ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Much of the following material is taken from the book

entitled "Unmasking The New Age" by Douglas Groothuis



Eastern religions are moving West and forming a kind of ecumenical

movement of Easter, occult and New Conciousness groups that are networking

together in the New Age Movement. But, the basic New Age assumption is

older than history, i.e., its belief that "all is one". To experience

"oneness" we must do away not only with our uniqueness as perosns but also

with our capcity for conceptual and critical thinking. It challenges not

only our distinct personhood, but the reality of the world we observe and

the distinction beteen good and evil. It is pantheistic in its world view

believing that God is the universe and everything in it, not a personal

Creator who is above it and distinct from His creation. It is therefore

very difficult to evangelize a New Ager who sees himself already divine,

having endless potential for self-improvement, not inherently sinful, and

in need of the gracious, once-for-all provision of Jesus Christ's


New Age advocates argue that the West has been locked in a prision

of the ordianry and one-dimensional, seperated from the mystical vitality

of a universe of harmonious dancing and energy. The problems besetting the

modern world are blamed on a false and rapidly decaying world view, an an

outmoded perspective on life. The old ways and views are impotent and

cannot rescue modern humanity. Therefore a "New Conciousness" is needed to

bring about a New Age. This "New Consciousness" (religion) will provide a

new world view necessary to bring in the New Age. We must therefore

diligently see what if affirms and why, lest we credulously follow its

dictates without giving it a thought.

This study will hopefull challenge us to:

1. develop and teach a sound theistic world and life view

2. to develop a personal comprehensive Christian belief system,

incorporating revealed truth relevant to physical and

psychological health.

3. to develop a method of pre-evanglisim like that of Paul among

the pantheist of ancient Athens (Acts 17:16-31) by helping New

Age people understand that they are dependent on a

transcendent, personal Creator, accoutable to him and guilty

before Him.


A. All Is One - the basic premise of the New Age Movement

1. Or, "monism" - (mono=one) the belief that all that is,

is one. All is interelated, interdependent and

interpenetrating. Any precieved differences between

seperate entities are aonly apparent and not real.

2. Ultimate reality is beyond good and evil, the essential

teaching of much Eastern religion and occultism.

3. How is this premise radically at odds with the Christian

view of reality? See Genesis 1 Colossians 1:17 -

undifferentiated unity or created plurality? What about

the trinity )tri- unity)?

B. All Is God

1. Pantheism - all things said to partake of the divine


2. All is one and all is god. Whatever is, is god and

therefore perfect.

3. All dualities in reality dissolve into the cosmic unity

including the idea of personality. Therefore, there is

only one being, the One, which does not have a

personality since it is beyond personality.

4. The idea of a personal God is abandoned in favor of a

personal energy, force or consciousness. Ultimate

reality is God.

Picture twenty-five firat-graders laying on the floor of

their classroom floor. It's not a fire drill or an air raid, but

part of the new curriculum. The children are being guided through a

meditation in which they are instructed to imagine the sun radiantly

shining toward them. They are then told to gaze into its brightness

without being hurt by the light. Next the children are asked to try

to bring the sun down into their bodies and feel its warmth, power,


"Imagine that you are doing something perfect," the

teacher commands, "and that you are perfect."

The children are told to see themselves as resplendent

with light, they should feel at peace, for they are perfect. They

"are reminded that they are intelligent, magnificent, and that they

contain all of the wisdom of the universe within themselves."

This exercise acutally took place in a Los Angeles public




5. What does the Bible affirm? Romans 1:25; Eccles. 5:2

What is idolatry? Is God an impersonal force?

"thou shalt not" (amoral)?


C. Humanity is God

1. We are not only perfect, we are, in fact, gods.

"It has long been held that whoever denies [the

transcendent]God asserts his own divinity. in dropping

God, man recovers himself. It is time that God be put in

his place, that is, in man, and no nonsense about it."

Philosopher and New Age precursor L.L. White

Discussion: Is there anything new about this attitude?

According to Roamsn 1:18-32, what really happends

when man "drops God?"

2. We are god in disguise. Only ignorancwe keeps us from

realizing our divine reality. New Age gosl, according to

New Age analyst Theodore Roszak, is "to awaken the god

who sleeps at the root of the human being."

"Kneel to your own self. Honor and worship your own

being. God dwells within you as You!" (Suami


Discussion: According to Romans 18:18, 19, what part does

truth and ignorance play in knowing the true God?

What attitude does the Bible take towards human

pretenders to the divine throne? Isa. 14:13-15;

Ezek. 28:1-2; Acts 12:21-23.

D. A Change in Consciousness

1. If all is one; all is god; and we are god, then why

don't we know ourselves as gos? Answer, IGNORANCE.

