1984 Events


We have been printing a number of items taken from E.L. Bynum's

Plains Baptist Challenger. Brother Bynum is a Bible believing Baptist

who has kept an accurate chronicle of events in the religious world

for nearly forty years. This month we pick up some items from the

year 1984.

1. Peter Philip of Melbourne, Australia (World Vision) visited

Central America before all hell broke out in Nicaragua and San

Salvador, and said that he had spent some time talking with Catholic

priests and bishops there and that the Catholics "particularly through

the Jesuits and the Maryknollers is providing the most exciting

Christian witness I have ever seen."

It certainly is "exciting." The Maryknollers are THE Marxist group in

Central America and advocate armed overthrow of the government. Note

the standard hackneyed Charismatic cliche, "exciting Christian

witness," (sharing, caring, coping, impact, reach out and touch, etc.

Same old godless, depraved mish mash).

2. Long before Jim Bakker got into a cell with three other sodomites

(after his incarceration, 1990), he claimed the "Signs and Wonders" of

a Jewish apostle in The Book of Acts. His proof was awesome: he

healed Tammy's cat and Tammy's parrot (Jan. 7, 1984, from "The

Maranatha.") It didn't cost either of them a dime.

3.The NEA. This is the most radical, left-wing organization in

America outside of the ACLU and the TV networks. It has 1,700,000

members and these members, since the Civil Rights Act (1964), were

able to collapse American educational standards to the lowest of any

nation in Europe and lower than Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Canadian,

or Australian standards. What does the NEA believe in (Cornerstone


a)The Equal Rights Amendment (i.e., hiring ratios without regard to


b)Rights for homosexual teachers (i.e., your children under fifteen

should be taught by sodomites and lesbians).

c)Forced busing for integration purposes (i.e., "racial balance"

achieved by denying to every child on earth--CHILD ABUSE--the right of

"free association," which is the first "right" America fought for.)

d)Decriminalization of marijuana (i.e., free distribution of "grass"

and use on a national scale for ANYONE).

e)Teachers select material without anyone reviewing it (i.e., Playboy,

Soul on Ice, Hustler, Learning to live with Sodomy, Penthouse, Black

History, etc.)

The woman president of this radical left-wing extremist (Catherine

Barnes) says that she and her friends are "determined to control the

direction of education" (i.e., the minds of your children).

4.The local church before Pentecost (a study). There was a local

church before Pentecost because: a) It had a rule of discipline

(scripture). b) It had a business meeting before Pentecost

(scripture). c) It had its commission before Pentecost (scripture).

d) It had authority to baptize before Pentecost (scripture). e) It

had a church "roll" before Pentecost (scripture).

5.Billy Graham, way back in 1953 (December Hour of Decision). Here

Billy defines what a "communist" is. He says that POLITICALLY a

communist is someone who doesn't believe in anything but a supreme

STATE and the individual exists for the welfare of this state (i.e.,

the U.S. government). ECONOMICALLY, a communist believes in

collective management and no private property. (The U.S. government

owns one-third of all the land in America right now). SOCIALLY, a

communist does not believe in marriage as an institution but only as a

biological arrangement. (The stand of all sex perverts in America,

all equal rights and women's lib people, plus the press and TV,

resulting in a divorce rate of fifty-three percent.) INTERNATIONALLY,

a communist is a revolutionist. (As all "political activists"

connected with the NAACP. Jesse Jackson, Eldridge Cleaver, M. L.

King Jr., and Ralph Abernathy all approved of the riots in the

1960's.) ETHICALLY, a communist is a believer and devotee of the "Big

Lie." (The Big Lie is Darwin's theory of evolution which was the basis

of Karl Marx's thinking: it is taught as scientific truth in every

secular college in America.) THEOLOGICALLY, a communist is an atheist,

a despoiler of churches. This was (and is) the HEW that put Lester

Roloff, Herman Fountain, Mack Ford, and others out of business. A

"Humanist" is an atheist who doesn't like to be identified.

Billy Graham unwittingly described the ACLU, the NEA, and the American

news media.

6.The Southern Baptist Convention ordained its first woman pastoress

(Sword of the Lord) after ordaining twenty-five associate pastoresses

and other positions in one state only--South Carolina. The

"Pastoress" Esther Tye Perkins MIGHT be the "husband" of one wife--no

one knows!

7.As many as nine out of ten traffic fatalities may be connected with


Three medical examiners overruled the Federal "Surgeon General" who

forgot to warn Americans that "drinking may be dangerous for your

health." The Feds said only fifty percent of the people killed on the

highways were boozing: or about 20,000 killed a year--more than ten

times as many as were killed in the entire time prohibition was in

effect. But the findings of Dr. Donald Nollet, medical examiner for

St. Louis County, Minnesota, and Dr. Stivers (Fulton County,

Georgia), say ninety percent and Dr. Joseph Rupp, medical examiner of

Nuecas County, Texas, says ninety percent is probably correct. That

is, only 35,000 people are killed yearly by liquor and drunken

driving. It was the news media that talked the nation out of


8. Brad Weniger moved fairly late; Roy Thompson beat him to it. Roy

Thompson, in a letter to the BBF, April 1984, withdrew fellowship from

the Hymerites and Hudsonites (or Dollarites and Combsites, I forget

which!). He says simply, "This is my last correspondence with the

BBF. They will hear from me no more, Sincerely in Christ, Roy

Thompson, pastor (Cleveland Baptist Temple)." The trouble was Falwell

was not a Baptist Fundamentalist according to Thompson.

