And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to His
Touching on our covenant relationship with God in the last
chapter, introduced "The Purpose" of Romans 8:28 and the revelation of
another mystery of the Holy Spirit as He makes intercession for us.
Understanding "Purpose" would be impossible without first seeing how
Romans 8:28 relates to the covenant in which we live as Bible
The word "according" found in our text - "According to His
purpose" - is found over three hundred times throughout the
New Testament. It is used twenty-nine different ways by the King
James translators: (After, against, toward, touching, into, among,
over, particularly, and respect), to name a few. Any of these words
could easily substitute and be quite functional. I prefer: "to them
who are the called into His purpose" because of, as we will see
shortly, its relationship to prayer. A simple interpretation of
"according" would be: (to them who are the called in agreement' or
"those in harmony with His purpose). We who are the called are those
living in agreement/harmony with His purpose - will, and it is thus for
which the Holy Spirit makes intercession.
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, uses a rather
unique Greek word for "purpose" in Romans 8:28. It is the word for
"shewbread" or "showbread." This particular Greek word is translated
eleven times in the New Testament. Eight times it is rendered
"purpose," and the remaining three as "showbread." Before looking at
some of the passages where this word is used, it would be wise to have
a clear understanding of just exactly what "showbread" was and how it
was used.
The tabernacle was a mobile house of worship. God gave complete
instructions to Moses with exact measurements, implement and furniture
construction, and how the priests were to conduct themselves in and
around the tabernacle (Exod. 25-Exod. 40). The tabernacle was
compartmentalized into three areas of worship; each serving a different
ceremonial function. The otter court was for the offering of public
sacrifices by the ministering priests for Israel. A laver for washing
was also located in this outer court which the priests employed before
entering the Holy Place (Exod. 40:7).
The inner court, called the Holy Place, housed three pieces of
golden furniture. The candlestick, a seven bowl candelabra fueled with
oil, was made of pure gold and was tended twice daily to insure it
burned continuously (Exod. 25:31-39). The altar of incense also was
placed in the inner room of the tabernacle and was located directly in
front of the ark of the covenant; separated by the thick vail (Exod.
40:5). It was made of wood and covered with gold but was smaller in
dimensions than the showbread table (Exod. 30:1-10). I will return to
the table of showbread which also sat in this inner court momentarily.
The ark of the covenant, referred to as the "mercy seat," was behind
the vail (Exod. 40:2-3), and was likewise made of wood overlaid with
gold (Exod. 25:10-22). It was the only article of furniture which was
placed in the "Most Holy Place" (Exod. 40:2-3), and this area was
entered by the high priest only once each year to atone for the sins of
the nation of Israel.
Many compare these three compartments - areas of worship - to the
body, soul, and spirit of the boron again Believer (I Thess. 5:23).
The outer court is the body; the place where we meet publicly and
interface with the world. The outer court - the body - is where we
confess our covenant with God and make known His mighty works through
our praise.
The inner court - the Holy Place - is the soul and the place where
we meet with God mentally and intellectually. It is within this inner
court we fellowship with Him; offering our prayers of sweet smelling
incense and sharing intimately with the help of the Holy Spirit who
illuminates our prayers with His perfect nature as God. It is here we
commune with our sovereign Lord.
Finally there is the "Most Holy Place." This is where God
resides. He holds the covenant and His word thus comes from this Holy
of Holies. Keep in mind that the tablets which were given to Moses by
God, upon which the ten commandments were written, were stored within
the ark of the covenant; the mercy seat. No man passed beyond the vail
to the hidden place of worship except for the high priest and then only
once a year. Our Lord Christ, however, by His vicarious death upon the
cross and subsequent bodily resurrection, caused the vail to be rent
(Matt. 27:51), from top to bottom; exposing the Most Holy Place for all
eternity for those confessing Him as Lord.
