23 Ps. cxxvii. 1.

24 Ps. cxxi. 4.

25 Gal. iii. 16.

26 Gal. iii. 29.

27 Gen. xii. 3 and xxii. 18.

28 Luke xii. 35, 36.

29 Mark xiii. 8.

30 Luke i. 33.

31 Virg. Aeneid, i. 282-283 (Dryden).

32 Luke xxi. 33.

33 Georg. ii. 489.

34 Ad delicias.

35 Matt. xxiii. 37.

36 1 Cor. iv. 12, 13.

37 Ps. cxv. 4.

38 Ps. cxv. 5.

39 Tutelary goddess of Carthage. De Civit. Dei, ii. 4 and 26; Ps. 62, § 7, 98, § 14. Tert. Apol. i. 12, 24.

40 By Alaric, Gibbon, vol. 4, 109, etc.

41 King of the Goths, who invaded Italy, A.D. 406, four years before the taking of Rome by Alaric, 410, Gibbon, Rom. Emp. vol. 4, 31-38.

42 Ps. xxxiv. 1.

1 Luke xi. 39.

2 Acts xv. 9.

3 1 Pet. iii. 20, 21.

4 Luke xi. 41.

5 Matt. xxiii. 23.

6 Luke xi. 42.

7 Ecclus. xxx. 23, Vulgate.

8 Matt. xxii. 37, etc.

9 John vi. 41.

1 pa/shj, for th=j, pleoneciaj-A. B. D. K. L. M. Q. X., etc., Verss. ap. Scholz. Griesbach regards it as the more probable reading. [Tischendorf, Westcott and Hort read pa/shj with )

2 Luke xii. 15.

3 Luke xii. 13.

4 Ps. lxxxii. 6.

5 Luke xii. 14.

6 1 Cor. i. 10.

7 1 Cor. i. 12, 13.

8 Luke xii. 15.

9 Luke xii. 16.

10 Successerat.

11 Luke xii. 18, 19.

12 Luke xii. 20.

13 Iniquius.

14 Vid. Serm. xxii. (lxxii. Ben.) 4 (iii.); xxxii. (lxxxii. Ben.) 14 (xi.); xxxv. (lxxxv. Ben).

15 Casulem.

16 Ventres.

17 Ezek ix. 4.

18 Against the Donatists.

19 Ezek ix. 6.

20 Divinitate.

21 In allusion to the Circumcelliones amongst the Donatists. See ab. p. 305, note.

22 Quibus male inhaesisti.

23 Proscribor.

24 Job i. 21.

25 Ps. cxxxii. 9.

26 Wisd. i. 11.

1 Matt. xxviii. 20.

2 Rom. vi. 9.

3 John i. 10.

4 The troubles through the incursions of the barbarian tribes, as heralds of the end. See St. Cyprian, Ad Demetr. 2, p. 201, Oxf. tr.; De Mort. v. 2, p. 216, 7.

5 Matt. v. 15.

6 Matt. v. 16.

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