Ahmadiyya Movement - Founder Hazat Mirza. "Jesus was not a
partner in the Godhead, as was not Jacob. Both of them were beloved
prophets of God" (True Christianity and How it Leads to Islam).
American Atheist Center - Founder Madalyn Murray O'Hair. "There
is no God, thus Jesus is not the Son of God."
Ananda Marga Yoga - Leader Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. Jesus is
considered God, but there is no Trinity. "Be constantly absorbed in
the thought of God and you too will become God." (Baba's Grace-
Discourses of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti).
Anthroposophical Society - LeaderRudolf Steiner.
"According to Steiner, Jesus of Nazareth was just an ordinary man
until, at the age of thirty, he received the Christ-Essence
during his baptism at the Jordan" (Spiritual Counterfeits
Project in Berkeley, CA Letter, Feb, 1977) Steiner was
an occult medium who interpreted the Bible through
Arica - Leader Oscar Ichazo. "The point of Arica is
enlightenment, man's transcending from the state of ego into what's
known as the void. This is a state of consciousness . . . Its
not God. It's God Consciousness." Aricans blend physical exercise
and meditation. God is formless, thus Christ cannot be God
(Awakening Ways to Psycho-Spiritual Growth, C. William Henderson).
Assemblies of Yahweh - "John 219) is sometimes presented as
evidence that Yahshua is the Almighty, that He is co-equal with His
Father, and that He had the power to resurrect Himself. This, of
course, is a false, trinitarian concept" (The Sacred Name
Broadcaster, Lincoln Frost). "We find the trinitarian
doctrine to be foreign to the Inspired Scriptures" (Doctrine #5).
Baha'i World Faith - Baha'i, an independent world religion
based on "a unique revelation of God," traces its roots to an
early division within Islam. God, called by different names, is one
but unknowable. Christ was a "manifestation" of God and a
way to God, but not the ONLY way to God.
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship - Leader Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. "God is a
secret and a mystery, but man is also a mystery. Only God can see
God. So if man is to see God, he must become God. Man becomes God,
and God becomes man. Its no big deal," says Bawa
(Psychology, April,1976).
Black Muslim - Leader Wallace D. Fard (Allah-God) and Elijah
Poole (Elijah Muhammad - Fard's prophet). Also called "The Nation
of Islam." Elijah Muhammad said that Jesus was "only a prophet and
not the equal of Moses and Muhammad, and His religion was Islam,
not the Christianity of the Pope of Rome" (Pittsburgh
Courier, 1959).
Buddhism (Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayanna Buddhism) - "In
Hinayana Buddhism there is no god as we conceive of God . . . The
followers of Mahayanna Buddhism tend to deify Buddha. Their idea
of God; However, has no such comprehensive attributes as has
the Christian God" (Religions in a changing World, Howard F. Vos)
This eliminates the possibility of Jesus as a deity.
Cabala (Kabbalah) - Cabala is a system of Jewish Mystical
thought which originated in Southern France and Spain in the 12th
and 13th centuries. The Cabala doctrine of deity recognizes only
two deities - the hidden god, the infinite great divine
Nothing; and the dynamic god of religious experience (Spiritual
Counterfeits Project).
Center for Spiritual Awareness - Leader Roy Eugene Davis.
Also called Christian Spiritual Alliance. Buddha, Sri Krishna,
and Jesus were enlightened souls. "The second coming of Jesus is a
fanciful hope. The awakening of individuals to the
realization of their own Christ-nature is what will liberate man and
transform society" (Darshan The vision of Light, Roy E. Davis).
Jesus was a man who reached Christ-consciousness and was on
earth to share the truth of this consciousness.
Children of God - LeaderDavid Brandt Berg (Moses David).
Started as a fundamentalist counter-culture ministry, but
degenerated into belief in the occult, reincarnation, and
sexual permissiveness. The COG believes that Berg is the ONLY end-
time prophet; that the COG IS the remnant church of the last
days; that its authority is absolute; and in the use of
blasphemy, profanity, vulgarity, and pornography (Moody Monthly
July/August 1977).
