One of the orders of Roman Catholic priests, designated by their having
"S.J." after their names. They were founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in 1534,
and were known as the Pope's private army. They swore unbending allegiance
to the pope; however, they were historically connected with many political
intrigues in the Church, causing one pope to disband the order. They were
reinstated later, and are now the intelligentsia of the Roman Catholic
Church. Their involvement with politics has caused their general (termed
the Black Pope) to be regarded by some as the power behind the Papacy.
While there is historic reason to believe this may have once been true,
recently both Paul VI and John Paul II have asserted their absolute
authority over the leadership of the Jesuits.
March 9, 1973 - an article by Himli Toros entitled JESUITS REAFFIRM PAPAL
OBEDIENCE. "Rome. The Jesuits have concluded a three month gathering that
left Pope Paul VI still in firm command of the order known as his `private
army.' . . . The order also accepted a papal order that all decisions voted
by the congregation be submitted to him for his approval."
INSIGHT, April 20, 1987, contained a book review of THE JESUITS by Malachy
Martin. This book was sub-titled "The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of
the Roman Catholic Church."
Martin, himself an ex-Jesuit who was laicized in 1964, contends that the
Jesuits were, for centuries, the embodimnent of all that Catholicism was
and was meant to be. But with the assumption to the Father Generalship of
Pedro de Arrupe y Gondra in 1965, the Jesuits embarked on a crash course of
decadence that poisoned not just the order but the entire Roman Catholic
Church. The gall that spoiled the sparkling Jesuit brew was, very simply,
To be a Modernist is to adapt. And adaptation is no less, according to
Martin, than a "direct, murderous stab at the heart of Roman Catholicism,"
a "quick and subtle poison" that, once entering the Church, would leave its
body "an eviscerated ruin."
Martin believes the entire Renaissance was merely "Lucifer's latest
ploy, his modern version of `I will not serve.'" The Renaissance, in which
man turned his attention toward himself and the material world, rang the
death knell for Roman Catholicism: because of the Renaissance, "the Roman
Catholic Church was no longer able to speak to her people as she had done
for thousands of years."
According to Martin, the glory of the Jesuits was that they "rejected
out of hand the Renaissance preoccupation with the grandeur of self" and
remained directed to just two things, "the warfare between God and Lucifer
for each individual, and the Pope's need for devoted servants."
The trouble with the Jesuits now, Martin asserts, is that they have lost
all this. They have no qualms opposing papal teachings on such matters as
ordination of women, liberation theology, homosexuality, celibacy.
Martin lays full blame for the church's decline on ex-Jesuit General
Arrupe. "It is safe to say," proclaims Martin, "that one man can be pointed
out as summarily responsible for this complete turn around of the Society
of Jesus - Pedro Arrupe."
As this book would have it, the pope himself is a pretty small mover and
shaker compared to these men. It was the Jesuits who, throughout history,
were the "torch-bearers of Church attitudes regarding the pope and the
Papacy" and "the vanguard and standard bearers of the way in which
Catholics should conduct their lives and think about the world."
Martin feels the Jesuits were the best, and "the corruption of the best
is the worst."
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