2. Our Western culture has stiffled our metaphysical powers

(i.e., mind over matter). This problem can be reversed

by techniques designed to alter ordinary consciousness,

enabling us to see true reality, leading to an awareness

of oneness and spiritual power. For example: *

Sports - according to Murphy, founder of Esalen

Institute, extreme physical achievement can induce a

mystical state of consciousness much like that spoken of

in Eastern religions.

* contact with extraterestrial beings (UFO's) *

EST (Erhard Seminars Training) - mass training session

for the purpose of triggering a revoloution in

consciousness (now called Forum). Participants have

included Yoko Ono, Diana Ross and John Denver, a

self-appointed evangelist for the cause. *

Self-hypnosis * Internal Visulization (like the

school children) * Biofeedback - controlling the

brain wacves my mechanical means. * Sex act *

Parapsychology - e.g., telepathy, ESP, precognition,

(predicting the future), telekinesis, etc.

3. There are many names for this transforming experience:

cosmic consciousness, God-realization, self-realization,

enlightenment, illumination, Nirvana (Buddhist), Satori

(Zen), at- one-ment, or satchitananada (Hindu).

"Free will is simply the enactment of the realization

you are God, a realization that you are divine: free

will is making everything accessible to you." (Shirely


Discussion: In what basic ways does this philosophy go against the

Bible teaches free will?

4. The One cannot be grasped intellectually. It must be

experienced not discussed.

Discussion: How does Christianity address the need for a chanbe on

consciousness? Genesis 3





This lesson will scrutinize the historical roots of the New Age

Movement to help us understand the forces that propelled it into out


I. The Counterculture of the Sixties - A key factor

"The Sixties' counterculture offered people a doorway into the

new and the untried. The "business as usual" of American life had

lost its life, they claimed. The "square" mind was enslaved by the

demands of a dispirited world of technology and materialism.

Secularism had paralyzed the spiritual imagination and nailed shut

the doors of the soul. The appollonian attitude of hard work,

restraint and disciplined achievement (or the work ethic) left the

counterculture cold. Instead they celebrated they dionysian ideal:

the exuberant experiences beyond the mundane and predictable."

A. Essential elements of the counterculture: 1. Imported

Eastern religions 2. Sects and cults The above resulted in

a generation accustomed to non- Christian spiritual beliefs

and practices. 3. Hallucinogenic drugs to raise the level

of consciousness 4. Psychedelic drugs, a forerunner of

other transformational technologies 5. Occult - The Beatles

fused hallucinogenic experience, Eastern philosophy and

political dissent into songs. Counterculture announced itself

as the "Age of Aquarius". Astrology is based on a monistic

philosophy and is one of the most ancient occult arts (Daniel


B. The "love-ins", "happenings", Easter religions, and occultism

of the sixties became less ostentatious and quite well integrated

into the general culture by the mid 1970's and continue on in the


II. The Demise of Secular Humanism

A. Secular humanism teaches atheism, while human reasoning and

scientific innovation become the final authority for life and


B. This easily leads into nihilism - the belief that everything

is meaningless and absurd. No culture is able to survive on a steady

diet of atheism (e.g. Communism) because we are made in the image

of God and therefore seek transcendent meaning, purpose and value.

C. Secular humanism has been unable to develop a durable or

compelling world view. True, ideologically it has yet to lose its

grip; yet the logic of its resulting nihilism can do nothing but

weaken its power. While it appeals to humanity's quest for autonomy

and crowns "man the measure of all things", we find ourselves the

lords of nothing - nothing but a meaningless universe with no

direction, destiny or purpose.

III. Counterculture's Complaint

Christianity divested the world of spiritual significance by

transforming it into a cold machine of natural laws and regularities

(brought on by the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions). God became

distant and even forgotten; nature became a testing ground for man's

technological devices. Result - the dehumanization of man and pollution of

the environment.

IV. The Rise of the One

A. New Age advocates say West has an incorrect world view that

must be overthrown.

...the dualism of Christianity and secular humanism must be

eradicated so that all reality may be seen and experienced as

it truly is, as one. An overly mental faith in history and

doctrine must be replaced by an inner experience of truth

through the raising of consciousness. - Roszak, New Age

analyst and advocate

Better the enchanted world of spirits than the lifeless bulk

of a meaningless universe (Thompson). So we see that just when

the spiritual was thought to be banished, it came back with

pantheistic. insistence.

B. Although no clear line of transition can be drawn from the

sixties counterculture into the present New Age movement,

differences can be see:

Counterculture New Age Movement

1. Primarily a youth movement

1. More sophisticated and influential in culture generally and among all


2. Hardrock music a rallying point 2. Development of new age style of

music combining jazz, electric and meditative elements

3. Free sex promoted openly and publicly, but not yet pervading society 3.

Pervasive 4. Use of chemical hallucinogenics to alter consciousness

4. Use of meditation and hypnosis to alter consciousness

5. Many of those now involved in the New Age movement were not involved in

the counterculture.

