<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND THE PROBLEM OF SIN" The Gospel's Answer To The "Practice" Of Sin (Repentance Toward God) INTRODUCTION 1. Paul declared that he was not ashamed of the gospel because it was God's power to save those who believe - Ro 1:16-17 a. We have seen in general terms that the gospel saves us from the PROBLEM of sin (first lesson) b. Our previous lesson dealt more closely with FAITH as the gospel's answer to the LOVE of sin c. In this lesson, we shall focus on REPENTANCE as the gospel's answer to the PRACTICE of sin 2. That the PRACTICE of sin is a serious problem is seen in that... a. ALL have sinned - Ro 3:23 b. And EVEN CHRISTIANS continue to sin at times - 1 Jn 1:8-10 3. The gospel of Jesus Christ answers the problem of the PRACTICE of sin by commanding us to "REPENT" a. E.g., notice Lk 24:45-47; Ac 2:38; 3:19; 17:30-31; 26:19-20 b. When a person TRULY repents, they will cease the PRACTICE of sin! 4. Unfortunately, the call to repent is often neglected in preaching the gospel today... a. By those who preach "faith only" b. By some who react to "faith only" by emphasizing "baptism" 5. But as the passages listed above clearly reveal, one cannot truly preach the gospel of Christ without the call to repentance a. But what is "repentance"? b. What are "indications" that repentance has occurred? c. What leads one to true repentance? 6. 2 Co 7:9-11 is the most elaborate discussion on "repentance" found in the Scriptures, and will serve as the basis for much of our study 9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. 10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. 11 For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, [what] clearing of yourselves, yea, [what] indignation, yea, [what] fear, yea, [what] vehement desire, yea, [what] zeal, yea, [what] revenge! In all [things] ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. (2 Corinthians 7) [Based upon this passage, let's begin by...] I. DEFINING "REPENTANCE" A. FIRST, SOME MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT REPENTANCE... 1. THAT REPENTANCE IS "SORROW" a. But 2 Co 7:9-10 shows that repentance is an OUTCOME of sorrow b. Not the sorrow itself 2. THAT REPENTANCE IS "A CHANGED LIFE" a. Or a converted life b. But Ac 3:19 shows that repentance and conversion are two separate things 1) Peter says to "repent" and "be converted" 2) Peter is not being redundant, the one leads to the other 3. As we shall see, the order is actually this: a. First, there is SORROW b. Then, REPENTANCE c. And finally, A CHANGED LIFE (CONVERSION) B. A PROPER DEFINITION OF REPENTANCE... 1. The Greek word is metanoeo (meta=change, noeo=thought or mind) 2. W. E. Vine's definition: a. "a change of mind" b. "signifies to change one's mind or purpose c. "this change of mind involves both a turning from sin and a turning to God" 3. So we can think of repentance as a "A CHANGE OF MIND" in which we DECIDE to "turn from sin and turn to God"; a DECISION... a. Which is PRECEDED by sorrow b. And is FOLLOWED by a changed life [Having defined repentance, here are some...] II. INDICATIONS "REPENTANCE" HAS OCCURRED A. 2 CO 7:11 MENTIONS SEVERAL... 1. diligence (KJV, carefulness) a. This can be defined as "earnestness, zeal, sometimes with haste accompanying it" b. I.e., being quick to do what is right! c. The examples of conversion in the book of ACTS demonstrate this diligence by the fact every conversion described in detail shows people obeying the gospel after one lesson! 2. clearing of yourselves a. To clear one's self of blame b. E.g., to quickly stop doing what is wrong, if such is the case; or to quickly respond to the offer of forgiveness if one realizes they are guilty of sin 3. indignation a. This involves a sort of anger, hatred b. I.e., toward the SIN which required the repentance 4. fear a. Lest the sin be repeated b. Lest the sin should not be quickly removed 5. vehement desire a. I.e., a "fervent wish" b. Especially to be right in God's eyes 6. zeal a. "eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something" b. In this case, to turn from sin and turn to God 7. vindication (KJV, revenge) a. As the NIV puts it "what readiness to see justice done" b. To do the right thing! B. SUCH ARE THE "SIGNS" OF TRUE REPENTANCE... 1. Not apathy 2. Not half-hearted service 3. But a desire to do "works befitting repentance" - Ac 26:20 [Now that we may have a better idea as to what repentance is and what indications are that it has occurred, let's consider what is involved in...] III. PRODUCING "REPENTANCE" A. 2 CO 7:9-10 REVEALS THAT "GODLY SORROW" PRODUCES REPENTANCE... 1. NOTICE... a. Not simply "sorrow", but one that is "godly" b. For there is such a thing as "sorrow of the world" 2. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "GODLY SORROW" AND "WORLDLY SORROW" a. "WORLDLY SORROW" is a SELFISH kind of sorrow 1) E.g., when one is sorry because HE got caught 2) E.g., when one is sorry because what one did made HIMSELF look bad 3) In "worldly sorrow", one is concerned about one's self! b. "GODLY SORROW" is sorrow directed toward GOD ("godly" is literally "according to God") 1) I.e., one is sorry because their actions are sins against a Holy God - cf. the attitude of David in Ps 51:4 2) Also, one is sorry because of the price GOD must pay to have our sins removed c. Some more differences... 1) "worldly sorrow" produces regret 2) "godly sorrow" suffers loss in nothing 3) "worldly sorrow" produces death 4) "godly sorrow" produces repentance leading to salvation B. DESIRING SUCH REPENTANCE IN OURSELVES AND OTHERS, HOW CAN WE HOPEFULLY PRODUCE THE "GODLY SORROW" WHICH WILL LEAD TO IT? 1. Nathan's rebuke to David provides some insight - 2 Sa 12:7-12 a. Make an appeal to God's love - 7-8 b. Reveal the sin - 9 c. Warn of the consequences - 10-12 2. The GOSPEL OF CHRIST, when properly taught, is designed to produce "godly sorrow" in the same way, and in turn, repentance a. It appeals to God's love as a basis for repentance - Ro 2:4 b. It reveals our sin - Ro 3:23 c. It warns of the consequences - Ro 2:5-11 CONCLUSION 1. The gospel of Jesus Christ, properly presented and understood, can help produce the kind of REPENTANCE that will effectively deal with the PRACTICE of sin! 2. HAVE YOU TRULY REPENTED? a. Can you look at your life and see indications that you have really had a "change of mind"? b. That you IN FACT made "a decision to turn from sin and to turn to God"? 1) If you have not yet obeyed the gospel...you have not repented! 2) If you have become slack in your service to God...you are in need of repentance! 3. If such is the case, then you are in need of a healthy dose of "godly sorrow", brought about only by realizing... a. God's love for you b. The fact you are still in your sins c. And the consequences if you do not repent 4. If you BELIEVE the good news of God's love for you, and "godly sorrow" has prompted you to have a "change of mind", why not do those "works befitting repentance"...? a. Confess your faith in Christ and be baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins (if that is your need) b. Confess your sins and ask for the prayers of the brethren (if such is your need)<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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