21 emyuxon.

22 oikonouian. cf. p. 72, note.

23 John viii. 40. Note looseness of citation.

24 Acts ii. 22.

25 Acts xvii. 30, Acts xvii. 31.

26 h oikoumenh means of course the Empire and the adjacent countries, the "orbis veteribus notus."

27 I. Tim. ii. 5, I. Tim. ii. 6.

28 cf. Job ix. 33. "daysman betwixt us that might lay his hand upon us both."

29 Gal. iii. 19. cf. Deut. v. 5.

30 Exodus vii. 1.

31 Ex. vii. 1.

32 Hebrews vi. 20.

33 Hebrews vii. 1, Hebrews vii. 2, Hebrews vii. 3.

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