"What do Roman Catholics believe."
"Four Kinds of Roman Catholics"
It is as difficult to classify neatly the Roman church today as it
is to classify Protestant churches. Any classifacation is bound to lump
together those who feel uncomfortable at the association; we must allow
for much overlapping and various combinations of viewpoints. It is
useful, nevertheless, to group comtemporary Roman Catholics into four
Still vigorous, and, under the administration of Pope John Paul II,
continuing strong and influential within the Catholic hierarchy, are the
traditionalists. This important segment of the church, specially
powerful among the laity of the nation churches, the older clergy, and
the bishops and upper level of the hierarchy, adheres to the whole of
creedal Roman Catholicism and obedience to the church as interpreted by
the pope. In recent years, these traditionalists have come to assume
less and less importance in the church, yet Pope John Paul II has
certainly sought in some ways to nudge the church back in this direction.
A second group is often identified with the charismatic movement. It
tends to be more evangelical and lays great emphasis upon faith as a
personal commitment, the New Birth, personal piety, and loyalty to the
Scripture. Particularly, it stresses the necessity for a conscious
"actualization" or personal appropriation of one's faith, and an active
acceptance of the Bible not just as divine revelation, but also as the
means of grace by which the Holy Spirit guides one's thought anad action.
A third group is composed of liberals. These vary greatly in the
degree to which they have departed from the traditional position of the
church. From the Protestant perspective, naturally, some of these
departures seem to be good because they are moves in the direction of
evangelical doctrine. When Hans Kung wrote a book in defense of
justification by faith and another against the infallibility of the pope
and the church councils, Protestants recognized a voice proclaiming the
truth. However, when he went on to cast doubts upon the infallibility of
the Bible as well, and even questioned the traditional Christology of the
church, evangelical Protestants regretted his move as an unnecessary and
unwise concession to modern rationalistic unbelief stemming from the
Enlightenment, not from his biblical roots.
No doubt the majority of Roman Catholics fall within a loose fourth
category often labeled cultural Roman Catholics. They were born into the
church. They are commited emotionally to their "mother church," but do
not understand its doctrine and are not really obedient to its ethical
instruction. They remain within it more because of convenience than
because of religious conviction. Their values and lifestyle do not flow
from their understanding of the gospel, but are molded by the predominant
culture around them. In the U.S.(and Canada), Roman Catholicism is their
way of being an American(Canadian) and of finding their own identity in
modern society. My Comment: It would be disasterous to lump Catholics
into any one particular category listed above but to make sure and talk
to each one individually as they may be part of all the categories or any
combination of them. When giving your testimony to them make sure that
you know what that individual believes in, listen carfully to what they
This info was uploaded by Mike Paulson, who received the information
from an Editorial from Cornerstone magazine which was sent to him by The
Christian Research Institute in San Juan Capistrano, California.
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