by Melody Green
"Shall I geve my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the
sin of my soul?" -- Micah 6:7
Non-therapeutic abortion has become the second most common
surgical procedure after circumcision. Non-therapeutic means that the
abortion is not performed to insure the life or health of the woman, but
rather because of her disire for convenience, absence of distress, and her so-
called happiness.
Doctors perform over 1.5 million abortions per year in the United States
alone.... that's one for every two live births. (1) Abortion has become
so frequent, that population experts say that it has become, in effect,
a new form of birth control. But abortion should not be confused with
birth control, which PREVENTS a new life from beginning - abortion destroys
that new life once it has ALREADY BEGUN. Of the women having them, 75% are
unmarried, 32% are teenagers, and 20% are "repeat customers." (2)
In this age of convenience, abortion is being presented as a "quick
and easy" way to get rid of an annoying problem. When women seek advice,
most professional abortion counselors just don't tell them the truth
concerning what they are about to do to their child and to themselves. First
of all, abortion is a major surgical procedure which can result in serious
complications - it is NOT as "safe" as we are led to believe. Statistics show
that after a legal abortion, a women faces increased possibilities of
future miscarriages, tubal pregnancies, premature births, sterility, and
severe and long-lasting emotional disturbances. (3) I have personally
received many letters from women who must face the fact that they will never
be able to have children due to infections and complications from a
supposedly safe abortion they have had in the past. Instead of being told
this, their fears are made to seem silly - the whole procedure is
whitewashed. "Why, it's so simple," they say, "like removing an unsightly
wart from your body. NOW YOU'RE PREGNANT.... NOW YOU'RE NOW! Just rest a day
and you'll feel fine!"
The following are the most commonly used abortion techniques:
DILATION AND CURETTAGE (D & C): The opening of the cervix is dilated
with a series of instruments to allow the insertion of a curette,
or sharp scraping instrument, into the uterus. The fetus is then
cut into pieces and scraped from the uterine wall. Bleeding is
usually profuse. The operating nurse must then reassemble the parts
to make sure the uterus is empty, otherwise infection will set in.
SUCTION CURETTAGE (Vacuum Aspiration): Using this method, the cervix
is dilated as in a D & C, and then a tube is inserted into the
uterus and connected to a strong suction apparatus. The vacuum is
so powerful that the baby is torn to bits and then sucked into a
SALT POISONING (Saline Injection): This method is used after 16 weeks
(four months) when enough fluid has accumulated in the sac around
the baby. A long needle is inserted through the mother's abdomen
into the baby's sac. Some fluid is removed and a strong salt
solution is injected. The helpless baby swallows this poison and
suffers severely. He kicks and jerks violently as he is literally
being burned alive by the solution. It takes over an hour for the
baby to die by this method... his outer layer of skin is completely
burned off. Within 24 hours, labor will usually set in and the
mother will give birth to a dead baby (Quite frequently these
babies are born alive. They are usually left unattended to die.
However, a few who have survived the ordeal - due to the mercy of
the hospital staff - have later been adopted.) (4)
HYSTEROTOMY OR CAESAREAN SECTION: Used mainly in the last three months
of pregnancy, the womb is entered by surgery through the wall of
the abdomen. The tiny baby is removed and allowed to die by neglect
or sometimes killed by a direct act.
PROSTAGLANDID CHEMICAL ABORTION: This newest form of abortion uses
chemicals developed by the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. These
chemicals cause the uterus to contract intensely, pushing out the
developing baby. The contractions are so abnormally severe, that
babies have even been known to be decapitated by them. Many,
however, have also been born alive. The side effects to the mother
are many - a number have even died from cardiac arrest when the
compounds were injected. (5)
"I will give no dedly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest
such counsel, and in like manner, I will not give to a woman a pessary
to produce abortion."
This statement is part of the Hippocratic Oath which doctors have taken
for centuries as a moral standard governing their work as physicians.
These lofty works are framed and hanging in the halls of countless doctors'
offices and hospitals.... the very places where millions of innocent lives
are taken yearly. So just how is it that doctors and nurses reconcile
the idea of saving lives with the techniques of destroying them?