C. New Age advocates believe that the failure of secular humanism

and the rejection of Christian theism has left us with a

crisis in every area of our culture and society: militarily

(threat of nuclear annihilation), spiritually, politically,

economically. The only solution is radical transformation and

there is no turning back.

D. Question: What elements of truth and positive aspects, it any,

do you see in the New Age movement? How does the Bible address

these matters?

V. The Appeal of Hope

A. The key ingredient in the appeal of the New Age is hope for

personal and social transformation. They are contagiously

optimistic, especially in the following areas:

1. Spirituality - in search of meaning and

self-validation 2. Ecology - they say, "Noting less

than oneness of all things - god, man and nature - can

insure a whole and balanced view of the natural

environment." 3. Feminism - they see the male God as

being both exclusive and distant. They are promoting

the maternal ground of all being, emphasizing the

feminine in nature and ethics. 4. Authority - on

which to build their lives. Secular humanism eroded

this. Now turning to New Age ideologies to regain a

sense of bearing that only comes from following an

established authority and unified world view. New Age

derives much of its authority and appeal from pantheism,

a belief system that has touched or permeated one

culture after another since the dawn of recorded


C.S. Lewis wrote: Pantheism is in fact the permanent natural bend of

the human mind....It is the attitude into which the human mind

automatically falls when left to itself.

B. What hope does the Bible offer relative to transformation in

the above areas?

1. Spirituality: Gal. 2:20 "loved me" II Cor. 5:17 2.

Ecology: Gen. 1:26; 9:1-3; Ps. 8:6-8 3.

Feminism: I Cor. 11:3-12 4. Authority:

Exod. 20:1-6

VI. Cosmic Humanism vs. Secular Humanism

A. Secular Humanism has a monism of matter and energy while

cosmic humanism (the One) has a monism of spirit - all is god.

B. How is salvation obtained by the secular humanist? Through

rational inquiry and the development of science. the cosmic humanist?

By becoming one with the One and thus gaining access to

unlimited potential. Man becomes the metaphysical master.

C. "Secular man 'killed a God in whom he could not believe but

whose absence he could not bear.'" - Mircea Eliade

How does the Bible explain this dilemma?

D. Because our society cannot bear God's absence, it is creating

a variety of religious beliefs (pluralism). However, this

creates another problem because gods have no equals. Result:

Fragmentation and confusion. The Church must allow the true

God to take advantage of this climate of instability.THE NEW





In this and the following lessons, the infiltration of New Age

philosophy into the areas of health, psychology, science, politics and

spirituality will be charted and analyzed to see if the One is truly "for

all." Lesson 3 will deal with holistic health. The goal of holistic health

(from the Greek word "holos" meaning 'whole') is to treat not only the

sickness but the whole person - body, mind and spirit. Holistic health

practitioners see modern Western medicine as having reduced persons to

mere bodies - machinelike assemblages of separable parts. Disease is

viewed as a mechanistic malfunction remedied by chemical or surgical

intervention. Spiritual concerns are banished from health considerations


"Physicians pour drugs of which they know little, to cure

diseases of which they know even less, into humans of which

they know nothing." -Voltaire

Thus, disenchantment with modern medicine along with a gnawing sense

of helplessness in the face of death and disease has brought many to seek

help from holistic health practice. While certain aspects of the movement

can be helpful and corrective, most practices are based on pantheistic

and/or New Age philosophy. Its goal is often said to be to attune one with

the One. It uses such practices as Chinese medicine, self-hypnosis,

macrobiotics, biofeedback, meditation and other means.

Question: Can Christians learn from it or must it be rejected?

1. Ten dominant themes that characterize its adherents (note: not

all who believe in one or some of these ideas should automatically be

labeled a New Ager, not do all holistic practitioners follow all ten of


A. The whole is greater than the parts (therefore treat the

whole man) B. Health is more than an absence of

disease. C. We are responsible for our own health or

disease (not the doctor) "The healer resides inside us

is the wisest, most complex, integrated entity on the

universe. Furguson D. Natural forms of healing are

preferable to drugs and surgery E. Most methods of

promoting health can be holistic, but some methods are

more innately holistic than others:

1. Acupuncture, acupressure 2. Biofeedback - using

electrical monitoring of brain waves to bring normally

unconscious, involuntary bodily functions under

conscious, voluntary control. 3. Chiropractic 4.

homeopathy - small does of substances considered harmful

in larger dowses are prescribed for healing 5.

Iridology - inspection of the iris of the eye for

irregularities that signify disorders elsewhere in the

body (Prov. 15:30???) 6. Massage and body work

therapies 7. Meditation techniques 8. Psychic

diagnosis and psychic healing 9. Sexual/mystical


F. Health implies evolution - Holistic health is seen by

many as one manifestation of the advance into the New

Consciousness and New Age.

G. An understanding of energy, not matter, is the key to

health. "We are clumps of dead matter but

configurations of active energy. To increase the

flow of healing energy we must attune ourselves to

it and realize our unity with all things."