Christian Scientist - Founder MAy Baker Eddy. Jesus was a
mere man who demonstrated the Christ (i.e. a divine idea). It
doesn't matter whether Christ ever existed, and His blood
doesn't cleanse from sin (Science and Health with Key to the
Scriptures, The First of Christ Scientist and Miscellany, both by Mary
baker Eddy).
Church of the Living Word - Leader John Robert Stevens. Also
calledTHE WALK. "Jesus Christ came to participate in humanity and
make the bridge of communication so that God could
communicate himself into our very beings. What He is, we
become" (The Word Became Flesh, a Living Word
Publication). According to Stevens, this begins with contemporary
revelations which make the the Living Word (Christ) to the
World. Although some acknowledgement is made of the
inspiration and authority of the Scripture, in practice the
source of teaching is current revelation, not the Bible. Stevens
considers himself God's chief intercessor.
Church Universal and Triumphant - Leader Elizabeth Claire
Prophet. Also called Summit International or Summit Lighthouse.
The Church Universal and Triumphant is a mixture of eastern
religions, Theosophy, Christianity, and many other things.
Elizabeth is recognized as one of the two witnesses of
Revelation 11. Her late husband and founder, Mark, is considered a
man that had the Christ Consciousness within him. He was one of many
who achieved the "God self" witness.
Dhyana-Mandiram - Leader Pandit Usharbudh. "God is
essentially formless . . . God may manifest Himself-Herself-Itself
in any form, at any time, at any place, on any planet . . . Jesus may
be accepted as one of the many incarnations of God" (Hinduism An
Introduction, Pandit Usharbudh and Yorke Crompton).
Divine Light Mission - Leader Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Ji is
the Living Perfect Master. Jesus was the Perfect Master of His
time, but Ji has replaced Him. Ji claims the world needs the
knowledge of Reality, and he claims to be the source of that
knowledge and of peace in the world, according to David J.
Hesselgrave, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
ECKANKAR - Leader Sri Darwin Gross. ECKANKAR says it is the
wellspring and essence of all religions, philosophies, and sacred
doctrines. It claims to be the way to God-realization via the
"ancient science of soul travel." ECKANKAR makes the biblical
God into a demon who as creator is responsible for the evil in the
world and defines Christ as "god as all men are god" ("Eck World
News, December, 1978, page 13).
Findhorn Foundation University of Light - Leaders Peter and Eileen
Caddy. "The Devic (Deva is a being of light) would emphasize that
man has to do one thing to reverse the trend of events on the
planet he has to recognize within himself the Divinity and
wholeness of which he is a part" (The Magic of Findhorn, Paul
Hawken). They separate Jesus and Christ and appear to be
panthiestic. The group, a form of spiritism, became famous
because the Findhorn community in Scotland has a producing garden
near the Arctic Circle which is supposedly taken care of by plant
Freemasonry - ". . . We tell the sincere Christian that Jesus
of Nazareth was but a man like us" ("Morals and Dogmas" by Albert
Pike in How to Respond to the Lodge).
Hare Krishna - Founder Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Also called
International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). To
the Krishnaite, the world is not real; its illusion. Salvation
comes by chanting the name of their god, Hare Krishna, at least
1,728 times daily. They believe in the literal interpretation
of the Hindu scriptures, but they also accept the Bible as one of the
scriptures. They consider Jesus one of their gurus.
"I AM" MOVEMENT - Leader Guy Ballard (Pen Name Godfrey Ray
King). Jesus, a man, developed the I AM/GOD SELF within himself.
This almighty I Am presence is a pure reservoir of energy
stationed over the head which can be drawn on at will. Jesus is
seen as one of the many Ascended Masters. They do not recognize the
Trinity. This cult is an off-shoot of the Theosophical Society. It
modern form is called the Summit Lighthouse or Church Universal
and Triumphant. However, the "I Am" movement still exist as an
independent organization (The 'I Am' Discourses, Saint Germain
Iglesia Ni Cristo - LeaderFelix Manalo. "We believe in Jesus
Christ, but we do not believe that He is True God. We believe in
only one true god, the god of creation. Jesus Christ is a great
savior and was commissioned by God to be the savior" ("Research Center
Bulletin," Far East Broadcasting).
