February 13, 1992

Dear Friends,

Some of you may have seen the 90-minute ABC network television show on

February 2 entitled "Growing Up in the Age of AIDS," hosted by Peter

Jennings. I was one of nine guests on that live program, including Dr.

Antonia Novello, the U.S. surgeon general, Dr. James Curran, of the

Centers for Disease Control, and Dr. Timothy Johnson, ABC News medical

editor. Unfortunately, the show's producers attempted to pack too much

into the program, granting each of us less than a minute or two to

speak our minds. In my case, a single 45-second sound bite cost me a

long journey and two hectic days in New York City.

As you will soon read in the March edition of _Focus on the Family_

magazine, I routinely turn down these kinds of network television

"opportunities." In the past few years I've declined invitations to

appear on "Nightline," "20/20," "48 Hours," "Face-to-Face with Connie

Chung," "Crossfire," Bill Buckley's "Firing Line," and the morning

network news programs. I have no desire for that kind of national

exposure, and furthermore, the deck is usually stacked against those

of us with a Judeo-Christian point of view. There are better things to

do with my time.

Why, then, did I travel to The Big Apple for such an insignificant

role? Well, I had hoped for a few more minutes on camera. But more

importantly, I felt a responsibility to express the abstinence

position on national television, and I was afraid if I declined no one

else would be asked. How long has it been since you heard anyone tell

teenagers why it is to their advantage to remain virgins until

marriage? How sad that adolescents hear only the dangerous "safe sex"

message from adults who should know better. Maybe, I thought, I could

get in a few plugs for abstinence and morality that would redeem the

investment of time.

But here I am a few days later, flying home from New York with all the

things I wanted to say still bottled up inside. Jennings permitted me

one brief comment and then ignored my upraised hand through the

remainder of the broadcast. So guess what? *You* get to hear those

unspoken words. There is no issue...no social development throughout

North America...that concerns me more than adolescent sexuality and

what it portends for the future. The AIDS crisis and Magic Johnson's

infection have provided an unprecedented opportunity for Planned

Parenthood and the other condom and abortion promoters to lobby

virtually every teenager in the land. And believe me, they intend to

exploit and indoctrinate the entire generation now in escrow.

We must not sit passively on the sidelines. If you have an adolescent

in your family or know of one who will read a letter like this,

*please* pass it on. They desperately need the truth that is being

withheld from them. Yes, I meant to say "withheld." There are facts

that the "safe-sex" gurus will not tell the youngsters in their

charge. As a result, teen promiscuity will continue and millions of

kids...thinking they are protected...will suffer for the rest of their

lives. Many will die of AIDS. Humanity will eventually lumber back

around to the traditional understanding of morality, I suppose.

Indeed, it *must* do so. Epidemics and pestilence will force a

reconsideration, if the Lord tarries that long. But by then the

consequences of defying God's law will have wreaked havoc among us.

How tragic!

What follows, then is what I would have said on television if Peter

Jennings had wanted to hear it.

Why, apart from moral considerations, do you think teenagers should

be taught to abstain from sex until marriage?

*No other* approach to the epidemic of sexuality transmitted

diseases will work. The so-called "safe-sex" solution is a disaster

in the making. Condoms fail 15.7 percent of the time in preventing

pregnancy among young, unmarried minority women. The overall

failure rate is as high as 44 percent in preventing pregnancy among

unmarried Hispanic women. The _British Medical Journal_ reported

the failure rate due to slippage and breakage to be 26 percent.

Given these findings, it is obvious why we have a word for people

who rely on condoms as a means of birth control. We call


Remembering that a woman can conceive only one or two days per

month, we can only guess how high the rate for condoms must be in

preventing disease, which can be transmitted 365 days per year! If

the devices are not used properly, or if they slip just *once*,

viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi are exchanged and the disease

process begins. One mistake after 500 "protected" episodes is all

it takes. The damage is done in a single moment when rational

thought is overridden by passion. Those who would depend on so

insecure a method must use it properly on *every* occasion, and

even then a high failure rate is brought about by factors beyond

their control. The young victim who is told by his elders that this

little latex device is "safe" may not know he is risking lifelong

pain and even death for brief a window of pleasure. What a burden

to place on an immature mind and body!

