Providing The Way Back For The Homosexual
Exodus South Pacific
... is a coalition of Christian ministries in the South Pacific region
whose prime goal is to offer a way back for those who have gone down
the path of HOMOSEXUALITY.
Christian and understanding counsel for those who have a problem with
homosexuality, so that they may be brought to an awareness of how freedom
and wholeness can be theirs through Jesus Christ
Members of families who discover that another member of the family is
homosexual, enabling them to cope with their situation and discover how
they can help the homosexual member back to wholeness.
Pastors, youth leaders and counsellors who would like specialised
assistance when faced with this problem in their respective areas of
Churches, schools, community, media and government concerning
All ministry is provided on the understanding that homosexuality is
considered a learned behavioural response, precipitated by an emotional
deficiency early in childhood, which has created a confused identity for
the person concerned. Inasmuch as we believe that the person may not be
responsible for the conditions which caused the confused identity, they are
ultimately responsible for their response to homosexuality, being a
decision made for whatever reason.
Whereas we understand homosexuality to be a sin in the sight of God, our
intention is to reach out in compassion in the same way that Jesus would
have done, to the person who wishes not to be a homosexual in orientation
or practice. In providing understanding counsel in a non-judgemental
environment Exodus South Pacific endeavours to bring to the person seeking
release, an opportunity to express their fears, doubts and needs in an
atmosphere of love and confidentiality. In so doing, we believe that it
will open the way for the person's true identity to be restored as God
intended it. This in turn will enable them to be released from their
homosexuality and find salvation and forgiveness from a loving God through
Jesus Christ.
As a Christian Ministry it is our intention that every repentant person
(committed to) seeking a way out of homosexuality should become a fully
accepted, essential member of the local Christian Church, being a necessary
part of their need for acceptance as a new creation in Christ. The Church
then becomes the agent whereby the former homosexual is able to grow into
maturity, gain emotional wholeness and experience God as their Father.
What Exodus South Pacific Offers
In whatever means we are operating, first and foremost our motivation will
ensure that each individual acting on behalf of Exodus South Pacific, does
so with compassion for the people they are called upon to assist. We
realize that all of us are what we are by the grace of God.
In helping those that come to us for counsel, we shall according to the
level of need engage in any of the following activities as resources are
available, to achieve the persons desire for freedom from homosexuality.
For counsel and support
Face to face or by telephone on a regular basis
Provide a person who will give moral, spiritual and practical support as a
means of strength and encouragement to freedom
Place the individual in a church community where they will experience
corporate support by way of fellowship, worship and commitment
Regular Mutual Support Group meetings in an accepting environment which
will assist in developing personal worth and self esteem.
Where it is necessary to relocate an inquirer, we hope to provide suitable
In Essence
Exodus South Pacific is cross denominational in appeal, evangelical in
belief and Biblical in expression. The all embracing nature of the love of
God means that member organisations operate in a unity of spirit with each
other, opening the door for their resources to be made available to the
whole church and community in general. Any person, church organisation,
educational establishment or community who would like to avail themselves
of the resources of Exodus South Pacific or offer supportive prayer, help
meet financial needs or provide practical help, are asked to contact the
member organisation listed on the back of this brochure.
he restores my soul;
he guides me in the
paths of righteousness
for his names sake.
Ps 23:3
Exodus South Pacific In Adelaide and South Australia Is:
G.P.O. Box 1115
Phone (08) 371-0446
For further information about homosexuality or about other areas of sexual
brokenness, please contact the above address.
Database Listing - Ministry To
Resources on Homosexuality on the web
These documents are free from
the complete christian resource site with more than 5000 webpages.