Published by The Anthonian Press, Temple St., Dublin, Ireland. Permissu

Ordinarii Dioec. Dublinen die 14 April 1964.

"Thousands...make a practice of wearing or carrying on their persons a

copy of the famous Brief of St. Anthony believing they ensure for

themselves his powerful protection against dangers to soul and body.

"A poor Portuguese woman resolved to put an end to her life. On her way

to the river, as she was passing a shrine of St. Anthony, she cast herself

on her knees for a moment to breathe, as she thought, a last prayer to the

saint. While kneeling there she fell asleep. On awakening she found herself

delivered from her terrible temptation, and hanging around her neck she

found the Brief or Letter of St. Anthony.

"When the women's story was spread, great curiosity was aroused. The

king had the brief brought to him and placed it in the royal archives where

it is still preserved with the crown jewels of Portugal. After parting with

it, the women felt weak again, so a copy was made by the king and given to


"The Brief consists of a Cross with the following words: `Ecce Crucem

Domine. Fugite, partes adverasae, Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, Radix David,

Alleluia." English translation: `Behold the Cross of the Lord. Flee ye

adversaries, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Root of David has

conquered. Alleluia.'

"It is recommended that a short prayer be said to St. Anthony daily. The

following is recommended. `May he intercede for us, O Lord, Thy holy

Confessor Anthony, upon whom, adorned with heroic virtues, Thou didst

bestow the gift of miracles even unto working prodigious signs and wonders.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.'"

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