H. Death is the final stage of growth. Death is viewed as a

transition to another state of consciousness or as

an illusion. Because all is one, individuals

cannot die.

I. The thinking and practices of ancient civilization are a

rich source for healthy living.

J. Holistic health must be incorporated into the fabric of

society through public policy. They desire that its

practices be implemented governmentaly through health

education and health policies.

Holy or Holistic?

A. Christians are exhorted to test the spirits to uncover

unbiblical ideas. Consider the following questions relative to the

above ten themes:


1. Is it possible that a host of rebellious spirits or

demons can masquerade as agents of healing and health?

If so, for what purpose?

2. What does holistic health tend to ignore insofar as

man's sin and its consequences and God's holiness is


3. Is physical health and emotional contentment synonymous

with salvation? Insofar as God is concerned, what is the

final goal of our salvation?

4. Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light (II

Corin. 11:14) What are some of the way he can do this in

holistic medicine?

NOTE: Acupuncture and acupressure is intimately connected with

Taoism, and an essentially monistic world view. Shamanistic

and traditional folk healing are premised on an animistic or

pantheistic view. Psychic and mediumistic healing is just an

old fashioned occultism.

5. Should Christians shun holistic health since some of its

practices are based on a non-biblical world view?

6. Since in certain ways, "the medical establishment has

become a major threat to health" should we therefore

make a wholesale escape from modern medicine?

7. What guidelines for health do the following Bible

concepts and passages give?

The Sabbath Exod. 15:26 II Chronicles 7:14 II

Chronicles 16:12 Proverbs 3:7,8 John 10:10 John

15:7 I Corinthians 6:19 Philippians 4:5 James





INTRODUCTION: What has replaced theology in the secularized West as

the center of human concern? Psychology. Result? People are looking within

to find answers to our modern anxieties. According to Martin Gross, we

live in "the most anxious, emotionally insecure and analyzed population in

the history of which, as never before, man is preoccupied with

SELF." Everything in our modern society seems up for grabs these days.

Consequently, people turn inward for direction and guidance, having

abandoned the social structure as incapable of providing meaning. When the

social structures of society that give meaning and value collapse, we turn

within. This in turn leads to anxiety and stress because the search within

frequently falls short of the authenticity and assurance that is craved.

Stress contributes to a host of illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer,

lung ailments, accidental injuries, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide -

six of the leading causes of death in the U.S.

Along comes the New Consciousness offering itself as a new mind, a

new way of thinking and being. The help if offers is the answer within, a

revitalized self seen for what it truly is: an unlimited source for growth

and potential. In promising this personal transformation the New Age seeks

to provide a new psychology, a psychology that becomes a main tributary

for the One for all. This lesson will chart the leaning of modern

psychology toward the New Consciousness.

I. The Humanistic Psychology of Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970)

A. Maslow's efforts paved the way for an exodus from the old

psychological view of humanity (as set forth by Sigmund Freud

and B.F. Skinner) toward a new human that is essentially good

and has within himself unlimited potential for growth.

*FREUD: concluded that we are governed by the unconscious

and not by reason; that we are essentially animals driven by

instincts constant in collision with societal standards; that

all human behavior can be reduced to sexual impulse.

*SKINNER: concluded that we are programmed not by our

unconscious but by our environment; behavior consists of

responses to stimuli; peace and harmony for humanity attained

not via the mind, but through a completely controlled

environment; ordinary ideas of freedom and dignity are


B. Maslow says far more important than simply satisfying our

sexual needs (Freud) or being socially conditioned (Skinner)

is to experience self-actualization. Through

self-actualization we can experience perfection, justice,

richness, beauty, truth and self- sufficiency, etc. We become

divine or godlike, going beyond the merely human.

C. Maslow's psychology contains the message at the core of New

Age teaching: Human experience is the center and source of

meaning and is valuable apart from any dependence on or

subservience to a higher power.

Question: How could the fall of man then be portrayed by Maslow's

followers as "the first act of freedom" for man?

Question: How could the act of disobeying God's commandment not to eat

of the forbidden fruit be portrayed as "the beginning of


Fromm, another humanistic psychologist, says, "virtue is self-

realization, not obedience." Explain.

II. Other Trends

A. The Human Potential Movement

1. This movement also stresses human goodness and


2. We are "gods of our own universe" in complete control of

all that happens to us.

B. Transpersonal Psychology

1. Transpersonal refers to those dimensions of

consciousness wherein we are one, achieved by psychic

abilities and unlimited potential.

2. Old-fashioned secular humanist said, "There is no deity.

Long live humanity." The new transpersonal humanist

said, "There is no deity but humanity."

III. Self-Actualization And Morality

A. As one observer put it when describing the negative impact of

self- actualization, "Because personal experience equals

reality, once changes reality by focusing on the self."

