231 [Pearson, On the Creed, p. 47.]
232 According to the reading in Eusebius, pa=n e!qnoj e9w=|on pa=n de\ e9speri/wn h0|o/nwn, bo/reio/n te kai\ to/, k.t.l..
233 Instead of pro/noian, Eusebius has pronomi/an (privilege).
234 Clement seems to mean that they knew God only in a roundabout and inaccurate way. The text has peri/fasin; but peri/frasin, which is in Eusebius, is preferable.
235 [See p. 379, Elucidation I., supra.]
238 Mal. i. 10, 11, 14. [The prophetic present-future.]
241 The reading of H. Stephanus, a0gaqa\s !Wraj, is adopted in the translation. The text has a0gaqa\ swth=raj. Some supply !Wraj, and at the same time retain swth=raj.
243 [This strong testimony of Clement is worthy of special note.]
244 De Nat. Deor., ed. Delphin., vol. xiv. p. 852.
246 In the Provincial Letters, passim.
247 Hippol., vol. iii. p. 200.