Homosexuality and the Truth


A Life Determined Before Birth?


Introduction - Essentially, society has two views of homosexuality. The

traditional view holds that homosexuality is an aberration, the orientation

is a disorder, and the behaviour is pathological. The opposing view is

that homosexuality is a normal variant in the human condition, that it is

determined before birth, and homosexual behaviour is natural for those so

oriented. The gay community has been tremendously successful in gaining

acceptance for the second view. This view, however, rests on a number of

questionable premises, which if false, lead us back to the traditional


"Homosexuality is genetically or otherwise prenatally determined." This is

the bottom line for many regarding homosexuality. Almost without

exception, this is the belief of those in the church who advocate the

acceptance of homosexuality. They are born that way; they cannot change;

and so the loving thing to do is to help them accept their homosexuality.

The gay community has a tremendous stake in having society accept this

view. The whole gay rights movement is really a "gay acceptance" movement.

As a people often subject to scorn, ridicule, hate and rejection, they

desperately want to be accepted as "normal."

Having people believe that a certain proportion of mankind is born

homosexual would legitimize homosexuality as nothing else could. "Being

born gay, is just like being born left handed, or with red hair, It's a

normal variation in the human species". Who wouldn't rather be seen this

way as opposed to being labeled a "deviant" or "pervert?"

What is the evidence as far as homosexuality being genetic, or hormonal, or

otherwise biologically predetermined?

First, we should state that the burden of proof on this should rest with

those who take the position that homosexuality is inborn. On this count,

the advocates of the normalcy of homosexuality fail miserably.

Almost always, they speak in generalities, using phrases such as "many

believe," or "current research has proven." But when asked who the many

are, or where the research is, they come up short.

The Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Newark (U.S.A.), who has gained

national attention for his strong pro-gay statements, in stating absolutely

that homosexuality is inborn, offers as his source, nothing more than

private conversations with people who are doing "frontier work in the

scientific field."

In fact,

nothing has been published and gained wide acceptance in the scientific and

medical communities that indicates that homosexuality is primarily genetic

or otherwise prenatally determined.

This is a strong statement, but we are so sure of it that we back it up

with the agreement to address any reasonable challenges to it in this


What do the experts say, those who specialize in the fields of human

sexuality or homosexuality? These are the views that we should seek on

this particular issue, not those who have a religious agenda to promote or

a lifestyle to protect.

One of the most widely recognized authorities on the subject is John W.

Money, Ph.D., a professor at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and

Director of the Psychohormonal Research Institute. In an article in

Perspectives in Human Sexuality, he states:

Whatever may be the possible unlearned assistance from constitutional

sources, the child's psychosexual identity is not written, unlearned in the

genetic code, the hormonal system or the nervous system at birth. 1/

A psychiatrist who has written and spoken widely on the subject of

homosexuality, Dr. Charles W. Socarides, of the Albert Einstein College of

Medicine in New York has stated:

Homosexuality, the choice of a partner of the same sex for orgastic

satisfaction, is not innate. There is no connection between sexual

instinct and the choice of sexual object. Such an object choice is

learned, acquired behaviour; there is no inevitable genetically inborn

propensity toward the choice of a partner of either the same or opposite

sex. 2/

Another expert who has written widely on the subject is George A. Rekers,

Ph.D., Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Science at the

University of South Carolina School of Medicine. In his view:

At the present time, we may tentatively conclude that the main source for

gender and sexual behaviour deviance is found in social learning and

psychological development variables ... although we should recognize that

there remains the theoretical possibility that biological abnormalities

could contribute a potential vulnerability factor in some indirect way.


Finally, we have the opinions of Masters and Johnson, the most widely known

authorities in the field of human sexual behaviour. In one of their books

they have written:

The genetic theory of homosexuality has been generally discarded today.


Despite the interest in possible hormone mechanisms in the origin of

homosexuality, no serious scientist today suggest that a simple cause -

effect relationship applies. 5/

"Nurture vs. Nature" arguments are always difficult, man being such a

complex creature. Whether we are discussing alcoholism, criminal behaviour

or homosexuality. it may be impossible to prove the cause of any form of

behaviour or any identity using scientific methods or the strict rules of

logic. But the overwhelming consensus from experts in the field is that

homosexuality is primarily learned behaviour and if there is any genetic

element, it is almost certainly a minor contributor.

If homosexuality is, indeed, learned behaviour, then there is the strong

possibility that it can be unlearned. In fact, there is growing evidence

that substantial numbers of people are experiencing real change!


By Alan Medinger


1/ John W. Money, "Sexual Dimorphism and Homosexual Gender Identity", in

Perspectives in Human Sexuality, ed. Nathaniel W. Wagner (New York:

Behavioural Publications, 1974), p.67

2/ Charles W. Socarides, "Homosexuality: Basic Concepts and

Psychodynamics", in the International Journal of Psychiatry, 1972

3/ George A. Rekers, "The Formation of Homosexual Orientation", an

address to the North American Social Science Network Conference,

Washington, D.C., February 26, 1987

4/ William H. Masters, Virginia E. Brown, and Robert C. Kolodny, Human

Sexuality, (Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1984), p.319

5/ Ibid., p.320


For further information about homosexuality or about other areas of sexual

brokenness, please contact:


GPO Box 1115


Phone (08) 371 0446


Published by Regeneration, Inc., a non-profit, tax-exempt Christian

ministry associated with Exodus International - North America. We seek to

bring God's healing to homosexuals and to help the Body of Christ in

reaching out to those caught in homosexuality. Please request permission

to reprint portions of this newsletter from:


P.O. Box 9830

Baltimore, MD, 21284-9830.



Database Listing - Ministry To Homosexuals.
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