The table of showbread was a simple box made of shittim wood and
over laid with gold. It measured thirty-six inches in length, eighteen
inches in width, and twenty-seven inches in height (Exod. 25:23).
Additionally, a "crown" of gold bordered the top of the box, about nine
inches in height; the breath of a man's hand, to prevent the bread
from falling from the table (Exod. 25:24-25). The bread was to be
before the Lord always and was replaced each sabbath (Exod. 25:30). It
was baked with fine flower, placed in two rows upon the table, and was
eaten by the levitical priests as they ministered in the Holy Place
(Lev. 24:6-9).
The entire tabernacle was symbolic of that which was to come -
Christ. The woods overlaid with gold represented the Holiness and
deity of Christ who took upon Himself humanity. The altar of incense
spoke of the prayers of God's people. The candlestick with its seven
lights symbolized the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit as those
prayers were offered. The mercy seat, of course, depicted God the
Father who reigns as Sovereign Lord. The tablets of stone within the
mercy seat represented God's eternal unbreakable Word. The blood of
the sacrifices represented the blood of the Lamb of God which would be
shed for the sins of the world. The clothing of the priests, the
different sacrificial offerings, the precious gyms, and even the
various colors; gold, silver, purple, scarlet, white, red, blue,
employed in construction all spoke of various aspects of the nature and
character of God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit in
relationship to man.
The table of showbread was unique in its representation. In
Leviticus, it is called the "bread of God," and those who were in
Levitical servitude were known as those who handled God's bread. Bread
spoke of that which was common and necessary without which man could
not live. The "breaking of bread" spoke of friendship, fellowship,
intimacy, and most importantly; covenant. The showbread was to be
perpetually before the Lord; an act of continuous fellowship with the
Heavenly Father. The priests, however, were the only ones allowed such
direct and intimate fellowship for they were the chosen representatives
to negotiate covenant with God.
One day Satan tempted our Lord by trying to get Him to turn stones
into bread. King Jesus confessed, however, "man shall not live by
bread alone but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God"
(Matt. 4:4). He later succeeded in, not only confounding, but
angering the Jews, when he confessed "He was the bread of God which
came down from Heaven" (John 6:32-33). The Jews recognized immediately
His claim and, of course, reacted adversely. Our Lord was confessing
Himself to be God's fellowship with man; that which was to be eaten,
enjoyed, and would provide eternal provision. Indeed, Jesus said
exactly that: "I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never
hunger" (John 6:35). In short, Jesus proclaimed to be God's bread; the
showbread, which was perpetually before the Lord that man might
fellowship with God. If we add to this our Lord's finished work upon
the cross, His shed blood, the offering of His own body, His sinless
life, the renting of the vail in the temple revealing God to the world,
and His bodily resurrection, we would thus gain a deep appreciation of
Paul's usage of the word "showbread" in Romans 8:28.
Paul was taken by ship to Rome to appear before Caesar. Acts 27
describes his aquatic journey and subsequent ship wreck. The word
"purpose" appears in Luke's account of this journey:
And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had
obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by
Crete (Acts 27:13).
This is a most unusual usage of the word "showbread" but if considered
carefully, the choice of wording is inspiring. The sailors had
supposed they had gained favorable wind because the winds blew softly.
This time of year in this ocean region was often violent and
unpredictable. Paul even warned them not to sail but they ignored his
Holy Spirit leading; sailing right into a violent storm, and lost, not
only all their valuable cargo, but the ship as well.
A word which could be properly substituted for "purpose/showbread"
in this text is approval or favor. "Supposing that they had obtained
approval..." Their assumption was based upon soft winds which later
proved nearly fatal. They, in fact, had actually obtained "approval,"
or "favor;" not to depart, but rather to stay, as Paul prophesied.
They chose to ignore the Word of God, and consequently suffered great
In writing to Pastor Timothy, Paul said:
But you have fully known my doctrine, manner of life -
conduct - purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
persecutions, afflictions (II Tim. 3:10-11).