Inner Peace Movement - Leader Rev. Francisco Coll, DD. A
form of spiritualism and spiritism combining ESP, astro-
projection, psychic phenomena,etc., they introduce seven
levels of consciousness. Christ consciousness is the highest.
Jesus had reached Christ Consciousness and taught this while on
earth. Jesus was a man. They separate Jesus and Christ. God is
impersonal and spoken of as The All, The Cosmos, and The Universe
(Every Wind of Doctrine, Hobart Freeman).
Integral Yoga Institute - Founder Swami Satchidananda. "There
are not many gods; there is only One. And that One has no name, no
form, no place. (Thus Christ is not God.) He is everywhere-in
actuality, neither he, nor she, nor it . . . The two sides are
positive and negative, light and shade. Evil is also God." says the
Swami (The Youth Nappers, James C. Hefley).
Islam - Christ was a prophet of Allah, but was superseded by
Muhammad's teachings and authority.
Jainism - FounderMahavira. "Jainism begins by denying the
existence of an external supreme being, creator, or Lord, who
is the mainstay of the universe. (Thus,no Christ.) For these
non-theistic humanist, there is no need to assume a First cause"
(Religions in a Changing World, Howard F. Vos)
Jehovah's Witnesses - Jesus is a created being, Michael,
the first creation of Jehovah and the "Son of God."
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement - LeaderRaymond J. Jolly.
Similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses, they deny the physical
resurrection of Jesus Christ. "John 424-God is a Spirit. Luke 2439-
A Spirit hath not flesh and bones . . . In the first place, God
directly tells us that Jesus is now a spirit being" (Epiphany
Studies in the Scriptures). "Trinitarians have grossly mistranslated
and miscapitalized this passage to read their trinitarianism into
it, as they have done in other cases. The proper translation
shows that Christ is not Jehovah . . . He is Jehovah's appointed
Savior for the world, not Jehovah Himself" (Epiphany Studies
in the Scriptures-Series 1).
Liberal Catholic Church - LeadersCharles W.
Leadbeater and Vincent M. Matthews. "Obviously, God is not and
cannot be a person. (Thus, no divine Christ.) The persons of the
Holy Trinity are representatives or masks for the One God who is
beyond individuality; is unlimited; eminent; and transcendent" (The
One Existence, E.M. Matthews). The LCC is independent of the Roman
Catholic Church and blends elements of theosophy and pantheism
(These Also Believe, Charles Samuel Braden).
Megiddo Mission - FounderRev. L.T. Nichols. "Christ, Emanuel,
'God with us,' is not the eternal God but the Son of God, conceived
of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, but wholly human in his
nature -Matthew 123,Hebrews 216,17 . . ."(History of the Megiddo
Mission, published by Megiddo Mission Church).
Mormons-FounderJoseph Smith, Jr. Also Called Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Jesus is a pre-existent spirit,
also the Father, one of many gods. Christ was God-man, and men can
be just like him (Mormon Doctrine, Bruce McConkie).
Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai - Soka Gakkai substitutes Gautama
Buddha and Nichiren for the True God and replaces the Bible with
the Lotus Sutra, a false scripture. Soka Gakkai translates to
"Value Recreation Society" ("Views on Christ," John Weldon).
Peace Mission Movement - Leader Father Divine (George
Baker). Baker distinguishes between Jesus and Christ. "I say
B.J. not B.C. because it was before Jesus yet, in my opinion, it
was not before Christ" (The New Day, September 1,1945).
"Jesus, he (Baker) seems at times to regard as merely the temporal
and physical embodiment of the Christ" (These Also Believe,
Charles Samuel Braden). Baker has claimed to be God and the Holy
Spirit. There are also references in Baker's writings to
indicate that Jesus is God (Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin).
Psychiana - Leader Frank B. Robinson. "At no time has God, nor
will God, manifest Himself on this earth or anywhere as a
person . . . Jesus was no more than a human acting out the God-
power" (They Have Found a Faith, Marcus Bach).
Radha Soami Society - Leader Charan Singh. God is seen as
attributeless, formless, and impersonal without personality
and name, although they give "him" the qualities of love, grace,
wisdom and power. The Society asserts that there are countless
gods and goddesses, lords, rulers and governors in the universe
(The World of Gurus, Vishal Mangalwadi), thus Jesus Christ is not
Lord of Lords.
