66 Rom. v. 21.

67 See Augustin's Enchirid. c. 93, and Contra Julianum, v. 11.

68 Rom. v. 16.

69 Ver. 18.

70 Gen. iii. 10.

71 Gen. ii. 17.

72 Ecclus. xxv. 24.

73 Matt. xix. 5, 6.

74 See below, c. 26; also De Peccato orig. c. 19-24; also Serm. 294.

75 Lavacrum.

76 Tit. iii. 5.

77 Rom. viii. 24, 25.

78 Rom. v. 6.

79 Luke v. 31, 32.

80 Matt. xix. 14.

81 See below, c. 26 and 40; also Book iii. c. 2; also Epist. 98, and Serm. 294.

82 John iii. 3.

83 Ver. 5.

84 John vi. 53.

85 John vi. 51.

86 Generant et generantur; Luke xx. 34.

87 John iii. 35, 36.

88 Eph. ii. 3.

89 Rom. ix. 14.

90 Ps. xxxvi. 6.

91 Rom. xi. 32.

92 Rom. xi. 33-36.

93 Wisdom iv. 11.

94 Rom. ix. 14.

95 Jer. i. 5,

96 Rom. ix. 11, 12.

97 Rom. x. 14.

98 Luke xxiii. 43.

99 We here follow the reading cerriti; other readings are,-curati (with studied folly), cirrati (with effeminate foppery), and citrati (decking themselves with citrus leaves).

100 That is, "fools," from the Greek mwro/j.

101 John iii. 8.

102 1 Cor. i. 31.

103 John i. 29.

104 Luke ii. 11.

105 Tit. iii. 5.

106 1 Pet. iii. 21.

107 John vi. 51.

108 John vi. 51.

109 John vi. 53.

110 Job xiv. 4.

111 Ps. li. 5.

112 Matt. xxvi. 28

113 John xii. 46.

114 John i. 9.

115 1 Cor. xiv. 20.

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