Question: How would such a philosophy influence one's morality and what

would be some of the consequences? (see I John 2:15-17;

Galatians 5:13-15; Romans 1:24-32)

B. Ironically, the New Age which proclaims pantheism (all is god,

all is one) produces polytheism (many self-actualizing gods.)


IV. Divine or Inflated?

A. Psychologist David Myers concludes that human problems are not

rooted in a poor view of self. but in an inflated

self-concept. Self- deception, not self-actualization, is the

true state of affairs. For example: (can you give scriptural

evidence for the following?)

1. We are more likely to accept credit than to admit

failure 2. Almost all people see themselves as better than

average 3. Our propensity to justify ourselves in spite of

the facts 4. We consistently overestimate our beliefs and

judgements so as to assume our own infallibility and prophetic

eloquence 5. Our unrealistic optimism, i.e., We more

readily perceive, remember and communicate pleasant

(information)...than unpleasant information 6. Our tendency

to overestimate how desirably we would act in certain


Who can actually and honestly claim Proverbs 20:9?

B. QUESTION: Can the mere lack of understanding of the self's

supposed potential really account for humanity's long history

of savagery and slaughter? What hint of hope does Psalm 8:4

give to man in spite of his self-deception?


V. A Christian View of Human Nature

A. Discuss the ramifications of Genesis 1:26,27 relative to man's

dignity purpose personality self-sufficiency

B. New Age emphasizes self-actualization. What does Christianity




INTRODUCTION: After centuries of warfare between science and religion,

today we see these two disciplines coming together in peace. Science is

grasping hands with the spiritual and together they are following the

same path. Science and technology, once they looked upon producing a

spiritually cold world of barren materialism, has gained new social

credibility and is being employed by the New Age to empower the One for

all. New theories in the field of physics about the nature of the cosmos

have opened the scientific community to some new ideas: the unity of all

things, the nonexistence of an independent external world and the unity of

opposites. In other words, science has been brought fact to face with

ancient mysticism.

This lesson will explore those forces that have transformed a

rationalistic scientism in to mysticism, the mysticism of the New Age.

I. The Fall of Newton

A. Physics: That branch of science which deals with mechanics,

dynamics, light, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism

(Webster). Simply stated, it is the scientific study of


METAPHYSICS: The science of the principles and causes of all

things existing: the philosophy of mind as distinguished from that

of matter (Webster). It is the nature of all reality.

B. Until the turn of the century, physics stood on the unshakable

foundation of Newtonian mechanics: the world is made up of

predictable mechanical laws set in the context of absolute

space and time. The atoms of matter dutifully obeyed the

unbending laws of nature.

C. Albert Einstein and theory of relativity, How did this

revolutionary theory impact the Newtonian world view?

1. Space and time no longer viewed as absolute, but

relative to each other and in relation to the fixed speed of


2. Einstein's equation, E-mc2, stated that matter and

energy were not strictly separable; rather, all mass has

energy and may be translated into energy - atomic energy.

3. Result: science looked for new models of the universe.

QUESTION: How at this point, do you see the new world view that is

developing (under Einstein) laying some foundation stones for

present New Age teachings?

D. Birth of the "quantum theory" (1900): Idea that "matter

absorbed heat energy and emitted light energy discontinuously"

in unexpected limps or spurts called (by Einstein) "quata"

(photons) . They acted unpredictably, not mechanically.

Conclusion: the sub-atomic world is not a mosaic of hard bit

of matter.

E. Bases on the quantum theory which has established itself as

the best explanation of natural phenomena, many scientists

have said that reality is at best run by chance. This

"achievement" has led to the marriage of science and religion.


II. The Quanta and the Buddha

A. "Subatomic particles....are not 'things' but are

interconnections between 'things' and these 'things' in turn,

are interconnections between other 'things' and so on. In

quantum theory you never end up with 'things'; you

always deal with interconnections." (Capra in Turning Point)

Therefore, we must see the "basic oneness" of the


B. In his very popular book, The Tao of Physics, Capra finds

parallels between the new physics and that which the Eastern

mystics have been saying for thousands of years (Buddhist,

Taoist, Hindu):

oneness of all things the unity of opposites

(complementarily) the relativity of space and time the

ever-changing nature of reality


III. A World Of Your Own

A. "The electron does not have objective properties independent

of my mind", (Capra). Thus, rather than observing and

recording reality, we through consciousness determine it. This

leads to the theory of "quantum solipsism": self is the only

thing that can be known and verified....Everything depends on

you. You create the whole universe; you are the

"you-niverse.'" (Fred Alan Wolf).

B. Conclusion: consciousness creates reality by means of the

universal life energy that connects all things.

QUESTION: Even if quantum theory or other theories could demonstrate the

substantial interconnection of all things, would this change

God's position in the order of creation?

IV. A Christian View Of Creation and Science

A. The solipsistic interpretation of quantum physics is hotly

debated among scientists. Why would this be true?

