immediately withdraw all financial support from the WCC!

STEP TWO - Withdraw membership from any church which is a member

of the WCC!

STEP THREE - Help to inform and alert other Christians as to the

true nature of the WCC!

STEP FOUR - Join and support only churches and organizations

which are true to the Bible!

Some evangelicals are advising believers to remain in the NCC and

WCC; to withhold or designate financial support; and seek to

effect corrective changes from within. One of the two Reader's

Digest articles gave just such advice. But such action is a myth

and an exercise in futility. More importantly, God's Word

commands exactly the opposite: "come out and be separate and

touch not the unclean thing." 11 Cor. 6:14-18. Further God says,

"Have no. feLlowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but

rather reprove them." Eph. 5 :11. Theological and political

liberalism is so firmly entrenched in both the World and National

Councils of Churches that it is "too little, too late" to attempt

to clean house. Conservatives in various WCC-NCC denominations

have tried for years to withdraw their denominational membership

without success. Meanwhile, ecumenical leaders are doing their

best to maintain the support of conservatives without which they

would be severely handicapped.

It is time for true Bible-believers to obey God and separate from

the apostate ecumenical movement as represented by the NCC and

WCC. If you are a true, born-again believer in Jesus Christ and

you at the same time belong to any of the denominations listed

below then you are certainly not pleasing the Lord but are rather

giving aid to those who are undermining the very Faith and

Freedom so dear to us all!



African Methodist Episcopal Church; African Methodist Episcopal

Zion Church; American Baptist Churches in the USA; American

Lutheran Church; Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of New

York and all North America; Christian Church (Disciples of

Christ) in the United States; Christian Methodist Episcopal

Church; Church of the Brethren; Episcopal Church; Hungarian

Reformed Church in America; International Evangelical Church;

Lutheran Church in America; Moravian Church in America (Northern

Province); Moravian Church in America (Southern Province);

National Baptist Convention of America; National Baptist

Con-vention, USA, Inc.; National Council of Community Churches;

Orthodox Church in America; Polish National Catholic Church;

Presbyterian Church in the United States; Progressive National

Baptist Convention, Inc.; Reformed Church in America; Religious

Society of Friends: Friends United Meeting; United Church of

Christ; United Methodist Church; United Presbyterian Church in the

United States of America


Anglican Church of Canada; Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Society

of Friends; Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Canada;

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada; Evangelical Lutheran Church

of Latvia in Exile; United Church of Canada.

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