Rajneesh Meditation Centers - Leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. "But
God (thus, Christ) is not a person. God is the process . .
Existence is without cause . . .In the beginning, there is no cause
so in the end there can be no purpose" (Beyond and Beyond, Acharya
Rosicrucianism - Jesus was a reincarnated man, the
highest luminary possible. The Christ spirit in Him was a
manifestation of the cosmic Christ ("Rays from the Rose Cross,"
December, 1978).
Ruhani Satsang - Leader Kirpal Singh. "Jesus Christ was
essentially a man of the East, and his teachings are imbued with
oriental mysticism. It is even speculated that he spent many of
his early years in india and learned from the Yogins and
Buddhist monks" (The Crown of Life, Kirpal Singh).
Sacred Mushroom of the Cross - Leader John Allegro. Christ was
a mushroom (Sacred Mushroom of the Cross, John Allegro).
Sanatana Dharma Foundation - Leader Yogeshwar Muni.
(also called Kayavarohan). Jesus is a man who achieved a
divine state through meditation. Sanatana Dharma is
considered the eternal path to truth leading to fulfillment and
divinity. "Thus men, for the first time on Earth, could achieve the
God level not only in concept, but in physical manifestations as
well" (Vishvamitra Newsletter).
Satanism - The introduction to the satanic bible says, "What
amuses us most is that you indicate that a mere command to Satan in
Jesus' name is sufficient to dismiss him. The Prince of Darkness
regards both God and Jesus Christ a figments of man's more
infantile imagination, at least insofar as their supposed power is
concerned. God is dead, and Christ was but a man" (Every Wind of
Doctrine, Dr. Hobart Freeman).
Scientology-Founder L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard claims to have
found the spiritual technology to dispense the one "true way" to
man. It is a process working through levels of self-knowledge and
knowledge of past lives to awaken the primordial deity within
until a person is able to regain total godhood. Christ is a man
"who achieved a 'state of clear' but not the higher state of
'Operating Thetan" ("Certainty" magazine, Vol 5, No 10).
Self-Realization Fellowship - Leader Paramahansa Yogananda. Group
also called "Yogoda Satsanga Society." Separates Jesus and
Christ. Jesus was indwelt by the Christ Consciousness. "Let the
omniscient Christ Consciousness come to Earth a second time and be
born in you, even as it was manifested in the mind of Jesus"
(Metaphysical Meditations, SRF Publishers.
Shintoism - "Deity is spirit, without form, unknowable . . .
changeless, eternal, existing from the beginning of Heaven and
Earth up to the present, unfathomable, infinite . . ." (Source of
Japanese Tradition, Vol 1, editor William Theodore De Bary).
Shree Guru Dev Siddha Yoga Ashram - Leader Swami Muktananda
Paramahansa. Also called "Sidha Yoga Dham." This is a self
realization group whose leader claims to be god. "This is the praise
of the all-pervasive, formless, unmanifest, Absolute Being who
manifest Himself in a thousand forms . . . Above all, you will receive
Divine Grace and finally realize your own divinity." Rejects
God manifesting Himself in Jesus Christ (Songs of God, Guru, Self
- Kabiraj).
Sikhism - Founder Nanak. Sikhism developed an abstract
and mystical monotheism. God is formless, sovereign, unknowable
and absolute. However, a righteous person can call upon the grace
of Sat Nam - God. If a person reaches salvation, which is by works,
he absorbs into God. rejects the idea that God revealed in a
Person of Jesus Christ (Cults, World Religions and You, Kenneth
Sivananda Yoga Vedenta Centers - Leader Swami Sivananda.
Also called "International Sivananda Yoga Society." God (or
Christ) is not a person or spirit, but Consciousness. He
is sometimes reborn as a man, other times as an animal, plant, or
even inanimate object. (The World of Gurus, Vishal Mangalwadi).
Spiritual Advancement of the Individual Foundation. - Leader Sri
Satya Sai Baba. Jesus Christ is seen as an "Avatar," a deity
descended to earth in bodily form. Sai Baba is Jesus Christ who
was returned. Man, according to Baba, is Atman - Self or God.
