[Footnote 71: For the legal labors of Justinian, I have studied the Preface to the Institutes; the 1st, 2d, and 3d Prefaces to the Pandects; the 1st and 2d Preface to the Code; and the Code itself, (l. i. tit. xvii. de Veteri Jure enucleando.) After these original testimonies, I have consulted, among the moderns, Heineccius, (Hist. J. R. No. 383 - 404,) Terasson. (Hist. de la Jurisprudence Romaine, p. 295 - 356,) Gravina, (Opp. p. 93 - 100,) and Ludewig, in his Life of Justinian, (p.19 - 123, 318 - 321; for the Code and Novels, p. 209 - 261; for the Digest or Pandects, p. 262 - 317.)]
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