1 Pagi: crit. in Annal. Baron., a.d. 314, n. xxv. Baronius's view that this synod was held before that of Nice because the book of Judith is not mentioned among the books of the 0. T., and because its canons are sometimes identical with those of, Nice, is universally rejected.

2 Hefele: Hist. of the Councils:, Vol.11., p. 298.

3 Gratian: Decretum. Pars I., Dist. xx., c. 1. It is from Leo's letter to the British Bishops.

1 Such is the caption in the Parisian edition of Zonaras; so too reads the Amerbachian codex; adding, however, that the number of canons is 60, and substituting for "Pacatiana" "Capatiana", a not unusual form of the same word.

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