Modern science has shaped a new earth, or so it seems, and promises
next to transform the heavens. Beyond many of the fondest dreams of the
past, science and technology have changed man's existence physically,
socially and intellectually.
For some reason, the explosion of scientific knowledge seems to have
blasted God out of the world of learning. Since many university
professors seem reticent to speak of God as an Omnipotent Person, their
students understandably wonder whether the mountains of data accumulated
through scientific and technological advances imply the irrelevance if
not the unreality of God. In the words of Dr. Elmer W. Engstrom, Chief
Executive Officer of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), himself
largely responsible for the organization and management of a research
and development program that led to practical television service - "We
live in an age when the results of science and engineering exercise the
controlling influence in all walks of life."
Yet Dr. Engstrom does not stop there. Remarkably enough, while multitudes
of 20th century men and women are tempted to look upon science as a new god,
and on the God of the Bible as outmoded, an impressive number of scientists
- Engstrom among them - insist that it is science that is forever changing
, while the God of creation is the same "yesterday, today and forever."
Says Engstrom: "I accept as real God's ruling in the affairs of men and
in all aspects of His creation, and I accept the validity of a scientific
understanding of material things and the happenings of nature."
It is not "the scientists" as such, contrary to a widespread impression,
who are debunking the supernatural; their authority as a class cannot be
invoked against miracle or faith in the deity of Jesus Christ. While some
philosophers - notably, naturalists in the free world as well as the
dialectical materialist in the Communist world contend that the scientific
way of knowing disproves and discredits a supernatural faith, some of the
leading men of science have stepped forward to expose the impropriety of
such claims.
"Modern science has made wonderful changes in our lives", comments
Dr. James H. Shaw, associate professor of Biological chemistry at the
Harvard School of Dental Medicine, "But no standard for morals, no
universal concern for one's neighbor, no satisfaction for the yearning
human heart can spring from any amoral, impersonal body of knowledge.
Science has no answer to man's dilemma."
"For me, " Shaw continues, "the answer is a personal relationship with
God freely given by Him in response to faith in and commitment to the
claims of Jesus Christ."
Have science and technology solved man's basic problems: The quest for
ultimate truth by which to live and die, the problems of moral and
intellectual corruption, of crime, war, and suffering? So asks Dr. Bodo
Volkman, professor of mathematics at the Institute of Technology in
Stuttgart, Germany. His reply was very pointed: "It is evident that
mere scientific knowledge, however valuable, can never accomplish this.
Nor do I think that religious efforts will suffice." It takes, he says,
"something different from just adhering to some ethical principles or
believing in some anthropocentric god. Rather I do believe in the God
of the Bible as a Person, and faith in Him to me means commitment to
Jesus as the Christ. Actual communication with Him changes man's life
from within; it is here that the answer is waiting."
What then of the widely trumpeted conflict between science and
religion, and the bold claim of Anglo-Saxon naturalists and communist
atheists that belief in the supernatural is akin to faith in the pagan
myths? This is not only an exaggeration and over simplification - it
is a patent falsehood, and some scientists are saying so today with a
directness that contrasts with the timidity even of some theologians.
British scientist Malcom Dixon, who is a reader in enzyme biochemistry
at Cambridge University, from which he holds both PH.D. and Sc.D.
degrees, thinks the time long overdue to "dispel the harmful idea
that science is anti-Christian." He declares: "For over forty years
I have been engaged in scientific research and teaching at the advanced
level in Cambridge University, and I have found no reason to think that
there is any incompatibility between science and Christianity. Many of
the greatest scientists have been Christian believers, and I should
judge that there is now in this country about the same proportion of
such believers among scientist as among non- scientist."
Not the incredulity of the man of sound religious faith so much as
the naivete of the naturalistic mentality established the 'great divide'
between Christian belief and unbelief, emphasizes Dr. John A. McIntyre,
professor of Physics at Texas A & M University. In Professor McIntyre's
words: "The most distinctive characteristic of our times is the
sophisticated knowledge of people in scientific and technical matters
and the simultaneous ignorance and naivete concerning religious things.
The general opinion seems to be that science has replaced religion as
the source of answers for human questions, so that religious ignorance
is to be encouraged. Yet, how can science explain the terrible wars
and persecutions of this century among the civilized nations, the lostness
and boredom spreading rapidly through our materialistically affluent
society, and the recent disintegration of the American family?" He
continues: "As a scientist who discovered the Christian messages as an
adult, I can testify to the profundity and appeal of the Christian
explanation of these facts: that man is completely estranged from God
and that life is empty and incomplete until he returns to God through
His Son, Jesus Christ. Further, I know of no scientific facts which
contradict this view."
Against naturalistic and materialistic theories of consciousness,
Professor Thorson, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says:
"As a man who works in science, I do not find Christianity in any sense
outmoded. On the contrary, my experience is that a personal
relationship to Jesus Christ as God incarnate in man, a relationship
of trust and love, is both possible in and relevant to daily life."
The case for the reality of the supernatural and for the enduring
relevance of the Christian religion is not supported only by "Western"
scientists from Europe and America. In Africa and Asia as well, some
leaders in scientific interest are speaking about the decisive importance
of spiritual and moral priorities.
An Indian scientist, Professor H. Enock, retired department head of
zoology at the University of Madras in south India states: "After more
than 30 years of teaching I have had no occasion to change my view of
the spiritual realm or of the mission of Jesus Christ. I have come to
the settled conviction that no established fact of science contradicts
the Bible."
Dr Philip Saber Saif, Egyptian researcher in the Ministry of Education
in Cairo, pinpoints the crucial decision facing contemporary man this way:
"In this age, when nuclear experiments threaten the world with final
destruction, the only hope for humanity lies in Christianity. Our Bible
does not teach scientific theory, but theological and eternal truths. God
who created man has also created science. I believe that no man of science
has a proper reason for not becoming a Christian on the grounds of his
science." He further stated: "As Jesus refused to pursue the young man
(Matthew 19:16-22) and make other terms, so today the Gospel terms cannot
be lessened, cheapened or altered. Therefore, if a scientist comes to
God he must come the same way as any other man. He must repent, confess
his sin to God, and believe in Jesus Christ with all of his heart."
Efforts to flippantly sweep aside the Bible and the claims of Christ are
not valid in the light of testimony of many prominent men of science. It
now becomes a matter for the individual to seriously consider the claims
of Christianity.
The Bible declares that, "The world by wisdom knew not God"
(I Corinthians 1:21). It also tells us: "the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom." (Psalms 111:10)
"Thus sayeth the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither
let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his
riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and
knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercises loving kindness, judgment
and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, sayeth
the Lord." (Jeremiah 9:23,24)
We will be in prayer that you will come to the KNOWLEDGE that Jesus
Christ IS the ONLY way to peace of soul, and to salvation from ETERNAL
condemnation. Pray a prayer like this one, if you now know that you NEED
Jesus as YOUR Savior and you now accept His death as payment for YOUR
sins. Pray something like this...
Lord Jesus come into my life. I acknowledge that I am living in a
manner against God, a sinner in need of your salvation. I know that you
died for my sins, and I now ask you into my heart. Lord Jesus take my
life and do what YOU will with it that it may glorify you. I repent of
my sins, and come to you now. Thank you Jesus, for your promise that
"If any man confess me before man - him will I confess before my Father."
Computers for Christ - San Jose
Index - Evolution or Creation
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