Here we discover Paul's usage of "purpose" in context with what he is
clearly describing as his personal character. If the preceding nine
verses are examined, it is easily seen that Paul was warning Christians
of those who will come against the church in the last days and the
deceptive "character" they will manifest. He even named "Jannes" and
"Jambres" as two who withstood Moses as he attempted to govern the
nation of Israel (II Tim. 3:8). To all such, Paul contrasted his
Scriptural and personal character and used "purpose/showbread" to
demonstrate the polarization of characters; his verses the world's.
Finally, Paul again uses the word "purpose" in a remarkably
similar verse to Romans 8:28 in this same epistle to Timothy:
Who has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not
according to our works, but according to His own purpose and
grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world
began (II Tim. 1:9).
This clearly identifies the interpretation of "purpose" because Paul is
making direct reference to the "nature" of God. Indeed, it could thus
be rendered: "according to the nature and grace of God." Since Paul
is making reference to the saving power of God the Father through His
eternal Son Jesus, there can be no doubt to Paul's usage of "purpose"
as that aspect of God's nature which saves to the uttermost.
The word "His" in Romans 8:28 was supplied by the King James
translators for clarification and appears in italics. This was a wise
choice, since we have just seen that Paul again makes a similar
statement in his letter to Timothy. It is indeed God's "purpose," or
"approval," or "character," or "nature" to work all things together for
good to them that are in love covenant with Him. In short, it is God's
favor and grace by which He makes Himself available to us and He does
so through prayer. Comparing this with the knowledge that the
showbread was that which was perpetually before the Lord,
representative of eternal fellowship, we should now be able to
acknowledge the ministry of Holy partnership with God's Spirit as we
sit and sup with Him through prayer. Let's take another step in
examining the "nature" - true character - of His "purpose/showbread."
Quite simply, the table of showbread was a point of perpetual
contact with God for the ministering priests. It was at this table
they meant with the Almighty and shared the covenant meal each and
every time they ate. As they reached out to partake of the "Bread of
God," they were making personal contact with Him in behalf of all of
Israel. Additionally, the table was only twenty-seven inches high;
necessitating a kneeling posture. Such humility and reverence when one
prays certainly demonstrates reverence.
We, too, need to maintain personal contact with our Heavenly
Father through intimate prayer. Often the busy Christian forsakes time
with the Lord and thus the relationship suffers. We need always to
make contact through prayer and partnership with the Holy Spirit makes
this possible.
The table of showbread is the Old Testament counterpart of
New Testament communion, I.E. The Lord's table. It is symbolic of the
shed blood - the wine or grape juice - and the bread - His body. Our
Lord established this communion, of course, before going to the cross
and commanded it be practiced until He returns. It speaks of intimacy,
as did the table of showbread, only now the born again Believer needs
no representation to stand before God in his behalf; Jesus is that High
We have three zones, areas, of personal communication. First
there is the social zone; the radius of several feet. This zone is
passive contact with those about us with which we may pass, for
example, on the street. The second zone is personal. We experience
this zone when discoursing, whether standing or sitting, with someone
in close proximity. Finally there is the intimate zone; one of
personal contact. This is the fellowship which we share with our
Heavenly Father at the table of showbread - the table of communion.
The dictionary defines "to commune" as: (The sharing of mutual
interests, thoughts, and possessions). Such certainly falls into the
area of exchange when cutting, confirming, and completing covenant.
The communion table we share with our Lord in today's New Testament day
is representative of the covenant meal we share when we pray.
