Catholicism And Communism Don't Mix
Many years ago, Ho Chi Minh said, "If you withdraw, we will release
the prisoners," and at the Paris Peace Talks the gullible Americans
said, "If you release the prisoners, we will withdraw." Ho Chi Minh
out-waited them; they withdrew, and he kept the prisoners. You have a
hard time fooling Shem. Shem is not like Japheth. The Roman Catholic
church has never been able to get a real foothold in Japan. When the
Japanese caught the Jesuit "missionaries" trying to take over the
Japanese government, they crucified a bunch of them back in the
seventeenth century and they went down in history as martyrs, kind of
like Mother Teresa.
The latest news report from the Reuters Dispatch (Sept. 6, 1989) says,
"Pope John Paul II had been denied permission to fly over China when
he visits Asia next month. Red China does not allow its Roman
Catholics to recognize him as the leader of the church."
Ah, so! Wisdom! Honolable Pope tly too many tlicks if allowed to
contlol Chinese people. The Red Chinese may be Communist, but they
know a competitor when they see one. All popes are totalitarian
dictators. They put Karl Marx out of business.
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