The Answer to Anxiety Phil. 4:6-7 It has been estimated that there are more theories, and therefore more books, on the subject of anxiety than anyother area in the entire field of medicine. While many try to dominate this field, no one has come up w/the answer...except God...the key is in these 2 vss... 1. THE FIRST KEY: YOU MUST HAVE A PRAYER LIFE. Read vs.6 a. Notice these 2 words: prayer & petitions. Prayer is addressing God...reverently...on face... Petition or supplication is making your requests known (to Him). it is telling Him what u need b. One of the greatest problems in the Ch today: Christians dont pray! We dont communicate with the God we claim to know...we teach we preach we sing, but we cant spare God 5 min. Until we learn to pray, truely pray, we WILL have anxieties...becuz prayer is where we get peace c. To have a prayer life, you MUST be comfortable in talking to God. This requires that you build a relationship w/Him (time)learn to trust Him(time) be consistent (time) Key: time. spend time in His Word and talking to Him. Nothing will change until you do this... d. To have a prayer life, you MUST make your needs known to God. Not that He doesnt already know your needs...but counters self-reliance. Much anxiety comes from the "I can do it myself" syndrome -or- "I dont need anyone's help." Oh yes you do!! 2. THE SECOND KEY: YOUR LIFE MUST BE FILLED W/PRAISE. a. Praise is connected w/prayer. The idea is: how can we address God w/o feeling the need to also praise Him?If we could see His face now, I guarantee you, you wud praise Him over & over But we should be able to see enough of Him thru our other senses to be filled w/praise to Him! b. There is victory in praise! When we praise Him, we are taking our eyes off of ourselves & putting them fully on God...our hearts are overflowing w/love & adoration towards Him! One of causes of anxiety is self pity...praising God cures that!! c. For you to have a life of praise, you may have to do some self-re-evaluation. Have the mercies of God becum dull to you? Have you become spiritually spoiled? Easy to do with all the convienciences we have today. But God deserves our praise! Your life will drastically change if and when you begin doing it! That is a promise from God! 3. NOTICE THIS WONDERFUL PROMISE: Read vs.7 a. Notice the peace OF God, not peace WITH God. Perfect peace is a promise, not a dream! b. Notice the word guard: an army (that protects from invasion) Understand this: God's peace will guard your heart & your mind like an army guards a country... You can have the peace of God inside of you no matter what is happening on the outside! By Dr. Will Hansen, Pastor Riverton Heights Baptist Church SeaTac, WA