Then we must recognize, as implied above, that condoms cannot even

be accurately tested for AIDS protection, since the virus is

one-tenth the size of the smallest detectable hole. Viruses are 450

times smaller than sperm, and pass easily through even the smallest

gaps. Researchers studying surgical gloves made out of latex, the

same material in condoms, found "channels of 5 microns that

penetrated the entire thickness of the glove." The HIV virus

measures between .1 and .3 microns. Given these findings, tell me

what rational, informed person would trust his or her very life to

such flimsy armor?

I'm sure this explains why not one of 800 sexologists at a recent

conference raised a hand when asked if they would trust a thin

rubber sheath to protect them during intercourse with a known

HIV-infected person. I don't blame them. They're not crazy, after

all. And yet they're perfectly willing to tell our kids that "safe

sex" is within reach and that they can sleep around with punity.

there is only one way to protect ourselves from the deadly diseases

that lie in wait. It is abstinence before marriage, then marriage

and mutual fidelity for life to an uninfected partner. Anything

less is potentially suicidal.

That position is simply NOT realistic today. It's an unworkable

solution: Kids will NOT implement it.

Some will. Some won't. It's still the only answer. But let's talk

about an "unworkable solution" of the first order. Since 1970, the

federal government has spent over $2 billion to promote condom

usage and "safe sex." This year alone, $450 million of your tax

dollars will go down that drain! (Compared with less than $8

million for abstinence programs, which Sen Teddy Kennedy and

company have sought repeatedly to eliminate altogether.) Is it time

we ask what we've gotten for our money? After 22 years and $2

billion, some 57 percent of sexually active teens still never use

contraceptives during intercourse! Of the remaining 43 percent,

many use condoms improperly or only occasionally. That is the

success ratio of the experts who call abstinence "unrealistic" and


Even if we spent another $50 billion to promote condom usage, most

teenagers would still not use them consistently and properly. the

nature of human beings and the passion of the act simply do not

lend themselves to a disciplined response in young romantics.

But if you knew a teenager was going to have intercourse, wouldn't

you rather he would use a condom?

No, because that approach has an unintended consequence. The

process of recommending condom usage to teenagers inevitably

conveys five dangerous ideas: (1) that "safe sex" is achievable;

(2) that everybody is doing it; (3) that responsible adults expect

them to do it; (4) that it's a good thing; and (5) that their peers

know they know these things, breeding promiscuity. Those are very

destructive messages to give our kids.

Furthermore, Planned Parenthood's own data show that the number one

reason teenagers engage in intercourse is peer pressure! Therefore,

anything we do to imply that "everybody is doing it" results in

more...not fewer...people who give the game a try. What I'm saying

is that our condom distribution programs do not reduce the number

of kids exposed to disease...they radically increase it!

Want proof of that fact? Since the Planned Parenthood-type programs

began in 1970, unwed pregnancies have increased 87 percent among

18- to 19-year-olds. Likewise, abortions among teens rose to

346,900 in 1988;unplanned births went up 61 percent. And venereal

disease has infected a generation of young people. Nice job,

Planned parenthood. Good thinking, senators and congressmen. Nice

nap, America.

Having made a blunder that now threatens the human family, the same

people who got us into this mess are continuing to establish our

approach to teen sexuality. When will we recognize that they *are*

the problem, not the solution to it.

Let me press you further. If you were a parent and knew that your

son or daughter was having sex, wouldn't you talk to him or her

about proper condom usage?

Having said that the failure rate of condom usage is incredibly

high, perhaps 50 percent or greater in disease prevention, why

would I recommend his "solution" to my son or daughter? Suppose

they were sky divers whose parachutes had a 50 percent failure

rate. Would I recommend that they simply buckle the chutes tighter?

Certainly not. I would say "Please don't jump. Your life is at

stake!" How could I, as a loving father, do less?

But there is another reason for talking to our kids about

abstinence rather than "safe sex." It is even more important than

the life-and-death issue cited above. I'm referring to rebellion

against God and His promise to punish sin. Jesus said, Fear not

them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but

rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in

hell" (Matt. 10:28 KJV). spiritual death is infinitely worse than

physical disability or death, and our kids deserve to know about

this divine reality from the days of childhood.

Never! Never! Never would I withhold that vital information in

favor of a "safe sex" distortion.

Again I say, kids won't listen to the abstinence message. You're

just wasting your breath to try to sell them a notion like that.

It is a popular myth that teenagers are incapable of understanding

that it is in their best interest to save themselves until

marriage. Almost 50 percent of all high school students are virgins

today, even though hardly anybody has told them it is a good thing.

