Now, lets look at the actual fossil evidence. The earliest fossils to be

found are in the Cambrian rock strata. And the billions of fossils found there

are all of highly complex forms of life with no evidence of these complex

forms gradually developing from a simple form of life.

According to evolutionists it would have required 1.5 billion years for

these animals to have evolved. Not a single, indisputable multicellular

fossil has been found anywhere in the world in a rock supposedly older that

Cambrian rocks. Billions of highly complex animals...trilobites, brachiopods,

corals, worms, jellyfish, etc...just suddenly appear, with no signs of gradual

development from lower forms.

Also, throughout the remainder of the fossil record there is a

remarkable absences of the many transitional forms demanded by the theory of


There are hundreds of thousands of missing links between invertebrates

and vertebrates. The sea squirt is presumed to be the ancestry of the


According to evolutionists it would have taken 100 million years for

fish to have evolved from an invertebrate. But there is absolutely no fossil

evidence showing that this took place.

Again, the evolutionists claims that it took perhaps 50 million years

for a fish to evolve into an amphibian. But again, there are no transitional

forms. For example...not a single fossil with part fins...part feet has ever

been found.

And this is true between every major plant and animal kind. All higher

categories of living things, such as complex invertebrates, fishes,

amphibians, reptiles, flying reptiles, birds, bats, primates and man, appear


Let me quote some comments by LEADING EVOLUTIONISTS.

Charles Darwin admitted that "As by this theory innumerable transitional

forms must have existed, who do we not find them embedded in countless numbers

in the the crust of the earth? The number of intermediate kinds, between all

living and extinct species, must have been inconceivably great."

Prof. George Gaylord Simpson of Harvard University hs said, "Gaps among

known orders, classes and phyla are systematic and almost always large."

Prof. E.J.H. Corner of Cambridge University has stated, "I still think,

to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special


There is no evidence of even one species changing into another. As the

late Prof. R. Goldschmidt of the University of California observed,"It is good

to keep in mind... that nobody has ever succeeded in producing even one new

species by the accumulation of micromutations".

If evolution is true, why don't we see living stages of evolution today?

SHouldn't new organs and new structure still be appearing today? Surely if

evolutionary processes had truly existed in the past they would still be

operating today.

The fossil of the bird(Archaeopteryx) is claimed by some to be a link

between birds and reptiles. But there was a world of difference between

reptiles and Archaeopteryx. It had wings, feathers...and it flew! The fact

that it had claws on its wings does not prove that it had a reptilian

ancestry. There are two birds living today that possess claws!

All palenontologists (those who study fossils) now acknowledge that

Archaeopteryx was a true bird.

Index - Evolution or Creation

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