B. New Age says we construct reality instead of discover it. If

carried to its rational conclusion, this position opens the

door to subjective existentialism in which terms like truth,

reality and objectivity become mere symbols without content.

What content do these terms have in a Christian world view?

C. Does the Bible view God as a deistic clockmaker totally

removed from creation (mechanistic) or a God who

pantheistically merges with His creation? John 1:1-14

Colossians 1:15-20 Hebrews 1:3

D. Christians are enlightened by the Logos, the Creator of all

things (John 1:3,9). Can we therefore untie every scientific

knot relative to creation and the universe?

E. How does the Bible picture God insofar as the unity,

interconnection of all things, and distinction of entities of

creation concerned? Gen. 1:11-25.

F. If the spiritistic realm of this world is courted without the

protection and guidance of Christ, what will the result most

likely be? Acts 19:13-16.

G. New Age says that perhaps nothing is beyond our powers. Read

Jer. 17:5,7.



INTRODUCTION: Another area of our society and world which New Age is

permeating is politics. Religion can never be severed from politics since

political vision stems from our deepest beliefs concerning reality and

value. Politics follows faith. The New Age has a political agenda geared

toward bringing in the whole society into harmony with the One as the New

Consciousness produces the New Age. This philosophy is also true of the

last days when the unholy trinity will work in harmony with one another:

Satan will energize the false prophet (the world religious ruler), who

in turn will perform miracles on behalf of Antichrist's political


This lesson will only touch briefly upon some of the more important

aspects of New Age politics.

I. New Age Politics

A. Its name: Transformationalist politics - They say our present

day political system requires not only a change of political

structure but a new consciousness, a new world view. This new

politics must transcend traditional ideologies and our present

political purposelessness.

B. Its message: Our consciousness is unlimited and our

responsibility is total. As gods come of age we must transform the


C. Its agenda: To replace the old political system that sees the

planet basically as a machine with a new holistic system that views

the planet as an interrelated system - an orgasm.

What bearing would this have on the following political/social


1. Ecology

2. Feminist movement

3. Abortion

4. Population control

5. Nuclear disarmament


II. A New World

A. They say, "the idea of strict national boundaries and

divisions between nations and people must be transcended by the

realization of unity and interdependence."

Read Genesis 11:1-9. What happened historically when mankind

insisted on a one world order?

Should we try to do away with all national boundaries and

language barriers?

B. The following political groups are, to one degree or another,

promoting New Age reformation politics:

Planetary Citizens - founded 1972 by Donald Keys, a long-time

consultant to U.N. delegations and committees.

World Goodwill - a political lobby headquartered on U.N. Plaza. It

heralds the U.N. as the agent for world peace and order.

United Nations - call by Keys the "nexus (connection) of emerging

planetary values" and he hopes it will establish a "planetary

management system".

C. it is difficult to gauge the success of New Age politics as

many of those who agree with New Age concerns may not share the

pantheistic world view.


III. Faulty Foundation

A. New Age politicians say a holistic world view is the answer to

our planets problems, However, "The holistic world views that have

for thousands of years dominated in the Far East have not avoided

hunger, violence, overpopulation, not the cultural revolution."

What is mankind's basic problem?

Can a mere change of perspective solve that problem? John 3:3

New Age lacks any absolute moral standard. What would be the

outcome of a world led by such people? Romans 7:7-23.

How is the putting of one's hope for peace and prosperity into

a world government equal to idolatry?

How do New Age politics tend to ignore the reality of

collective human evil?

Satan tempted Christ to believe that the kingdoms of this

world could become His on false terms (Matt. 4:8-11). What

false terms is New Age using in our modern world to tempt


What was Satan's promise and strategy when he first tempted

humanity? Genesis 3:5-6.

Despite all rebellion, who remains king of all the earth? Rev.


What warning does the Bible contain for all political

impostors? Ps. 2:10-12.

In what ways can this lesson affect our lives practically?





INTRODUCTION: This lesson deals with New Age spirituality. It reveals

how the West has injected Eastern, neo-pagan and occult ideas into Western

religious thought, producing a hybrid spirituality. New Age of the West

has taken the essence of Eastern religions while retaining some elements

of the Western Judeo- Christian world view. Eastern practices of mysticism

have been stream-lined to fit into our modern fast-paced lifestyle. It

repudiates the world-denying, ascetic approach in favor of a

world-affirming and even hedonistic lifestyle where "enlightenment" is

fully compatible with worldly success.


I. Neo-Paganism

A. Read Unmasking the New Age, p. 133-34 "The New Pagans"

B. What is it? By-passing Christianity, it is the return to

pre-Christian nature religions of the West (e.g., ancient Norse,

Greek, Roman religions and the surviving tribal religions) with an

attempt to revive them or recreate them in new forms. Goddess

worshipping groups are popular among these, as is shamanism

(medicine men).

