When I first received these files, I thought they were related to the
issue of homosexuality and what the Bible says about the subject. After
reading through them, however, I discovered something far different. I was
originally going to, in light of what I guessed the files were about, going
to drop them all into my Issues And Ethics download directory. After reading
the first sixty some files, however, I realized to do so would not express
the true nature of the files and their content. After some consideration, I
realized I had no download directory on my bulletin board where these files
would fit. I thus opted to form a new directory which would be set aside for
dealing with the ministry aspect of homosexuality. I personally, for many
years, have been interested in becoming involved in such a ministry but the
door never seemed to open until now. I feel honored that the Lord has given
me a small part in a ministry to the homosexual.
These files deal with mostly male homosexuality, wives and mothers of
homosexuals and some deal with specific Biblical issues which will minister
to anyone involved with such a life style. They are not condemnatory, as far
as I have been able to determine, and they are very specific in educating
both the heterosexual and homosexual to the real issues and problems in this
life style.
If you have anything to add or know of any other such materials which
could be added to these files, please let me know. Additionally, any local
and national ministries dealing with these issues would be helpful. I will
attempt to incorporate such information here for those who will benefit from
Phil Scovell
Electronic Library Exchange
P.O. Box 19454
Denver, Co 80219
BBS: 303-935-6323