Dr. John Szenens, age 36, has this to say: "You have to become a bit
schizophrenic. In one room you encourage the patient that the slight
irregularity of the fetal heart is not important - that she is going to have
a fine, healthy baby. Then in the next room you assure another woman on whom
you just did a saline abortion, that it's good that the heart is already
irregular.... she has nothing to worry about, she is NOT going to have a
live baby." Dr. Szenens continues, "At the beginning we were doing
abortions on smaller fetuses... and the kicking and heartbeat did not
manifest itself as much. I think if I had started with 24-weekers right off
the bat, I would have had a much greater conflict in my own mind if this was
the same as murder or not. But since we started off slowly with 15-16
weekers, the fetus just never got consideration. Then gradually, the whole
range of cases started to become larger. All of a sudden, one noticed that
at the time of the saline infusion, there was a lot of activity in the
uterus. It wasn't fluid currents. It was obviously the fetus being
distressed by swallowing the salt solution and kicking violently through
the death trama. You can either face it, or turn around and say it's uterine
contractions. That, however, would be repressing, since as a doctor you
obviously know that it is not. Now whether you admit this to the patient is
another matter. Her distress by unwanted pregnancy is to me the primary
consideration, ahead of any possible consideration for the fetus. We just
have to face it. Somebody has to do it. And unfortunately, we are the
executioners in this instance." (6)
Susan Lindstrom, M.S.W., age 27, puts it this way: "I am having a lot
of difficulty with my feelings about late abortions - and all the pain that's
there so much of the time after the baby is moving. So one day, in a need to
arrive at a measure of clarity, I went into the room where they keep the
fetuses before burning them. They were next to the garbage cans in paper
buckets, like the take-home chicken kind. I looked inside the bucket
in front of me. There was a small naked person in there, floating in a
bloddy liquid. He was purple with bruises and his face had the
agonized tautness of one forced to die too soon. I then took off the lids of
all the buckets and with a pair of forceps lifted each fetus out by an arm or
a leg - leaving, as I returned them, an additional bruise on their
acid-soaked bodies. Finally, I lifted out a very large fetus and read the
label - Mother's name: C. Atkins; Doctor's name: Saul Marcus; Sex of the
item: Male; Time of gestation: 24 weeks (six months). I remembered Miss
Atkins. She was 17 - a very pretty blond girl. So, this was Master Atkins -
to be burned tomorrow - for the sake of his mother." (7)
Then there's the unnamed doctor who shared on a radio show that after
he performed his first abortion, he became so violently ill that he thought
he would die. He went through weeks of depression and thought of suicide.
He said, "The first time I felt like a murderer, but I did it again and again
and again, and now, 20 years later, I am facing what happened to me as a
doctor and as a human being. Sure, I got hard. Sure, the money was
important. And oh, it was an easy thing, once I had taken this step - to see
these women as animals and these babies as just tissue." (8)
It's important to note that all three of these people, in spite of
how distressed they were with what they were doing, did NOT stop. Why? The
Bible explains it as a searing of the conscience - a hardening of
the heart. It happens when you repeatedly refuse to listen to that small
voice inside that keeps telling you "something isn't right." If you keep
rationalizing and turning it off, one day you'll wake up and guess what....
it's gone! Your first reaction may be to breath a sigh of relief, but
you should instead weep bitter tears of sorrow, because a part of your
conscience, a part of your communication with God, has just died.... AND
Just when does an unborn fetus become a "real person"? We've talked
about some late-term abortions where the baby is obviously alive and
kicking - but what about those performed in the first three months? It has
been medically proven that the baby's heart starts beating from 14-28 days
after conception (usually before the mother even knows she's pregnant), and
by the 30th day almost every organ has started to form! He moves his arms
and legs by six weeks and by 43 days his brain waves can be read. By eight
weeks the baby has his very own fingerprints, he can urinate, make a strong
fist, and he can FEEL PAIN. Science tells us that when the sperm and ovum
unite, they become a complete genetic package programmed for development
into a mature adult. Nothing will be added except time and nutrition. Each
stage of development from fertilization to old age is merely a maturing of
what is entirely there at the start.
These tiny packages of humanity, are they really PEOPLE? Well, God
seems to think they are. "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying,
'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I
consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations'" (Jer.
1:4-5) God knew Jeremiah when he was in his mother's belly; God sanctified
him and ordained him to be a prophet. If by an abortion, the baby should
have been killed, it would have been JEREMIAH who was killed. Jeremiah's
mother would not have know his name, but God had already named him. His
mother would not have known he was potentially a mighty prophet of God, but
God had so planned it, and would have felt the loss.
The Bible tells us that John the Baptist was "filled with the Holy
Spirit, while yet in his mother's womb." (Luke 1:15) God sent His angel to
Zacharias to tell him that his wife would bear a son, and even told him what
his name was to be. He was told that "many will rejoice at his birth - for
he will be great in the sight of the Lord." (Luke 1:11-17) It seems like God
knew John quite well and that He had a distinct purpose for his life on
earth.... a purpose for him and him alone to fulfill.