C. Neo-Pagan feminists: Claim that a male Deity such as God the

Father leads directly to male oppression of females in society.


1. Is God male or female? Read text page 139 part 2

2. What do the following passages tell you about God and

His attitude toward the female gender? Gen. 1:26 Matt.

23:27-39 Deut. 32:18 et al.

"For the fatherhood of God to be significant, there must be a

difference between fatherhood and motherhood." Susan Foh

Is the fatherhood of God significant?

II. The Essence of Eastern religion and its appeal

A. There exists an -all-encompassing oneness and the person is

identified with the whole.

QUESTION: How does this differ substantially from Christianity?

B. Experimental knowledge of the true Self releases us from

illusion and the cycle of reincarnation.

C. The classic Western spirituality of prayer, faith and

obedience to an external God must be replaced by monistic

meditation, personal experience and the God within.

QUESTION: What is the Biblical meaning of meditation? See Matt. 6:7;

Ps. 1:2-3; Gal. 2:20; (who is the "divine within"?)

D. Beyond good and evil lies the One who is both good and evil,

for He is the All.


III. Jesus goes East

A. One means that has been used to introduce pantheism in

Christian terms in the West so as to be more acceptable is by

reintroducing the heresy of Gnosticism (I John; special knowledge).

The New Age seeks to place Christ in its pantheon of monistic

masters by speculating on the eighteen "lost years" of Jesus not

elucidated in the Gospels. During this time, Jesus is said to have

traveled to the East where He learned esoteric (private) mysteries

and was eventually initiated into the One.


1. How would you refute a New Ager who quotes Luke 17:21 to

mean that all people h ave the divine within?

2. How would you respond to the use of John 10:34 to assert

the divinity of all people? (See Ps. 826 where term

'gods' was the title used to designate Jewish rulers).

IV. Other New Age Doctrines

A. Reincarnation or redemption? They say many lives are requires

to reach oneness with the One, but what saith the Scriptures? Heb.

9:27; Jn. 1:14.

B. Beyond good and evil: They teach that all is one, all is god

and we are beyond good and evil. Read text pgs. 153-155: Manson;

thugs See Isa. 5:20; Heb. 5:14.

C. A knowable God: For New Age spirituality the experience of

God- consciousness is beyond the personal and rational. On the

contrary, the Christian God is rational and knowable. "If an

experience is 'beyond rationality' how can it be used as a rational

justification to believe that 'all is on'? In this sense, if the One

is beyond logic and language, it is beyond belief."

D. An exclusive God: For New Age, the pulse of the One is at the

spiritual heart of all religions. But, hear the warning of Christ -

Matt. 7:13-14. "A gospel which is not exclusive will never include

the world, for it will never master it. No religion will include

devotees which does not exclude rivals."

"While some truth can be found in nearly all religions, the truth of

salvation is found only in Christ." Matt. 24:24; Phil. 2:9-11.


INTRODUCTION: In this final lesson we will consider the following five

things: (1) How the New Age is being packaged for modern tastes; (2) The

inherent flaws of the New World view; (3) The specific points at which

Christianity parts ways with the New Age; (4) Compromises that christians

must avoid and (5) Witnessing to the New Age.


I. Marketing the New Age

A. Two categories:

1. Occult New Age - any philosophy that seeks liberation

from within the self by discovering the secret or hidden

wisdom (gnosis). In this sense, the entire New Age

movement is occult. But in another sense, "occult"

refers to exotic spiritual beliefs and practices having

to do with the miraculous in general. This kind of

occultism is simply not palatable to many moderns.

2. Mainstream New Age - that aspect of New Age thinking

that packages its occult philosophy in culturally

attractive and appealing wrappings.

a. Popularly available and attractive books that have

translated occult terminology into the vernacular.

b. Big corporations "growth seminars" that

incorporate New Age concepts.

c. The integration of "cosmic humanism" (New Age)

with secular humanism. Necessary to get the modern

world to listen.

B. This philosophy is ultimately doomed due to its inability to

forge a credible synthesis between the spiritual and rational.

II. Inherent Flaws of the New Age World View

A. The New Age tires to erase the realities of time, space,

mortality and individuality. Yet, all human experience is

necessarily bracketed by our creaturely limitations which in turn

point to the impossibility of self- salvation.

time - Ps. 90:10

space - Luke 16:26

mortality - Heb. 9:27

individuality - Gen. 1:27; I Cor. 12:18-20

B. The oneness of all things demands the erasing of all

distinctions and dualities including the division between good and


QUESTION: What happens when a world view consistently denies

ethical realities? See Isa. 5:20-25.

Irony! By its own logic, the New Age has no basis for saying

that it is good or even true. These categories cannot exist.

C. The New Age appeals to human subjectivity - the divine within

- as its prime source of truth, not to an objective revelation form

a higher authority. All manner of subjective experiences are given

free rein as the distiller of revelation and truth.

