Our Heavenly Father has afforded us a multiplicity of prayer

forms; enabling opportunity to commune with Him at all times.

There are prayers of the heart, mind, and mouth. There are

prayers of petition, prayers of worship, and prayers of

intercession. One can meditate in prayer or even sing in prayer

(I Cor. 14:15). We also find supplications, prayers,

intercessions, and the giving of thanks all as available forms of

communion with God (I Tim. 2:1). Additionally, the Scriptures

also reveal prayers of agreement, praise, confession, and faith.

It is not my intention to address in detail these various forms of

prayer in this book, but we need to be aware of their existence

and place in the Christian life. God has made Himself available

to us through a wide variety of spiritual intimacies and all of

them need to be employed.


The most effective form of prayer is from a life lived in

perpetual fellowship with God. We are commanded to "Pray without

ceasing" (I Thess. 5:17). The only way we can conform to such a

Scriptural command is through familiarity with all forms of prayer

made available to us from God's Word. When our lives thus become

a continuous prayer to the Lord, we will be demonstrating a

renewed mind as a living sacrifice unto the Lord (Rom. 12:1-2).


There is an often over looked, certainly neglected, form of

prayer identified from Scriptural observation that is called

"Praying in the Spirit." Paul made mention of this necessary form

of prayer as he taught on being prepared for spiritual warfare:

"And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,

which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and

supplication in the Spirit ()Eph. 6:17-18. Paul believed that

such form of prayer was an absolute necessity in spiritual

preparation of supernatural warfare and without it we must assume

spiritual vulnerability.

In Jude's epistle, we again find reference to this important

form of prayer: "But ye, Beloved, building up yourselves on your

most Holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost" (Jude 1:20). Jude

warned against spiritual apostasy in the church and offered

instructions concerning building a solid foundation. The Greek

term for "building" in this text refers to building upon something

which has already been constructed; a foundation. This foundation

is "our most Holy faith." The perpetual act of construction is

performed through "praying in the Holy Ghost." Jude instructed us

to build ourselves up, therefore, by a unique form of prayer

called "praying in the Holy Ghost." Apparently Jude believed that

spiritual growth and development was achieved through this form of

prayer and that without such, we would find it difficult to

"earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 1:3).

The New Testament closes with the Revelation of John which he

saw while exiled on the Island of Patmos for the cause of Christ.

John confessed that on the Lord's day he was "in the Spirit"

(Rev. 1:10). The subsequent revelation leaves little doubt that

John was indicating a state of intimate prayer preceding the


The Scriptural evidence is definite. There is a powerful and

intimate form of prayer available to us as Believers known by the

early church as "praying in the Spirit." It should also be clear

that Romans 8:26-29 gives us specific doctrinal insight to the

subject and should be examine carefully.


Before focusing specifically on the subject of praying in the

spirit, we need to briefly consider the nature of His prayers as

seen from our text.


"The Holy Spirit also helps our infirmities."

We share partnership with one who shows concern for what we

face and is willing to assist us in prayer to secure fellowship

with our God. He offers to "help" us with those weaknesses

through intercession.


"For we know not what we should pray for as we ought: But the

Holy Spirit..."

We often experience a lack of confidence when we pray. The

Holy Spirit, on the other hand, never lacks such confidence and

the contrast is clearly evident in our text: "But the

Holy Spirit." Although we may experience spiritual timidity, the

Holy Spirit; our partner, never does and His prayers are bold and

without hesitation.


"But the Holy Spirit Himself."

As was mentioned earlier, it is the Spirit of God, Himself,

interceding for us. Thus the very nature of His prayers are (Holy

credible). Because of this supernatural credibility, we can be

assured that our Heavenly Father is not receiving (second-hand)



"But the Holy Spirit Himself makes intercession for us."

The Greek term for "maketh intercession"in this part

of our text under study, literally means (to make prayers) or to

(form) prayers for us. Although we may encounter the inability to

express ourselves adequately before the Father in prayer, the

Holy Spirit has no such impairment. As God, the Holy Spirit is

always able to form [create] the perfect prayer as our



"With groanings which cannot be uttered."

These are deep spiritual expressions of complete prayers

offered to the Father in our behalf which only the Holy Spirit is

capable of generating and only God is capable of understanding.

These are wordless, in the natural or earthly sense, and offered

with great earnestness and conviction.


"Likewise the Holy Spirit also helps our infirmities: For we

know not what we should pray for as we ought."

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is one of love and comfort.

He, the Comforter, is sensitive to our discomforts and seeks

spiritual stability by making intercession for us as the (One

called along side).


"The Holy Spirit makes intercession for the saints according to

the will of God."

The Holy Spirit always seeks to confirm God's best for us as

we pray. Since His prayers are always perfect by nature, God's

will can never be breached. Thus, through intercession, the

Holy Spirit provides spiritual harmony through perpetual agreement

with God and His will for the Believer.




Praying in the Spirit is spiritual intimacy with God. It is

experienced when, as an act of our will, we harmonize our prayers

with that of the Holy Spirit's. The Holy Spirit, as a conductor

of a great orchestra, provides balance, continuity, and direction

as we pray. When praying in the Spirit, we are offered direct

access to the throne of God; where all petitions must be made

known by the aid of the Holy Spirit. He conducts, leads, and

provides balance in order that our petitions are presented within

the will of God. In the following pages, we will examine the true

nature of, and purpose of, (praying in the spirit), and how such

partnership provides spiritual intimacy with God as the

Holy Spirit makes intercession for us.