9. Spurgeon contradicting the BBC for the fifth. (Readers are

familiar with the SOP by apostates in citing Spurgeon where he

stupidly corrected the Bible. They present this as his REAL belief;

while doing this, they pretend that where he honored the AV text and

magnified it he was temporarily "out of his right mind." Funny they

couldn't handle their own president (McDowell) in that fashion. He

sided with Spurgeon when Spurgeon "was out of his right mind.") Here

is Spurgeon telling the truth instead of slobbering like an

Alexandrian meat head:

(Plains Challenger, p. 1, Vol. XXXIII, no. 5, May 1984) "Here let

me add a word of warning against tampering with the Word of God. No

habit can be more ruinous to the soul (you tell 'em Charlie!). It is

cool, contemptuous impertinence to sit down and correct your maker (as

Charlie himself was tempted to do!)...The impertinence of criticizing

the Word is destructive of all proper feeling towards God. If ever a

man does feel his need of a Saviour after treating THE SCRIPTURES

("All scripture is given by inspiration of God") with a proud,

critical spirit, he is very apt to find his own conscience standing in

the way and hindering him from comfort by reminding him of his ill

treatment of the Word of God." This explains Spurgeon's FINAL remarks

about the AV he had occasionally criticized. His conscience got to

him. "It comes hard to him to draw consolation out of passages of the

Bible which he has treated cavalierly, or even set aside altogether."

So much for the faculty and staff at PCS, Moody, SRCS, BJU, Fuller,

BBC, Wheaton, and TTS.

9. Pope wants the Vatican moved to Jerusalem (BPC, Vol. XXXXIII, no.

6, June 1984). In order to reserve the Throne of David (called "The

Throne of God's Glory" in Matthew 25) for himself, Pope Paul VI,

laying the groundwork for John Paul II, declared that the official

stand of all Roman Catholics in America is that Israel is NOT a State

and that Palestine should be "internationalized" (Sec. of State

Kissinger, with Paul VI) because "Christians (i.e., Roman Catholics)

feel that Jerusalem is uniquely THEIR spiritual home," not the Jews.

This is what Pope Urban II told them in 1000 A.D. to raise an army

for bloody combat that lasted two hundred years. All kingdom builders

are bloody killers. The spiritual "HOME" of Christians is ANTIOCH

(Acts 11:26); that was their birthplace. (The Man of Sin will reign

three and a half years in Rome as a pope and then three and a half

years in Jerusalem as "The Son of Perdition." In line with CBS, NBC,

ABC, Time, Life, Newsweek, the Gannett newspapers, the UN, and the


10. Rock casualties. The Surgeon General was so busy warning you

that smoking Camels, Chesterfields, Pall Mall, and Winston "might be

dangerous to your health" he forgot to tell you that all of the

following dope heads who got killed before forty-three years old drank

liquor regularly: John Belushi, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Keith

Moon, Malcom Owen, Elvis Presley (the only one to pass forty), John

Bonham, Sid Vicious, Jim Morrison, and Jim Hendrix. All of them loved

African sex music and dope. Not a word from the "Surgeon General."

11. Social Justice and the War on Poverty. Jesse Jackson earned

$115,000 in 1983 and gave $500 of it to help out the "poor, oppressed

black minorities." (Biblical Evangelist, cited by Bynum on page 4,

September 1984, PBC.)

12. A missionary and translations. This is Louis Turk, missionary to

Indonesia (Vol. XXXXIII, no. 10, October 1984), speaking for people

who have better sense than Curtis Hutson, Bobbie Hymers, Gary Hudson,

Robert Sumner and Doug Kutilek.

"The original autographs of the scriptures were verbally inspired.

These scriptures have been divinely preserved down through the ages.

The King James Bible is a true and faithful translation of these

providentially preserved scriptures. Independent Baptist churches

throughout the English speaking world attest to the FACT that the King

James Bible is the ONLY English translation ("King James Onlyism" to

quote the Jones boys) that presents the fundamentals of the faith in

their pure form. Only modernist heretics ("What, no Ruckman??!!")

whose doctrines are demolished by a pure Bible DESIRE TO USE SOME

OTHER TRANSLATION" (ASV, NIV, NASV, etc.). Are Hymers, Hudson,

Hindson, Hobson, Hutson, Hobbs, Horton, and the Jones boys


Who knows!? They all have the same standard of final authority.

13. "Name calling obviously is not reserved exclusively to the fringe

groups, and not all of us on the fringe names' address. Some teach

people principles and they recognize FLAGS when others wave them. I

realize that the positions of the extreme right (AV, HOLY BIBLE) are

not considered to be scholarly. Perhaps it is because we trust the

Bible that we do not trust THE SCHOLARS" (p. 7, November 1984).

Never saw it any better. The "name caller" above was Ed Dobson, who

helped put out the New King James Version with the assistance of

Truman Dollar, Curtis Hutson, Harold Okenga, and James Price of

Tennesse Temple Schools. Curtis Hutson was on the same committee with

the founder of neo-evangelicalism (Harold Okenga) but is still a

regular speaker at BJU.

Someone is having a hard time with enrollment. It is BJU and The

Sword of the Lord (see the statement of purpose at the top of each

front page on the "Sword") that says they stand against neo-

evangelicalism: not when it comes to altering the Holy Bible: In

that matter they are in perfect concord and harmony.

Isn't it amazing? BJU was the gas bag that made a twenty-year stink

about the compromising of Tim Lee and Jack Van Impe, neither of whom

altered the AV in five thousand places, in conjunction with the

founder of neo-evangelicalism himself Harold Okenga! What honor went

to The Sword of the Lord.

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