And we know that all things work together for good to

them that love God, to them who are the called according

to His purpose.

Thus far in our examination of Romans 8:28, we have noted the

meaning of the "we." They are those walking in the Spirit and

relying on His intercessory ministry for the will of God. Those

walking according to the Spirit "know" that all things will work

together for their good. They "know" because they "see" with the

eyes of faith that such is true by the Spirit. Additionally, they

know [see] that "all things" are used by God to accomplish His

will in their lives. How do"all things," good and bad, up and

down, right and wrong, "work together" for our good becomes our

next consideration.


The Greek rendering of "work together" is (a fellow labor -

co-laborer). God chooses to use "all things" together, collectively, to

shape us in the image of His own Son. Such is only true, however, for

those submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit in their life. What

happens if one is not submitted? Then the Devil is liberated and will

use anything and everything in a person's life against them to

destabilize their relationship with God. He, the Devil, may bring

sickness, disease, heart ache, death, depression, discouragement,

mental illness, financial failure, marital instability and divorce, and

anything else he desires into the Christian life. Why? Because the

Christian was walking outside of the protective will of God. What

happens if that same Christian repents of his sin, making confession,

and begins a new? Immediate spiritual reversal. God even turns what

the Devil meant for evil into good. He God, through the ministry of

the Holy Spirit, works together, utilizes as a co-laborer, those things

into the Christian life for our good. The word "good" in our text

means exactly that - (good) - or one could say: All things work

together for our benefit. We need to keep in mind, however, that this

Spirit walk for the Believer is a process experienced by conviction and

not by chance.


The dictionary defines a process as: (A series of actions,

motions, or operations leading to some definite result). If we remain

faithful as we walk in the Spirit through prayer, the Holy Spirit will

take hold with us to bring everything into subjection to God's perfect

will for us.


When I was still very young, we took a trip to Michigan and while

there, we visited the Ford Motor Plant in Detroit. The most

captivating aspect of the plant was the assembly line. We walked the

line with a guide who perfunctorily annunciated the various stages of

construction. He said that cars were built by special order and each

car was design controlled as it lumbered slowly down the assembly line.

I watched as red, blue, green, black, gold, and brown engine hoods hung

like huge trapped moths in large metallic spider webs over the assembly

line. As each car passed beneath, a hood swung over and down and was

quickly bolted into place. The car rolled slowly down the line;

receiving each of its appropriate parts: windows, doors, seats,

stirring wheels, dash boards, wheels and tires, trunk lids, head

lights, tail lights - everything needed to make it a car.

As we stood at the end of the line listening to our guide finish

his description of how the line functioned, we saw the completed

automobiles roll off the assembly line. A man stood waiting. As one

approached and was freed from the line track, he jerked open the

driver's door and leaped in. The engine fired immediately and he sped

away to a nearby parking lot. As the guide continued to speak, the

driver came running back just as the next car rolled from the line.

Again he leaped in and drove away.

"Occasionally," I heard the guide say, "a car will fail to start

and will need to be pushed to the side to await a mechanic's analysis."

Just then the driver returned to drive another finished car away. The

engine failed. He sprang from the car and with the help of an

assistant, they pushed it from the path of another car which was

rolling from the line.

Leaving the semi darkness of the building, we walked into the

bright sunshine and stood curbside.

"If any of you like," the guide announced, "we offer free test

drives to give you an idea of how each car is road tested before

leaving the plant."

My family and I climbed in a shiny new Ford, the doors slamming solidly

behind us. The small test road was inculcated with tight turns, wash

board surfaces, steep hills, and winding avenues. The driver spun the

wheel expertly, taking the turns quickly and excellerating part way

through the turns. Gears shifted at the precise moment, breaks were

often applied, then quick excelloration again when needed.

Climbing from the test car, we walked into the show room and saw

"the car of the future." "This is what we have to look forward to,"

the guide said, pointing to the glistening vehicle; a tone of

profundity in his voice. It was peculiar but somehow beautiful and

powerful by nature.