Man is under an illusion so that he forgets that he is God. Baba
also teaches that God is ultimately without attributes (The World
of Gurus, Vishal Mangalwadi).
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship - Founder Arthur Ford and
others. "There was no Christ 2,000 ago. There was a man 2,000 ago
through whom the Annointed One was able to manifest. The man
died, Christ lived, and as the Holy Spirit has been helping . . . The
Divine Mind or the Concept of God has within himself all the
faculties or qualities of both male and female. There can be
no creative expression, there can be no life without these two
qualities. So God is neither man nor woman." Ford, a former
Christian minister, made these comments during a seance March 18,
1965 (Unknown but Known, Arthur Ford).
Spiritualist - Jesus was an outstanding Jewish medium (Kingdom of
the Cults - Walter Martin).
Sri Chinmoy Centers - Leader Sri Chinmoy. God is seen as
Consciousness and Light. Realize the divinity within you. "It is not
because of his (Jesus') miracles that he is worshipped, but
because he brought down the eternal Consciousness, the
infinite Consciousness" (Kundalini The Mother Power, Sri Chinmoy).
Still Point Institute - Leader Sujata. Christ is an evolutive
god, a cosmic Christ. A heavy influence of Zen Buddhism
negates the personal God (The Still Point, William Johnson).
Subud - Leader Muhammad Subuh (Bapak). God is a "Great Life Force
that flows through everything and everyone. It is impersonal."
(Thus no divine Christ.) God is felt through "latihan" which is an
inner vibration. The objective is Subud is to become passive so
that you can experience and feel latihan (New Gods in America,
Peter Rowley).
Sufism - Leader Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. God is an
"Abstract Sound" which is the creative life principle in all of
nature. "The goal of Sufism is union with God in this life." Because
of its link with Islamic philosophy, it would not consider
Jesus as God (Awakening Ways to Psycho-Spiritual Growth,
C.William Henderson).
Swedenborgism - Founder E. Swedenborg. A form of spiritism which
also denies the person of the Holy Spirit. He is called an
efficiency or sanctifying influence. "We ought to have faith in
God the Savior Jesus Christ, because that is faith in the visible
God in Whom is the Invisible; and faith in the visible God, Who
is at once Man and God, who enters Man" (True Christian
Religion, E. Swedenborg).
Taoism - Greatest philosopher Chuang Tzu. "There is no personal
Creator-God" (Cults, World Religions and You, Kenneth Boa).
Tarotology - The most serious form of cartomancy (divination by
cards). It has been linked with magic, numerology, astrology and
other cults. For all the languages about God, Spirit and the
Truth of God, the God and Truth of Tarot are in no way those of Jesus
Christ. It is an idolatrous system (Dennis Hesslegrave,
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School).
The Farm - Leader Stephen. An eastern mysticism commune in
Summertown, TN. Jesus, a teacher, was a good man indwelt with
Christ Consciousness. "In the telepathic medium of the Holy
Spirit, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, call
it what you will, exist all the time. ... You don't have to call
it Jesus or Buddha or Krishna, it's 'the consciousness'"(Hey
Beatnik! 1974).
The Foundation Church of the Millennium - leader Father John.
Denies the deity of Jesus Christ. It is an off-shoot of or the
front for the Process Church of the Final Judgement (below)
although they deny affiliation. They were both founded in
September, 1966; began in Xtul, Mexico; listed their midwest
address as 1529 N. Wells Street, Chicago, IL; and have both
since moved.
The Holy Order of MANS - Leader Earl Blighton. Holds the occult-
eastern view that Jesus was a great teacher, but merely a man
who attained an impersonal kind of "Christ Consciousness." They
separate Jesus and Christ. They believe all can attain Christ-
Consciousness (Spiritual Counterfeit Project, Berkeley, CA).
The Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy.
- Founder Swami Rama. "In order to become true members of the
Church of Christ, a person must know not who Jesus was, but what
Christ is. Christ, Ishvara, is the very personal force pervading
the universe that guides and illuminates every aspirant. . .
It is not an embodied person, but rather a force in which all
individual beings are divine sparks. . ."(Meditation in Christianity,
Dr. Pandit Arya). Swami Rama has said, "Jesus Christ was perhaps
the greatest of all Yogis."