Last but certainly not least, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary,
"Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him
Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High... and
His Kingdom will have no end." (Luke 1:31-33) And so you see, God doesn't
wait until a baby moves or becomes completely ready for life outside his
mother, before He knows it, loves it, and recognizes it as a tiny human
being... so why should we?
One of the most frequently heard excuses of the "pro-choice" groups
is, "It would be unfair to bring another 'unwanted child' into the world."
Actually, ther is no such thing. Once a baby is born it will NEVER be
unwanted because of the extreme shortage of newborn babies available
for adoption. It is obviously not the CHILD'S happiness and well-being
that is of utmost concern here... but that of the parents.
If you are about to make the fatal mistake of ending a life given as a
gift of God (Psalm 127:3), then I beg you to reconsider. Please don't do
something that you will regret for the rest of your life. Don't destroy
something that isn't yours. That baby belongs to God, even though it may
be in your womb. If you do not feel equipped to raise a baby at this time, I
urge you to take another look at the situation... maybe there IS a way....
pray about it. If you still feel that this is an impossibility - then BE A
There are many families who have been waiting and desperately
praying for years for the chance to adopt a child. Your child may be the
answer to their prayers! Adoption is a reasonable and caring thing to do if
you don't feel you can keep your baby. If you are unable to raise your child
yourself, then you have the chance to give the greatest possible gift
of all - the gift of life! In fact, you can give it twice... once to your
baby and then, if you decide, again to a hopeful family somewhere. You can be
a life=giver, or you can commit a crime that will remain on your conscience
for the rest of your life! ABORTION IS MURDER - and no matter what anyone
tells you, you will not "just forget about it."
You may feel cornered... like things are hopeless, and I want you to
know that I am in no way insensitive to your situation or think that your
problems are trivial. I simply say that abortion is not the answer. God
commands us not to murder (EX. 20:13), and going against Him will only make
matters worse. Everyone you know may be telling you you'd be a fool to have
this baby - but they don't have to live with the guilt and pain of
murder... YOU DO. That baby is half yours no matter who the father is. The
choice is yours. But don't forget, you are responsible to God for your
actons - and after reading this, you certainly are not ignorant of the facts.
You will be held accountable for your decision.... I earnestly pray that
you make the right one. Even though I don't know you, JESUS DOES, and we
both love you (and your baby) very, very much!
Your friend,
Nearly every major city has at least one help line that provides
positive assistance to anyone involved in a problem pregnancy. Phone
"Information" and ask for your nearest Right to Life, Birthright, or
Alternative to Abortion headquarters. They will be happy to assist you.
You can also contact us here at Last Days Ministries. You don't have
to go through your pregnancy alone and afraid. We know that God loves you and
your baby equally, and so we will do our best to help BOTH of you. We
will also help you make the difficult decisions that lie ahead for you and
your baby. All services are withour charge. Call or write if you need help....
or if you just want to talk to somebody who cares:
Melody Green
c/o Last Days Lifeline
Box 40
Lindale, TX 75711-0040
1-214-963-8675 (ask for the Last Days Lifeline).
(1)Scientific American, June, 1981,p.88,Jet,March 19, 1981,p.6
(2)Newsweek, June 5, 1978, p. 39
(3)Handbook on Abortion, Dr. and Mre J.C.Wilke, Hays Publishing Co.,
Cincinnati, OH,(C)1979, pps. 89-97
(4)Voice for the Unborn, Fremont, CA, June-Aug., 1979. Also Handbook
on Abortion
(5)Abortion in America, Gary Bergel with C.Everett Koop,M.D.,Surgeon
General of the U.S.,p.II-4,P.O.Box 1289,Elyria,OH 44036
(6)Dr. Magda Denes, "Performing Abortions," Commentary, Oct.1979, pps.
(8)The Murder of the Helpless Children... Abortion, by John Rice,
D.D.,Litt.D.,Murfreesboro,TN, Sword of the Lord Publishers,p.31
Copyright: 1983 Last Days Ministries
Box 40, Lindale, Texas 75771-0040
All Rights Reserved
This ÿarticle ÿwas reprinted from the Last Days ÿMagazine ÿwith ÿtheir
permission. If you would like copies of it in tract form, please write
to Last Days Ministries at the above address and ask for AB#03. If you
would like a subscription ÿto ÿthe Last Days Magazine for whatever you
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The Light BBS, Silver Springs, FL 904-625-2737
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