As I studied Romans 8:28 to attempt to understand it's true

meaning and application to the Believer, I recalled our visit to the

Ford Plant and realized that the life we live as Christians, especially

those dedicated to walking in the Spirit, is much like the process I

saw on the assembly line. We are "made to order" by God. That is,

"His will" is our design. As we rely upon the ministry of the

Holy Spirit through prayer, God brings "all things" in to play for our

benefit. If we pray in partnership with the Holy Spirit, He, God,

searches the hearts and knows what is the mind of the Spirit. He, the

Holy Spirit, in turn makes known to the Heavenly Father our prayers and

designs them to conform to the will of God. No matter what we face,

whether it is of God or Satan, God will, to those led of the Spirit,

work all things together for the good of His own children. He will

wisely and cautiously manage our affairs for His glory through the

ministry of His Holy Spirit.

Perhaps this explains why often we are unable to function properly

when facing various difficulties in our relationship with our Heavenly

Father. God chooses to give us a certain size of spiritual motor, I.E.

gift, with which we can function properly in His body - The Church.

We, on the other hand, desire something bigger, something greater,

something more powerful.

"I know! I'll be an apostle. I'll be a prophet. I'll be an

evangelist. They're great and have a lot of power and authority.

That's what God wants me to be."

Later, perhaps through great hardship and discouragement, we may

discover that was not God's design or plan. We no doubt questioned God

all along the way as to why He allowed all these terrible things to


"Where was He? Why didn't He answer when I prayed? Why did He

cause it to happen to me? Why am I made to suffer? Why did He cause

me to sin? Why isn't God's Word working for me? Why is God trying to

hurt me?"

All such questions plague those attempting to explain God's will by

unfavorable, difficult, or impossible circumstances. We roll to the

end of God's assembly line, only to discover that perhaps some parts

are missing. There is no spiritual ignition and we often have to be

moved to the side for Holy Spirit analysis.

Even those who stay in place on the assembly line will find they

will be test driven. There will be hills to climb, valleys to plunge

through, and sharp curves to negotiate. There will be mud and dirt and

water and cold and heat. Gears will change, speed will vary, and even

breaks applied. Eventually the drive will be over and then there will

be the Christian of the future - The Church without spot or wrinkle.

Then Jesus will come for His own and will say, "Well done my good and

faithful servant."


Over the years, through preaching and teaching, the idea has been

somehow conceived that all Christians should be alike, equal,

identical, or the same. The uniqueness of God's creation, in my

opinion, is its dissimilarities. We are all created differently, as

are the stars and snow flakes. Somehow, and for some reason, we loose

awareness of this when considering the Church - the Body of Christ.

Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but

fellow citizens with the Saints, and of the household of God.

and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and

prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone;

in whom also the building fitly framed together grows unto a

holy temple in the Lord: In whom you also are builded

together for a habitation of God through the Spirit (Eph.


As I mentioned, their is a controlled design. The control is "the

will of God" and the design [pattern] is the image of God's Son. If we

are "fitly framed together" in this Body of Christ, we must be uniquely

designed with purpose. Thus God must have a blue print in order that

we might become more like His Son. The blue print is performed through

the implementation of Romans 8:28. God uses all thing jointly to bring

us into sharp image which causes us to look like Jesus when we walk in

the Spirit. The promise of Romans 8:28 is made reality through prayer

partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Paul illustrated the importance on Body placement in I Corinthians

12:12-31. In his example, he found it necessary to point out that we

should not concern ourselves with where we are placed in the Body but

be content with the placement itself. If we are content, we will not

desire the possessions of others nor be concerned about our personal

placement - the foot compared to the hand, the ear to the eye. It is

God who sets each member in its exact place within the Body of Christ

(I Cor. 12:28). If we attempt to struggle for relocation, outside of

God's will, others in the Body may be spiritual injured and perhaps

even dislocated. Such disjointedness induces pain and discomfort.

In light of such revelation, we need to pray in the Spirit to gain

a better understanding of our placement within the framework of that

Body. Such knowledge is impossible without the intercessory ministry

of the Holy Spirit. Although we may be unsure of our location in the

Body, or if we feel change is needed to better serve the Lord, the only

way such revelation is available is through the perfect intercessory

prayers of the Holy Spirit.


