Gem #35 - The God Who Hears

Our God is no god who sits in one perpetual dream; nor does He clothe

Himself in such thick darkness that He cannot see; He is not like Baal who

does not hear. True, He may not be concerned about battles; He does not

care for the pomp and pageantry of kings; He does not listen to the rise of

martial music; He does not regard the triumph and the pride of man; but

whenever there is a heart big with sorrow, wherever there is an eye filled

with tears, wherever there is a lip quivering with agony, wherever there is

a deep groan, or a sorrowful sigh, the ear of Jehovah is wide open; He

marks it down in the registry of his memory; He puts our prayers, like rose

leaves, between the pages of His book of remembrance, and when the volume

is finally opened, there shall be a precious fragrance springing up from
