by John D. Jess, "The Chapel of the Air"

The question "do planets rule our lives?" is not intended to be facetious.

Today a whopping 32 million Americans believe their lives are governed by the

position of the stars, according to a 1975 Gallup Poll, quoted in the January

23, 1976 Chicago Tribune.

Another interesting discovery was that eight out of ten Americans can name

their birth signs whether they believe in astrology or not.

Astrology, as currently practiced in the Western world, was organized by the

Greek astronomer Ptolemy, incorporating lore dating back to the Babylonians.

Other traces of the astrological chartmaking have been unearthed in a wide

variety of prehistoric cultures.

Are all charts interpreted the same? Definitely not - no more than all

emotional problems are interpreted the same by all branches of psychology.

Astrologer Ingrid Williams has said, "Brain waves and planets are both full of

electrical energy that needs to be explored scientifically. Scientists should

not laugh at astrology, they should explore it" After all, they laughed at

Louis Pasteur when he claimed that germs cause disease."

Well, some of us fail to see any analogy there! Perhaps at this point we

should try to analyze the contributing factors in the widespread following

astrology has today. It is estimated that 1200 out of the 1750 daily

newspapers carry an astrological column (1975 statistics). We may safely assume

that the percentage is higher today, for astrology is a multi-million dollar

industry. Hundreds of bookstores specialize in astrological and cultist

reading material. Thousands upon thousands of college and university students

seek astrological guidance in matters of career, marriage, and politics. Many

parents plan the birth of their children so they will be born under a

"favorable" astrological sign, despite the fact that the respected journal

"Psychology Today" noted not long ago that "It is simply a mistake to imagine

that the forces exerted by stars and planets at the moment of birth can in any

way shape our futures." St. Augustine, who lived 1,600 years ago, gave up

astrology when he learned that a wealthy landowner and a slave on his estate

had been born exactly at the same time!

Perhaps psychologists who've rejected astrology have done so, in part, because

in 1939 a group of Britains's leading astrologists predicted a war would not

come. When it did, they predicted it would end in a year!

Now I realize that any derogation of astrology is, to some minds, a very

unpopular position. Nevertheless, I intend to outline here some of the reasons

I reject the notion that the position of the planets has any bearing on our

present or future, some lucky guesses in the past by astrologers not

withstanding. It is up to the individual to weigh the arguments pro and con,

then make his personal decision on the basis of these controversies.

I see at least six basic flaws in the religion of astrology:

First: Discrepancies are built-in factors. Let me explain. Astronomers admit

that the zodiac (the belt containing the paths of the sun, moon, and principal

planets) has shifted an entire "house" during the past 2,000 years. This is to

say the sun no longer rises at 0 degrees of the constellation Aries; it's

moved to a new location as far as 7 degrees from Pices, which most certainly

throws off all astrological computations. They could, of course, compensate

for this in their figuring, but they don't and they haven't. This makes

astrology's theory untenable.

Second: Something astrologists will not admit is that the SUN, not the earth,

is the center of our planetary system. Copernicus debunked that erroneous idea

in the l6th century. Moreover, astrology simply hasn't caught up with the new

developments and probably never will, for the concept of a sun-centered solar

system deals a knockout blow to astrology.

Third: Astrology works on the premise that "it is difficult, if not

impossible, to chart the future of someone born near or above the latitude of

66 degrees. That means, very simply, that people born in, say, Finland or

Greenland or Alaska or Northern Canada have no future! (If they depend on

astrology). The reason for this is that In these areas it is impossible to

calculate precisely what constellation is rising above the horizon, and, of

course, without that knowledge astrology cannot function. I guess you would

have to say that from an astrologer's viewpoint, people in these areas of the

world were never born!

Fourth: There is the "twin" problem. According to astrological thinking, twins

born two minutes apart, their zodiacal sign the same, should be identical, and

identically influenced by the same planets and have the same hereditary

traits. However, twins born even minutes apart seldom have the same destiny.

Why not?

Fifth: There is the Extra Planet Problem. Let me explain. Centuries ago,

Mesopotamian priests based their astrological prognostications (which were

pagan, by the way) on only those constellations which could be observed by the

naked eye. They had no access to uncharted planets as we have today. Since

then, additional planets have been discovered such as Uranus, Neptune, and

Pluto. Imagine what complications astrologers encountered when these

discoveries were made!

It's interesting to note that many astrologers now conveniently blame the

influence of these planets for some of their monumental failures!

Sixth: There is a universal rejection among astrologers of the person of God.

Astrology preaches that planets possess a consciousness of their own. This is

both pagan and anti-God. Astrology, in its final analysis, teaches that the

solar system possesses a superconsciousnes that operates without God. That is,

in other words, a pantheistic philosophy in which God's power permeates

everything. Without question, the whole system shouts out its pagan


It won't take long to explain why there is so much interest in astrology

today. People now, as never before, are vitally concerned with the future.

There is widespread fear and anxiety. There is confusion and fear, and the

formal religion fails to provide answers to the questions people are asking.

In Colossians 2:8 Paul wrote, "See to it that no one takes you captive through

hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human traditions and basic

principles of this world rather than on Christ." What a description of


Astrologers tell us that our destiny is in the stars, that they determine our

fate. The Bible says man's personal decision determines his destiny!

Let me pose ten brief questions for our "starstruck" friends:

1. Why do only the constellations of the zodiac have an effect on man? There

are other constellations and stars of much greater magnitude.

2. Why haven't astrologers kept up with astronomy? Every astronomer knows the

zodiac which astrologers use has moved one entire sign.

3. Why doesn't astrological forecasting find support in statistical studies?

Example: a study of 2,000 famous painters and musicians proved this was NOT

the case!

4. Why don't astrologers recognize the problem of people born without a


5. How does one know which is the right astrology? In the Orient, different

symbols are used for the 12 signs and therefore have different meanings.

6. One researcher made up a completely bogus horoscope and sent it to numerous

people. Many wrote back and thanked him for his accuracy!

7. How do astrologers know what astral influence are good and which are bad?

8. Why is the hour of birth so important? Why not the hour of conception?

9. Why don't two individuals born at the same time and under the same sign

have the same destiny?

10. Why do astrologers claim astrology is a science When it is almost

universally rejected by scientists?

I leave you with these questions. You provide your own answers!



RIGHT NOW: Why not put YOUR life in the hands of the One who MADE the stars?

Astrology is but one of the many occult practices which originated with the

"Father of Lies." We publish a whole packet of tracts on the occult, as well

as another on the science and the Bible controversy. Sent to anyone on a

freewill offering basis.



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