In a course I had in Bible college, the professor gave a short quiz at

the end of each week. The quiz grades were, of course, averaged with

our quarterly and semester examines for a final grade. I remember

doing extremely poorly on one quiz. I was heart sick. I so much

wanted to achieve high marks in that particular course. Now it would

never happen!

Upon the conclusion of the first semester, the professor announced

that he deleted the single poorest quiz grade before averaging the

others with the examines. The desired grade was thus achieved. I

still had to take the course along with the quizzes but the worst was

discarded. Do you see it? The course was a "learning process." The

quizzes were the proving, or testings, of what I learned day-by-day.

The quizzes were used as markers to indicate my progress. They were

not offered to prove how stupid, how dumb, or how ignorant I was, but

rather offered direction, or placement, in the process of learning.

Now compare this to most Christians attempting to live out the

Christian life without the ministry and leading of the Holy Spirit in


They give up in discouragement and drop from the course because

they missed it somehow, they think, or perhaps someone told them they

did so.

"You've gotten a poor grade. You'll never make it now. God's

best is no longer available for you."

Let me take this example one step further. What if indeed I would

have flunked the entire course? Would that have indicated total

failure and an inability to achieve? Should I have dropped out of

school all together? Similarly, the course [process] is always

available for the Believer. Simply stay enrolled by taking up your

partnership with the Holy Spirit in prayer. There is no way you can

loose since God discards the bad as He forms us with His will through

the ministry of the Spirit.


One of my cousins used to drive trucks across country and told

this story: He and his partner were driving in a rain storm, barely

able to see, wipers slapping angrily at the wind shield and providing

little relief. Not wishing to loose time, they drove slowly and

cautiously, the powerful headlights failing to penetrate the darkness.

He said he noticed all the construction equipment parked along the road

through the sheets of driving rain as they drove but never thought much

about it until Suddenly the heavy eighteen wheeler catapulted from the

end of the highway, landing in thick mud. Because of the heavy rain,

they had missed the detour sign and drove right off the end of the

road. He said it took them several minutes to stop the big truck, now

nearly out of control, as they fought desperately to keep from jack

knifing. A mile passed before they were able to stop completely.

Their problems just began, however, because there was no way to turn

around. They now had to spend several hours slowly backing the metal

monster back inch-by-inch to the highway. Standing on the running

boards in the driving rain, they squinted into the darkness and called

out to each other through the open doors to insure they would not slip

from the treacherous road and be hopelessly stranded. It was cold,

wet, and dark, and the only illumination was that of their own running

lights. Finally, near total exhaustion and soaked to the bone, they

negotiated the truck on to the asphalt. Jumping to the harden

surface, they inspected the heavy machine for damage and although

there was none, the truck was covered with several inches of thick mud

from top-to-bottom; end-to-end.

Most Christians experience similar situations in their

relationship with the Heavenly Father. Somehow, no matter how

faithful, how consistent, how careful, we may occasionally miss the

road sign. We may even see the evidence of our mistake along the way

but simply over look or ignore it. Suddenly, we are off the road.

"How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why didn't I see the


All these accusations loom out of the spiritual darkness surrounding us

and we cry out in fear.

Jesus warned Peter that he would experience defeat and denial in

Luke's Gospel. He said, however, that He, Jesus, had prayed for him

that his faith would not fail. Then He instructed his servant that

when he was converted he was to strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:32).

This word, "converted," means (to revert). It comes from two words

meaning (to twist) and a little Greek word epi which might be best

translated (to "layer). This can be compared to Luke 19:35 where we

are told that the people "cast" their garments upon a colt for Jesus to

ride. In another words, they layered their garments upon the colt to

provide Jesus with a saddle.

