Chapters 28--31 focus our attention on the Priest. In the Old Testament, Israel had a Priesthood. In the New Testament, all saints are a Priesthood (1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation 1:6). There is no special order of Priests on earth today recognized by God. Any believer may come to God personally, through Jesus Christ.

In chapter 29 we see the calling of the Priests. We see in the ordination of the Priests a beautiful picture of our own experience in Christ. They are, first of all, chosen (verses 1-4a); they are cleansed (verses 1-4b); they are clothed (verses 5,6); and they are anointed (verse 7).

The responsibilities of the Priests are given in chapters 30 and 31. They were responsible for burning the incense, which is symbolic of offering prayers to God; they were responsible for collecting the shekels from the Jewish people; they were responsible for washing the laver. The laver symbolizes the cleansing power of the Word of God for the believer as he walks through this life. The Priests were also responsible for supplying the oil and incense. God gave the recipes for the anointing oil and holy incense, and He made it clear that these products were not to be imitated in any way. In chapter 30:9 God commands that no strange incense shall be offered.

Among the Priests' other duties were offering the sacrifices, keeping the fire burning, and entering within the veil. Today, because of the shed blood of Jesus, these symbolic acts are done away with. Christ has finished the work of redemption and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, ever making intercession for His own. Christians today have the privilege of coming into God's holy presence at any time, through Christ. The High Priest could go into The Most Holy Place but once a year. What a privilege we have, as Christians, because of the finished work of Jesus Christ!

Index of Daily Devotions