QUESTION: What are the results of looking to the "divine within"

as the source of truth?

Does experience per se guarantee to validate the truth

of the experience? see I John 4:1

III. Christian Essentials that Must be Maintained as we Confront the New


A. Personal: The cosmos and all it contains must be understood

according to its personal and sovereign Creator (Cosmic

personalism). WHY?

If souls are separate, love is possible. If souls are united

love (other than self) is obviously impossible.

B. Supernatural: While the spiritual world interpenetrates

the natural world it is not identical with it. God is transcendent -

above His creation; He is super-natural. He is free to miraculously

intervene in the normal workings of his creation (e.g., Christ's

resurrection). The Christian seeks help "from above", the New Ager

seeks help "from within."

C. Ethical: God is holy and morally perfect.

D. Rational: Christians do not denounce reason, but see it as a

God- given capacity and an indication of our being created in the

image of a rational God (Gen. 1;26-28; Jn. 1:1-3. 9).

God's wisdom appears foolish to unredeemed people because the

pride of humanity balks at a gospel that convicts the world of

its utter inability to save itself.

E. Experiential: Christianity touches the heart without

by-passing the mind (Matt. 22:27-29; Gal. 5:22).

F. Holistic: The creation is an interrelated whole orchestrated

by the plan and power of God. Therefore, the breaking of God's

covenant resulted in ecological as well as ethical desolation (Hosea


G. Objective: Christianity provides a standard beyond and above

the created world and subjective experience by which to evaluate all

of life. That standard is found in the Bible and in Christ (II Tim.


H. Historical: Christianity view history as linear, not cyclical

(perpetual repetition).

IV. Compromises that Christians Must Avoid

A. Placing an imbalanced emphasis on subjective introspection, in

that corruption, not salvation, comes from within. (Col. 3:1-2).

QUESTION: What must direct our thoughts and life?

B. Mystical "Christian" writings that stress the believer's

"union with Christ" so as to border on pantheism. Salvation is not

deification; redeemed humanity should never be confused with


C. An over-emphasis on positive thinking or positive confession -

the idea that whatever we believe or verbally affirm will become a


D. A pantheistic romanticizing of creation resulting from an

over- concern about ecological problems.


V. Witnessing to the New Age

A. Become culture watchers to discern the presence and influence

of New Age ideas, particularly in those mainstream areas of society

that we have considered, namely; education, politics, science,

psychology, health and religion.

B. False philosophies must be refuted, not just exposed.

Therefore, have a reason FOR your faith (I Peter 3:16) and reasons

against the New Age (II Cor. 10:3-5).

C. Make a conscious effort to reach out to the New Ager with a

humble loving spirit.

D. Look for legitimate common ground in your beliefs while at the

same time clearly specifying and defining the differences between

the world views.

E. Rather than abandoning crucial areas of culture, i.e.,

education, politics, science, etc., we must fill the void and

implement the truth (Ps. 127;1).

CONCLUSION: Donning the armor and weapons of the Spirit (Eph.

6:10-18) and equipped with a full-orbed Christian world view (Rom.

12:1-2), we must try to prayerfully and actively stem the tide of the One

for all.



1. Metaphysics -

A. God and the world

Secular Humainst: Universe is self-existent, no God

New Age: God is the world - pantheism

Christian: Creator/creation distinction


B. Nature of God

Secular Humainst: God is a superstition

New Age: God is impersonal/amoral

Christian: God is personal/moral


C. Nature of world (cosmology)

Secular Humanist: Matter/energy, atomistic

New Age: All is spirit/consciousness, monistic

Christian: Creation of God upheld by God, interconnected byt

not monistic


2. Epistemology - Basis for knowledge

Secualr Humainst: Man is measure of all things

New Age: Man is all things, truth within

Christian: Truth revealed in Bible

3. Ethics -

Secular Humanist: Autononmous and situational (relative)

New Age: Autononmous and situational (relative)

Christian: Based on the revelation of God's will, absolute


4. Nature of Humans

Secular Humanist: Evoleved animal

New Age: Spiritual being, a sleeping God

Christian: Made in the image of God, now fallen


5. Human Problem

Secular Humanist: Superstition, ignorance

New Age: Ignorance of true potential

Christian: Sin-rebellion against God and His law


6. Answer to Human Problem

Secular Humanist: Reason and technology

New Age: Change of consciousness

Christian: Faith and obediance to Christ


7. History

Secular Humainst: Linear but chance

New Age: Cyclical

Christian: Linear and providential


8. Death

Secular Humanist: End of existence

New Age: Illusion, entrance to next life (reincarnation)

Christian: Entrance to either eternal heaven or hell


9. View of Religion

Secular Humanist: Superstition, some good moral teaching

New Age: All point to the One (syncretism)

Christian: Not all from God, teach different things


10. Views of Jesus

Secular Humanist: Moral teacher

New Age: One of many avatars


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