Now, in light of such revelation, consider what Jesus was trying

to tell Peter when he, Peter, missed the turn on his spiritual walk

with the Lord. Jesus said Peter would be "converted," that is,

reverted, or twisted about in layers, or we could say, in degrees or

stages. Once we have missed a turn as a Christian, we have the option

of reverting, to go back, to return, to change. That return, however,

may take some time and will no doubt be arduous. Certainly there is

instant forgiveness and instant cleansing for one who confesses his sin

before the Lord (I John 1:9). We must, however, recognize personal

responsibility in our failure to remain on the "will of God" road. The

restoration process, although provided for instantly in forgiveness,

may take time and thus supernatural patience is needed as we retrace

our steps. I believe the retracing [reverting] process is one of

spiritual maturing and one will find that once back to the main

highway, we will be farther up the road than anticipated. We may often

experience heart ache, the sense of failure and defeat. We may suffer

the freezing cold of rejection by others and the muddy residue of the

world. The illumination of our retrek my seem poor and we may even

discover helplessness when others forget us. Fortunately we have, as

my cousin, a Partner - the Holy Spirit - who is willing and ready to

"make intercession" for us if we will but submit ourselves to His

leading. As we find ourselves being squeezed by circumstances and even

what others might consider failure, those walking in the Spirit will

look more like Jesus their Lord when they exit to the other side.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your

own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He

shall direct your paths (Prov. 3:5-6).

Notice that this wonderful promise is to those who are continually

acknowledging Him as they go. He confirms, interestingly enough, that

he will direct our paths." That's right! He will, by His Holy Spirit,

direct us as we walk our paths. It is, after all, our life - personal

responsibility - but for the Christian walking in the Holy Spirit

through prayer, our life belongs to Him. He paid for it with the blood

of His Son Jesus, thus we no longer desire to live of ourselves.

"Even if it means allowing God to work all things together for our


Yes! Such demonstrates submission to the will of God to process us as

members of His Body.


Many people have added an addition to their home, built a new

garage, or constructed a storage shed in the backyard without obtaining

a city building permit. When discovered, the city often fines one for

failure to purchase a building permit. This even occurs spiritually.

We sometimes find ourselves attempting to build in areas for which we

haven't been licensed, or permitted, to build in.

On the mount of transfiguration, Jesus was glorified before His

disciples. His face, we are told, shown as the sun and His clothing

radiated as bright light. Moses and Elijah also appeared and spoke

with our Lord on the mount (Matt. 17:1-9). Peter became so excited

that he immediately wanted to build three tabernacles, dwellings of

worship, right on the spot in honor of the Lord and the two witnesses

with whom He spoke. Peter, in effect, sought to build upon something

for which he had no permission.

Speculation... What if indeed Peter would have, although His Lord

instructed otherwise, built such houses of worship in honor of his

Lord? Would God have blessed it? God always honors His Word; but He

is never obligated to bless if, such is done, outside of His will.

"What does this mean for the Christian?"

We must always be keenly aware that we do not always "know what we

should pray for as we ought." This means that, if we fail to harmonize

with the Holy Spirit when we seek the will of God, we may build without

a permit on ground not set aside by God for construction. One might

suggest in such cases there would be no fruit. There most certainly

will be fruit in evidence since God always honors His Word; but the

problem is, however, the fruit will not remain because it is not


"What should be done?"

We should get back into fellowship with the Father through the ministry

of intercessory prayer provided by the Holy Spirit who always prays

that God's perfect will is accomplished in our lives.

As mentioned, for those who build without a permit, there is

normally a fine. The structure is not, I might point out, torn down

nor is the builder placed behind bars for life.

"What is the fine for the Christian building without a permit?"

The loss of intimacy with God.

"For how long? Until one returns to the road or pays the fine?"

No! The fine has already been paid by our Lord Christ upon the cross

nearly two thousand years ago.

"But what about the Road?"

For one who harmonizes with the Holy Spirit as he prays, the road is

immediately restored.

"Won't I experience, suffer, loss?"

Perhaps, but it is only what you feel because God sees no loss in one

who is conforming to the image of His Son through adverse

circumstances. "Why?" Because "we know - spiritually see by faith -

that all things work together for our benefit."


There is another aspect of a building permit which we should

consider. We often fail, when attempting to apply Romans 8:28

properly, to consider giving God license, or permission, to "work all

things together" for our good. We quickly praise Him vociferously for

all the good and wonderful and exciting things. We thank Him

repeatedly for the blessings, the prosperity, the miracles, and the

successes experienced. The bad things, however, are quickly condemned

as devilish and even considered as funereal. To do so would be

negating the power and promise of Romans 8:28 to "work all things

together for our good - well being. God is telling us that He indeed

can and will use "all things" if we will submit - give permission - to

"work" [build] in our lives. To refuse the bad would be rebellion. It

would also be denying the power of God to indeed use all things -

everything - to bring us to conformity [identity] with His Son Jesus.