(Even many churches preach the "safe sex" message. I noticed while

in New York City that Faye Wattleton, the former president of the

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was scheduled to speak at

the famous Marble Collegiate Church!)

As further evidence, I submit the record of an event held in

Lexington, Ky., several years ago. It featured ex-convict Harold

Morris talking about abstinence, among other subjects. The coliseum

seated 18,000 people, but 26,000 teenagers showed up! Eventually,

more than 2,000 stood outside the packed auditorium and listened

over a hastily prepared public address system. Who says kids won't

listen to this time-honored message?

Is AIDS God's plague sent to homosexuals, lesbians and other

promiscuous people?

Let's put it this way. If I choose to leap off a 10-story building,

I will die when my body hits the ground below. It's inevitable. But

gravity was not designed by God to punish my folly. He established

physical laws that can be violated only at great peril. So it is

with His moral laws. They are as real and predictable as the

principles that govern the physical universe. thus, we knew (and He

knew) with the onset of the sexual revolution back in 1968 that

this day of disease and promiscuity would come. It is here, and

what we do with our situation will determine how much we and our

children will suffer in the future.

Well, that is but a small fraction of what I wanted to say on the

Jennings television special. I also wanted to make a comment or

two, with proper respect, about the hypocrisy of a program of that

nature. All four networks and the cable television entities are

wringing their hands about this terrible epidemic that has now

invaded our bodies. They profess to be very concerned about those

who are infected, and perhaps they are sincere. However, TV

executives and movie moguls have contributed mightily to the

existence of this plague. for decades, they have depicted teens and

young adults climbing in and out of each others' beds like so many

sexual robots. Only the nerds were chaste, and they were too stupid

or ugly to find partners.

Of course, the beautiful young fornicators in those steamy dramas

never faced any consequences for their sin. No one ever came down

with herpes, or syphilis, or chlamydia, or pelvic inflammatory

disease, or infertility, or AIDS, or genital warts, or cervical

cancer. No patients were ever told by a physician that there was no

cure for their disease or that they would have to deal with the

pain for the rest of their lives. No one ever heard that the human

popilloma virus (HPV) kills more women than AIDS, or that a strain

of gonorrhea is now resistant to antibiotics. No, there was no

downside. It all looked like so much fun. But what a price we are

paying now for the lies we have been told. Pardon us, ABC, if your

compassion seems a bit contrived. (By the way, it was on ABC that

the young Doogie Howser said, "A man is a lot of things, but he's

not a virgin" Sept. 25, 1991).

Maybe this is why Peter Jennings didn't ask for a further comment

from me. He knew from my only remark that I was definitely not

"politically correct." I also learned since returning to Colorado

Springs that Mr. Jennings served on the honorary committee for a

homosexual political organization last fall. He shared this honor

with Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, Phil Donohue and two homosexual

members of Congress. that explains the philosophy that drives the


Before I leave this disturbing subject, I want to share with you a

brochure I received this morning from the federal Centers for

Disease Control and the City of New York. It is entitled, "Teens

Have the Right," and is apparently intended to free adolescents

from adult authority. Inside are the six declarations that make up

a "Teenager's Bill of Rights," as follows:








Under this final item is a list of organizations and phone numbers

that readers are encouraged to call. The organizations provide a

range of services including dispensing condoms to counseling

"at-risk" teens. The philosophy of these programs reflects the

homosexual agenda, which includes recruitment of the young.

Your tax dollars at work!

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say something to you at this point

that has not bee written in any of my monthly letters. It is this:

I need to hear from you on this subject. I've been airing radio

programs, writing books and now, appearing (briefly) as a

television guest in a lonely effort to counteract the assault on

our kids. Frankly the silence in response has been deafening at

times. Gary Bauer and I expressed the danger in a book and video

series entitled _Children at Risk_, to which (according to the

publisher) many pastors have responded, "I don't want to get

involved." Our inability to rally good people is depressing.

Frankly, I would find it very encouraging to know that you

recognize the danger as well...that you are concerned about a

generation of our best and brightest. No, writing a letter to me

won't change our precarious situation, but it will help carry on

with the struggle. At this moment, it seems like the opposition

outnumbers our troops about 10,000 to one. A word or two of support

would be welcome, and your prayers would be most appreciated.

I know our cause is just. God bless you all!

James C. Dobson, Ph.D. President

P.S. We are working hard on a television program and a school video

on this important subject. Please pray with us specifically as we

attempt to convey these ideas to today's teenagers.

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