The Bible is the most popular book in the World. Each year it tops the
"best sellers" list (even though they won't list it). It has been
estimated that billions of Bibles have been produced in the past 375
years. Some say that the number of Bibles printed over time would
provide one for each man, woman, and child that lives on the earth.
What is the one characteristic about the Bible that makes it so popular?
Simply answered, "It is the Word of God!"
The Bible is God's message to mankind. Some call it God's "loveletter"
to the human race. Christians say it is infallible, without error in
the original text. Its critics, of course, don't agree saying the Bible
was written by men, that it has errors, and it is not completely true.
But let me give you some thoughts on why I believe the Bible to be the
"very words from the mouth of God."
I. There Must Be A Bible.
God has declared the that those who obey Him will go into Heaven, but
those who choose not to obey will be thrown into Hell; therefore, there
must be a Bible. Since God has declared that those who keep His
righteous standard will be blessed, then He must provide man with the
"Standard." Because God has a burning Hell for those who disobey, then
He must provide the Book of the Law, declaring when man has wronged God.
The Bible must exist because God holds man accountable.
II. The Bible Must Be Without Error.
Since God is responsible to provide man with the "perfect standard," by
which to live, He must be sure it is without error. A standard that
has errors in it is not a standard at all. Can you imagine trying to
measure with a ruler that is less than or greater than 12 inches? If
the Bible has errors then how is man supposed to know what God truly
wants him to do? No, the expected standard from God must also be
perfect in order to be effective.
III. The Bible Must Be Easy to Understand.
Can you imagine your boss giving you an order to carry out, but he tells
you in Russian or Chinese? How could you be expected to obey him? It
wouldn't make any difference if it was a 100% true statement; if you
can't understand it, then it is meaningless as a directive. No, the
Bible has to be readily understood in order for God to hold us
accountable. Now this doesn't mean that we must understand every little
detail about the Battle of Armageddon, or know the exact meaning of the
number "666." But it does mean that in the areas essential to daily
living and the fundamental truths of the Christian Faith, the Bible must
be readily understood by all who seek truth in their hearts. There is
only one interpretation of every passage of Scripture, but often times
many applications.
A Bible that is open for various interpretations is no standard at all,
and again God would not expect man to obey it. The Word of God is
clearly written and simple to understand. I use one basic assumption
whenever I read the Bible, "If the literal meaning of the verse makes
sense, then stop right there." However, if the literal meaning does not
appear to match up with what we can understand, then I assume God is
using a "picture" of something else to make it more clear to me.
The greatest proof of the truth of the Bible in my life is the simple
fact that "it works!" I remember back to the days before my salvation
and realize that the new life I now live has been the direct result of
reading the Bible and trying to do what it says to by God's strength.
My life is completely changed and it has been transformed by the Living
Word of God--The Bible.
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