Keep in mind, however, that I am not suggesting God brings the bad, the

evil, the wicked, to His own. James confirms that God does not do

such (Jam. 1:12-16). I am simply pointing out how God promises to use

"all things" for our spiritual benefit and growth when we are side

tracked - off the road - and build upon - plant in - unfertile

[unprepared] ground.


"And we know that all things work together for good to them

that love God."

The Greek word for "love" in our text is the common word with

which most Christians are familiar: (friend), or (brotherly) love.

For one walking in the Holy Spirit through harmonized prayer, God

becomes our friend as we face "all things." Unfortunately, spiritual

immaturity and a basic lack of Biblical understanding, stunts spiritual

growth. Often we become irritated, angry, even down right mad, at God

for permitting such heinous things to come against us. We bind the

Devil, curse circumstances, trade upon scorpions and serpents, and

claim God's power while secretly wondering what happen to God in all of

this. Such authority and power has been given to us and we indeed must

exercise such as we walk in the Spirit, but prayer is the illuminating

light which gives us the "know" - spiritual insight I.E., vision.

Spiritual frustration is generally the result of our inability to

"know," or see it, God's way. If we will but submit to his will

through the Spirit, we will become intimate friends with the One who

has our best interest - His perfect will - at heart.


It is always easier to see circumstances rather than God. It is

even more convenient to dump every unexplainable situation into the

bottomless pit [black hole] of Romans 8:28.

"There you go! That explains why God hasn't answered my prayers,

changed my impossible situation, performed a miracle, or remedy my


In a very real sense, such a philosophy relieves one from personal

responsibility; confusing and frustrating one's relationship with the

Heavenly Father instead of edifies - builds. We, on the other hand,

must continue to walk by faith with the help of the Holy Spirit in

prayer. We must consider all things; good and bad, right and wrong,

success and failure, up and down, back and forth, to be usable by God

for our benefit. We must even allow such things to enrich, developed,

intimacy - friendship - with our Lord. We must see with the eyes of

faith that God's will is working together for our own good that we

might be called the children of God. Since in such adversities, we

often find it difficult, even impossible, to pray, we all must rely

upon the intercessory ministry of the Holy Spirit to cause God's

perfect will to be accomplished. We must learn to pray in the Spirit.


Sermons are preached, lectures presented, and Volumes written,

on God's eternal grace; and yet it seems impossible to comprehend.

Some have defined it as "God's unmerited favor." Others use the

letters of the word itself to form an acrostic:






I simply define God's grace as "undeserved blessing." All of these

fall hopelessly short of showing us what God's grace is all about. In

the light of Romans 8:28, however, perhaps we gain some glimpse of its


God takes everything, whether good or bad, and somehow

incorporates it into the life of one walking in His Holy Spirit. How

can this be? The answer is, because He is God. He is the only one

with the power to cause such to happen. It is the nature of His person

which affords oneness with those submitted to His will. This character

trait of His person, when revealed, is called "grace."

Though I am not a poet nor very musically inclined, I wrote the

following during a very difficult time in my life. As I sat at the

piano in our living room and began to play, I realized God's grace

shines its brightest during times of impossible circumstances. I trust

the following words will provide illumination for those reading this

book as they attempt to see - know with spiritual insight, that all

things are worked together by the wisdom of our Heavenly Father to

benefit us spiritually, and that such illuminates the friendship we

have with God the Creator of all things.


Life provides no hiding place, every day must come.

There's no way to stop the race, you must always run.

Step by step is all you need to take,

Turn and look into the Saviour's face.

Never look behind,

To your past be blind.

Storm clouds gather, thunder rolls, see the lightning bright,

In the darkest cloud above, find the rainbow light.

Both were made for us to see His grace,

Turn and look into the Saviour's face.

Fear and guilt will fade,

Sin's debt has been paid.