As we have already seen in this study, the two words "makes
intercession" is used twice by Paul in Romans 8:26 and (27). In verse
(26), it simply means the Holy Spirit makes, or creates, prayers for
us. He does so, not only because we do not always know how to pray,
but because it is His nature. The second reference to "makes
intercession" in verse (27) is rendered (to confer). Again referring
to a dictionary definition, we find "to confer" means: (to converse,
to compare views, to consult). Such is our fellowship with God as we
pray. Most have little, if any, problem accepting prayer as conversing
with God. We likewise accept prayer as spiritual consultation. Most,
however, find it impossible to believe that prayer involves (comparing
views, sharing interests, or the exchange of views). If you believe
that God is only interested in telling, commanding, proclaiming,
chastising, or reprimanding; you will find spiritual intimacy
absolutely impossible. God is interested in His own and prayer -
sitting at the table of showbread - and having covenant communion with
Him, involves exchanging our thoughts for His.
When the priests shared the covenant showbread in the inner court;
the Holy Place, they, as an act of submission and humility, were
conforming to the will of God. If they did not do so, they would not
be fulfilling their responsibilities as ministering mediators for the
children of Israel. It is not accidental that Paul makes reference to
the "will of God" in Romans 8:27: "because the Holy Spirit makes
intercession for the saints according to the will of God." He, the
Holy Spirit, brings us by partnership utilization, to the table of
prayer that we might conform to the will - covenant - of God.
"To what are we conforming?" Besides conforming to God's will, we
are, as we will see in our next chapter, conforming to the image of His
Son Jesus. This conformity is accomplished by sharing fellowship with
God through prayer. Again, the Holy Spirit is our "Help" to cause such
intimacy to occur.
The table of showbread was also a "confirmation" table. The
ministering priests took the bread of God and consumed it as an act of
confirming the covenant. This simple act of faithfulness demonstrated
personal belief and recognition of God. Not to partake would indicate
a lack of faith that God indeed desired intimacy with His own people.
Another aspect of the showbread and its consumption, reveals God's
desire to be "friends" with His own. Here we need to recall the
covenant which God made with Abraham. As God the Father made covenant
with Abraham, He promised him a son. This, of course, was impossible,
humanly speaking, since both Abraham and Sarah were beyond child baring
years. Nevertheless, the Scriptures confirm that Abraham believed God
and it was counted to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6 & Rom. 4:3).
We, likewise, are incapable of spiritual birth without sovereign
intervention (John 3:3-8). The Father also provided us with a "Son" -
His only begotten Son - in order that His covenant might be confirmed.
Because of Abraham's belief and acceptance of covenant with God, he
became known as the "friend of God" (Jam. 2:23). Eating at the table
of showbread confirms friendship with our Heavenly Father as well as
our belief in Him as our covenant Lord.
The levitical priests were committed to serving both God and
Israel as mediators. They demonstrated their commitment by lighting
the lamps, replacing and eating the showbread, burning the incense, and
offering sacrifice. Commitment is first verbal; then verified by
action. In short, faithfulness. Coming to the table of prayer -
showbread - today shows our faithfulness to God as the one who keeps
His covenant with His people. Without commitment, there can be no
covenant relationship. Without the priests coming faithfully to the
table of showbread set continually before the Lord, God would be unable
to move in their behalf.
My Dad's oldest brother was born in 1901 and lived with us the
last few years of his life. Since my grandfather - my Dad and uncle's
father - died when my uncle was but a teen, he, my uncle, felt
obligated to drop from school in order to take on the responsibility of
tending their Kansas farm and raising the family. Such afforded him
great opportunity for learning and he quickly became a jack of all
I recall he told me, after retiring, that he installed a fence
around most of his single acre of property. He simply sighted on an
object in the distance and from that point of reference, began sinking
fence posts. Such line of sight skill had been obtained from plowing
fields with nothing more than a distant tree for reference.
Following the installation of his fence, a young neighbor began
admiring the improved attractiveness my uncle's fence gave his home and
decided to do the same. He purchased all the necessary materials and
began sinking fence posts. His lack of experience, however, provided a
fence uneven, lop sided, and crooked. After recognizing failure, and
seeing my uncle seated on his front porch, he strolled across the road
and congratulated my uncle for doing such a nice job on his fence. He
finally, somewhat sheepishly, asked if my uncle would mind helping him
redo his fence since, he, the neighbor, had done such a poor job. My
uncle, of course, obliged.
