The Baha'i Faith is essentially rationalistic. "We must not
accept traditional dogmas that are contrary to reason, nor
pretend to believe doctrines which we cannot understand. To do so
is superstitious and not true religion." Because of this
inclination to reject any doctrine that does not seem reasonable
to them, Baha'is interpret allegorically, rather than literally,
the biblical doctrines of the Holy Trinity, the bodily
Resurrection of Christ, the existence of angels and evil spirits,
and the doctrines of heaven and hell. Yet, despite this
insistence that EVERYTHING must be understood in order to be
believed, they hold that God Himself is impersonal and
UNKNOWABLE. He can only be perceived indirectly through the
reflection of his Manifestations - Jesus being ONLY ONE of these
NINE, in no manner superior to the other eight.
Baha'is deny that man fell through Adam from his original
spiritual and moral state. They affirm that no one is
"essentially" bad or evil, but merely imperfect. Sins are
characteristics of the lower, baser plane of nature, and
education brings deliverance from them. Baha'u'llah taught that
men ought not to confess their sins to one another, for this
would lead to humiliation and abasement, which he taught, are
contrary to God's will.
Concerning salvation, Baha'u'llah said, "Whoso keepeth the
commandments of God shall attain everlasting felicity." And Abdul
Baha stated that there is no sin-atoning value in Christ's
sacrificial death on the cross. So inadequate was his concept of
redemption that Baha'u'llah was able to say of himself: "Fix your
gaze upon Him who is the Temple of God amongst men. He, in truth,
hath offered up his life as a ransom for the redemption of the
The Central conflict between Baha'u'llah's concept of
salvation and the biblical revelation on the subject is best
shown in BAHA'I WORLD FAITH where Baha'u'llah stated: "Every age
has its own problem, and every soul its particular aspiration.
The remedy the world needeth in its present day afflictions can
never be the same as that which a subsequent age may require." In
CONTRAST to this, the BIBLE teaches that the one universal
problem of man throughout the ages is sin, his state of moral
guilt and consequent alienation from God. Thus the one remedy -
the only POSSIBLE remedy for mankind's dilemma - is the death of
Jesus Christ for our sins, a sacrifice sufficient to save all who
turn to Him for all time as God tells us in Hebrews 10:10 to 18.
Because they fail to recognize that man fell from his
original position with God, Baha'is also fail to understand what
the prophet Jeremiah witnessed concerning the nature of man: "The
heart is more deceitful than all else and is incurably sick; who
can understand it?" As a result they believe that man is capable
of keeping the commandments of God, whereas the BIBLE
emphatically declares that he cannot in Romans 3:20 to 28 and
8:7. Not realizing that man's problems stem from his heart,
instead of the intellect, they think that education is the
SICKNESS, they have prescribed a faulty, ineffective cure.
It is somewhat ironic that the most fitting description of
Baha'u'llah's attempt to establish himself as savior and mediator
between man and God can be found in words framed by none other
than Baha'u'llah himself. Certainly, he had ANYONE BUT himself in
mind when he penned these words; yet with sobering propriety
Baha'u'llah's indictment CAN BE APPLIED TO HIMSELF: "We can
perceive how the whole human race is encompassed with great, with
incalculable afflictions. We see it languishing on its bed of
sickness, sore tired and disillusioned. They that are intoxicated
by self conceit have interposed themselves between it and the
divine and infallible Physician. Witness how they have entangled
all men, themselves included, in the mesh of their devices. THEY
Jesus Claimed to BE GOD and lived his life in a manner that
reflected truth. Jesus said that HE WAS TRUTH. Jesus rose "into
the clouds" where, we are told by the BIBLE that he "will return
just as we witnessed Him leaving" and not REINCARNATED into
another person. It is appointed unto MAN to die BUT ONCE - Then
the JUDGEMENT. Jesus was God as proven by his life. JESUS is
SAVIOR as proven by His Death AND RESURRECTION. The bodies of
Baha'u'llah, the Bab, Abdul Baha and other false prophets rot in
their graves. The body of Christ is not on Earth, but he lives!
He will return with the NEW NAME of JUDGE and LORD - Every knee
shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. When
he comes in HIS BODY, he will take up to him those who He lives
THROUGH at this present time. No one has ever found deceit in the
lives of Jesus or his Apostles. Jesus stands IN HISTORY as a
PERFECT human - the ONLY MAN IN HISTORY so RECORDED. He came the
first time EXACTLY when God WROTE that he would - He didn't have
to change God's word!
No, there is NO HARMONY between Baha'i and Christ or
Christianity. The blasphemy being exhorted by Baha'i World Faith
and its adherents will be dealt with at the BEMA JUDGEMENT SEAT.
Until that time, we followers of the LIVING CHRIST, must show our
love for the souls in Baha'i that have remained in the bondage
that Christ offered His life to end. Christ did die for them, and
we must always be ready to "give a reason for the hope that lies
within us" to "everyman who ask of you." May eyes be opened to
the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and closed to the bind of Satan.
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