THe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
by Edward Gibbon
Scope Of Chapter XLI
- 533 Justinian resolves to invade Africa
- 523-530 State of the Vandals. Hilderic
- 530-534 Gelimer
- Debates on the African war
- Character and Choice of Belisarius
- 529-532 His Services in the Persian war
- 533 Preparations for the African war
- Departure of the Fleet
- Belisarius lands on the Coast of Africa
- Defeats the Vandals in a first battle
- Reduction of Carthage
- Final Defeat of Gelimer and the Vandals
- 534 Conquest of Africa by Belisarius
- Distress and Captivity of Gelimer
- Return and Triumph of Belisarius
- 535 His sole Consulship
- End of Gelimer and the Vandals
- Manners and Defeat of the Moors
- Neutrality of the Visigoths
- 550-620 Conquests of the Romans in Spain
- 534 Belisarius threatens the Ostrogoths in Italy
- 522-534 Government and Death of Amalasontha, Queen of Italy
- 535 Her Exile and Death
- Belisarius invades and subdues Sicily
- 534-536 Reign and Weakness of Theodatus, the Gothic King of
- 537 Belisarius invades Italy and reduces Naples
- 536-540 Vitiges, King of Italy
- 536 Belisarius enters Rome
- 537 Siege of Rome by the Goths
- Valour of Belisarius
- His Defence of Rome
- Repulses a general assault of the Goths
- His Sallies
- Distress of the City
- Exile of Pope Sylverius
- Deliverance of the City
- Belisarius recovers many Cities of Italy
- 538 The Goths raise the Siege of Rome
- Lose Rimini
- Retire to Ravenna
- Jealousy of the Roman Generals
- Death of Constantine
- The Eunuch Narses
- Firmness and Authority of Belisarius
- 538-539 Invasion of Italy by the Franks
- Destruction of Milan
- Belisarius besieges Ravenna
- 539 Subdues the Gothic Kingdom of Italy
- 540 Rturn and Glory of Belisarius
- Secret History of his Wife Antonina
- Her Lover Theodosius
- Resentment of Belisarius and her Son Photius
- Persecution of her Son
- Disgrace and Submission of Belisarius
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