The Christian needs a point of reference, a point of contact, in
their relationship with God. The table of showbread - prayer - is the
contact. Like my uncle sighting on a tree in the distance, we, too,
sight on a tree - the cross of Calvary. Often, however, circumstances
make it difficult, even impossible to sight properly. The Holy Spirit,
on the other hand, never has any problem sighting - making contact -
with the Heavenly Father. Simply beginning to pray allows the
Holy Spirit to engage covenant with God in our behalf.
Prayer is where, and when, we experience spiritual intimacy with
our Lord as we share the covenant meal. I am convinced that most of us
do not take time to share, commune, with our Lord because it means
"intimacy." Such requires time, personal association, closeness, and
friendship. Intimacy implies that which is private and innermost.
Although most confess that such is exactly what they seek in their
relationship with God, it cannot be so; for if it were, they would
commune with God. The problem is fear! We simply are afraid that God
is going to find something within us which He does not like. The
Holy Spirit has been sent to guide and parallel our intimacy with God
but He cannot do so, of course, unless we begin to commune - eat the
showbread - with God. Fear is not of God and should be ignored. Once
seated at the prayer table, the Holy Spirit can immediately begin to
intercede in our behalf.
As my uncle's neighbor needed help, so we, those in fellowship
with God, need someone to help; "for we know not what we should pray
for as we ought." The Holy Spirit offer such help as we sit at the
communion table with our Lord and confers with Him concerning His will
for our lives. Confess how you feel it, see it, perceive it, wish it.
As you do so, you will discover the mystery of the Holy Spirit at work
in your behalf as He "makes intercession for the saints according to
the will of God." Then listen.
Often we think we can do it alone, without assistance, because to
do otherwise is a sign of weakness. Such is the case as we kneel at
the table of showbread. It is a sign of humility, submission, and
dependency. Such an attitude is exactly what our Lord is seeking as we
sup with Him. To place ourselves in such a position is a sign of
conformity to His will and Word. In short, it is obedience. There is
a side benefit to such submission; we are able to thus resist the
Devil, and he must flee from our presence (Jam. 4:7-8).
As my uncle's neighbor confessed his inability to duplicate my
uncle's fence installation, he was also asking, and showing,
friendship. Literally, he was showing willingness to confirm what he
could not do alone and because of friendship with my uncle, he
requested help. Thus, sitting down to a covenant meal of showbread
with God our Father is confirmation of personal friendship with the
only one able to help us. It means we are willing to live by covenant.
Finally, the fence itself demonstrates commitment; It sets
boundaries. This is exactly what prayer does for us. We begin,
through prayer, to set boundaries in our relationship with God for the
purpose of keeping certain things in and out. This provides security
as well as offering permission for God to begin working in our life.
In another words, it allows God an area in which to work. Without such
commitment, the Sower simply must go everywhere broadcasting the seed
with no prier soil preparation. Prayer affords God opportunity to
prepare the ground for planting.
Romans 8:28 is certainly a mystery if interpreted without the
knowledge of the table of showbread. If, on the other hand, we
acknowledge the holy partnership we have with God's Holy Spirit when we
set at bread, then we can "know that all things work together" for our
benefit, since we are the "called" of God. Furthermore, seated at the
table of showbread with our Lord reveals covenant friendship; we are
those that "love God" - have established friendship through covenant.
The Holy Spirit confirms this relationship each time we sup with our
Heavenly Father in covenant prayer (Rom. 8:16-17). True satisfaction
can be gained when we pray, therefore, because the Holy Spirit insures
our prayers harmonize with His purpose - showbread - which nourishes
and fills us that we might never hunger again. One must choose to sit
and dine with Him, however, if intimate fellowship is to be
experienced. Thus, learn to pray in the Spirit.