The Process Church of the Final Judgement - Founder Robert
De Grimston. Jesus is a mere man. "The Processeans believe in three
gods Jehovah, Lucifer, and Satan" (Sata's Devices, Kurt Koch)
The 3 HO Foundation - Leaders Yogi Bhajan and Guru Ram Dass. The
3 HO means Happy, Health and Holy. "What is God?... He is cosmic
energy... He is yin-yang; He is positive an negative. He is male,
female... When you say cosmic consciousness, you mean
God... You are God... God is you. Man has never realized he
is God... God is a stick... God is a cup.... God is a woman" (The
Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Bhajan).
Unification Church - Leader/Fonder Sun Myung Moon. Moon states
that God has dual qualities - spirit and energy. God is a personal
being with consciousness, intelligence, love and purpose.
Salvation can come only through the Messiah who achieves
perfection, marries, and has perfect offspring. Christ, Moon
says, was to do this, but He failed because he died before he
could marry. Because He was resurrected, Moon says, Jesus did
redeem man spiritually. The physical redemption of man will
happen through a second Messiah, but not Christ. The implication
is that Moon is the second Messiah. (Moody Monthly, July 1977).
The Way International - Leader Victor Paul Wierwile. A very close
counterfeit of Christianity. They believe in God, the Bible, Jesus
Christ, salvation, and eternal life, but not the Trinity. Jesus is
NOT God, and the Holy Spirit is a synonym for God (Jesus Christ
is Not God, Victor Paul Wierwille).
Theosophist - Christ took the body Jesus, a man, to become
a teacher. Eventually all men become Christ.
Transcendental Meditation - Leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Also called "Spiritual Generation Movement," "Student's
International Meditation Society," "TM." Maharishi says the
reason for creation and individual life is the expansion of
happiness. This is done by expanding one's consciousness through
seven levels of consciousness. Jesus is considered an Enlightened
One. Leaders have attempted to claim that TM is not a religion, but
courts have ruled that it is, and the nature of its initiation
rites prove that it is Hindu derivative. (Meditations, Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi).
Unitarians - Jesus was a man who believed in One God, not the
Unity School of Christianity - Jesus was a perfect man, indwelt by
the Christ Consciousness, present in every human being.
Vedanta Society - Founder Swami Vivekananda. Also known as
"Ramakrishna Order." "They (gods) are human beings with
extraordinary, original powers and entrusted with a Divine
commission. Being heirs of Divine power and glories, they form a class
of their own. To this class belong the incarnations of God, like
Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and Chaitanya and their devotees of
the highest order" (Hindu View of Christ. Swami Akhilananda).
Witchcraft - "Down through the centuries, many witches
and sorcerers consider God and Satan as merely symbols of power,
with no real existence as personalities" (Kingdom of Darkness,
F.W. Thomas). Some witches may see Jesus as a wizard who was able
to master natural and occult forces.
Worldwide Church of God - Leader Herbert W. Armstrong. Jesus
is a part of the godhead (God is a family) and men can become like
Jesus and part of the God family - Sons of God. They do not
believe in a closed godhead (TRINITY). The Holy Spirit is not
considered a person, but the Father and the Son work through it.
(Derivate cult - International Church of God. Leader Son of
Herbert, George, was disowned by his father and started this
group that believes the same but claims that the Worldwide Church
lost its authority when Herbert divorced his wife.)
Zen Buddhism - "Since Zen does not affirm the existence of the
living God, it is not only absolutely destitute of the special
revelation of God in His Word, but is wholly alien to the God of
revelation." says Lit-Sen-Chang (The Kingdom of the Cults, Walter
Zoroastrianism - Founder Spitoma Zoroaster. This is one of
the first monotheistic religions in the world, and adherents of this
religion are thought to have been the originators of the Wise Men
from the East who searched out Jesus when He was born. This cult
doesn't recognize a personal God. Their god, Ahura Mazda, is
impersonal and has no physical nature (Cults, World Religions and
You, Kenneth Boa).
Computers For Christ NOTE - Those organizations not shown with
references are on file with this ministry with substantial
confirmation of the statements. The computer phone data
service has many of them outlined in depth. SYSOP - Computers
For Christ.
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