Java Man is put together on the evidence of a femur (large leg bone), a
skull cap, and three molar teeth. These parts were found within a 50 foot
range, in a space of one year. Dr. Dubois, its discoverer, concealed for 30
years the fact that he found human skulls near his Java Man, and at the same
level. So man was already there when this creature was alive. THe femur was
probably from a human, and the skull cap was probably that of a giant ape.
Before his death,and after he had convinced most of the early skeptics, Dubois
changed his mind and decided that Java Man wa probably a giant gibbon and not
a man-like at all.
Neanderthal Man has a skeletal structure of modern man. His cranial
capacity exceeded that of modern man. It was claimed that he lived as long as
about 100,000 years ago, but all anthropologists now believe that he was just
as human as you and I.
Complete skeletons of the Cro-Magnons have been found. Their cranial
capacity was greater that modern man's. If he were alive today, and if he were
to walk down the street in a business suit, he would go completely unnoticed.
Two of the most embarrassing so-called missing links for evolutionists,
At the famous Scopes evolution trail in Dayton, Tennessee, the NEBRASKA
MAN evidence was presented by the leading scientific authorities of that day
as proof of evolution. They scoffed and laughed at William Jennings Bryan,
when he protested the scanty evidence.
The evidence was that of a tooth that was supposed to have come from a
prehistoric man who supposedly lived one million years ago. However, years
later, when more fossils were unearthed, it was discovered that Nebraska Man
was only a pig. I think this is a case where a pig made a monkey out of an
In 1912 Charles Dawson brought forth the PILTDOWN MAN. A piece of skull
was the evidence acclaimed by experts as that of an ape-man who was about a
half million years old.
But in 1953 the hoax was exposed. The jawbone turned out to be that of a
modern ape. The teeth had been filed down, and the bones were artificially
colored to deceive the public. The ease with which this fraud fooled the
world's greatest authorities illustrated the powerful influence of
preconceived ideas among evolutionists.
But in the August 1973 issues of Reader's Digest there was a report
about two phenomenal discoveries which were recently made in Africa. These
discoveries have shaken the anthropological world, because they challenge the
validity of long cherished theories concerning the origin of man. One was the
finding of a human skull, dated by evolutionists to be about 2.8 million years
old. Most text books state that the first man did not evolve until around one
million years ago. Yet the bones found are said to be even more modern that
those of Pithecanthropus, our presumed man-like ancestor. Obviously these
presumed ancestors cannot be man's true ancestors, for who ever heard of
parents being younger that their children?
The second was the finding of skeletons of sophisticated humans who are
reputed to have lived 100,00 years ago. They had developed the art of mining,
were able to keep records, count, and had also developed sophisticated tools.
But according to the evolutionists this type of sophisticated humans was not
supposed to have appeared on the scene until 65,000 years later.
I personally heard Richard Leaky, the discoverer of the 2.8 million year
old man, speak in San Diego. In commenting on these two discoveries Mr. Leaky
stated, "What we have discovered simply wipes out everything we have taught
about human evolution, and I have nothing to offer in its place."
Index - Evolution or Creation
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