Is the Roman Catholic Church violating their own scriptures?
If the Roman Catholic Church believes their own Bible to be the Word
of God and uses the Bible to support their own beliefs, then their own
Bible ought to support their own practices. But this might not be the
Note: If anything, the authority of the church should augment the
authority of their own Scriptures, not the exact opposite.
Can the "tradition" of the church be relied upon as "the"
authority? note carefully the testimony of Matthew (Matthew
15:1-9) verse 6 "...So you have made void the commandment of God by
your tradition."
note also the testimony of their "so-called" first pope, Peter.
(1 Peter 1:18-21). v. 18 "You know that you were redeemed from the
vain manner of life handed down from your fathers...." (tradition)
A. Mary's own testimony concerning her need of a Saviour.
Luke 1:39-56) verses 46-47 "And Mary said, My soul magnifies the
Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour."
Compare Matthew 13:55-56, which reveals that Mary was born with
"original sin" and disproving the teaching of the immaculate
conception. (Jesus has half-brothers and Half-sisters...Mary had
other children. If she had no "original sin" neither would they
have had).
B. Christ's own testimony concerning Mary (in the Catholic
Jesus always directly addresses her as WOMAN, never as mother.
Luke 11:27-28. Compare John 2:1-5, & 19:25-28, also Mark 3:31-35.
C. Mary is without the authority from the Scriptures to mediate. See
1 Timothy 2:5 - :For there is one God, and one Mediator between
God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (No room for Mary between
Christ & man)
The forbidding of marriage of the priest and the abstinence from foods
on certian days are not upheld by the Scriptures. Notice 1 Timothy
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in after times some will
depart from the faith...They will forbid to marry, and will enjon
abstinence from foods, which God has created to be partaken of
with thanksgiving by the faithful and by those who know the
The Insistence of the priests to be addressed as "Father" is condemned
by the Scriptures. Notice Matthew 23:9
"And call no one on earth your father; for one is your Father, who
is in Heaven."
The so-called "first-pope", Peter, was married. Notice Matthew
"And when Jesus had come into Peter's house, he saw Peter's
mother-in-law lying in bed, sick with fever."
Acts 10:24,25 is interesting to note, also, that Peter couldn't
have been the first pope in the church.
The Roman church claims that Jesus founded His church upon Peter.
Rather, Christ founded it upon HIMSELF, "the Rock".
Paul's testimony to this effect in 1 Corinthians 10:2-5 and
Ephesians 1:22
1 Corinthians 10:4 "...but the rock was Christ."
Peter's own testimony in 1 Peter 2:1-9. Here he speaks of Christ
as a living stone, the chief corner stone of the church, and
quotes Old Testament passages in proof.
Rosaries and the such like are superfluous as a medium for prayer.
Hebrews 10:19-22 "Since then, brethern, we have confidence to
enter the Holies in virtue of the blood of Christ...let us draw
near in fullness of faith.
The Goodnews (Gospel) to all men is also set forth clearly in
Scripture, nothing to guess about or work for, but as Jesus Christ
himself declares Himself in John 14:6.
Ephesians 2"8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith;
and that not from yourselves, for it is the gift of God; not as
the outcome of works, lest anyone may boast."
1 John 5:11 "And this is the testimony, that God has given us
eternal life; and this life is in His Son" compare John 3:16
John 1:12 "But to as many as recieved Him He gave the power of
becoming sons of God; to those who believe in His name."
1 John 5:12 "He who has the Son has life. He who has not the Son
has not life. These things I am writing to you that you may know
that you have eternal life--you who believe in the name of the Son
of God.
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